

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was so beautiful that she would like to see her at once. Once upon a time, the little girl had a birthday, and her grandmother gave her a little red riding hood, which she wore on her head. From then on, everyone called her "Little Red Riding Hood"".


One day, her mother said to her: "Little Red Riding Hood, your grandmother is sick, you go to give her a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Road should be careful, don't run and don't leave the road, otherwise you will stumble, and then your grandmother will not eat these things. The most important is to meet the bad guys, do not be afraid, to think, to protect themselves, know?"


"Know, mother," said little red riding hood. "I'll be careful."


My grandmother lived in the forest outside the village, a long way from the little red riding hood. Little red riding hood on the road, the roadside flowers how beautiful ah! There are those birds, they sing, how beautiful ah! Everything in the woods is so wonderful! Little red riding hood is walking and enjoying the beautiful scenery, suddenly met a wolf.


The wolf asked LRRH: "pretty little girl, would you go?"


Little red riding hood to see the wolf the stealthy way, I know that he is up to no good, she wanted to, if we expose him, he may immediately will eat me. I hold him. Little Red Riding Hood said, "I will go to my grandmother's house. Grandma was ill, I went to give him some cake and wine, so that she can get a little faster after eating."

小红帽一看大灰狼那副贼头贼脑的样子,就知道他没安好心,她想:要是现在就拆穿他,他有可能会立马把我吃掉。我先稳住他再说。小红帽说:“我要去奶奶家。奶奶病了,我去给他送蛋糕和葡萄酒,好让她吃了以后恢复得快一些。” "Little Red Riding Hood, where is your grandmother?" The wolf asked.


"My grandmother lives in the woods. By the right, where are you going?" Asked little red riding hood. “我奶奶就住在树林里。对了,你要去哪里?”小红帽问。

Wolf see little red riding hood asked, he thought, until the grandmother and little red riding hood, I have to think of a way, their two a piece of eat. For a long time didn't eat so delicious things. And he said, "I will go to my grandmother's house, and my grandmother's house in the woods."


Little red riding hood to see the wolf to set their own, thought: I want to think of a way to deal with the big bad wolf, Little Red Riding Hood said: "you go to my grandmother's home. Why didn't bring anything? You should pick some mushrooms for grandma."


The wolf in order not to let the cat out of the bag, he said: "yes, I'll pick the mushrooms." 大灰狼为了不露馅,就说:“对,那我先去摘蘑菇。”

Little red riding hood while the wolf picked mushrooms she ran up. Little Red Riding Hood ran faster and faster, more and more far away from the wolf.


Paozhaopaozhe, Little Red Riding Hood saw a shovel on the roadside roadside, she picked up a shovel to dig a pit, and then covered with fallen leaves. Then little red riding hood went on, and on the way she met a hunter. She told the hunter, behind the wolf was chasing her. The hunter and her back, trying to catch the wolf. As soon as he was in the hole, there was a shout out there. The original is the wolf fell in, killed by the hunter shot the wolf.


Along the way, the hunter straight boast Little Red Riding Hood is a smart, brave, clever boy. Little Red Riding Hood smiled happily.



Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was so beautiful that she would like to see her at once. Once upon a time, the little girl had a birthday, and her grandmother gave her a little red riding hood, which she wore on her head. From then on, everyone called her "Little Red Riding Hood"".


One day, her mother said to her: "Little Red Riding Hood, your grandmother is sick, you go to give her a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Road should be careful, don't run and don't leave the road, otherwise you will stumble, and then your grandmother will not eat these things. The most important is to meet the bad guys, do not be afraid, to think, to protect themselves, know?"


"Know, mother," said little red riding hood. "I'll be careful."


My grandmother lived in the forest outside the village, a long way from the little red riding hood. Little red riding hood on the road, the roadside flowers how beautiful ah! There are those birds, they sing, how beautiful ah! Everything in the woods is so wonderful! Little red riding hood is walking and enjoying the beautiful scenery, suddenly met a wolf.


The wolf asked LRRH: "pretty little girl, would you go?"


Little red riding hood to see the wolf the stealthy way, I know that he is up to no good, she wanted to, if we expose him, he may immediately will eat me. I hold him. Little Red Riding Hood said, "I will go to my grandmother's house. Grandma was ill, I went to give him some cake and wine, so that she can get a little faster after eating."

小红帽一看大灰狼那副贼头贼脑的样子,就知道他没安好心,她想:要是现在就拆穿他,他有可能会立马把我吃掉。我先稳住他再说。小红帽说:“我要去奶奶家。奶奶病了,我去给他送蛋糕和葡萄酒,好让她吃了以后恢复得快一些。” "Little Red Riding Hood, where is your grandmother?" The wolf asked.


"My grandmother lives in the woods. By the right, where are you going?" Asked little red riding hood. “我奶奶就住在树林里。对了,你要去哪里?”小红帽问。

Wolf see little red riding hood asked, he thought, until the grandmother and little red riding hood, I have to think of a way, their two a piece of eat. For a long time didn't eat so delicious things. And he said, "I will go to my grandmother's house, and my grandmother's house in the woods."


Little red riding hood to see the wolf to set their own, thought: I want to think of a way to deal with the big bad wolf, Little Red Riding Hood said: "you go to my grandmother's home. Why didn't bring anything? You should pick some mushrooms for grandma."


The wolf in order not to let the cat out of the bag, he said: "yes, I'll pick the mushrooms." 大灰狼为了不露馅,就说:“对,那我先去摘蘑菇。”

Little red riding hood while the wolf picked mushrooms she ran up. Little Red Riding Hood ran faster and faster, more and more far away from the wolf.


Paozhaopaozhe, Little Red Riding Hood saw a shovel on the roadside roadside, she picked up a shovel to dig a pit, and then covered with fallen leaves. Then little red riding hood went on, and on the way she met a hunter. She told the hunter, behind the wolf was chasing her. The hunter and her back, trying to catch the wolf. As soon as he was in the hole, there was a shout out there. The original is the wolf fell in, killed by the hunter shot the wolf.


Along the way, the hunter straight boast Little Red Riding Hood is a smart, brave, clever boy. Little Red Riding Hood smiled happily.



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