
The Primary School Attached To BoZhou Teachers College The Primary School Attached To BoZhou Teachers College was founded in 1926, located in No.33, WenMing Street, MengCheng County, has an area of 8.7 acres; At present the school has a total enrollment of over 3000 students in 44 classes . There are 127 program teaching staffs ,including 2 Special-Grade Teachers , 3 qualified teachers for National Backbone Teacher Training Course, 1 Provincial Teaching Star,11 qualified teachers for Provincial Backbone Teacher Training Course, 14 City Teaching Stars, 27 qualified teachers for City Backbone Teacher Training Course,13 County Teaching Stars and 18 County Teaching Experts. Excellent teachers would teach excellent students. Excellent teachers and students bring up the elite style of excellent school. Our school has complete facilities, elegant environment, powerful lineup of teachers, advanced concept, management practices and quality leadership; the team of school has a spirit of pioneering and innovative. Teacher dedication, students hard study.

In the efforts of all the teachers and students, the school has been rated as "Red Flag of the Country", "Advanced Unit of the

National Family Education", "National Education Featured School", "The First Class Standard School of Anhui Electrical Educational Equipment," " Young Pioneers Model School in Anhui "," Tutor School in Anhui Province "," Specification Language School in Anhui Province "," Advanced Collective Education System in Anhui Province "," City Level Model School "," Chinese Classic Ancient Poetry Reading Pilot Project School " and " Bo Zhou Green School "etc..

The school has been rated as an advanced unit of educating, civilization, comprehensive management by MengCheng Committee County government.

To expand the size of school and improve school conditions, a new area of 58.2 acres in the south of the school district has been basically completed. It will be put into use in the autumn of 2011. Under the leadership of school principal ZhangNing, all the teachers and students work together and will bring a brilliant future to our school!

The Primary School Attached To BoZhou Teachers College The Primary School Attached To BoZhou Teachers College was founded in 1926, located in No.33, WenMing Street, MengCheng County, has an area of 8.7 acres; At present the school has a total enrollment of over 3000 students in 44 classes . There are 127 program teaching staffs ,including 2 Special-Grade Teachers , 3 qualified teachers for National Backbone Teacher Training Course, 1 Provincial Teaching Star,11 qualified teachers for Provincial Backbone Teacher Training Course, 14 City Teaching Stars, 27 qualified teachers for City Backbone Teacher Training Course,13 County Teaching Stars and 18 County Teaching Experts. Excellent teachers would teach excellent students. Excellent teachers and students bring up the elite style of excellent school. Our school has complete facilities, elegant environment, powerful lineup of teachers, advanced concept, management practices and quality leadership; the team of school has a spirit of pioneering and innovative. Teacher dedication, students hard study.

In the efforts of all the teachers and students, the school has been rated as "Red Flag of the Country", "Advanced Unit of the

National Family Education", "National Education Featured School", "The First Class Standard School of Anhui Electrical Educational Equipment," " Young Pioneers Model School in Anhui "," Tutor School in Anhui Province "," Specification Language School in Anhui Province "," Advanced Collective Education System in Anhui Province "," City Level Model School "," Chinese Classic Ancient Poetry Reading Pilot Project School " and " Bo Zhou Green School "etc..

The school has been rated as an advanced unit of educating, civilization, comprehensive management by MengCheng Committee County government.

To expand the size of school and improve school conditions, a new area of 58.2 acres in the south of the school district has been basically completed. It will be put into use in the autumn of 2011. Under the leadership of school principal ZhangNing, all the teachers and students work together and will bring a brilliant future to our school!


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