
1、当买家光顾你店铺, 询问产品信息时:


Eg1:Hello, my dear friend. Thank you for your visiting to my store, you can find the products you need from my store. If there is not what you need, you can tell us, and we can help you to find the source, please feel free to buy anything! Thanks again.

2、鼓励买家提高定单金额和定单数量, 提醒买家尽快确认定单时 Eg1:Thank you for your patronage, if you confirm the order as soon as possible, I will send some gifts. A good news: Recently there are a lot of activities in our store. If the value of goods you buy count to a certain amount, we will give you a satisfied discount.

3. 发货之后提醒买家已经发货:

Eg1: Dear friend, your package has been send out, the tracking NO. is 0000000000 via DHL, please keep an eye on it, hope you love our hair and wish to do more business with you in the future. Good luck!

Eg2: Dear customer, we have sent the goods out today, and we can receive the tracking number after 12 hours later, we'll send you message when we receive it.

Eg3:The goods you need had been sent to you. It's on the way now. Please pay attention to the delivery and sign as soon as possible. If you

have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Thank you for your purchase, I have prepared you some gifts, which will be sent to you along with the goods. Sincerely hope you like it. I'll give you a discount, if you like to purchase other products.

5、推广新产品, 采购季节期间根据自己的经验,可给买家推荐自己热销的产品。

Hi friend,

Right now Christmas is coming, and Christmas gift has a large potential market. Many buyers bought them for resale in their own store, it‘s high profit margin product, here is our Christmas gift link, Please click to check them , if you want to buy more than 10pieces, we also can help you get a wholesale price. Thanks.




6. 对于已经下单却还未支付的订单:

Eg1: Dear, thank you for your support! We will send out the package as soon as possible after your payment.

Eg2: Friend, Best wishes to you! Besides, we have two shipping method here: DHL and UPS both can be delivered within 3-5days, if you only accept DHL, just note it under the order. if you prefer UPS, note at your order as well dear. Thank you.

7. 订单被Ali 关闭时回复

Dear, you order has been closed because your credit card has not been approved by the Ali, if you want the hair now, we have prepared for you and you can put a new order, Besides, you can pay through western union , tt payment or money bookers payment too. Also, please contact with the Ali initiatively! Good luck!


Hi friends

Thank you for your inquiry, we very much hope to complete the order with you for me, here is the products link you need, if you buy 100 pieces, we can give you a wholesale price, $25/piece. If you have any idea, Please let us know, and we will try our best to help you. Looking forward your reply.


谢谢您的询盘,我们非常希望能够与您完成此笔订单,下面是我对您所需要的产品的介绍,如果您一次购买100件,我们可以给您一个批发价格,每件25元. 如果您有任何的问题,请和我沟通。我会竭尽所能来帮助你。期待您的答复。


Dear friends

We received notice of logistics company, now your customs for large parcel periodically inspected strictly, in order to make the goods sent to you safety, we suggest that the delay in shipment, wish you a consent to agree. Please let us know as soon as possible Thanks



10 退、换货问题。

Dear friend,

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If you are not satisfied with the products, you can return the goods back to us.

When we receive the goods, we will give you a replacement or give you a full refund. We hope to do business with you f or a long time.

We will give you a big discount in your next order.

Best regards

1、当买家光顾你店铺, 询问产品信息时:


Eg1:Hello, my dear friend. Thank you for your visiting to my store, you can find the products you need from my store. If there is not what you need, you can tell us, and we can help you to find the source, please feel free to buy anything! Thanks again.

2、鼓励买家提高定单金额和定单数量, 提醒买家尽快确认定单时 Eg1:Thank you for your patronage, if you confirm the order as soon as possible, I will send some gifts. A good news: Recently there are a lot of activities in our store. If the value of goods you buy count to a certain amount, we will give you a satisfied discount.

3. 发货之后提醒买家已经发货:

Eg1: Dear friend, your package has been send out, the tracking NO. is 0000000000 via DHL, please keep an eye on it, hope you love our hair and wish to do more business with you in the future. Good luck!

Eg2: Dear customer, we have sent the goods out today, and we can receive the tracking number after 12 hours later, we'll send you message when we receive it.

Eg3:The goods you need had been sent to you. It's on the way now. Please pay attention to the delivery and sign as soon as possible. If you

have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Thank you for your purchase, I have prepared you some gifts, which will be sent to you along with the goods. Sincerely hope you like it. I'll give you a discount, if you like to purchase other products.

5、推广新产品, 采购季节期间根据自己的经验,可给买家推荐自己热销的产品。

Hi friend,

Right now Christmas is coming, and Christmas gift has a large potential market. Many buyers bought them for resale in their own store, it‘s high profit margin product, here is our Christmas gift link, Please click to check them , if you want to buy more than 10pieces, we also can help you get a wholesale price. Thanks.




6. 对于已经下单却还未支付的订单:

Eg1: Dear, thank you for your support! We will send out the package as soon as possible after your payment.

Eg2: Friend, Best wishes to you! Besides, we have two shipping method here: DHL and UPS both can be delivered within 3-5days, if you only accept DHL, just note it under the order. if you prefer UPS, note at your order as well dear. Thank you.

7. 订单被Ali 关闭时回复

Dear, you order has been closed because your credit card has not been approved by the Ali, if you want the hair now, we have prepared for you and you can put a new order, Besides, you can pay through western union , tt payment or money bookers payment too. Also, please contact with the Ali initiatively! Good luck!


Hi friends

Thank you for your inquiry, we very much hope to complete the order with you for me, here is the products link you need, if you buy 100 pieces, we can give you a wholesale price, $25/piece. If you have any idea, Please let us know, and we will try our best to help you. Looking forward your reply.


谢谢您的询盘,我们非常希望能够与您完成此笔订单,下面是我对您所需要的产品的介绍,如果您一次购买100件,我们可以给您一个批发价格,每件25元. 如果您有任何的问题,请和我沟通。我会竭尽所能来帮助你。期待您的答复。


Dear friends

We received notice of logistics company, now your customs for large parcel periodically inspected strictly, in order to make the goods sent to you safety, we suggest that the delay in shipment, wish you a consent to agree. Please let us know as soon as possible Thanks



10 退、换货问题。

Dear friend,

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If you are not satisfied with the products, you can return the goods back to us.

When we receive the goods, we will give you a replacement or give you a full refund. We hope to do business with you f or a long time.

We will give you a big discount in your next order.

Best regards


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