
注:英语原文来自SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN《科学美国人》http://www.sciam.com












Allison Beall of the Marshlands Conservancy in Rye, N.Y., led a twilight walk on September 5th to tune in to the insect sounds of the evening. Become more aware of the nocturnal symphony and, in the New York metropolitan area, help scientists count the insects during the "Cricket Crawl" on September 11th.

Allison Beall在纽约拉伊(Rye )的湿地保护区(Marshlands Conservancy)工作,她在9月5日的傍晚带领我们散步,去聆听夜间昆虫的声音。在庆祝9月11日的“蟋蟀爬行日”时候,请进一步意识到我们周围 的夜间交响乐,同时在纽约市区帮助科学家们统计这些昆虫。


Tuning In to the Insect Philharmonic

“Can you hear the end of the daytime insect? That’s the cicada. But I’m hearing crickets in the background, too. And just listen for a second, listen to how many different sounds you can hear.” That’s Allison Beall of the Marshlands Conservancy, a wildlife sanctuary in Rye, New York. She led a twilight walk through the preserve on September 5th.

“There’s a wonderful event that’s about to take place, on September 11th. There’s going to be a 'Cricket Crawl,' where people are going to go out and listen for the sounds of seven crickets and katydids, angle-winged katydids, and coneheads and various other night insects that are singing. And you can go to a Web site, and you can go out into your own backyard and listen for the sounds and actually be part of this scientific count. So all of the sounds are on the Internet, you can listen, you can see the insect close-up, and you can hear the sounds, and then you can send in the data from your own backyard.”

The Web site is www.discoverlife.org/cricket or just google “Cricket Crawl.” The official count is taking place in the New York City metropolitan area, but anyone can

get a new appreciation for the tiny wildlife producing nature’s nocturne.

“Okay, so we are just about at the end of this walk, and I want to tell you something. It has not anything to do with this walk, this is called a crepuscular walk. It was just a trick, it was a trick to get you to go outside in your own habitat and to listen for the same things that have been in your backyard or in your neighborhood all along and you just haven’t paid any attention to them. So here’s what I recommend. You go out and you get a flashlight, and at eight o’clock go out and follow the sounds that you’ve heard here tonight. Do you realize how many different species of crickets and katydids and grasshoppers there are? And your job is to find them.”


“你能听到白天昆虫停止鸣叫吗?那是蝉。不过我也能听到其间蟋蟀的声音。只要听一秒钟,看看你能听到多少种不同的声音。”说话的人是Allison Beall,她在湿地保护地(Marshlands Conservancy)工作,这个野生动物保护区位于纽约拉伊(Rye )。

“在9月11日要开展一项很不错的活动。这个活动叫 ‘蟋蟀爬行日’ (Cricket Crawl), 在这个活动中人们会走出家门去聆听七种蟋蟀以及蝈蝈儿、角翼蝈蝈儿、松果头蝈蝈儿以及其它夜间昆虫的歌唱。你可以上网听,还可以走到你自家的后院去听,这 样你实际上就参与到了这个科技活动中来。所有这些声音都在网上,你可以欣赏。你还可以看到这些昆虫的特写镜头,你可以听到它们的声音,同时你可以把你在后 院听到的声音发送到网上。”网址是:www.discoverlife.org/cricket ,或者你可以用google 搜索“蟋蟀爬行日。”虽然正式活动在纽约市区举行,但是对这种小巧野生动物所产生的天籁之音,任何人都能以新的方式欣赏。

“好了,我们的散步就要结束了,我想告诉你一些东西。这和散步没有任何关系,这个散步叫做黄昏漫步。这只是一个小小的花招,目的是让你从你自己所居住的地 方走出来,倾听这些昆虫的声音,其实这些昆虫一直就在你的后院里,或者就在你居住的周围,只是你根本没有注意到而已。我的建议是:你走出去,带上手电筒。 在8点钟的时候走出去,跟随你今晚刚刚听过的声音。你注意有多少种不同的蟋蟀、蝈蝈儿以及蚂蚱了吗?你的任务就是把它们找出来。”

V ocabulary:

Conservancy :(港口、河流、地区等的)管理机构;(对自然环境的)保护 Twilight :黄昏

Nocturnal :夜间的

Symphony :交响乐

Metropolitan :大城市的

Philharmonic :(用于乐队、音乐团体等名称中)爱好音乐的

Cicada :蝉

Cricket :蟋蟀,蛐蛐

Sanctuary :鸟兽保护区,禁猎区

Katydid :蝈蝈儿

Conehead :圆锥形头部

Close-up :(照相、电影的)特写,特写镜头

Appreciation :欣赏

Crepuscular :黄昏的

Flashlight :手电筒

Grasshopper :蚂蚱


A study in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology finds that many more animals have appendixes than was thought, and that the appendix is not merely a remnant of a digestive organ called the cecum. All of which means that the appendix might not be so useless.

发表在《进化生物学杂志》(Journal of Evolutionary Biology )上的一项研究发现,和我们原来认为的不一样,更多动物具有阑尾。该研究认为阑尾不仅仅是消化器官盲肠进化后的残留部分。所有这些研究结果意味着阑尾可能有用。

That's No Vestigial Organ, That's My Appendix

Two years ago, Duke University Medical Center researchers said that the supposedly useless appendix is actually where good gut bacteria safely hide out during some unpleasant intestinal conditions.

Now the research team has looked at the appendix over evolutionary history. They found that animals have had appendixes for about 80 million years. And the organ has evolved separately at least twice, once among the weird Australian marsupials and another time in the regular old mammal lineage that we belong to.

Darwin thought that only a few animals have an appendix and that the human version was what was left of a digestive organ called the cecum. But the new study found that 70 percent of rodent and primate groups have species with an appendix. And some living animals have a cecum and an appendix. If Darwin had known about species that had both organs, he probably would have revised his views of the appendix, the researchers note.

Ironically, it’s natural selection that keeps the human appendix from shrinking away completely. Because smaller ones are more likely to become infected. And keep your genes out of the pool.


两年前,来自杜克大学医学中心(Duke University Medical Center)的研究人员说,以前被认为没有作用的阑尾实际上有用,因为在肠内环境不好的时候,体内好的肠菌正是躲藏在那里。


达尔文认为,仅仅只有少部分动物具有阑尾,他还认为人的阑尾是盲肠进化过程中残留下来的部分。但是,这项新的研究发现,70%的啮齿动物和灵长目动物的物 种具有阑尾。有些活着的动物既有盲肠又有阑尾。研究者们说,如果达尔文知道有这样的物种的话,他或许会改变他对阑尾的观点。


V ocabulary:

Evolutionary :进化论的

Appendix :阑尾;(书、文件的)附录

Remnant :剩余部分;残余部分

Digestive :消化的

Organ :器官

Cecum :盲肠

Useless :无用的

Vestigial :残余的;退化的;残留的

Supposedly :据信;据传;据说

Gut :消化道;肠道

Bacteria :细菌

Intestinal :肠的

Weird :奇怪的

Marsupial: 有袋类动物(如袋鼠和树袋熊)

Mammal: 哺乳动物

Lineage: 血统;家系;总系

Rodent: 啮齿动物

Primate: 灵长类

Revise: 修改;改正

Ironically: 具有讽刺意味的

Shrink: 缩小

Infect: 感染

Gene Pool: 基因库


A study with animals in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that alcohol abuse in adolescence leads to a lifetime of poor decision-making skills. 发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences )杂志上的一项研究表明,青春期酗酒会导致今后一生的决策能力都很糟糕。

Drink Now, Pay Later

We all know that drinking can cloud judgment. That’s why you should never e-mail an ex after you’ve had a few. But for teenagers, doing dumb things now because of alcohol may be just the start. Because research with animals suggests that drinking during adolescence can set you up for a whole lifetime of bad decisions. The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

People who abuse alcohol when they’re young don’t always make good choices as adults. But it’s been unclear whether the drink gives them the stupids, or whether folks prone to poor choices are predisposed to drink.

One way to tackle the question is by studying alcohol intake in animals, like rats. But rats don’t like to drink. So to make the alcohol more palatable, scientists infused it into a tasty “gel matrix”. Yes, the researchers gave teenage rats Jello shots. And the animals’ decision-making ability stayed impaired well into adulthood…as measured by their tendency to chase after rewards with associated high risk rather than taking a sure thing. So, young party animals, remember the words of Faber’s Dean Wormer: “Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”


我们都知道醉酒能影响我们的判断能力。这就是为什么在你小酌几杯之后,绝不能给你的前任伴侣发电子邮件的原因。但是对青少年来说,由于酗酒而导致当前做傻 事仅仅只是个开始。因为对动物的研究表明,在青春期酗酒能导致一辈子糟糕的决策能力。该项研究发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences )杂志上。


解决这个问题的一种方法就是研究动物(比如老鼠)的酒精摄入量。但是老鼠不喜欢喝酒。因此为了让酒更合口味,科学家们把酒融入到一种味道不错的“果冻” 中。是的,研究者们给年轻的老鼠们吃果冻。随后,科学家们让这些老鼠追逐一些“奖品”,而追逐这些“奖品”都带有很高的风险,而不是让它们做一些无风险的 事,然后科学家们测试它们追逐“奖品”的倾向性。结果发现这些老鼠们的决策能


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力受到了损害,而且这种损害一直延续到成年期。因此,年轻的“寻欢”动物们, 请记住Faber 学院Wormer 系主任的话:“孩子,酗酒和愚蠢绝不是经历人生的办法。”

V ocabulary:

Abuse :(酒精、药物等)滥用

Adolescence :青春期

Prone :易于... 的

Predisposed :有倾向性的

Tackle :处理

Intake :摄入量

Palatable :可口的

Infuse :注入;泡

Tasty :味美的

Impair :损害


1)Jello :指果冻。Jell-O 是美国Kraft Foods公司的一个著名果冻商标品牌。

2)Faber 指“讽刺电影 Animal House (动物屋) 中的 Faber College , Wormer 是该学院的主任。


Scientists have found an area of the brain that becomes highly active when we finally decide to explore the unknown.


Where the Desire for Change Resides

Most of us know two kinds of people: those who crave change and others who would rather stick to routine.

And people suffering from illnesses like Alzheimer’s or obsessive compulsive disorder often don’t have much of a choice. Typically they prefer a highly predictable environment.

But most of us, at some point, recall a moment where we decided to leap into the unknown and take a chance to change our lives, hopefully for the better.

Well Duke University scientists have discovered a part of the brain that sparks a desire to explore.

The researchers followed monkeys given a choice. They could either stick with a known reward or explore other possible “mystery” rewards that they had learned could sometimes be better than the familiar prize .

By studying the level of firing of individual neurons in the brain’s posterior cingulate cortex, the scientists could predict whether the monkey would take the chance to explore new options. The neurons fired more vigorously when the monkey made up his mind to go for it.

Learning how this specific area of the brain functions may lead to new insight into how we adapt to novel environments. And could help those who feel trapped by the need for the same old routine.



那些罹患诸如老年痴呆症(Alzheimer’s)或者是强迫症(obsessive compulsive disorder )的人一般没有什么选择。他们通常喜欢可预测性很高的环境。不过我们中的大多数人有时候会回忆起我们下决定进入未知领域并且冒险改变我们 生活的时候,而且我们满怀希望生活会变得更好。

来自杜克大学(Duke University)的科学家们发现大脑中的一个部位能激起我们探索未知的欲望。


通过研究猴子大脑后扣带皮层(posterior cingulate cortex)中独立神经细胞的活跃程度,科学家们可以预测猴子是否会冒险去探索新的选择。当猴子决定尝试新选择的时候,这些神经细胞变得更加有活力。


V ocabulary:

Crave :渴望

Routine :常规;无聊

Obsessive compulsive disorder:强迫症

Neuron :神经细胞;神经元

Posterior :后部的

Cingulate :扣带的

Cortex :大脑皮层

Vigorously :充满活力地


From mimicking a volcanic eruption to mirrors in space, some geoengineering schemes are pretty far out there.


World's Craziest Geoengineering Scheme

A manmade volcano erupting continuously to shade the Earth until greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere are brought down. Thousands of mirrors boosted into geosynchronous orbit to block sunlight. Crewless ships wander the oceans spewing saltwater into the air to increase cloud cover.

These are just a few of the proposals from scientists to manipulate, or geoengineer, the planet to stave off global warming.

The U.K.'s Royal Society has spent the last year identifying which schemes are just plain crazy and which just might be needed if the world doesn't start reducing greenhouse gas emissions right away.

Covering the world's deserts in reflective material is the most dangerous, expensive and ineffective geoengineering scheme, not least because it would likely change weather patterns. Fertilizing the ocean with iron to promote plankton blooms also gets high marks for danger because of the potential for unintended ecosystem impacts.

On the safer side? Artificial trees to suck CO2 out of the air are safe… but they don't come cheap. Painting roofs white is also safe… but not likely to make much impact. In the sweet spot of safe, immediately available as well as relatively effective and inexpensive sits—capturing excess CO2 where it largely comes from: power plants.

And the simplest and cheapest way to slow global warming on a planetary scale, it turns out, is simply to stop cutting down the forests helping control today's climate. It won't solve the whole problem but a few trees go a long way.

Of course, the craziest geoengineering scheme to date is the one we're already doing: changing the climate with an excess of greenhouse gas emissions. If we don't stop that experiment, we might have to start an even crazier one.









V ocabulary:

Mimic :滑稽地模仿

Geoengineering :地球工程

Boost :使增长;提高

Geosynchronous :与地球同步的

Crewless :没有船员的

Wander :漫步

Spew :喷射

Stave off:暂时拦住;延缓

Reflective :反射的

Plankton :浮游生物

Ecosystem :生态系统


A study in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology shows that handwriting tests could give polygraphs a challenge for lie detection.


Lie Detection with Handwriting

When we lie, our brains work hard to make sure we get the story right and come off as truthful. Law enforcement officials try to tap into that effort, for example with polygraphs, to find out if a suspect is telling the truth. But such stress tests are beatable and not admissible in court. Now comes a report that handwriting tests could be a competitor to the familiar, but unreliable lie detector. The study appears in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology.

Researchers at Israel’s Haifa University worked with 34 volunteers, who wrote truthful and false paragraphs on paper using a wireless electronic pen and a pressure sensitive tip. A computerized system measured pressure and stroke duration, both on the paper and in the air. Spatial measures, such as stroke length, height and width were also tracked. And the scientists found significant differences in pressure and spatial measures in deceptive statements compared with the truth.

The investigators say they need to validate this initial result and compare the technique with polygraphs and other lie detection tools. But perhaps in the future even a written claim of innocence could turn out to be a de facto confession.


当我们说谎的时候,我们的大脑卖力地工作以便保证我们的故事靠谱,同时让人听起来也相信。法律执行者们试图利用大脑的这种活动来确认嫌犯是否在说谎,他们 所用的仪器是测谎仪。但是这样的压力测试并不可靠,而且在法庭上不允许使用。目前有报道称,笔迹测试可能取代我们熟知的但是并不可靠的测谎仪。该项研究发 表在《应用认知心理学杂志》上。

来自以色列海法大学(Haifa University)的研究者们对34名志愿者进行了测试,这些志愿者在纸上写出一些真实的和虚假的文字段落,他们所用的笔是无线电子笔,这种笔带有压 力测试头。然后测试者们用计算机化的系统测量在纸上和空气中的压力和运笔的时间长短。研究者们对还对运笔的空间测量结果进行了记录,比如运笔的长度、高度 和宽度。通过比较虚假陈述和真实陈述的压力和空间测量结果,科学家们发现了显著的差异。



V ocabulary:

Cognitive :认知的

Psychology :心理学

Polygraph :测谎仪

Suspect :嫌疑犯

Beatable :可以被打败的

Deceptive :欺骗性的

Validate :证实;使生效

Initial :初始的

Innocence :无罪;清白

de facto:事实上的

Confession :招供


Are national governments prepared to offer more than hot air on climate change in Copenhagen this December?


Linked Challenges: Climate Change and Energy Use

"The energy we use can sustain our planet, or destroy it." So said U.S. President Barack Obama yesterday while addressing the United Nations, talking about the twin challenges of climate change and energy consumption.

His counterpart from China, Hu Jintao, offered a similar perspective, touting his country's headlong rush to cleaner energy sources, particularly hydropower and nuclear power. He also promised an unspecified cut in carbon intensity—a measure of greenhouse gases emitted per widget produced.

And former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan offered the following advice to an audience at Columbia University during Climate Week: "Set an example yourselves, if you can bicycle, if you can walk. If you don't have to drive don't do it."

But are bicycles or even carbon intensity cuts enough? No.

Ongoing science reveals that climate change is worse than we feared. "On all kind of parameters they looked into they could just say things have grown worse since the IPCC report came out." That's Danish minister Connie Hedegaard, leader of the

diplomatic push for a global treaty at Copenhagen this December.

World leaders are running out of time to come up with a solid solution before that meeting. But addressing the energy challenge, which would go a long way toward addressing the climate change, is ultimately about global moral and economic standing. As President Obama said back in April, "The nation that leads the world in creating new energy sources will be the nation that leads the 21st-century global economy."

Unfortunately, as the president observed yesterday, “The magnitude of our challenges has yet to be met by the measure of our actions."




在“环境周”中,联合国前秘书长科菲·安南(Kofi Annan)在哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的演讲中提出了如下的建议:“如果你能骑自行车,你能步行,那么你就做出榜样来。如果你能不开车的话,就不要开车了。”


正在进行的科学研究表明,气候变化比我们担心的还要糟糕。为了促使各国今年12月在哥本哈根气候大会上达成全球协议,丹麦部长Connie Hedegaard被任命为该事物的领导人,他说:“自从IPCC (译注:IPCC 即 “Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change”的缩写,“政府间气候变化专门委员会”)的报告发布以来,通过对所有各种参数的解读,他们完全可以说,气候变暖的情况越来越糟。”

要在哥本哈根气候大会之前达成一个切实可行的解决方案,世界上各国领导人的时间已经所剩无几。不过解决能源挑战问题最终关系到各国在全球的道德和经济地位 问题,而通过解决能源问题来解决气候变化问题,还有很长的路要走。正如奥巴马总统在4月份所说: “在创造新能源方面领先的国家将成为在21世纪全球经济中领先的国家。”


V ocabulary:

Hot air:空话;大话

Copenhagen :(丹麦首都)哥本哈根

Sustain :持续

Consumption :消耗

Counterpart :职位(或作用)相当的人;对应的事物

Perspective :观点;思考方法

Tout :标榜;吹嘘

Headlong :轻率地

Widget :(不知名的)小器物,小玩意儿

Parameter :参数

Diplomatic :外交的

Treaty :合约;条约

Ultimate :最终的

Moral :道德的

Magnitude :程度


As experts start to organize the next edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a debate has started on whether to include Internet addiction among our newest afflictions.


Internet Addiction?

A quiet restaurant. Good wine. An animated conversation. Then, mid-sentence, you catch him steal a quick sideways downward glance at his BlackBerry. And the nickname CrackBerry comes to mind. You might think: for some, the Internet is an addiction.

Well as psychology experts ramp up to publish the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a debate has begun on whether to include Internet addiction in the next big book of mental illness. This month the Canadian Medical Association Journal published an article weighing both sides.

Kimberly Young, director of The Center for Internet Addiction, says that while it might not be a well-defined illness, those who spend excessive amounts of time online suffer the same issues as other addicts, including lost jobs, broken marriages, or financial problems. Young says if it’s the cause of major issues in your life, then you have a problem.

But Vaughan Bell, at the department of neuroscience at King’s College London, says

that the Internet is not an activity and so can’t be an addiction. He acknowledges that people can spend excessive time online, perhaps as an escape from depressionor anxiety, but to label the use of the Web as the central problem or an addiction does a disservice. His concern is that the focus needs to be on the real illness, not on the “medium of communication.”

Of course, maybe some thought needs to be turned the many different activities one can do on the Web. Pornography and gambling, for instance, are well-known addictions.

In any event both Young and Bell admit that research on Internet addiction is limited and inconsistent, so far. And for that reason Bell says it will be tough to support its addition to the list of new afflictions.


在一个安静餐馆里,你和朋友喝着上好的葡萄酒,交谈也非常投机。说话之中,你发现他悄悄地瞟了一眼他的黑莓手机(BlackBerry )。这让你想起了一 个昵称“CrackBerry”(Crack 有“毒品”的意思,CrackBerry 指用黑莓手机上瘾的人)。你可能会想:对某些人来说,上网是一种瘾。

就在心理学家们紧锣密鼓准备出版下一版《心理疾病的诊断统计手册》的时候,有关是否把网瘾包括到心理疾病来的争论也已经开始了。本月发表在《加拿大医学会 杂志》(Canadian Medical Association Journal )上的一篇文章对这个问题的正反两个方面都进行了讨论。

Kimberly Young是网瘾研究中心(The Center for Internet Addiction)的主任,他说虽然网瘾可能还不是一种界定清晰的疾病,但是那些在网络上消耗大量时间的人与其他的“瘾君子”受到同样问题的折磨,这些 问题包括失业、婚姻破裂、或是经济问题。Young 说如果网瘾是你生活种主要问题产生的原因的话,那么你肯定有问题。

不过来自伦敦国王学院(King’s College London)神经科学系的Vaughan Bell说,网络不是一项活动,因此不能成为一种瘾。他承认,或许作为一种抑郁性焦虑的逃避,人们可能会在网络上花过多的时间,但是把使用网络认定为“主 要问题”或者是一种“瘾”,这会带来损害。他关心的问题是,人们应该把焦点放在真正的疾病上,而不是放在“交流的媒介”上。


不管怎样,Young 和Bell 都承认,到目前为止有关网瘾的研究还很有限,而且结论也不一致。鉴于此,Bell 说,支持把网瘾加入到新的心理疾病名单将会很困难。

V ocabulary:

Diagnostic :诊断的

Statistical :统计的

Disorder :紊乱;疾病

Addiction :上瘾

Affliction :折磨;痛苦

Psychology :心理学

Ramp up:加强;增加

Well-defined :定义明确的

Excessive :过度的

Neuroscience :神经科学

Depressionor : 抑郁的

Anxiety :焦虑

Disservice :损害;伤害

Pornography :淫秽作品

Inconsistent :不一致的


Young brains can forget painful memories, but old ones tend not to. An animal study in the journal Science finds that it may be possible to restore the old brain to its younger, more pliable state.

对于过去痛苦的记忆,年轻的大脑能忘记它们,但是年老的大脑则没有那么容易了。发表在《科学》(Science )杂志上的一项动物研究发现,让大脑“返老还童,恢复其“韧性”或许是可行的。

Freeing the Mind to Forget

Some things are hard to remember. Others are hard to forget—especially things that are traumatic. But kids, it turns out, are better than adults at forgetting the bad stuff. Now scientists think they know why. According to an animal study in the September 4th issue of the journal Science, the brains of adults erect physical barriers that keep painful memories intact.

As adults, events that emotionally disturb us tend to get seared into our brains. And those memories can resurface, causing anxiety, fear and even post-traumatic stress disorder. But young brains are much more resilient—and can even erase unpleasant memories.

To get a better handle on this youthful forgetting, scientists studied the brains of young and old rats. They found that in adult brains, a physical net forms around certain cells in the amygdala, a structure associated with emotional memories. Adults that had been trained to associate a mild foot shock with a specific sound would flinch when they just heard the sound. But using a drug to dissolve this barrier restored the

older rats’ ability to extinguish fearful memories. So rats that got the net-busting treatment stayed calm when they heard the sound.

One of the few instances where a net loss is a real gain.


有些事情很难记住。有些事情——尤其是那些带来巨大创伤的事情——则很难忘记。不过,有结果发现在忘记糟糕事情方面,小孩子要比成年人做得更好。现在科学 家们认为他们找到了答案。根据发表在9月4日《科学》(Science )杂志上的一项动物研究结果,成年人的大脑会竖立起有形的障碍,使得过去痛苦的记忆 保持原封不动。

对于成年人,那些在情感上扰乱我们的事情易于深深印在我们的大脑内。而且那些记忆能重现出来,从而导致我们焦虑、害怕甚至让我们患上创伤后精神紧张性障碍 (post-traumatic stress disorder)。但是年轻大脑的“柔韧性”要好的多---它们甚至能抹去那些不快的记忆。

科学家们为了更好的理解这种“年轻的遗忘”现象,他们研究了年轻和年老老鼠的大脑。科学家们发现,在成年老鼠大脑的杏仁核(杏仁核与情感记忆有关)的某些 细胞周围形成了一种有形的网。科学家对成年老鼠进行了训练,使得这些老鼠能把轻微的足部电击和一种特定的声音联系在一起,一旦这些老鼠听到这种声音,它们 就会退缩。但是当使用一种药物去掉这种障碍后,这些成年老鼠又恢复了它们消除可怕记忆的能力。因此对老鼠进行“消除障碍网”处理后,当这些老鼠在听到这种 特定声音的时候,它们仍然保持安静的状态。


V ocabulary:

Restore :恢复

Pliable :易弯曲的;柔韧的;易受影响的

Traumatic :创伤的

Erect :建立;竖立

Intact :不动的

Disturb :干扰

Sear :烧灼;使骤然感到剧痛

Post-traumatic stress disorder: 创伤后精神紧张性障碍(简称PTSD)

Resilient: 有适应力的

Erase: 擦去

Amygdala: 杏仁核;扁桃体

Flinch: (突然)退缩

Dissolve: 消除;(使)消失、消散

Extinguish: 扑灭;毁灭


文章最后的“net loss”使用了一语双关。Net 有“网“的意思,指文章中“有形的障碍网”,另外,net 还有“静得的,纯的”意思。Net loss: 既可表示“有形的障碍网”的失去,也表示“完全的失去“。


A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences finds that champagne's bursting bubbles provide aromatic compounds that add to the taste.

发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)杂志上的一项研究表明,香槟中大量的泡沫带有芳香化合物,正是它们为香槟增添了味道。

Champagne Bubbles Key to Taste

Let’s raise a toast to champagne. And its ubiquitous bubbles. Because new research says the bubbles aren’t just tickling your tongue. They’re erupting with aromas vital to the taste of the beverage.

A team of (who else) French researchers used mass spectrometry to nose around a glass of champagne. They found that concentrations of certain molecular compounds were higher at the surface of the glass than in the liquid itself. They report the finding in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The scientists say the sea shares champagne’s secret. If you’ve ever enjoyed ocean air, it’s because compounds called surfactants are dragged along with bubbles in the waves. When those bubbles burst, the surfactants break into smaller molecules called aerosols that are suspended in the breeze, giving coastal areas their distinctive oceany odor. In essence, a glass of champagne hosts a small version of this process, but the bubbles bring more appetizing aerosols to the surface.

Legend has it that Dom Perignon shouted “I’m tasting the stars” when he uncorked his first bottle of champagne. But it was physics and chemistry, not astronomy, that he was really savoring.




酒杯 上面要比液体香槟本身含量高。研究者们在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)杂志上报道了他们的研究发现。

科学家们说,大海分享了香槟的秘密。如果你曾经享受过海边的空气,那么你就能理解其中的道理了。这是因为在波浪中称为表明活性剂的化合物附着在泡沫上。当 这些泡沫破灭的时候,这些表面活性剂分解为更小的气溶胶分子,它们悬浮在微风中,因此使得海岸地带具有特殊的海洋气味。从本质上说,一杯香槟酒也表现出上 述这样的过程,只是规模小一些而已, 不过香槟泡沫把更多气溶胶带到了酒表面,从而让你食欲大开。

据说当Dom Perignon打开他的第一瓶香槟的时候,他大声叫道:“我正在品尝星星”。不过他真正品尝的不是天文学,而是物理和化学。

V ocabulary:

Champagne :香槟

Burst :(使)爆裂

Bubble :气泡;泡沫

Aromatic :芳香的

Compound :化合物

Ubiquitous :无处不在的

Tickle: 使感兴趣;使满足

Aroma: 香味

Vital: 主要的

Beverage: 饮料

Mass spectrometry: (一种化学分析测试技术)质谱

Concentration: 浓度

Molecular: 分子的

Surfactant: 表明活性剂

Aerosol: 气溶胶

Suspend: 悬浮


Distinctive: 显著的

Oceany: 海洋的

Odor: 气味

Essence: 本质

Appetizing: 使人胃口大开的

Legend: 传说

Uncork: 打开瓶盖

Astronomy: 天文学

Savor: 品尝

注释:Dom Pierre Pérignon ( 1638–1715) 是一名僧侣,他为香槟酒的生产做出了很大的贡献。著名香槟品牌“唐倍里侬”就是以他的名字命名。

注:英语原文来自SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN《科学美国人》http://www.sciam.com












Allison Beall of the Marshlands Conservancy in Rye, N.Y., led a twilight walk on September 5th to tune in to the insect sounds of the evening. Become more aware of the nocturnal symphony and, in the New York metropolitan area, help scientists count the insects during the "Cricket Crawl" on September 11th.

Allison Beall在纽约拉伊(Rye )的湿地保护区(Marshlands Conservancy)工作,她在9月5日的傍晚带领我们散步,去聆听夜间昆虫的声音。在庆祝9月11日的“蟋蟀爬行日”时候,请进一步意识到我们周围 的夜间交响乐,同时在纽约市区帮助科学家们统计这些昆虫。


Tuning In to the Insect Philharmonic

“Can you hear the end of the daytime insect? That’s the cicada. But I’m hearing crickets in the background, too. And just listen for a second, listen to how many different sounds you can hear.” That’s Allison Beall of the Marshlands Conservancy, a wildlife sanctuary in Rye, New York. She led a twilight walk through the preserve on September 5th.

“There’s a wonderful event that’s about to take place, on September 11th. There’s going to be a 'Cricket Crawl,' where people are going to go out and listen for the sounds of seven crickets and katydids, angle-winged katydids, and coneheads and various other night insects that are singing. And you can go to a Web site, and you can go out into your own backyard and listen for the sounds and actually be part of this scientific count. So all of the sounds are on the Internet, you can listen, you can see the insect close-up, and you can hear the sounds, and then you can send in the data from your own backyard.”

The Web site is www.discoverlife.org/cricket or just google “Cricket Crawl.” The official count is taking place in the New York City metropolitan area, but anyone can

get a new appreciation for the tiny wildlife producing nature’s nocturne.

“Okay, so we are just about at the end of this walk, and I want to tell you something. It has not anything to do with this walk, this is called a crepuscular walk. It was just a trick, it was a trick to get you to go outside in your own habitat and to listen for the same things that have been in your backyard or in your neighborhood all along and you just haven’t paid any attention to them. So here’s what I recommend. You go out and you get a flashlight, and at eight o’clock go out and follow the sounds that you’ve heard here tonight. Do you realize how many different species of crickets and katydids and grasshoppers there are? And your job is to find them.”


“你能听到白天昆虫停止鸣叫吗?那是蝉。不过我也能听到其间蟋蟀的声音。只要听一秒钟,看看你能听到多少种不同的声音。”说话的人是Allison Beall,她在湿地保护地(Marshlands Conservancy)工作,这个野生动物保护区位于纽约拉伊(Rye )。

“在9月11日要开展一项很不错的活动。这个活动叫 ‘蟋蟀爬行日’ (Cricket Crawl), 在这个活动中人们会走出家门去聆听七种蟋蟀以及蝈蝈儿、角翼蝈蝈儿、松果头蝈蝈儿以及其它夜间昆虫的歌唱。你可以上网听,还可以走到你自家的后院去听,这 样你实际上就参与到了这个科技活动中来。所有这些声音都在网上,你可以欣赏。你还可以看到这些昆虫的特写镜头,你可以听到它们的声音,同时你可以把你在后 院听到的声音发送到网上。”网址是:www.discoverlife.org/cricket ,或者你可以用google 搜索“蟋蟀爬行日。”虽然正式活动在纽约市区举行,但是对这种小巧野生动物所产生的天籁之音,任何人都能以新的方式欣赏。

“好了,我们的散步就要结束了,我想告诉你一些东西。这和散步没有任何关系,这个散步叫做黄昏漫步。这只是一个小小的花招,目的是让你从你自己所居住的地 方走出来,倾听这些昆虫的声音,其实这些昆虫一直就在你的后院里,或者就在你居住的周围,只是你根本没有注意到而已。我的建议是:你走出去,带上手电筒。 在8点钟的时候走出去,跟随你今晚刚刚听过的声音。你注意有多少种不同的蟋蟀、蝈蝈儿以及蚂蚱了吗?你的任务就是把它们找出来。”

V ocabulary:

Conservancy :(港口、河流、地区等的)管理机构;(对自然环境的)保护 Twilight :黄昏

Nocturnal :夜间的

Symphony :交响乐

Metropolitan :大城市的

Philharmonic :(用于乐队、音乐团体等名称中)爱好音乐的

Cicada :蝉

Cricket :蟋蟀,蛐蛐

Sanctuary :鸟兽保护区,禁猎区

Katydid :蝈蝈儿

Conehead :圆锥形头部

Close-up :(照相、电影的)特写,特写镜头

Appreciation :欣赏

Crepuscular :黄昏的

Flashlight :手电筒

Grasshopper :蚂蚱


A study in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology finds that many more animals have appendixes than was thought, and that the appendix is not merely a remnant of a digestive organ called the cecum. All of which means that the appendix might not be so useless.

发表在《进化生物学杂志》(Journal of Evolutionary Biology )上的一项研究发现,和我们原来认为的不一样,更多动物具有阑尾。该研究认为阑尾不仅仅是消化器官盲肠进化后的残留部分。所有这些研究结果意味着阑尾可能有用。

That's No Vestigial Organ, That's My Appendix

Two years ago, Duke University Medical Center researchers said that the supposedly useless appendix is actually where good gut bacteria safely hide out during some unpleasant intestinal conditions.

Now the research team has looked at the appendix over evolutionary history. They found that animals have had appendixes for about 80 million years. And the organ has evolved separately at least twice, once among the weird Australian marsupials and another time in the regular old mammal lineage that we belong to.

Darwin thought that only a few animals have an appendix and that the human version was what was left of a digestive organ called the cecum. But the new study found that 70 percent of rodent and primate groups have species with an appendix. And some living animals have a cecum and an appendix. If Darwin had known about species that had both organs, he probably would have revised his views of the appendix, the researchers note.

Ironically, it’s natural selection that keeps the human appendix from shrinking away completely. Because smaller ones are more likely to become infected. And keep your genes out of the pool.


两年前,来自杜克大学医学中心(Duke University Medical Center)的研究人员说,以前被认为没有作用的阑尾实际上有用,因为在肠内环境不好的时候,体内好的肠菌正是躲藏在那里。


达尔文认为,仅仅只有少部分动物具有阑尾,他还认为人的阑尾是盲肠进化过程中残留下来的部分。但是,这项新的研究发现,70%的啮齿动物和灵长目动物的物 种具有阑尾。有些活着的动物既有盲肠又有阑尾。研究者们说,如果达尔文知道有这样的物种的话,他或许会改变他对阑尾的观点。


V ocabulary:

Evolutionary :进化论的

Appendix :阑尾;(书、文件的)附录

Remnant :剩余部分;残余部分

Digestive :消化的

Organ :器官

Cecum :盲肠

Useless :无用的

Vestigial :残余的;退化的;残留的

Supposedly :据信;据传;据说

Gut :消化道;肠道

Bacteria :细菌

Intestinal :肠的

Weird :奇怪的

Marsupial: 有袋类动物(如袋鼠和树袋熊)

Mammal: 哺乳动物

Lineage: 血统;家系;总系

Rodent: 啮齿动物

Primate: 灵长类

Revise: 修改;改正

Ironically: 具有讽刺意味的

Shrink: 缩小

Infect: 感染

Gene Pool: 基因库


A study with animals in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that alcohol abuse in adolescence leads to a lifetime of poor decision-making skills. 发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences )杂志上的一项研究表明,青春期酗酒会导致今后一生的决策能力都很糟糕。

Drink Now, Pay Later

We all know that drinking can cloud judgment. That’s why you should never e-mail an ex after you’ve had a few. But for teenagers, doing dumb things now because of alcohol may be just the start. Because research with animals suggests that drinking during adolescence can set you up for a whole lifetime of bad decisions. The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

People who abuse alcohol when they’re young don’t always make good choices as adults. But it’s been unclear whether the drink gives them the stupids, or whether folks prone to poor choices are predisposed to drink.

One way to tackle the question is by studying alcohol intake in animals, like rats. But rats don’t like to drink. So to make the alcohol more palatable, scientists infused it into a tasty “gel matrix”. Yes, the researchers gave teenage rats Jello shots. And the animals’ decision-making ability stayed impaired well into adulthood…as measured by their tendency to chase after rewards with associated high risk rather than taking a sure thing. So, young party animals, remember the words of Faber’s Dean Wormer: “Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”


我们都知道醉酒能影响我们的判断能力。这就是为什么在你小酌几杯之后,绝不能给你的前任伴侣发电子邮件的原因。但是对青少年来说,由于酗酒而导致当前做傻 事仅仅只是个开始。因为对动物的研究表明,在青春期酗酒能导致一辈子糟糕的决策能力。该项研究发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences )杂志上。


解决这个问题的一种方法就是研究动物(比如老鼠)的酒精摄入量。但是老鼠不喜欢喝酒。因此为了让酒更合口味,科学家们把酒融入到一种味道不错的“果冻” 中。是的,研究者们给年轻的老鼠们吃果冻。随后,科学家们让这些老鼠追逐一些“奖品”,而追逐这些“奖品”都带有很高的风险,而不是让它们做一些无风险的 事,然后科学家们测试它们追逐“奖品”的倾向性。结果发现这些老鼠们的决策能


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力受到了损害,而且这种损害一直延续到成年期。因此,年轻的“寻欢”动物们, 请记住Faber 学院Wormer 系主任的话:“孩子,酗酒和愚蠢绝不是经历人生的办法。”

V ocabulary:

Abuse :(酒精、药物等)滥用

Adolescence :青春期

Prone :易于... 的

Predisposed :有倾向性的

Tackle :处理

Intake :摄入量

Palatable :可口的

Infuse :注入;泡

Tasty :味美的

Impair :损害


1)Jello :指果冻。Jell-O 是美国Kraft Foods公司的一个著名果冻商标品牌。

2)Faber 指“讽刺电影 Animal House (动物屋) 中的 Faber College , Wormer 是该学院的主任。


Scientists have found an area of the brain that becomes highly active when we finally decide to explore the unknown.


Where the Desire for Change Resides

Most of us know two kinds of people: those who crave change and others who would rather stick to routine.

And people suffering from illnesses like Alzheimer’s or obsessive compulsive disorder often don’t have much of a choice. Typically they prefer a highly predictable environment.

But most of us, at some point, recall a moment where we decided to leap into the unknown and take a chance to change our lives, hopefully for the better.

Well Duke University scientists have discovered a part of the brain that sparks a desire to explore.

The researchers followed monkeys given a choice. They could either stick with a known reward or explore other possible “mystery” rewards that they had learned could sometimes be better than the familiar prize .

By studying the level of firing of individual neurons in the brain’s posterior cingulate cortex, the scientists could predict whether the monkey would take the chance to explore new options. The neurons fired more vigorously when the monkey made up his mind to go for it.

Learning how this specific area of the brain functions may lead to new insight into how we adapt to novel environments. And could help those who feel trapped by the need for the same old routine.



那些罹患诸如老年痴呆症(Alzheimer’s)或者是强迫症(obsessive compulsive disorder )的人一般没有什么选择。他们通常喜欢可预测性很高的环境。不过我们中的大多数人有时候会回忆起我们下决定进入未知领域并且冒险改变我们 生活的时候,而且我们满怀希望生活会变得更好。

来自杜克大学(Duke University)的科学家们发现大脑中的一个部位能激起我们探索未知的欲望。


通过研究猴子大脑后扣带皮层(posterior cingulate cortex)中独立神经细胞的活跃程度,科学家们可以预测猴子是否会冒险去探索新的选择。当猴子决定尝试新选择的时候,这些神经细胞变得更加有活力。


V ocabulary:

Crave :渴望

Routine :常规;无聊

Obsessive compulsive disorder:强迫症

Neuron :神经细胞;神经元

Posterior :后部的

Cingulate :扣带的

Cortex :大脑皮层

Vigorously :充满活力地


From mimicking a volcanic eruption to mirrors in space, some geoengineering schemes are pretty far out there.


World's Craziest Geoengineering Scheme

A manmade volcano erupting continuously to shade the Earth until greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere are brought down. Thousands of mirrors boosted into geosynchronous orbit to block sunlight. Crewless ships wander the oceans spewing saltwater into the air to increase cloud cover.

These are just a few of the proposals from scientists to manipulate, or geoengineer, the planet to stave off global warming.

The U.K.'s Royal Society has spent the last year identifying which schemes are just plain crazy and which just might be needed if the world doesn't start reducing greenhouse gas emissions right away.

Covering the world's deserts in reflective material is the most dangerous, expensive and ineffective geoengineering scheme, not least because it would likely change weather patterns. Fertilizing the ocean with iron to promote plankton blooms also gets high marks for danger because of the potential for unintended ecosystem impacts.

On the safer side? Artificial trees to suck CO2 out of the air are safe… but they don't come cheap. Painting roofs white is also safe… but not likely to make much impact. In the sweet spot of safe, immediately available as well as relatively effective and inexpensive sits—capturing excess CO2 where it largely comes from: power plants.

And the simplest and cheapest way to slow global warming on a planetary scale, it turns out, is simply to stop cutting down the forests helping control today's climate. It won't solve the whole problem but a few trees go a long way.

Of course, the craziest geoengineering scheme to date is the one we're already doing: changing the climate with an excess of greenhouse gas emissions. If we don't stop that experiment, we might have to start an even crazier one.









V ocabulary:

Mimic :滑稽地模仿

Geoengineering :地球工程

Boost :使增长;提高

Geosynchronous :与地球同步的

Crewless :没有船员的

Wander :漫步

Spew :喷射

Stave off:暂时拦住;延缓

Reflective :反射的

Plankton :浮游生物

Ecosystem :生态系统


A study in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology shows that handwriting tests could give polygraphs a challenge for lie detection.


Lie Detection with Handwriting

When we lie, our brains work hard to make sure we get the story right and come off as truthful. Law enforcement officials try to tap into that effort, for example with polygraphs, to find out if a suspect is telling the truth. But such stress tests are beatable and not admissible in court. Now comes a report that handwriting tests could be a competitor to the familiar, but unreliable lie detector. The study appears in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology.

Researchers at Israel’s Haifa University worked with 34 volunteers, who wrote truthful and false paragraphs on paper using a wireless electronic pen and a pressure sensitive tip. A computerized system measured pressure and stroke duration, both on the paper and in the air. Spatial measures, such as stroke length, height and width were also tracked. And the scientists found significant differences in pressure and spatial measures in deceptive statements compared with the truth.

The investigators say they need to validate this initial result and compare the technique with polygraphs and other lie detection tools. But perhaps in the future even a written claim of innocence could turn out to be a de facto confession.


当我们说谎的时候,我们的大脑卖力地工作以便保证我们的故事靠谱,同时让人听起来也相信。法律执行者们试图利用大脑的这种活动来确认嫌犯是否在说谎,他们 所用的仪器是测谎仪。但是这样的压力测试并不可靠,而且在法庭上不允许使用。目前有报道称,笔迹测试可能取代我们熟知的但是并不可靠的测谎仪。该项研究发 表在《应用认知心理学杂志》上。

来自以色列海法大学(Haifa University)的研究者们对34名志愿者进行了测试,这些志愿者在纸上写出一些真实的和虚假的文字段落,他们所用的笔是无线电子笔,这种笔带有压 力测试头。然后测试者们用计算机化的系统测量在纸上和空气中的压力和运笔的时间长短。研究者们对还对运笔的空间测量结果进行了记录,比如运笔的长度、高度 和宽度。通过比较虚假陈述和真实陈述的压力和空间测量结果,科学家们发现了显著的差异。



V ocabulary:

Cognitive :认知的

Psychology :心理学

Polygraph :测谎仪

Suspect :嫌疑犯

Beatable :可以被打败的

Deceptive :欺骗性的

Validate :证实;使生效

Initial :初始的

Innocence :无罪;清白

de facto:事实上的

Confession :招供


Are national governments prepared to offer more than hot air on climate change in Copenhagen this December?


Linked Challenges: Climate Change and Energy Use

"The energy we use can sustain our planet, or destroy it." So said U.S. President Barack Obama yesterday while addressing the United Nations, talking about the twin challenges of climate change and energy consumption.

His counterpart from China, Hu Jintao, offered a similar perspective, touting his country's headlong rush to cleaner energy sources, particularly hydropower and nuclear power. He also promised an unspecified cut in carbon intensity—a measure of greenhouse gases emitted per widget produced.

And former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan offered the following advice to an audience at Columbia University during Climate Week: "Set an example yourselves, if you can bicycle, if you can walk. If you don't have to drive don't do it."

But are bicycles or even carbon intensity cuts enough? No.

Ongoing science reveals that climate change is worse than we feared. "On all kind of parameters they looked into they could just say things have grown worse since the IPCC report came out." That's Danish minister Connie Hedegaard, leader of the

diplomatic push for a global treaty at Copenhagen this December.

World leaders are running out of time to come up with a solid solution before that meeting. But addressing the energy challenge, which would go a long way toward addressing the climate change, is ultimately about global moral and economic standing. As President Obama said back in April, "The nation that leads the world in creating new energy sources will be the nation that leads the 21st-century global economy."

Unfortunately, as the president observed yesterday, “The magnitude of our challenges has yet to be met by the measure of our actions."




在“环境周”中,联合国前秘书长科菲·安南(Kofi Annan)在哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的演讲中提出了如下的建议:“如果你能骑自行车,你能步行,那么你就做出榜样来。如果你能不开车的话,就不要开车了。”


正在进行的科学研究表明,气候变化比我们担心的还要糟糕。为了促使各国今年12月在哥本哈根气候大会上达成全球协议,丹麦部长Connie Hedegaard被任命为该事物的领导人,他说:“自从IPCC (译注:IPCC 即 “Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change”的缩写,“政府间气候变化专门委员会”)的报告发布以来,通过对所有各种参数的解读,他们完全可以说,气候变暖的情况越来越糟。”

要在哥本哈根气候大会之前达成一个切实可行的解决方案,世界上各国领导人的时间已经所剩无几。不过解决能源挑战问题最终关系到各国在全球的道德和经济地位 问题,而通过解决能源问题来解决气候变化问题,还有很长的路要走。正如奥巴马总统在4月份所说: “在创造新能源方面领先的国家将成为在21世纪全球经济中领先的国家。”


V ocabulary:

Hot air:空话;大话

Copenhagen :(丹麦首都)哥本哈根

Sustain :持续

Consumption :消耗

Counterpart :职位(或作用)相当的人;对应的事物

Perspective :观点;思考方法

Tout :标榜;吹嘘

Headlong :轻率地

Widget :(不知名的)小器物,小玩意儿

Parameter :参数

Diplomatic :外交的

Treaty :合约;条约

Ultimate :最终的

Moral :道德的

Magnitude :程度


As experts start to organize the next edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a debate has started on whether to include Internet addiction among our newest afflictions.


Internet Addiction?

A quiet restaurant. Good wine. An animated conversation. Then, mid-sentence, you catch him steal a quick sideways downward glance at his BlackBerry. And the nickname CrackBerry comes to mind. You might think: for some, the Internet is an addiction.

Well as psychology experts ramp up to publish the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a debate has begun on whether to include Internet addiction in the next big book of mental illness. This month the Canadian Medical Association Journal published an article weighing both sides.

Kimberly Young, director of The Center for Internet Addiction, says that while it might not be a well-defined illness, those who spend excessive amounts of time online suffer the same issues as other addicts, including lost jobs, broken marriages, or financial problems. Young says if it’s the cause of major issues in your life, then you have a problem.

But Vaughan Bell, at the department of neuroscience at King’s College London, says

that the Internet is not an activity and so can’t be an addiction. He acknowledges that people can spend excessive time online, perhaps as an escape from depressionor anxiety, but to label the use of the Web as the central problem or an addiction does a disservice. His concern is that the focus needs to be on the real illness, not on the “medium of communication.”

Of course, maybe some thought needs to be turned the many different activities one can do on the Web. Pornography and gambling, for instance, are well-known addictions.

In any event both Young and Bell admit that research on Internet addiction is limited and inconsistent, so far. And for that reason Bell says it will be tough to support its addition to the list of new afflictions.


在一个安静餐馆里,你和朋友喝着上好的葡萄酒,交谈也非常投机。说话之中,你发现他悄悄地瞟了一眼他的黑莓手机(BlackBerry )。这让你想起了一 个昵称“CrackBerry”(Crack 有“毒品”的意思,CrackBerry 指用黑莓手机上瘾的人)。你可能会想:对某些人来说,上网是一种瘾。

就在心理学家们紧锣密鼓准备出版下一版《心理疾病的诊断统计手册》的时候,有关是否把网瘾包括到心理疾病来的争论也已经开始了。本月发表在《加拿大医学会 杂志》(Canadian Medical Association Journal )上的一篇文章对这个问题的正反两个方面都进行了讨论。

Kimberly Young是网瘾研究中心(The Center for Internet Addiction)的主任,他说虽然网瘾可能还不是一种界定清晰的疾病,但是那些在网络上消耗大量时间的人与其他的“瘾君子”受到同样问题的折磨,这些 问题包括失业、婚姻破裂、或是经济问题。Young 说如果网瘾是你生活种主要问题产生的原因的话,那么你肯定有问题。

不过来自伦敦国王学院(King’s College London)神经科学系的Vaughan Bell说,网络不是一项活动,因此不能成为一种瘾。他承认,或许作为一种抑郁性焦虑的逃避,人们可能会在网络上花过多的时间,但是把使用网络认定为“主 要问题”或者是一种“瘾”,这会带来损害。他关心的问题是,人们应该把焦点放在真正的疾病上,而不是放在“交流的媒介”上。


不管怎样,Young 和Bell 都承认,到目前为止有关网瘾的研究还很有限,而且结论也不一致。鉴于此,Bell 说,支持把网瘾加入到新的心理疾病名单将会很困难。

V ocabulary:

Diagnostic :诊断的

Statistical :统计的

Disorder :紊乱;疾病

Addiction :上瘾

Affliction :折磨;痛苦

Psychology :心理学

Ramp up:加强;增加

Well-defined :定义明确的

Excessive :过度的

Neuroscience :神经科学

Depressionor : 抑郁的

Anxiety :焦虑

Disservice :损害;伤害

Pornography :淫秽作品

Inconsistent :不一致的


Young brains can forget painful memories, but old ones tend not to. An animal study in the journal Science finds that it may be possible to restore the old brain to its younger, more pliable state.

对于过去痛苦的记忆,年轻的大脑能忘记它们,但是年老的大脑则没有那么容易了。发表在《科学》(Science )杂志上的一项动物研究发现,让大脑“返老还童,恢复其“韧性”或许是可行的。

Freeing the Mind to Forget

Some things are hard to remember. Others are hard to forget—especially things that are traumatic. But kids, it turns out, are better than adults at forgetting the bad stuff. Now scientists think they know why. According to an animal study in the September 4th issue of the journal Science, the brains of adults erect physical barriers that keep painful memories intact.

As adults, events that emotionally disturb us tend to get seared into our brains. And those memories can resurface, causing anxiety, fear and even post-traumatic stress disorder. But young brains are much more resilient—and can even erase unpleasant memories.

To get a better handle on this youthful forgetting, scientists studied the brains of young and old rats. They found that in adult brains, a physical net forms around certain cells in the amygdala, a structure associated with emotional memories. Adults that had been trained to associate a mild foot shock with a specific sound would flinch when they just heard the sound. But using a drug to dissolve this barrier restored the

older rats’ ability to extinguish fearful memories. So rats that got the net-busting treatment stayed calm when they heard the sound.

One of the few instances where a net loss is a real gain.


有些事情很难记住。有些事情——尤其是那些带来巨大创伤的事情——则很难忘记。不过,有结果发现在忘记糟糕事情方面,小孩子要比成年人做得更好。现在科学 家们认为他们找到了答案。根据发表在9月4日《科学》(Science )杂志上的一项动物研究结果,成年人的大脑会竖立起有形的障碍,使得过去痛苦的记忆 保持原封不动。

对于成年人,那些在情感上扰乱我们的事情易于深深印在我们的大脑内。而且那些记忆能重现出来,从而导致我们焦虑、害怕甚至让我们患上创伤后精神紧张性障碍 (post-traumatic stress disorder)。但是年轻大脑的“柔韧性”要好的多---它们甚至能抹去那些不快的记忆。

科学家们为了更好的理解这种“年轻的遗忘”现象,他们研究了年轻和年老老鼠的大脑。科学家们发现,在成年老鼠大脑的杏仁核(杏仁核与情感记忆有关)的某些 细胞周围形成了一种有形的网。科学家对成年老鼠进行了训练,使得这些老鼠能把轻微的足部电击和一种特定的声音联系在一起,一旦这些老鼠听到这种声音,它们 就会退缩。但是当使用一种药物去掉这种障碍后,这些成年老鼠又恢复了它们消除可怕记忆的能力。因此对老鼠进行“消除障碍网”处理后,当这些老鼠在听到这种 特定声音的时候,它们仍然保持安静的状态。


V ocabulary:

Restore :恢复

Pliable :易弯曲的;柔韧的;易受影响的

Traumatic :创伤的

Erect :建立;竖立

Intact :不动的

Disturb :干扰

Sear :烧灼;使骤然感到剧痛

Post-traumatic stress disorder: 创伤后精神紧张性障碍(简称PTSD)

Resilient: 有适应力的

Erase: 擦去

Amygdala: 杏仁核;扁桃体

Flinch: (突然)退缩

Dissolve: 消除;(使)消失、消散

Extinguish: 扑灭;毁灭


文章最后的“net loss”使用了一语双关。Net 有“网“的意思,指文章中“有形的障碍网”,另外,net 还有“静得的,纯的”意思。Net loss: 既可表示“有形的障碍网”的失去,也表示“完全的失去“。


A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences finds that champagne's bursting bubbles provide aromatic compounds that add to the taste.

发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)杂志上的一项研究表明,香槟中大量的泡沫带有芳香化合物,正是它们为香槟增添了味道。

Champagne Bubbles Key to Taste

Let’s raise a toast to champagne. And its ubiquitous bubbles. Because new research says the bubbles aren’t just tickling your tongue. They’re erupting with aromas vital to the taste of the beverage.

A team of (who else) French researchers used mass spectrometry to nose around a glass of champagne. They found that concentrations of certain molecular compounds were higher at the surface of the glass than in the liquid itself. They report the finding in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The scientists say the sea shares champagne’s secret. If you’ve ever enjoyed ocean air, it’s because compounds called surfactants are dragged along with bubbles in the waves. When those bubbles burst, the surfactants break into smaller molecules called aerosols that are suspended in the breeze, giving coastal areas their distinctive oceany odor. In essence, a glass of champagne hosts a small version of this process, but the bubbles bring more appetizing aerosols to the surface.

Legend has it that Dom Perignon shouted “I’m tasting the stars” when he uncorked his first bottle of champagne. But it was physics and chemistry, not astronomy, that he was really savoring.




酒杯 上面要比液体香槟本身含量高。研究者们在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)杂志上报道了他们的研究发现。

科学家们说,大海分享了香槟的秘密。如果你曾经享受过海边的空气,那么你就能理解其中的道理了。这是因为在波浪中称为表明活性剂的化合物附着在泡沫上。当 这些泡沫破灭的时候,这些表面活性剂分解为更小的气溶胶分子,它们悬浮在微风中,因此使得海岸地带具有特殊的海洋气味。从本质上说,一杯香槟酒也表现出上 述这样的过程,只是规模小一些而已, 不过香槟泡沫把更多气溶胶带到了酒表面,从而让你食欲大开。

据说当Dom Perignon打开他的第一瓶香槟的时候,他大声叫道:“我正在品尝星星”。不过他真正品尝的不是天文学,而是物理和化学。

V ocabulary:

Champagne :香槟

Burst :(使)爆裂

Bubble :气泡;泡沫

Aromatic :芳香的

Compound :化合物

Ubiquitous :无处不在的

Tickle: 使感兴趣;使满足

Aroma: 香味

Vital: 主要的

Beverage: 饮料

Mass spectrometry: (一种化学分析测试技术)质谱

Concentration: 浓度

Molecular: 分子的

Surfactant: 表明活性剂

Aerosol: 气溶胶

Suspend: 悬浮


Distinctive: 显著的

Oceany: 海洋的

Odor: 气味

Essence: 本质

Appetizing: 使人胃口大开的

Legend: 传说

Uncork: 打开瓶盖

Astronomy: 天文学

Savor: 品尝

注释:Dom Pierre Pérignon ( 1638–1715) 是一名僧侣,他为香槟酒的生产做出了很大的贡献。著名香槟品牌“唐倍里侬”就是以他的名字命名。


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  • 吉林大学学报(医学版) 编辑部网络投稿须知 <吉林大学学报(医学版)>是由中华人民共和国教育部主管.吉林大学主办.国内外公开发行的综合性医药卫生类学术期刊.期刊为中文综合性医药卫生类核心期刊.中国科技核心期刊.中国生物医学核心期 ...查看

  • 天津科技大学研究生毕业论文要求1
  • 天津科技大学研究生学位论文撰写规范(理工科类) 为使我校研究生学位论文撰写更加规范化, 提高研究生学位论文质量, 特制定 <天 津科技大学研究生学位论文撰写规范(理工科类). > 1. 基本要求 1.1 学位论文页面设置 采用 ...查看

  • 工程力学投稿排版范例
  • <工程力学>投稿论文格式要求 1:<工程力学>论文打印格式 2:<工程力学>论文格式样例 3:<工程力学>中英文摘要书写准则 4:<工程力学>参考文献规定 1:<工程力学&g ...查看

  • 矿业研究与开发小论文模板
  • 第30卷 第5期 2010年10 矿业研究与开发 Vol.30 No.5 月 Mining Research and Development Oct.,2010 排版格式与论文书写要求 张 三1,李 四2,王老五1 (1. 长沙矿山研究院, ...查看
