哈姆雷特 英文读书报告

The Analyze of Hamlet

Abstract : the king of Denmark passed away and his wife married his brother who is the king now a few days after the funeral. The prince Hamlet is told that his father was killed by a viper until one night he met the old king’s spirit who told him that his uncle is the murderer. So he decides to revenge. He could have many chances to kill his uncle, but he always heisted to do it. At last, in the duel with his girlfriend’s brother, he sees through his uncle’s trickery and kills him.

Key words: revenge, hesitation, humanism

The most distinct temperament of the leading character Hamlet is hesitation. Hamlet makes his decision to revenge for his father after meeting the spirit, and he could have many chances to kill the murderer, but he always heisted to do it for some reasons. “to be or not to be, that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them, to die to sleep no more. And by a sleep to say we end the heartache, and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to”. These words embody his hesitation well. After he met with his father’s spirit, he starts to suspect whether the words of a ghost should be trusted, and what if his father’s spirit is from a devil who wants to fool him and set him up. His uncle is a king with a lot of bodyguards around everyday, so it is difficult to kill him. And what makes him more hesitating is that his mother has married his uncle, and if he kills the king, she will cry her heart out. Hamlet loves his mother so much that he doesn’t want to see his mother heartbroken. His hesitation and depression torture him everyday, until one day, he invited a drama group into the palace to perform for the king and queen. He himself made the playbook about how the old king was killed, and when his uncle watched the play, Hamlet noticed his uncle was extremely nervous which makes him sure that his uncle is the murderer and he must fulfill his promise to kill him. On the way to his mother’s room, he saw the murderer is alone. He took out the sword, but his hesitation made him put his sword back again. If he didn’t hesitate to kill his uncle, he would not die in the duel, and his mother, Ophelia and laertes will not die without his hesitation. His character leads to the tragedy.

Although Hamlet’s hesitation caused his misery, his braveness and witness make his character more attractive.

His friends told him that they saw a spirit which is resembled very much his father, so they waited for the appearance of the spirit the next night. When the spirit showed up, all his friends held back and persuaded him not to follow the spirit, but he feared nothing and followed his father’s spirit to find out the truth . If he is a coward, he will never know who is the murderer. When he was plotting his revenge plan, he got a good idea, that is, pretending to be mad. Under his madness, he will plot his plan more successfully, and the king will not suspect him. What a great idea. In this way, he found out that his two classmates were the spies the king sent for. His witness saves his life. He was excluded to England afterward with those two classmates accompanied. Since he already knew they were the spies, he slinkingly exchanged the letters the king gave to, and in the end, his two classmates became the victims and died instead of him in England. Not only did he disobey the king’s order, but also he got rid of the two spies, saw through the frame-up and returned to Denmark securely. If he behaved normally or offend his uncle publicly, the king would suspect him whether he is doing something unfavorable to the king or planning to get the throne back from him, then he would kill Hamlet already instead of sending the spies to watch him, and that gives Hamlet more time to fulfill his promise. Another brilliant idea is to let his uncle know his sin by the play of the drama group. When he suspected whether his uncle is the real murderer and hesitated to kill him, he invited the drama group into the town, and reproduce the scene about how his father was murdered. He noticed the nervous and wired face of the king, and finally make up his mind to kill the king. That saves his lots of time, and he will not be disturbed by his doubt and hesitation anymore, and he also let his mother notice that his uncle is the one who killed his father. Hamlet’s brave and witness make this story more absorbing and make the character more charming.

Apart from the revenge, the most absorbing plot is the love between Hamlet and Ophelia. Their love is a tragedy, and Ophelia is the unlucky sacrificial lamb of Hamlet’s revenge plan. Indeed, Hamlet chased Ophelia. He wrote love letters to her,

and the words which movable and elaborate touched the beautiful maid, and Ophelia, of course, fell in love with the charming prince. But Hamlet became sad and depressed because of his father’s death, and afterwards he pretend to be mad and to be very cold to Ophelia which broke her heart, moreover, her father and brother stopped her to met hamlet, because he is mad. This love tortured her and upset her, and when she knew that it was Hamlet who killed her father, she could not support this disaster anymore and she was mad. Hamlet did not know these at all, the last time when they met was on her funeral. Ophelia has drowned. And that was the end of their love-the evil consequence of his revenge. Some people may ask: does Hamlet really love Ophelia? My answer is: of course he does. But there is something more important than love for Hamlet at that time- the revenge. When he pretended to be mad and to be cold to Ophelia, he is the most depressed one, for he hurt the one he loves most, and he can not let her know the truth, but just continue to hurt her and to be cold to her. Once, he maybe think he was too cold and heartless to her, so he wrote her a extremely passionate love letter, here we can see he does love Ophelia. When he returned to Denmark, by chance he was in Ophelia’s funeral. He could not believe his eyes, when Ophelia’s brother held her and cried loudly, he rushed forward to hold her, because he could not endure other people’s love to Ophelia could have more than his. He cried:” I love Ophelia, forty thousand brother’s could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum.” It embodies that his love for Ophelia is indubitable. And does Ophelia love Hamlet? I think her love for Hamlet is no less than the love of Hamlet for her. When Hamlet got mad, she did not blame him, and she just thought that his heartlessness and coldness is just because of his disease not his nature. Hamlet wrote her love letter once when he pretended to be mad, and the words indicated that Hamlet still loves he, and she thinks she is the reason that made Hamlet mad. She loves Hamlet so deep that when she knew Hamlet killed her father, she got mad, because she lost her father, and she will not and should not love Hamlet anymore. Ophelia is a typical woman of feudal society, conservative, prudent, and submissive to all the words of father and brother, and can not choose their own life, and this is also a tragedy factor that leads to their love tragedy. If Ophelia could

be open-minded and have her own thoughts and ideas rather than obey all her father and brother said, she might become a kind listener or even an assistant of Hamlet’s revenge project, and then she would not be heart -broken for his heartlessness and would not doubt about his love, and her father might not die, and she would not be mad. She and Hamlet could have a happy ending. Her character leads to another tragedy.

The Analyze of Hamlet

Abstract : the king of Denmark passed away and his wife married his brother who is the king now a few days after the funeral. The prince Hamlet is told that his father was killed by a viper until one night he met the old king’s spirit who told him that his uncle is the murderer. So he decides to revenge. He could have many chances to kill his uncle, but he always heisted to do it. At last, in the duel with his girlfriend’s brother, he sees through his uncle’s trickery and kills him.

Key words: revenge, hesitation, humanism

The most distinct temperament of the leading character Hamlet is hesitation. Hamlet makes his decision to revenge for his father after meeting the spirit, and he could have many chances to kill the murderer, but he always heisted to do it for some reasons. “to be or not to be, that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them, to die to sleep no more. And by a sleep to say we end the heartache, and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to”. These words embody his hesitation well. After he met with his father’s spirit, he starts to suspect whether the words of a ghost should be trusted, and what if his father’s spirit is from a devil who wants to fool him and set him up. His uncle is a king with a lot of bodyguards around everyday, so it is difficult to kill him. And what makes him more hesitating is that his mother has married his uncle, and if he kills the king, she will cry her heart out. Hamlet loves his mother so much that he doesn’t want to see his mother heartbroken. His hesitation and depression torture him everyday, until one day, he invited a drama group into the palace to perform for the king and queen. He himself made the playbook about how the old king was killed, and when his uncle watched the play, Hamlet noticed his uncle was extremely nervous which makes him sure that his uncle is the murderer and he must fulfill his promise to kill him. On the way to his mother’s room, he saw the murderer is alone. He took out the sword, but his hesitation made him put his sword back again. If he didn’t hesitate to kill his uncle, he would not die in the duel, and his mother, Ophelia and laertes will not die without his hesitation. His character leads to the tragedy.

Although Hamlet’s hesitation caused his misery, his braveness and witness make his character more attractive.

His friends told him that they saw a spirit which is resembled very much his father, so they waited for the appearance of the spirit the next night. When the spirit showed up, all his friends held back and persuaded him not to follow the spirit, but he feared nothing and followed his father’s spirit to find out the truth . If he is a coward, he will never know who is the murderer. When he was plotting his revenge plan, he got a good idea, that is, pretending to be mad. Under his madness, he will plot his plan more successfully, and the king will not suspect him. What a great idea. In this way, he found out that his two classmates were the spies the king sent for. His witness saves his life. He was excluded to England afterward with those two classmates accompanied. Since he already knew they were the spies, he slinkingly exchanged the letters the king gave to, and in the end, his two classmates became the victims and died instead of him in England. Not only did he disobey the king’s order, but also he got rid of the two spies, saw through the frame-up and returned to Denmark securely. If he behaved normally or offend his uncle publicly, the king would suspect him whether he is doing something unfavorable to the king or planning to get the throne back from him, then he would kill Hamlet already instead of sending the spies to watch him, and that gives Hamlet more time to fulfill his promise. Another brilliant idea is to let his uncle know his sin by the play of the drama group. When he suspected whether his uncle is the real murderer and hesitated to kill him, he invited the drama group into the town, and reproduce the scene about how his father was murdered. He noticed the nervous and wired face of the king, and finally make up his mind to kill the king. That saves his lots of time, and he will not be disturbed by his doubt and hesitation anymore, and he also let his mother notice that his uncle is the one who killed his father. Hamlet’s brave and witness make this story more absorbing and make the character more charming.

Apart from the revenge, the most absorbing plot is the love between Hamlet and Ophelia. Their love is a tragedy, and Ophelia is the unlucky sacrificial lamb of Hamlet’s revenge plan. Indeed, Hamlet chased Ophelia. He wrote love letters to her,

and the words which movable and elaborate touched the beautiful maid, and Ophelia, of course, fell in love with the charming prince. But Hamlet became sad and depressed because of his father’s death, and afterwards he pretend to be mad and to be very cold to Ophelia which broke her heart, moreover, her father and brother stopped her to met hamlet, because he is mad. This love tortured her and upset her, and when she knew that it was Hamlet who killed her father, she could not support this disaster anymore and she was mad. Hamlet did not know these at all, the last time when they met was on her funeral. Ophelia has drowned. And that was the end of their love-the evil consequence of his revenge. Some people may ask: does Hamlet really love Ophelia? My answer is: of course he does. But there is something more important than love for Hamlet at that time- the revenge. When he pretended to be mad and to be cold to Ophelia, he is the most depressed one, for he hurt the one he loves most, and he can not let her know the truth, but just continue to hurt her and to be cold to her. Once, he maybe think he was too cold and heartless to her, so he wrote her a extremely passionate love letter, here we can see he does love Ophelia. When he returned to Denmark, by chance he was in Ophelia’s funeral. He could not believe his eyes, when Ophelia’s brother held her and cried loudly, he rushed forward to hold her, because he could not endure other people’s love to Ophelia could have more than his. He cried:” I love Ophelia, forty thousand brother’s could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum.” It embodies that his love for Ophelia is indubitable. And does Ophelia love Hamlet? I think her love for Hamlet is no less than the love of Hamlet for her. When Hamlet got mad, she did not blame him, and she just thought that his heartlessness and coldness is just because of his disease not his nature. Hamlet wrote her love letter once when he pretended to be mad, and the words indicated that Hamlet still loves he, and she thinks she is the reason that made Hamlet mad. She loves Hamlet so deep that when she knew Hamlet killed her father, she got mad, because she lost her father, and she will not and should not love Hamlet anymore. Ophelia is a typical woman of feudal society, conservative, prudent, and submissive to all the words of father and brother, and can not choose their own life, and this is also a tragedy factor that leads to their love tragedy. If Ophelia could

be open-minded and have her own thoughts and ideas rather than obey all her father and brother said, she might become a kind listener or even an assistant of Hamlet’s revenge project, and then she would not be heart -broken for his heartlessness and would not doubt about his love, and her father might not die, and she would not be mad. She and Hamlet could have a happy ending. Her character leads to another tragedy.


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