傲慢与偏见分析 英文版

Pride and prejudice is Jane Austen’s masterpiece written in her early stage.By telling us the love story,she shows us the true love and happy marriage.

The heroine Elizabeth was born in a little squire family who grew up to be a sagacious,courage,farsighted and thinking young lady with high self-esteem.And the hero Darcy is a noble owning large wealth.He is young,handsome,well-educated but pride.In the first encounter,Darcy did ’t make a favourable impression on Elizabeth,while Elizabeth did ’t attract much of Darcy’s attention at all.The more times he got in touch with her the more fascinated by her.Even though he tried his utmost to restrain himself from falling in love with Elizabeth,he failed at last.But Elizabeth’s hate of him went up increasingly.The first impression and the scandal made by Wickham prejudiced her against Darcy’s character.Because of the handsome appearance and nice behaviour of Wickham, Elizabeth totally believed him.Happily she found the truth and Darcy changed his pride behaviour.He helped to pay off Wickham ’s debt and contribute to Wickham and her sister ’s marriage.At last Elizabeth altered her attitude to Darcy and accepted him.

In my view,there is true love between them and their marriage is founded on the basis of mutual respect and true love.

Pride and prejudice is Jane Austen’s masterpiece written in her early stage.By telling us the love story,she shows us the true love and happy marriage.

The heroine Elizabeth was born in a little squire family who grew up to be a sagacious,courage,farsighted and thinking young lady with high self-esteem.And the hero Darcy is a noble owning large wealth.He is young,handsome,well-educated but pride.In the first encounter,Darcy did ’t make a favourable impression on Elizabeth,while Elizabeth did ’t attract much of Darcy’s attention at all.The more times he got in touch with her the more fascinated by her.Even though he tried his utmost to restrain himself from falling in love with Elizabeth,he failed at last.But Elizabeth’s hate of him went up increasingly.The first impression and the scandal made by Wickham prejudiced her against Darcy’s character.Because of the handsome appearance and nice behaviour of Wickham, Elizabeth totally believed him.Happily she found the truth and Darcy changed his pride behaviour.He helped to pay off Wickham ’s debt and contribute to Wickham and her sister ’s marriage.At last Elizabeth altered her attitude to Darcy and accepted him.

In my view,there is true love between them and their marriage is founded on the basis of mutual respect and true love.


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