

1 Have you ever how your life would change if the worldoil?

A stopped thinking, ran out of

B stopped to think, run out of

C stopped to think, ran out of

D stopped thinking, run out of

2 Alltheir origin to the oil known as petroleum,deep in the earth.

A own, founded B owe, find C owing, fund D owe, found

3 As youyour bus, train or car,use petroleum products in the form of fuel to move them in the working order.

A head to, all of which B heading for, all of what

C heading in, all of them D head for, all of which

4 What are youtoday?

A dressing B weary C wearing D worn

5 Scientists predict that the world’s known oil will early in the next century.

A come out B go out C run out of D run out

6 When youa need you will discover some way of fulfilling it.

A faced to B are faced C are facing with D are faced with

7 In such circumstances, the tropical parts of the world would have a in the race to find new energy sources.

A first star B head-start C stare D upstart

8 If you are comfortably cool in a tropical,your air conditioning unit may also depend on oil-fed generators.

A atmosphere B climate C weather D whether

9 Fertilizers and insecticides made A of B by C from D for

10 Can weto use so much of our limited petroleum supplies for private motoring?

A effort B afterward C afford D affect

11 There is one suggestion that the wheeled traffic and the footsteps of crowds A walk B walks C walked D walking

12 one company has presented an ideametal stripsin pavements and roads operate fly wheelsmeans of a piston action using hydraulic fluid.

A in which, inserting, by

C of what, inserted, in

B in which, inserted, by D that, inserted, of


1 Have you ever how your life would change if the worldoil?

A stopped thinking, ran out of

B stopped to think, run out of

C stopped to think, ran out of

D stopped thinking, run out of

2 Alltheir origin to the oil known as petroleum,deep in the earth.

A own, founded B owe, find C owing, fund D owe, found

3 As youyour bus, train or car,use petroleum products in the form of fuel to move them in the working order.

A head to, all of which B heading for, all of what

C heading in, all of them D head for, all of which

4 What are youtoday?

A dressing B weary C wearing D worn

5 Scientists predict that the world’s known oil will early in the next century.

A come out B go out C run out of D run out

6 When youa need you will discover some way of fulfilling it.

A faced to B are faced C are facing with D are faced with

7 In such circumstances, the tropical parts of the world would have a in the race to find new energy sources.

A first star B head-start C stare D upstart

8 If you are comfortably cool in a tropical,your air conditioning unit may also depend on oil-fed generators.

A atmosphere B climate C weather D whether

9 Fertilizers and insecticides made A of B by C from D for

10 Can weto use so much of our limited petroleum supplies for private motoring?

A effort B afterward C afford D affect

11 There is one suggestion that the wheeled traffic and the footsteps of crowds A walk B walks C walked D walking

12 one company has presented an ideametal stripsin pavements and roads operate fly wheelsmeans of a piston action using hydraulic fluid.

A in which, inserting, by

C of what, inserted, in

B in which, inserted, by D that, inserted, of


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