


  感恩节 感谢的话毋宁多言,总之,你是我一生的知己好友! thanksgiving day thank so rather say, a word, you are my lifelong friends and friends!

  感恩节 你的帮助无异于雪中送炭,让我感激涕零! thanksgiving day your help would be timely help, i feel grateful!

  感恩节 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖! thanksgiving day who statement inch grass heart, reported in the apartments!

  感恩节 滴水之恩,来日我当涌泉相报。 thanksgiving day drips of tu, does yongquan phase when i reported.

  感恩节 “患难见真知”,谢谢你帮我度过难关! thanksgiving day adversity shows insight, thank you help me tide over their difficulties!

  感恩节 谢谢你和我同舟共济! thanksgiving day thank you and i together!

  感恩节 千言万语,表达不了我的感激之情,我只能说,我已铭记在心。 thanksgiving day i can not express the gratitude of, i can only say that i have in mind.

  感恩节 我不知道说什么才好,除了谢谢感恩节 结草衔环,以报大恩大德。 thanksgiving day, i do not know what should we say, in addition thank thanksgiving grass ti

  感恩节 您的恩情,我没齿难忘。thanksgiving day your kindness, i did not tooth unforgettable.

  感恩节 大恩大德,铭记在心。thanksgiving day daendade, bear in mind.

  感恩节 给你添了太多的麻烦,真是不好意思!tim thanksgiving day to you too much trouble, really sorry!

  感恩节 谢谢你给我的关怀,把我宠坏,宠得我不知不觉飞起来,才知道冥冥之中有安排。thanksgiving day thank you for giving me the concern, spoiled me, i was unwittingly the

  感恩节 懒得客气地来和你说谢谢,咱们到哪个馆子里撮一顿,唠唠嗑,如何? thanksgiving day too lazy to and politely said thank you, we both that which crack with fr

  感恩节 衷心谢谢你为我所做的一切!thanksgiving day, i sincerely thank you for doing everything!



  感恩节 感谢的话毋宁多言,总之,你是我一生的知己好友! thanksgiving day thank so rather say, a word, you are my lifelong friends and friends!

  感恩节 你的帮助无异于雪中送炭,让我感激涕零! thanksgiving day your help would be timely help, i feel grateful!

  感恩节 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖! thanksgiving day who statement inch grass heart, reported in the apartments!

  感恩节 滴水之恩,来日我当涌泉相报。 thanksgiving day drips of tu, does yongquan phase when i reported.

  感恩节 “患难见真知”,谢谢你帮我度过难关! thanksgiving day adversity shows insight, thank you help me tide over their difficulties!

  感恩节 谢谢你和我同舟共济! thanksgiving day thank you and i together!

  感恩节 千言万语,表达不了我的感激之情,我只能说,我已铭记在心。 thanksgiving day i can not express the gratitude of, i can only say that i have in mind.

  感恩节 我不知道说什么才好,除了谢谢感恩节 结草衔环,以报大恩大德。 thanksgiving day, i do not know what should we say, in addition thank thanksgiving grass ti

  感恩节 您的恩情,我没齿难忘。thanksgiving day your kindness, i did not tooth unforgettable.

  感恩节 大恩大德,铭记在心。thanksgiving day daendade, bear in mind.

  感恩节 给你添了太多的麻烦,真是不好意思!tim thanksgiving day to you too much trouble, really sorry!

  感恩节 谢谢你给我的关怀,把我宠坏,宠得我不知不觉飞起来,才知道冥冥之中有安排。thanksgiving day thank you for giving me the concern, spoiled me, i was unwittingly the

  感恩节 懒得客气地来和你说谢谢,咱们到哪个馆子里撮一顿,唠唠嗑,如何? thanksgiving day too lazy to and politely said thank you, we both that which crack with fr

  感恩节 衷心谢谢你为我所做的一切!thanksgiving day, i sincerely thank you for doing everything!


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