Requirements for Laboratory Equipment 实验室设备
Physical & Chemical Laboratory理化实验室
Basic Requirements
1.1 原子吸收,原子荧光仪、等离子发射光谱、等离子质谱需要有机械排风,排放酸性气体,不锈钢管道,排风量5m3 /分钟。排气管通向屋顶。
Equipments including AAS, AFS, ICP and ICP-MS should have mechanical ventilation to exhaust acid gas. The ventilation system should use stainless steel exhaust pipe; exhaust rate:5m3/min. The pipe should upward through the roof.
1.2 通风柜,通风橱的管道要通到屋顶,通风橱内要有水管,水槽。
The pipe of fume hood should upward through the roof. There should be water pipe and water sink in the fume hood.
1.3 气相色谱,气相色谱质谱,试剂储存室要有换气扇(风不倒灌,不产生火花), 排出有机气体。
Rooms for GC, GC-MS, and storage of reagents should have simple ventilator for discharge organic gas(protect from reverse wind and do not make spark)
1.4 常规化学分析室至少要有一间具有通风橱,放在合适的位置。
In general, for any chemical analyser laboratory, at least, there should be one room equipped with a fume hood. The fume hood should be placed in the right place;
1.5 需要设缓冲间的仪器(缓冲间用来放置安全气柜瓶和有噪声的压缩机以及保持清洁)原子吸收,原子荧光,气相色谱质谱,液相色谱质谱。
The following equipment need buffer room (the buffer room is used for safe cabinet of gas cylinder and noisy compressor and keeping cleaner):AAS, AFS, GC-MS, and LC-MS.
For the polarograph with mercury electrode the fan for ventilation should be located in a low position;
1.7 每个实验室应当有足够的洗手装置,理化实验室每间需有耐酸碱的水池或洗手池。
Each laboratory should have sufficient hand washing facilities, for physical & chemical labs, each lab should have anti-acid and anti-alkali wash basins;
1.8 天平室的天平台要防震动,(万分之一以上的)天平与普通天平分开存放。房间要有避光措施。
The bench for balances should be anti-vibration.
The sensitive balance (over 1 of 1,000 level) should be separated from the general balance. Balance room should be protected against direct sunlight;
1.9 在容易发生灼伤的实验室,至少要有一个应急喷淋装置和洗眼器。
There should be at least one emergency shower and one eyewash station all labs where burn accidents can easily occur;
1.10 放置大型仪器的实验台,离墙的距离不能小于30cm。
The distance between the bench for large equipment and the wall should be not less than 30cm;
1.11 仪器放置原则按类别,避免互相干扰
Principally, the equipment should be set by function to avoid interference.
1.12 紫外/可见分光光度仪、荧光分光光度,气相色谱,气相色谱质谱、原子吸收,原子荧光仪、等离子发射光谱、等离子质谱、高效液相、液相色谱质谱、离子色谱、荧光光度、PCR核酸扩增仪以及天平室安装空调。
The room for the following equipments need the air-conditioning: UV-spectrophotometer, fluorescence spectrometer, GC, GC-MS, AAS, AFS, ICP, ICP-MS, HPLC, HPLC-MS, Ion chromatography, Atomic fluorescence spectrometer, PCR amplification and balance.
1.13 如果没有专门的气瓶室,所有气体钢瓶需贮存在安全气瓶柜中
If there is no special room for gas cylinder, all gas cylinders shall be stored in a safety cabinet.
建议 Recommendations
1. 化学实验室安装无色透明玻璃
The chemical lab could be equipped with achromatism lucency glass.
2. 实验室安装百叶窗帘,不要使用布质和化纤材料窗帘。
The lab could be equipped with a shutter w made of non-cotton and non-synthetic fibre materials.
3. 建议有条件的情况下,气相色谱、等离子体发射光谱、等离子体质谱也应建立缓冲间,缓冲间用来放置安全气瓶柜和有噪声的压缩机以及保持清洁)。
If it is possible, the rooms for GC, ICP, ICP-MS should have a buffer area for gas cylinder cabinet and noisy compressor storage; thereby the buffer room will keep the inner area of the room clean.
Requirements for Laboratory Equipment 实验室设备
Physical & Chemical Laboratory理化实验室
Basic Requirements
1.1 原子吸收,原子荧光仪、等离子发射光谱、等离子质谱需要有机械排风,排放酸性气体,不锈钢管道,排风量5m3 /分钟。排气管通向屋顶。
Equipments including AAS, AFS, ICP and ICP-MS should have mechanical ventilation to exhaust acid gas. The ventilation system should use stainless steel exhaust pipe; exhaust rate:5m3/min. The pipe should upward through the roof.
1.2 通风柜,通风橱的管道要通到屋顶,通风橱内要有水管,水槽。
The pipe of fume hood should upward through the roof. There should be water pipe and water sink in the fume hood.
1.3 气相色谱,气相色谱质谱,试剂储存室要有换气扇(风不倒灌,不产生火花), 排出有机气体。
Rooms for GC, GC-MS, and storage of reagents should have simple ventilator for discharge organic gas(protect from reverse wind and do not make spark)
1.4 常规化学分析室至少要有一间具有通风橱,放在合适的位置。
In general, for any chemical analyser laboratory, at least, there should be one room equipped with a fume hood. The fume hood should be placed in the right place;
1.5 需要设缓冲间的仪器(缓冲间用来放置安全气柜瓶和有噪声的压缩机以及保持清洁)原子吸收,原子荧光,气相色谱质谱,液相色谱质谱。
The following equipment need buffer room (the buffer room is used for safe cabinet of gas cylinder and noisy compressor and keeping cleaner):AAS, AFS, GC-MS, and LC-MS.
For the polarograph with mercury electrode the fan for ventilation should be located in a low position;
1.7 每个实验室应当有足够的洗手装置,理化实验室每间需有耐酸碱的水池或洗手池。
Each laboratory should have sufficient hand washing facilities, for physical & chemical labs, each lab should have anti-acid and anti-alkali wash basins;
1.8 天平室的天平台要防震动,(万分之一以上的)天平与普通天平分开存放。房间要有避光措施。
The bench for balances should be anti-vibration.
The sensitive balance (over 1 of 1,000 level) should be separated from the general balance. Balance room should be protected against direct sunlight;
1.9 在容易发生灼伤的实验室,至少要有一个应急喷淋装置和洗眼器。
There should be at least one emergency shower and one eyewash station all labs where burn accidents can easily occur;
1.10 放置大型仪器的实验台,离墙的距离不能小于30cm。
The distance between the bench for large equipment and the wall should be not less than 30cm;
1.11 仪器放置原则按类别,避免互相干扰
Principally, the equipment should be set by function to avoid interference.
1.12 紫外/可见分光光度仪、荧光分光光度,气相色谱,气相色谱质谱、原子吸收,原子荧光仪、等离子发射光谱、等离子质谱、高效液相、液相色谱质谱、离子色谱、荧光光度、PCR核酸扩增仪以及天平室安装空调。
The room for the following equipments need the air-conditioning: UV-spectrophotometer, fluorescence spectrometer, GC, GC-MS, AAS, AFS, ICP, ICP-MS, HPLC, HPLC-MS, Ion chromatography, Atomic fluorescence spectrometer, PCR amplification and balance.
1.13 如果没有专门的气瓶室,所有气体钢瓶需贮存在安全气瓶柜中
If there is no special room for gas cylinder, all gas cylinders shall be stored in a safety cabinet.
建议 Recommendations
1. 化学实验室安装无色透明玻璃
The chemical lab could be equipped with achromatism lucency glass.
2. 实验室安装百叶窗帘,不要使用布质和化纤材料窗帘。
The lab could be equipped with a shutter w made of non-cotton and non-synthetic fibre materials.
3. 建议有条件的情况下,气相色谱、等离子体发射光谱、等离子体质谱也应建立缓冲间,缓冲间用来放置安全气瓶柜和有噪声的压缩机以及保持清洁)。
If it is possible, the rooms for GC, ICP, ICP-MS should have a buffer area for gas cylinder cabinet and noisy compressor storage; thereby the buffer room will keep the inner area of the room clean.