武汉大学研究生英语Unit 7 考试难句翻译

1. It was a big, frame squarish house that had once been white, decorated with cupolas and spires

and scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies, set on what had once been our most select street. (Para 2)

那是一幢过去漆成白色的四方形大木屋, 坐落在当年一条最考究的街道上, 还装点着有十九世纪七十年代风格的圆形屋顶, 尖塔和涡形花纹的阳台, 带有浓厚的轻盈气息

2.only Miss Emily's house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps 一 an eyesore among eyesores. (Para 2)

只有爱米丽小姐的屋子岿然独存, 四周簇拥着棉花车和汽油泵. 房子虽已破败, 却还是桀骜不驯, 装模作样, 真是丑中之丑.

3.Colonel Sartoris invented an involved tale to the effect that Miss Emily’s father had loaned money to the town, which the town, as a matter of business, preferred this way of repaying. (Para 3)

沙多里斯上校编造了一大套无中生有的话, 说是爱米丽的父亲曾经贷款给镇政府, 因此, 镇政府作为一种交易, 宁愿以这种方式偿还.

4.When the Negro opened the blinds of one window, they could see that the leather was cracked;and when they sat down, a faint dust rose sluggishly about their thighs, spinning with slow motes in the single sun-ray.(Para 5)

黑人掀开一扇窗帘, 这时, 便可看出皮套子已经坼裂; 等他们坐了下来, 大腿两边就有一阵灰尘冉冉上升, 尘粒在那一缕阳光中缓缓旋转.

5.Her skeleton was small and spare; Perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her: Because of her small frame, extra weight became much more visible and exaggerated on her. (Para 6)

她的身架矮小,也许正因为这个缘故, 在别的女人身上显得是丰满的东西, 而她却给人以肥大的感觉.

6.Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand. (Para 6)

当客人说明来意时, 她那双凹陷在一脸隆起的肥肉之中, 活像揉在 一团生面中的两个小煤球似的眼睛不住地移动着, 时而瞧瞧这张面孔, 时而打量那张面孔。

7.With all her strength, she defeated those who came for the tax as what she did to their fathers about the smell thirty years before. (Para 15)

她就这样把他们" 连人带马" 地打败了, 正如三十年前为了那股气味的事战胜了他们的父辈一样.

8.We had long thought of them as a tableau, Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and chutching a horsewhip; the two of them framed by the back-flung front door. (Para 25)


9.So when she got to be thirty and was still single, we were not pleased exactly, but vindicated; even with insanity in the family she wouldn’t have turned down all of her chances if they had really materialized. (Para 25)


10.Now she too would know more or less about the importance of a penny that makes people excited or despaired. (Para 26)


11.Later we said, “Poor Emily” behind the jalousies as they passed on Sunday afternoon in the glittering buggy, Miss Emily with her head high and Homer Barron with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth, reins and whip in a yellow glove. (Para 43)


12.…as if that quality of her father which had thwarted her woman’s life so many times had been too virulent and too furious to die. (Para 47)


13.Now and then we would see her in one of the downstairs windows –she had evidently shut up the top floor of the house—like the carven torso of an idol in a niche, looking or not looking at us, we could never tell which. Thus she passed from generation to generation ---dear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, and perverse. (Para 51)


14.She died in one of the downstairs rooms, in a heavy walnut bed with a curtain, her gray head propped on a pillow yellow and moldy with age and lack of sunlight. (Para 53)


15.They held the funeral on the second day, with the town coming to look at Miss Emily beneath a mass of bought flowers, with the crayon face of her father musing profoundly above the bier and the ladies sibilant and macabre… (Para 55)


16.…confusing time with its mathematical progression, as the old do, to whom all the past is not a diminishing road but, instead, a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottle-neck of the most recent decade of years. (Para 55)


17.The violence of breaking down the door seemed to fill this room with pervading dust. A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the man's toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured. (Para 57)


18.Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair. (Para 60)


1. It was a big, frame squarish house that had once been white, decorated with cupolas and spires

and scrolled balconies in the heavily lightsome style of the seventies, set on what had once been our most select street. (Para 2)

那是一幢过去漆成白色的四方形大木屋, 坐落在当年一条最考究的街道上, 还装点着有十九世纪七十年代风格的圆形屋顶, 尖塔和涡形花纹的阳台, 带有浓厚的轻盈气息

2.only Miss Emily's house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps 一 an eyesore among eyesores. (Para 2)

只有爱米丽小姐的屋子岿然独存, 四周簇拥着棉花车和汽油泵. 房子虽已破败, 却还是桀骜不驯, 装模作样, 真是丑中之丑.

3.Colonel Sartoris invented an involved tale to the effect that Miss Emily’s father had loaned money to the town, which the town, as a matter of business, preferred this way of repaying. (Para 3)

沙多里斯上校编造了一大套无中生有的话, 说是爱米丽的父亲曾经贷款给镇政府, 因此, 镇政府作为一种交易, 宁愿以这种方式偿还.

4.When the Negro opened the blinds of one window, they could see that the leather was cracked;and when they sat down, a faint dust rose sluggishly about their thighs, spinning with slow motes in the single sun-ray.(Para 5)

黑人掀开一扇窗帘, 这时, 便可看出皮套子已经坼裂; 等他们坐了下来, 大腿两边就有一阵灰尘冉冉上升, 尘粒在那一缕阳光中缓缓旋转.

5.Her skeleton was small and spare; Perhaps that was why what would have been merely plumpness in another was obesity in her: Because of her small frame, extra weight became much more visible and exaggerated on her. (Para 6)

她的身架矮小,也许正因为这个缘故, 在别的女人身上显得是丰满的东西, 而她却给人以肥大的感觉.

6.Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough as they moved from one face to another while the visitors stated their errand. (Para 6)

当客人说明来意时, 她那双凹陷在一脸隆起的肥肉之中, 活像揉在 一团生面中的两个小煤球似的眼睛不住地移动着, 时而瞧瞧这张面孔, 时而打量那张面孔。

7.With all her strength, she defeated those who came for the tax as what she did to their fathers about the smell thirty years before. (Para 15)

她就这样把他们" 连人带马" 地打败了, 正如三十年前为了那股气味的事战胜了他们的父辈一样.

8.We had long thought of them as a tableau, Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and chutching a horsewhip; the two of them framed by the back-flung front door. (Para 25)


9.So when she got to be thirty and was still single, we were not pleased exactly, but vindicated; even with insanity in the family she wouldn’t have turned down all of her chances if they had really materialized. (Para 25)


10.Now she too would know more or less about the importance of a penny that makes people excited or despaired. (Para 26)


11.Later we said, “Poor Emily” behind the jalousies as they passed on Sunday afternoon in the glittering buggy, Miss Emily with her head high and Homer Barron with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth, reins and whip in a yellow glove. (Para 43)


12.…as if that quality of her father which had thwarted her woman’s life so many times had been too virulent and too furious to die. (Para 47)


13.Now and then we would see her in one of the downstairs windows –she had evidently shut up the top floor of the house—like the carven torso of an idol in a niche, looking or not looking at us, we could never tell which. Thus she passed from generation to generation ---dear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, and perverse. (Para 51)


14.She died in one of the downstairs rooms, in a heavy walnut bed with a curtain, her gray head propped on a pillow yellow and moldy with age and lack of sunlight. (Para 53)


15.They held the funeral on the second day, with the town coming to look at Miss Emily beneath a mass of bought flowers, with the crayon face of her father musing profoundly above the bier and the ladies sibilant and macabre… (Para 55)


16.…confusing time with its mathematical progression, as the old do, to whom all the past is not a diminishing road but, instead, a huge meadow which no winter ever quite touches, divided from them now by the narrow bottle-neck of the most recent decade of years. (Para 55)


17.The violence of breaking down the door seemed to fill this room with pervading dust. A thin, acrid pall as of the tomb seemed to lie everywhere upon this room decked and furnished as for a bridal: upon the valance curtains of faded rose color, upon the rose-shaded lights, upon the dressing table, upon the delicate array of crystal and the man's toilet things backed with tarnished silver, silver so tarnished that the monogram was obscured. (Para 57)


18.Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head. One of us lifted something from it, and leaning forward, that faint and invisible dust dry and acrid in the nostrils, we saw a long strand of iron-gray hair. (Para 60)



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