商务英语教材文档 2

A用英语交谈时,正确使用称呼在社交中很重要。英语姓名和汉语姓名相反,英语名字在前, 称为first name, 姓在后,称为last name, 或surname,或family name.

如: John(名)Smith(姓)


Alice (名) Green(姓)



1 用Mr,Mrs,Ms或Miss+姓,表示尊敬,礼貌,较为正式。Mr,Mrs,Ms不能单独作呼语,不能说:Good morning,Mr∕Mrs∕Ms。Miss可以单独作呼语,用于学生称呼女老师,一般人称呼餐馆女招待员,女店员;店员,仆人称呼未婚女子等。

2 直呼名字。通常用于熟人之间,是友好,非正式的称呼。如今在许多英语国家,特别是美国,不太拘泥于形式,直呼其名已不仅限于熟人之间了。在工作中初次见面也常常直呼其名。 但在高等学府学生对教授一般还是用尊称,如: Dr.Smith(史密斯博士)。

3 不知对方姓名时可用Sir或Madam表示尊敬。例如:

Excuse me, Sir, can you tell me how to get the closest gas station?

4 对有头衔的人, 用头衔+姓表示尊敬。如:Dr.Brown (布朗博士),Professor Black (布莱克教授)。

B 不论我们走到哪里,初次印象至关重要。英语和汉语一样,也有许多描述与人接触中留给别人印象的形容词。例如:Pleasant 令人愉快的,sincere 真诚的,efficient

效率高的,unfriendly不友好的,shy 害羞的, aggressive敢作敢为的。

C 在业务往来中,初次接触时除了谈业务外,也可以谈一些虽与工作无关但可以促进相互了解的话题(small talk),它可以缓解初次相遇时的紧张气氛,又对拓展业务很有帮助。 下面介绍一些small talk的话题:

Did you have a good journey?

Is this your first visit to...?

Do you need any help or information?

When did you actually arrive?

Where are you staying?

Whereabouts do you come from...?

1.2 It’s a small world


County people language Capital

Australia Australian English Canberra

Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Brasilia

Canada Canadian English,French Ottawa

China Chinese Chinese Beijing

France French French Paris

India Indian Hindi New Deli

Japan Japanese Japanese Tokyo

New Zealand New Zealander English Wellington Spain Spaniard

Sweden Swede

Thailand Thai

Russia Russian

The United kingdom British

The United States of America American

1.3 阅读材料 Spanish Swedish Thai,English Russian English English Madrid Stockholm Bangkok Moscow London Washington,D.C.


1.4 有用句型(Useful Sentences)


Jane,this is Peter. Let me introduce you to... May I introduce you to our Manager...? I’d like you to meet... Allow me to introduce my colleague...

Diane, have you met my friend...?

Mr.Jones, I’d like to introduce my friend... Do you know my friend...?

1.4 有用句型(Useful Sentences)


Jane,this is Peter. Let me introduce you to... May I introduce you to our Manager...? I’d like you to meet... Allow me to introduce my colleague...

Diane, have you met my friend...?

Mr.Jones, I’d like to introduce my friend... Do you know my friend...?


很正式: -----How do you do? ----How do you do ?

较随便: -----How are you?----Fine,thanks. How are you?

----Hello!/ Hi! -----Hello!/ Hi!

还可以说: Nice to meet you. / Pleased to meet you. / Glad to meet you.

自我介绍用语:Good morning,my name is... May I introduce myself?

My name is... Hello! My name is .... I’d like to introduce myself. My name is....


A.Clerk: Mr.Gates, may I ______________ you to our manager Mr. Liu Qing?

Gates: How ____________________?

Liu: ___________________? Welcome to China. Mr Gates.

Gates : Thank you. I’ve been looking _____________ to this trip. It was very nice of you to invite me.

B.Joe Garden: Good m___________! I’d like to introduce myself. ____________is Joe Garden. I’m ______________ Atlantic Press(大西洋出版社)

Receptionist: Good ______________, Mr. Garden. What ____________ for you?

C. Peter: Mary , ____________ is my friend Ray.

Mary: Hi! Nice ___________________ you, Ray.

Ray: Nice __________________, too.

Mary: What ________________, Ray?

Ray: I’m a sales representative from Arnold Oil company.

2.1 业务接洽沟通过程(Communication Process)



1. 打招呼(Greeting)

2. 介绍(Introduction)

3. 寒暄(Small talk)


4. 进入正题(Getting down to business)

5. 业务洽谈(Business talks)

6. 结束正题谈话前过渡(Pre-closing the conversation)


7. 结束谈话(Closing the conversation)

8. 再见(Farewell)


常见句型(Practical Expressions)


1. 打招呼(Greeting)


A: Nice/glad/pleased to meet you.

B: Nice/glad/pleased to meet you too.


A: Good afternoon/morning!

B: Good afternoon/morning!

A: How are you (doing)?

B: I'm very well. And you?

A: How is everything?

B: Not bad. What about you?

A: How are things? /How is it going?

B: Everything is fine. How about you?

2. 介绍(Introduction)


A: I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Jay.

B: Nice to meet you. I'm Tom.

A: Let me introduce myself. My name is Peter.

B: Pleased to meet you. My name is Jenny.

A: May I introduce you to our manager, Mr. Lee?

B: Yes, please. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Lee.

A: I'd like you to meet Jane Brown, our department/line manager.

B: Nice to meet you, Mr. Brown. My name is Tom Jackson.

3. 寒暄(Small talk)

寒暄虽然不属于业务洽谈内容,但它却是商务沟通重要构成部分。和英美人士寒暄时要了解他们的寒暄习惯以及话题,应尽量避免涉及个人隐私的话题。若交谈双方已非常熟悉,这一过程也可能会省略或相对缩短。(在项目一中已对small talk 作出解释举例)

4. 进入正题(Getting down to business)


A: Let's get started.

B: Yes, I'm looking forward to it.

A: Let's get down to business.

B: OK.

A: Shall we get down to business?

B: Yes, please.

5. 业务洽谈(Business talks)



6. 结束谈话前过渡(Pre-closing the conversation)


A: I think we have covered every point.

B: I think so.

A: I think that covers everything.

B: Yes, I agree.

A: OK. Shall we go over what we've talked about today?

B: Yes, please.

7. 结束谈话(Closing the conversation)



A: Thank you for your help. B: I'm glad I could help.

A: I really appreciate your time. B: It's my pleasure.

A: Thank you for your cooperation. B: You're welcome.

展望未来(Looking forward)

A: I look forward to seeing you again. B: Me, too.

A: Have a good weekend/journey/holiday. B: You, too.

8. 再见(Farewell)


A: Nice meeting you. Goodbye.

B: Nice talking to you too. Bye.

A: Speak to you soon.

B: Me, too.

A: Take care.

B: Cheers. (British way).



Hello. May I speak to Mr. Brown?

Yes, this is he speaking.

Who's speaking, please?

I'm sorry, he is not in now.

Would you like to leave a message?

Mr. Brown is on another line now.

Hold the line a moment, please.

May I have Ext. 5883?

I can't hear you.

Would you speak a little louder?

I'm sorry. I have the wrong number.

You are wanted on phone.

Will you ask him to call me back later?

I was cut off. Will you connect me again?

We'll call you back in a few minutes. Will you hang up and wait, please?

I want to place an overseas call to New York.

Could you tell me the time and charges after the call?

Sorry, I can't wait. Please cancel the call.

This is the Singapore operator. Would you connect me with Mr. Lee in the

International Department?

Mr. Smith in San Francisco. Will you accept the charges?

2.3 电话用语基本句型

致电人:1 May I speak to ...?/ Can I speak to ..., Please?

May I talk to...?

Good morning/afternoon, I’d like to speak with..., Please.

Hello, is this/that ....?

Can I leave a message for ...?

Hello, this is ... Calling from Shanghai.

接电人: Good morning, May I help you?

Good morning, ....(company name). This is ... Speaking.

. ..(name) speaking.

(May I ask) who is calling, please?

I’m sorry, he is out. Can I take a message?

...(name), Can I help you?

2.4 (二) 交际实践


(O=Operator, C=Chinese)

O: Is this the Silver Star Trading Company?

C: Yes, it is.

O: This is the overseas telephone operator in the United States. We have a call for Mr. John

Wang in the International Finance Department from a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New


C: From whom, did you say?

O: From a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New York.

C: Thank you. Just hold the line, please.

(Several seconds later...)

C: Hello. I'm sorry but Mr.. John Wang is in a conference right now.

O: Oh, is that right? When will he be free?

C: Well, he'll be free around four o'clock.

O: I see. Just a minute, please.

(Several seconds later...)

O: Hello. How about Mr. Peter Chen, then?

C: Yes, he's here. One moment, please.

Peter Chen: Hello. This is Peter Chen speaking.

O: Oh, Mr.. Chen? Will you hold the line, please?


O: Thank you for waiting. Mr. Robert is on the line. Go ahead, please.

Peter Chen: Thank you.


In this part, you and your partner will ask and answer questions.

Set 1

Question Card

You need to ask your partner for this information about a phone questions.

Information Card


Set 2

Question Card

Information Card

2.5 请求别人做事的相关句型表达:

A: requesting 提出请求

I’d like you to ..., Please.

Will you please...?

Could you ask Peter to... For me ?

Is there any chance of...?

肯定回答: Sure /Sure thing/Will do.

否定回答: I’d like to, but.../I’m sorry I can’t/ I regret I can’t

B: Offering to help 提供帮助

Can I give you a hand?

Need a hand?

May I ... For you?

Would you like a hand with this task?

Might I help?

肯定回答:Yes, please. Thanks a lot.

否定回答:No, thanks, I think I can manage.

C:Asking permission 征求同意

Do you think I could ...?

I’m wondering if I could ...

Is there any way I could ...?

What are my chances of ...?

肯定回答: As you wish./Just as you like./Not at all,Please do.

否定回答: I don’t really think you should.../ I’d rather not.

3.1 商务谈判知识扩充:

谈判是商务过程中必不可少的业务活动, 所以在商务英语中学习如何用英语



1 准备阶段: 在此阶段你要明确自己想要什么, 那些属于最优先考虑。

2 讨论阶段: 你在此阶段要努力探明对方或客户想要什么。说明你的意图,



3 提议阶段: 此时可提出你能够做或可能准备做的若干交易。用下列形式阐

述你的提议; 如果。。。。。。,那么。。。。。要耐心听 取对方的提议。

4议价阶段:至此阶段或步骤,你就该说明你真正要做的交易, 就 具体的问题讨论条件,如果。。。, 那么。。。 记住, 要有书面合同

3.2 商务谈判例句样本:

1) 与其他供应商相比,我们的价格还是很优惠的。

Our prices still compare very favorably with those offered by other suppliers.

2) 我要说的是你方价格如果不降到国际市场价格水平,你们就没有希望做成生意。

What I want to say is that you’ll stand no chance if you don’t bring your price into line with the

world market.

3) 我相信没有哪个厂家会接受你的价格,因为这几乎连生产成本也赚不回来。

I believe no manufacturer would accept your price because it can hardly cover our production


4) 你方的价格将在我方市场超过所以同类产品的价格,这将导致贵公司产品在我市场上销


Your price for the same products will be the highest in our market, which will no doubt result in

shrinkage of the market for your products.

5) 正是考虑到我们的长期的业务合作,我们才把上涨幅度限制在百分之二十。

It is in view of our long-term business cooperation that we limit the increase to 20 %.

6) 我们希望你再考虑一下你方价格,报一个新价,这样才有可能互相让步,达成协议。

We hope you will reconsider your price and make a new bid, so that there can be a possibility

of our meeting halfway.

7) 如果订货量大的话,我想可以适当让利。

If you place a large order, I think a discount would be possible.

8) 由于最近原材料价格上涨,百分之三的折扣是我方能提供的最大的折扣。

A 3 % discount is the best we can offer, because the prices of raw materials have gone up lately.

9) 除非你们价格做出大的变动,否则我们成交的可能性很小。

Unless you can see your way to improve your price substantially, the chances of our closing the

deal are rather slim.

10) 为了进一步扩大业务往来,也为了表示我们的诚意,我方准备破例减价5%。

In order to encourage future business and as a gesture of friendship, we are prepared to make

this an exception by reducing our price by 5%.

3.3 商务谈判典型例句

A: 礼貌的请求( Polite requests)

We would like delivery in three weeks.

We would like a 20% discount on this order.

Could you give us credit for 180 days.

B:礼貌的拒绝 ( Polite refusals)

I’m sorry, but delivery in three weeks is very difficult for us.

I’m sorry. We can’t give you 20% discounts.

I’m sorry. But we are not allowed to give 180 days’ credit.

C:相反提示法(Counter suggestions)

We can deliver in five weeks if we rush. Is this acceptable.?

On this occasion only, we can offer 10% discount.

The maximum credit we can give is 150 days.

D:对某一条件达成一致(Agreement with a condition)

Ok, but we will have to charge a little extra for rushing this order.

That’s fin, but you will have to pay the freight charges.

Yes, but we will need to check your references.

3.4 如何在商务活动中讨价还价

1) If the price is high

A: The price is twice of the other countries (其他国家的两倍).

B: It is much higher than that of other suppliers (其它供货商).

C: I’m afraid your price is on the high side (偏高). .

2) If the price is reasonable

A: Yes, the price is realistic (合乎实际的).

B: It is a (n) reasonable / feasible / practical / attractive price.

C: Considering the rise of the cost of everything, this price reasonable / still reasonable / within our acceptance.

3) If the price is not acceptable

A: We can’t accept it.

B: The price is beyond acceptance / our ability.

C: I’m afraid, the price is too high to be acceptable/ unacceptable / unattractive / impractical / unworkable.

4) If the price is acceptable

A: Yes, we can accept / takeit.

B: Yes, the price is acceptable, though it is higher than that of your competitors


C: Considering its high quality/grade/standard of your product, the price is still within acceptance .

5) If you think your price is low enough

A: The price has been reduced to its minimum / the bottom / its limit (极限).

B: Our price is moderate (适中).

C: Our price is practical and reasonable (实际的和合理的).

3.3 课堂交流活动( Communication Activities)

Situation 1


You are a sales assistant in an electronics store. You sell computers,stereos,TVs, videos, and cameras. Decide how much discount you can give.

学生B: 你是来电子产品商店购物的顾客。这个商店里有计算机,环绕音响,电视机,影碟播放机和摄像机。决定你想要买什么,以及你心目中理想的折扣。 You are a customer in an electronics store. The store sells computers,stereos,TVs, Videos, and cameras.Decide what to buy, and how much discount you would like. Student A Student B

Greet the customer → Say what you are looking for. Show the customer some items.

Describe them → Ask for prices.

Give prices → Ask for a discount.

Offer a discount or politely refuse → Say you will take the item or you will leave it

Situation 2

学生A: 你是一位市场小摊的顾客。这个小摊卖T恤, 牛仔,夏装,凉鞋。决定你要买 什么以及你可以支付的最高价格。

You are a customer at a market stall. The stall sells T-shirts, jeans, summer dresses , and sandals. Decide what you want to buy, and maximum price you will pay.

学生B: 你是市场小摊的老板。你的小摊卖T恤, 牛仔,夏装,凉鞋。决定你能接受的 最低价格。

You are the owner of a market stall. Your T-shirts, jeans, summer dresses , and sandals. Decide the minimum price you will accept.

Student B Student A

Greet the customer → Say what you are looking for. Show the customer some items.

Describe them. → Ask for prices.

Give prices → Haggle- ask for a new price.

Haggle- offer a new price. → Keep haggling until you decide to take the item or leave it.

A用英语交谈时,正确使用称呼在社交中很重要。英语姓名和汉语姓名相反,英语名字在前, 称为first name, 姓在后,称为last name, 或surname,或family name.

如: John(名)Smith(姓)


Alice (名) Green(姓)



1 用Mr,Mrs,Ms或Miss+姓,表示尊敬,礼貌,较为正式。Mr,Mrs,Ms不能单独作呼语,不能说:Good morning,Mr∕Mrs∕Ms。Miss可以单独作呼语,用于学生称呼女老师,一般人称呼餐馆女招待员,女店员;店员,仆人称呼未婚女子等。

2 直呼名字。通常用于熟人之间,是友好,非正式的称呼。如今在许多英语国家,特别是美国,不太拘泥于形式,直呼其名已不仅限于熟人之间了。在工作中初次见面也常常直呼其名。 但在高等学府学生对教授一般还是用尊称,如: Dr.Smith(史密斯博士)。

3 不知对方姓名时可用Sir或Madam表示尊敬。例如:

Excuse me, Sir, can you tell me how to get the closest gas station?

4 对有头衔的人, 用头衔+姓表示尊敬。如:Dr.Brown (布朗博士),Professor Black (布莱克教授)。

B 不论我们走到哪里,初次印象至关重要。英语和汉语一样,也有许多描述与人接触中留给别人印象的形容词。例如:Pleasant 令人愉快的,sincere 真诚的,efficient

效率高的,unfriendly不友好的,shy 害羞的, aggressive敢作敢为的。

C 在业务往来中,初次接触时除了谈业务外,也可以谈一些虽与工作无关但可以促进相互了解的话题(small talk),它可以缓解初次相遇时的紧张气氛,又对拓展业务很有帮助。 下面介绍一些small talk的话题:

Did you have a good journey?

Is this your first visit to...?

Do you need any help or information?

When did you actually arrive?

Where are you staying?

Whereabouts do you come from...?

1.2 It’s a small world


County people language Capital

Australia Australian English Canberra

Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Brasilia

Canada Canadian English,French Ottawa

China Chinese Chinese Beijing

France French French Paris

India Indian Hindi New Deli

Japan Japanese Japanese Tokyo

New Zealand New Zealander English Wellington Spain Spaniard

Sweden Swede

Thailand Thai

Russia Russian

The United kingdom British

The United States of America American

1.3 阅读材料 Spanish Swedish Thai,English Russian English English Madrid Stockholm Bangkok Moscow London Washington,D.C.


1.4 有用句型(Useful Sentences)


Jane,this is Peter. Let me introduce you to... May I introduce you to our Manager...? I’d like you to meet... Allow me to introduce my colleague...

Diane, have you met my friend...?

Mr.Jones, I’d like to introduce my friend... Do you know my friend...?

1.4 有用句型(Useful Sentences)


Jane,this is Peter. Let me introduce you to... May I introduce you to our Manager...? I’d like you to meet... Allow me to introduce my colleague...

Diane, have you met my friend...?

Mr.Jones, I’d like to introduce my friend... Do you know my friend...?


很正式: -----How do you do? ----How do you do ?

较随便: -----How are you?----Fine,thanks. How are you?

----Hello!/ Hi! -----Hello!/ Hi!

还可以说: Nice to meet you. / Pleased to meet you. / Glad to meet you.

自我介绍用语:Good morning,my name is... May I introduce myself?

My name is... Hello! My name is .... I’d like to introduce myself. My name is....


A.Clerk: Mr.Gates, may I ______________ you to our manager Mr. Liu Qing?

Gates: How ____________________?

Liu: ___________________? Welcome to China. Mr Gates.

Gates : Thank you. I’ve been looking _____________ to this trip. It was very nice of you to invite me.

B.Joe Garden: Good m___________! I’d like to introduce myself. ____________is Joe Garden. I’m ______________ Atlantic Press(大西洋出版社)

Receptionist: Good ______________, Mr. Garden. What ____________ for you?

C. Peter: Mary , ____________ is my friend Ray.

Mary: Hi! Nice ___________________ you, Ray.

Ray: Nice __________________, too.

Mary: What ________________, Ray?

Ray: I’m a sales representative from Arnold Oil company.

2.1 业务接洽沟通过程(Communication Process)



1. 打招呼(Greeting)

2. 介绍(Introduction)

3. 寒暄(Small talk)


4. 进入正题(Getting down to business)

5. 业务洽谈(Business talks)

6. 结束正题谈话前过渡(Pre-closing the conversation)


7. 结束谈话(Closing the conversation)

8. 再见(Farewell)


常见句型(Practical Expressions)


1. 打招呼(Greeting)


A: Nice/glad/pleased to meet you.

B: Nice/glad/pleased to meet you too.


A: Good afternoon/morning!

B: Good afternoon/morning!

A: How are you (doing)?

B: I'm very well. And you?

A: How is everything?

B: Not bad. What about you?

A: How are things? /How is it going?

B: Everything is fine. How about you?

2. 介绍(Introduction)


A: I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Jay.

B: Nice to meet you. I'm Tom.

A: Let me introduce myself. My name is Peter.

B: Pleased to meet you. My name is Jenny.

A: May I introduce you to our manager, Mr. Lee?

B: Yes, please. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Lee.

A: I'd like you to meet Jane Brown, our department/line manager.

B: Nice to meet you, Mr. Brown. My name is Tom Jackson.

3. 寒暄(Small talk)

寒暄虽然不属于业务洽谈内容,但它却是商务沟通重要构成部分。和英美人士寒暄时要了解他们的寒暄习惯以及话题,应尽量避免涉及个人隐私的话题。若交谈双方已非常熟悉,这一过程也可能会省略或相对缩短。(在项目一中已对small talk 作出解释举例)

4. 进入正题(Getting down to business)


A: Let's get started.

B: Yes, I'm looking forward to it.

A: Let's get down to business.

B: OK.

A: Shall we get down to business?

B: Yes, please.

5. 业务洽谈(Business talks)



6. 结束谈话前过渡(Pre-closing the conversation)


A: I think we have covered every point.

B: I think so.

A: I think that covers everything.

B: Yes, I agree.

A: OK. Shall we go over what we've talked about today?

B: Yes, please.

7. 结束谈话(Closing the conversation)



A: Thank you for your help. B: I'm glad I could help.

A: I really appreciate your time. B: It's my pleasure.

A: Thank you for your cooperation. B: You're welcome.

展望未来(Looking forward)

A: I look forward to seeing you again. B: Me, too.

A: Have a good weekend/journey/holiday. B: You, too.

8. 再见(Farewell)


A: Nice meeting you. Goodbye.

B: Nice talking to you too. Bye.

A: Speak to you soon.

B: Me, too.

A: Take care.

B: Cheers. (British way).



Hello. May I speak to Mr. Brown?

Yes, this is he speaking.

Who's speaking, please?

I'm sorry, he is not in now.

Would you like to leave a message?

Mr. Brown is on another line now.

Hold the line a moment, please.

May I have Ext. 5883?

I can't hear you.

Would you speak a little louder?

I'm sorry. I have the wrong number.

You are wanted on phone.

Will you ask him to call me back later?

I was cut off. Will you connect me again?

We'll call you back in a few minutes. Will you hang up and wait, please?

I want to place an overseas call to New York.

Could you tell me the time and charges after the call?

Sorry, I can't wait. Please cancel the call.

This is the Singapore operator. Would you connect me with Mr. Lee in the

International Department?

Mr. Smith in San Francisco. Will you accept the charges?

2.3 电话用语基本句型

致电人:1 May I speak to ...?/ Can I speak to ..., Please?

May I talk to...?

Good morning/afternoon, I’d like to speak with..., Please.

Hello, is this/that ....?

Can I leave a message for ...?

Hello, this is ... Calling from Shanghai.

接电人: Good morning, May I help you?

Good morning, ....(company name). This is ... Speaking.

. ..(name) speaking.

(May I ask) who is calling, please?

I’m sorry, he is out. Can I take a message?

...(name), Can I help you?

2.4 (二) 交际实践


(O=Operator, C=Chinese)

O: Is this the Silver Star Trading Company?

C: Yes, it is.

O: This is the overseas telephone operator in the United States. We have a call for Mr. John

Wang in the International Finance Department from a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New


C: From whom, did you say?

O: From a Mr. Robert of ABC Company in New York.

C: Thank you. Just hold the line, please.

(Several seconds later...)

C: Hello. I'm sorry but Mr.. John Wang is in a conference right now.

O: Oh, is that right? When will he be free?

C: Well, he'll be free around four o'clock.

O: I see. Just a minute, please.

(Several seconds later...)

O: Hello. How about Mr. Peter Chen, then?

C: Yes, he's here. One moment, please.

Peter Chen: Hello. This is Peter Chen speaking.

O: Oh, Mr.. Chen? Will you hold the line, please?


O: Thank you for waiting. Mr. Robert is on the line. Go ahead, please.

Peter Chen: Thank you.


In this part, you and your partner will ask and answer questions.

Set 1

Question Card

You need to ask your partner for this information about a phone questions.

Information Card


Set 2

Question Card

Information Card

2.5 请求别人做事的相关句型表达:

A: requesting 提出请求

I’d like you to ..., Please.

Will you please...?

Could you ask Peter to... For me ?

Is there any chance of...?

肯定回答: Sure /Sure thing/Will do.

否定回答: I’d like to, but.../I’m sorry I can’t/ I regret I can’t

B: Offering to help 提供帮助

Can I give you a hand?

Need a hand?

May I ... For you?

Would you like a hand with this task?

Might I help?

肯定回答:Yes, please. Thanks a lot.

否定回答:No, thanks, I think I can manage.

C:Asking permission 征求同意

Do you think I could ...?

I’m wondering if I could ...

Is there any way I could ...?

What are my chances of ...?

肯定回答: As you wish./Just as you like./Not at all,Please do.

否定回答: I don’t really think you should.../ I’d rather not.

3.1 商务谈判知识扩充:

谈判是商务过程中必不可少的业务活动, 所以在商务英语中学习如何用英语



1 准备阶段: 在此阶段你要明确自己想要什么, 那些属于最优先考虑。

2 讨论阶段: 你在此阶段要努力探明对方或客户想要什么。说明你的意图,



3 提议阶段: 此时可提出你能够做或可能准备做的若干交易。用下列形式阐

述你的提议; 如果。。。。。。,那么。。。。。要耐心听 取对方的提议。

4议价阶段:至此阶段或步骤,你就该说明你真正要做的交易, 就 具体的问题讨论条件,如果。。。, 那么。。。 记住, 要有书面合同

3.2 商务谈判例句样本:

1) 与其他供应商相比,我们的价格还是很优惠的。

Our prices still compare very favorably with those offered by other suppliers.

2) 我要说的是你方价格如果不降到国际市场价格水平,你们就没有希望做成生意。

What I want to say is that you’ll stand no chance if you don’t bring your price into line with the

world market.

3) 我相信没有哪个厂家会接受你的价格,因为这几乎连生产成本也赚不回来。

I believe no manufacturer would accept your price because it can hardly cover our production


4) 你方的价格将在我方市场超过所以同类产品的价格,这将导致贵公司产品在我市场上销


Your price for the same products will be the highest in our market, which will no doubt result in

shrinkage of the market for your products.

5) 正是考虑到我们的长期的业务合作,我们才把上涨幅度限制在百分之二十。

It is in view of our long-term business cooperation that we limit the increase to 20 %.

6) 我们希望你再考虑一下你方价格,报一个新价,这样才有可能互相让步,达成协议。

We hope you will reconsider your price and make a new bid, so that there can be a possibility

of our meeting halfway.

7) 如果订货量大的话,我想可以适当让利。

If you place a large order, I think a discount would be possible.

8) 由于最近原材料价格上涨,百分之三的折扣是我方能提供的最大的折扣。

A 3 % discount is the best we can offer, because the prices of raw materials have gone up lately.

9) 除非你们价格做出大的变动,否则我们成交的可能性很小。

Unless you can see your way to improve your price substantially, the chances of our closing the

deal are rather slim.

10) 为了进一步扩大业务往来,也为了表示我们的诚意,我方准备破例减价5%。

In order to encourage future business and as a gesture of friendship, we are prepared to make

this an exception by reducing our price by 5%.

3.3 商务谈判典型例句

A: 礼貌的请求( Polite requests)

We would like delivery in three weeks.

We would like a 20% discount on this order.

Could you give us credit for 180 days.

B:礼貌的拒绝 ( Polite refusals)

I’m sorry, but delivery in three weeks is very difficult for us.

I’m sorry. We can’t give you 20% discounts.

I’m sorry. But we are not allowed to give 180 days’ credit.

C:相反提示法(Counter suggestions)

We can deliver in five weeks if we rush. Is this acceptable.?

On this occasion only, we can offer 10% discount.

The maximum credit we can give is 150 days.

D:对某一条件达成一致(Agreement with a condition)

Ok, but we will have to charge a little extra for rushing this order.

That’s fin, but you will have to pay the freight charges.

Yes, but we will need to check your references.

3.4 如何在商务活动中讨价还价

1) If the price is high

A: The price is twice of the other countries (其他国家的两倍).

B: It is much higher than that of other suppliers (其它供货商).

C: I’m afraid your price is on the high side (偏高). .

2) If the price is reasonable

A: Yes, the price is realistic (合乎实际的).

B: It is a (n) reasonable / feasible / practical / attractive price.

C: Considering the rise of the cost of everything, this price reasonable / still reasonable / within our acceptance.

3) If the price is not acceptable

A: We can’t accept it.

B: The price is beyond acceptance / our ability.

C: I’m afraid, the price is too high to be acceptable/ unacceptable / unattractive / impractical / unworkable.

4) If the price is acceptable

A: Yes, we can accept / takeit.

B: Yes, the price is acceptable, though it is higher than that of your competitors


C: Considering its high quality/grade/standard of your product, the price is still within acceptance .

5) If you think your price is low enough

A: The price has been reduced to its minimum / the bottom / its limit (极限).

B: Our price is moderate (适中).

C: Our price is practical and reasonable (实际的和合理的).

3.3 课堂交流活动( Communication Activities)

Situation 1


You are a sales assistant in an electronics store. You sell computers,stereos,TVs, videos, and cameras. Decide how much discount you can give.

学生B: 你是来电子产品商店购物的顾客。这个商店里有计算机,环绕音响,电视机,影碟播放机和摄像机。决定你想要买什么,以及你心目中理想的折扣。 You are a customer in an electronics store. The store sells computers,stereos,TVs, Videos, and cameras.Decide what to buy, and how much discount you would like. Student A Student B

Greet the customer → Say what you are looking for. Show the customer some items.

Describe them → Ask for prices.

Give prices → Ask for a discount.

Offer a discount or politely refuse → Say you will take the item or you will leave it

Situation 2

学生A: 你是一位市场小摊的顾客。这个小摊卖T恤, 牛仔,夏装,凉鞋。决定你要买 什么以及你可以支付的最高价格。

You are a customer at a market stall. The stall sells T-shirts, jeans, summer dresses , and sandals. Decide what you want to buy, and maximum price you will pay.

学生B: 你是市场小摊的老板。你的小摊卖T恤, 牛仔,夏装,凉鞋。决定你能接受的 最低价格。

You are the owner of a market stall. Your T-shirts, jeans, summer dresses , and sandals. Decide the minimum price you will accept.

Student B Student A

Greet the customer → Say what you are looking for. Show the customer some items.

Describe them. → Ask for prices.

Give prices → Haggle- ask for a new price.

Haggle- offer a new price. → Keep haggling until you decide to take the item or leave it.


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