
2013-2014学年xxx 中等职业学校第一学期高二


考试时间:90分钟 满分: 100分


一、单项选择 (20*1=20分) 1.---Is that Jack speaking?

------Sorry, he is out right now. He____-the cinema with his aunt. A. has been to B. has gone to C have been to D have gone to 2.----_____you _____my glasses? ------ Here they are.

A. Did, see B. Do ,see C Have, seen D.Had,seen 3. My father _____Beijing for two years.

A. has been to B. has been in C. has gone to D.goes 4.He doesn’t speak ____his friend, but his written work is excellent. A. as good as B. as better as C. as well as D as best as 5.The _____practice you have, the _____mistakes you’ll make. A. much, little B.most,fewest C. more,less D. more, fewer 6.Did you see the man ______ to the headmaster? A.talks B talked C to talk D talking 7.The film is very _____, isn’t it?

A. moved B. moving C. move D to move 8..He gets up early every morning__ he can catch the bus. A.if B.when C.so that D.where 9..We will climb the hill __ it is fine tomorrow. A.so that B.how C.where D.if 10.____ there is a will, there is a way. A.when B.why Cwhere D.if

11.You must wait in line ____ you buy a ticket at the station. A.before B.so that C.when D.after 12.---Linda, I have got a free trip to England. ---_______.

A.The same to you.B.Thank you C.I ’m sad to hear that 13.Our manager went to Beijing __ a meeting last week. A.to have B. had C. have D.having 14.The boy is ___ young ___ lift the heavy box. A.so …that … B.so… to C.too …/ D.too …to 15.---______? ---She is pretty.

A.How old is she B.What does she look like C.What does she wear D.How tall is she

16. .He made ___ an excellent speech ___ everyone admired him. A.such,that B.so,that C.as,as D.such that 17..We must do ___ the doctor told us. A.as if B.as though C.as D.for 18.---Why were you late for school? ---“___ I got up later.”

A.As B.Since C. Because D.So

19.The novel is ____ difficult ___ I cant’t read it. A,so …that B.such …that C.as …as D.so …as 20Most of people go to supermarket ___ food. A.buying B. to buy C. buy D.bought 二、用所给词的正确形式填空(10*1=10分) 1.Every morning Mike likes ____with his dog.(jog) 2.We are having a _____holiday.(relax)


3.She is fond of _____(sail).

4.How often do you go jogging?-----_____a week. (two) 5.The more new things we challenge,______ we will be.(smart) 6.The winner was too excited ______ his feeling in public. (control) 7.This is _____question of the seven.(important) 8. Tracy is always the first one ____the classroom.(enter) 9.Liugong Island is _____by the sea.(surround )

10. I’ll wait for you at the ____ to the cinema this evening. (enter) 三、交际训练(15分,每空1.5分) 1.--What can I do for you?

--I am ____ ____ a leather jacket. 2 --____ ___ do you like? --White.

3.--- ___ ___ does it cost? --389 yuan.

4 ______ ______ do you go swimming? B : Three times a week.

5.---___ are you getting to Mount Tai? ---____ bus.

四、(Cloze )完形填空(10分)

Mr.Fred was very angry with his _1_. _2_ several days, they didn ’t__3__ to each other at all. One evening, Mr.Fred came back from work very __4__, so he went to bed after __5__. Of course he didn ’t _6_anything to his wife before he_7_ upstairs. Mrs Fred washed the dinner things and then did some reading. When she went up to bed_8_ later than her husband, she found a piece of paper on the small table near her bed. On it _9_the words, “Mother, wake me up at 7a.m. Father.”


When Mr.Fred woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 o’clock. On the small table near his bed he_10_ a piece of paper. He took it and read the words, “Father, Wake up. It’s 7a.m..Mother.” 1.A wife 2.A.At 3.A.say

B.son B.tell

C.daughter C.since C.talk C.sad

D.husband D.ago D.speak D.meal


4.A.later 5.A.dinner 6.A.tell 7.A.go

B.happy D.tiredly D speak D.gone

D.much D.was D.notice

B.lunch B.say B.goes B.few B.is



C.talk C.went C.many

8.A.little 9.A .were


10A.looked at C.watch




Maria Pound was six years old. Her mother decided to send her to school because she wanted to look for a job in an office again.

A month before the school started, Mrs Pound began telling Maria about school. She said, “School is a nice place for children. You can play games, draw pictures, sing and dance. There are a lot of different and funny things. ”

Mrs Pound took Maria to a school not far from their house. She began doing these things with Maria. Maria liked the games, the painting and the singing very much. On the first day at school, Maria did not cry, and she was very happy. Mrs Pound thought that Maria would like to go to



On the second morning Mrs Pound said, “Put on your clothes and it

“School? Why? I have been to school!” Maria said in surprise. 1. Mrs Pound wanted to send her daughter to school because _______ . a. she was working in an office b. her daughter was six years old c. she was too busy to look after the girl d. she planned to work again

2. Mrs Pound did many things with Maria _____. a. to make the girl like school b. to help the girl make more friends c. to make the girl feel happy d. to spend her spare time

3. What sort of things could Maria do in the school according to her mother ’s words? She could _______.

a. draw pictures b. sing and dance c. play games d. all the above 4. What about the first day when Maria was at school? She _______. a. cried and wanted to go home b. was pleased to play in the school c. didn’t want to leave d. wanted her mother

5. When mother asked her to go to school the next day, Maria was surprised because _______.

a. she didn’t like school b. they must leave home soon c. her mother couldn’t stay with her in the school d. she thought she had been there the day before


The twelve years of public school education in the United States


usually begin when a child is six years old. Some school education has two parts, eight years of primary school and four years of secondary school. And secondary schools are often called high schools. A large number of schools also have a preschool program that offers one year of training for five –year old children before they begin the school years. The school year begins after the summer holidays and lasts nine months, from September to June, with winter and spring vacations. Classes are held five days a week, from Monday through Friday.

A student goes to high school when he completes primary school. No examinations are required. High schools usually offer courses in English, the social sciences, mathematic, laboratory sciences, and foreign languages, as well as art , music , and physical education.

1. How old is a child when he begins the school years in the United States? A 5 years old B 6 years old C 8 years old

2. How long will most of the American students study at school in a year? A less than 9 months B over 9 months C 9 months 3 “Secondary school” means___

A primary school B high school C vocational school 4 Children in the United States go to school__-

A four days a week B except Saturdays and Sunday C from Sunday

5What students can go to high school in the USA? A all students they want go

B All those who complete primary school

C Only the students who pass the required examinations


Last weekend a young man came to visit Xiao Ming. He stayed for a long

time, and had a long chat. Soon it was time for Xiao Ming to walk his dog, Jack, but the visitor didn't leave. Jack became worried. He moved around the room several times and then sat down directly in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor didn't notice him. He continued talking. Finally, poor Jack was angry. He couldn't stand it any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he held the man's coat in his mouth. Decide True (T) or False(F) 16.Jack worried about the visitor. 17.The visitor didn't notice Jack's feeling. 18. At last Jack couldn't stand it any longer.

19.Jack held the visitor's coat in his mouth because he wanted to drive him away.

20.Jack was a clever dog. 六、书面表达(15分)




I am very happy to guide you to visit Beijing.


Ladies and gentleman, Welcome to Beijing!


2013-2014学年xxx 中等职业学校第一学期高二


考试时间:90分钟 满分: 100分


一、单项选择 (20*1=20分) 1.---Is that Jack speaking?

------Sorry, he is out right now. He____-the cinema with his aunt. A. has been to B. has gone to C have been to D have gone to 2.----_____you _____my glasses? ------ Here they are.

A. Did, see B. Do ,see C Have, seen D.Had,seen 3. My father _____Beijing for two years.

A. has been to B. has been in C. has gone to D.goes 4.He doesn’t speak ____his friend, but his written work is excellent. A. as good as B. as better as C. as well as D as best as 5.The _____practice you have, the _____mistakes you’ll make. A. much, little B.most,fewest C. more,less D. more, fewer 6.Did you see the man ______ to the headmaster? A.talks B talked C to talk D talking 7.The film is very _____, isn’t it?

A. moved B. moving C. move D to move 8..He gets up early every morning__ he can catch the bus. A.if B.when C.so that D.where 9..We will climb the hill __ it is fine tomorrow. A.so that B.how C.where D.if 10.____ there is a will, there is a way. A.when B.why Cwhere D.if

11.You must wait in line ____ you buy a ticket at the station. A.before B.so that C.when D.after 12.---Linda, I have got a free trip to England. ---_______.

A.The same to you.B.Thank you C.I ’m sad to hear that 13.Our manager went to Beijing __ a meeting last week. A.to have B. had C. have D.having 14.The boy is ___ young ___ lift the heavy box. A.so …that … B.so… to C.too …/ D.too …to 15.---______? ---She is pretty.

A.How old is she B.What does she look like C.What does she wear D.How tall is she

16. .He made ___ an excellent speech ___ everyone admired him. A.such,that B.so,that C.as,as D.such that 17..We must do ___ the doctor told us. A.as if B.as though C.as D.for 18.---Why were you late for school? ---“___ I got up later.”

A.As B.Since C. Because D.So

19.The novel is ____ difficult ___ I cant’t read it. A,so …that B.such …that C.as …as D.so …as 20Most of people go to supermarket ___ food. A.buying B. to buy C. buy D.bought 二、用所给词的正确形式填空(10*1=10分) 1.Every morning Mike likes ____with his dog.(jog) 2.We are having a _____holiday.(relax)


3.She is fond of _____(sail).

4.How often do you go jogging?-----_____a week. (two) 5.The more new things we challenge,______ we will be.(smart) 6.The winner was too excited ______ his feeling in public. (control) 7.This is _____question of the seven.(important) 8. Tracy is always the first one ____the classroom.(enter) 9.Liugong Island is _____by the sea.(surround )

10. I’ll wait for you at the ____ to the cinema this evening. (enter) 三、交际训练(15分,每空1.5分) 1.--What can I do for you?

--I am ____ ____ a leather jacket. 2 --____ ___ do you like? --White.

3.--- ___ ___ does it cost? --389 yuan.

4 ______ ______ do you go swimming? B : Three times a week.

5.---___ are you getting to Mount Tai? ---____ bus.

四、(Cloze )完形填空(10分)

Mr.Fred was very angry with his _1_. _2_ several days, they didn ’t__3__ to each other at all. One evening, Mr.Fred came back from work very __4__, so he went to bed after __5__. Of course he didn ’t _6_anything to his wife before he_7_ upstairs. Mrs Fred washed the dinner things and then did some reading. When she went up to bed_8_ later than her husband, she found a piece of paper on the small table near her bed. On it _9_the words, “Mother, wake me up at 7a.m. Father.”


When Mr.Fred woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 o’clock. On the small table near his bed he_10_ a piece of paper. He took it and read the words, “Father, Wake up. It’s 7a.m..Mother.” 1.A wife 2.A.At 3.A.say

B.son B.tell

C.daughter C.since C.talk C.sad

D.husband D.ago D.speak D.meal


4.A.later 5.A.dinner 6.A.tell 7.A.go

B.happy D.tiredly D speak D.gone

D.much D.was D.notice

B.lunch B.say B.goes B.few B.is



C.talk C.went C.many

8.A.little 9.A .were


10A.looked at C.watch




Maria Pound was six years old. Her mother decided to send her to school because she wanted to look for a job in an office again.

A month before the school started, Mrs Pound began telling Maria about school. She said, “School is a nice place for children. You can play games, draw pictures, sing and dance. There are a lot of different and funny things. ”

Mrs Pound took Maria to a school not far from their house. She began doing these things with Maria. Maria liked the games, the painting and the singing very much. On the first day at school, Maria did not cry, and she was very happy. Mrs Pound thought that Maria would like to go to



On the second morning Mrs Pound said, “Put on your clothes and it

“School? Why? I have been to school!” Maria said in surprise. 1. Mrs Pound wanted to send her daughter to school because _______ . a. she was working in an office b. her daughter was six years old c. she was too busy to look after the girl d. she planned to work again

2. Mrs Pound did many things with Maria _____. a. to make the girl like school b. to help the girl make more friends c. to make the girl feel happy d. to spend her spare time

3. What sort of things could Maria do in the school according to her mother ’s words? She could _______.

a. draw pictures b. sing and dance c. play games d. all the above 4. What about the first day when Maria was at school? She _______. a. cried and wanted to go home b. was pleased to play in the school c. didn’t want to leave d. wanted her mother

5. When mother asked her to go to school the next day, Maria was surprised because _______.

a. she didn’t like school b. they must leave home soon c. her mother couldn’t stay with her in the school d. she thought she had been there the day before


The twelve years of public school education in the United States


usually begin when a child is six years old. Some school education has two parts, eight years of primary school and four years of secondary school. And secondary schools are often called high schools. A large number of schools also have a preschool program that offers one year of training for five –year old children before they begin the school years. The school year begins after the summer holidays and lasts nine months, from September to June, with winter and spring vacations. Classes are held five days a week, from Monday through Friday.

A student goes to high school when he completes primary school. No examinations are required. High schools usually offer courses in English, the social sciences, mathematic, laboratory sciences, and foreign languages, as well as art , music , and physical education.

1. How old is a child when he begins the school years in the United States? A 5 years old B 6 years old C 8 years old

2. How long will most of the American students study at school in a year? A less than 9 months B over 9 months C 9 months 3 “Secondary school” means___

A primary school B high school C vocational school 4 Children in the United States go to school__-

A four days a week B except Saturdays and Sunday C from Sunday

5What students can go to high school in the USA? A all students they want go

B All those who complete primary school

C Only the students who pass the required examinations


Last weekend a young man came to visit Xiao Ming. He stayed for a long

time, and had a long chat. Soon it was time for Xiao Ming to walk his dog, Jack, but the visitor didn't leave. Jack became worried. He moved around the room several times and then sat down directly in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor didn't notice him. He continued talking. Finally, poor Jack was angry. He couldn't stand it any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he held the man's coat in his mouth. Decide True (T) or False(F) 16.Jack worried about the visitor. 17.The visitor didn't notice Jack's feeling. 18. At last Jack couldn't stand it any longer.

19.Jack held the visitor's coat in his mouth because he wanted to drive him away.

20.Jack was a clever dog. 六、书面表达(15分)




I am very happy to guide you to visit Beijing.


Ladies and gentleman, Welcome to Beijing!



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