


- Hi Sir, come in, have a look?

- Hi Madam, how about coming in to have a look?

- Hi Sir, come in, please


- Can I have your name / what’s your name, Sir?

- Nice to meet you, Mr./Ms

- Can I know where you are from?

Well, that’s a nice country. I know###


- As I know ###country generally use 75millimeter stud, 76mm track, 38mm main channel and

59 by 19 C shape furring channel. Are these the dimensions you are looking for?

- Have a look at this side, Sir. These products are what you need.

- The thickness is 0.5 mm, Especially, thickness less than 0.35mm, and thickness between

1.0mm to 2.0mm is our advantages zone in the international market

- Our products’ Zinc Coating is 40gram to 275g

- We can do surface treatment with GI, GL ,PPGI and also can provide color coating -


1. Our factory is in Langfang City, Hebei, the north of China. Where is the steel base……

2. We have a Steel Coil factory and one light steel keel factory. Both are located in Langfang.

This allow us to get low price materials and provide high quality product.

3. We have a operation office in Guangzhou, Baiyun, which is nearby the Baiyun Air port. We

welcome you to visit our factory and office. We believe we can give you a nice receipt.

4. We have worked in this industry for 23 years

5. We have done mature in worldwide market

6. Our delivery date is about 15 to 25 days after received the deposit

7. We prefer to use TT payment terms. If there’s difficulty, we can accept LC at sight


- Does your company focus on project, or distributer, or service as a supply chain company? - How many products you need each month?


- Dear Mr.@@@, can you please leave me a business card?

- Dear Sir, this is our business card, if you have any inquiry, please send message to me, I can

show you the honest price in China market for your reference.




- Hi Sir, come in, have a look?

- Hi Madam, how about coming in to have a look?

- Hi Sir, come in, please


- Can I have your name / what’s your name, Sir?

- Nice to meet you, Mr./Ms

- Can I know where you are from?

Well, that’s a nice country. I know###


- As I know ###country generally use 75millimeter stud, 76mm track, 38mm main channel and

59 by 19 C shape furring channel. Are these the dimensions you are looking for?

- Have a look at this side, Sir. These products are what you need.

- The thickness is 0.5 mm, Especially, thickness less than 0.35mm, and thickness between

1.0mm to 2.0mm is our advantages zone in the international market

- Our products’ Zinc Coating is 40gram to 275g

- We can do surface treatment with GI, GL ,PPGI and also can provide color coating -


1. Our factory is in Langfang City, Hebei, the north of China. Where is the steel base……

2. We have a Steel Coil factory and one light steel keel factory. Both are located in Langfang.

This allow us to get low price materials and provide high quality product.

3. We have a operation office in Guangzhou, Baiyun, which is nearby the Baiyun Air port. We

welcome you to visit our factory and office. We believe we can give you a nice receipt.

4. We have worked in this industry for 23 years

5. We have done mature in worldwide market

6. Our delivery date is about 15 to 25 days after received the deposit

7. We prefer to use TT payment terms. If there’s difficulty, we can accept LC at sight


- Does your company focus on project, or distributer, or service as a supply chain company? - How many products you need each month?


- Dear Mr.@@@, can you please leave me a business card?

- Dear Sir, this is our business card, if you have any inquiry, please send message to me, I can

show you the honest price in China market for your reference.



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