


题 目 75拖拉机变速箱壳体机械加工工艺规程设计 学生姓名 XXXXXX 专业班级 机械设计制造及其自动化(本科二班) 学 号 200933080 院 (系) 机械工程学院 指导教师(职称) XXXXXX


Gearbox shell machining process design

《Manufacturing Engineering and Technology—Machining 》

Mechanical Industry Press In March 2004, version 1 p560—564

(Serope kalpakjian) (Steven R.Schmid)


Gearbox shell is a more complex structure of spare parts box, its high precision, complex process, and the processing quality will affect the overall performance engine, so it has become the engine manufacturer's focus parts one.Machining process planning must guarantee the machining quality of parts, to meet the technical requirements stipulated in drawings, at the same time should also have high productivity and efficiency. Therefore, machining process planning design is an important work, requires designers must have a rich experience in production practice and wide range of mechanical manufacturing technology basic theory knowledge. In the specified procedure, should according to the production of parts and the existing equipment conditions, taking the processing quality into account, productivity and economy requirements, after repeated analysis and comparison, to determine the optimal or the best solution.

1.Technical Characteristics of the gearbox shell

The gearbox shell process features are: the structure of complex shape; processing plane, more than holes; uneven wall thickness and stiffness is low; processing of high precision typical of box-type processing part. The main processing of the surface of cylinder block top surface, the main bearing side, cylinder bore, the main and

camshaft bearing bore holes and so on, they will directly affect the machining accuracy of the engine assembly precision and performance, mainly rely on precision equipment, industrial fixtures reliability and processing technology to ensure the reasonableness.

2.The gearbox shell process design principles and the basis Design Technology program should be to ensure product quality at the same time, give full consideration to the production cycle, cost and environmental protection; based on the enterprises ability to actively adopt advanced process technology and equipment, and constantly enhance their level of technology. Gearbox shell machining process design should follow the following basic principles:

2.1 The selection of processing equipment

The principle of selection adopted the principle of selection adopted the principle of combining rigid-flexible, processing each horizontal machining center is located mainly small operations with vertical machining center, the key process a crank hole, cylinder hole, balancer shaft hole High-speed processing of high-precision horizontal machining center, an upper and lower non-critical processes before and after the four-dimensional high-efficiency rough milling and have a certain adjustment range of special machine processing;

2.2 Concentration process principle

Focus on a key process in principle process the body cylinder bore, crankshaft hole, Balance Shaft hole surface finishing and the combination of precision milling cylinder head, using a process focused on a setup program to complete all processing elements in order to ensure product accuracy The key quality processes to meet the cylinder capacity and the relevant technical requirements;

3.The gearbox shell machining process design the main content

Gearbox shell complex structure, high precision, arge size, is thin-walled parts, there are a number of high precision plane and holes. Engine block machining process

characteristics; mainly flat and the hole processing, processing of flat generally use planing, milling methods such as processing, processing of hole used mainly boring, processing and multi-purpose drilling holes. As the cylinder complex structure. so how to ensure that the mutual position of the surface processing precision is an important issue.

3.1 The selection of blank

Gearbox shell on the materials used are generally gray cast iron HT150,HT200,HT250,there is also cast aluminum or steel plate, this engine block using high-strength alloy cast iron. Cylinder in the processing prior to aging treatment in order to eliminate stress and improve the rough casting mechanical properties.

Improve the rough accuracy, reduction of machining allowance, is to improve the automated production line system productivity and processing quality of the important measures. As the foreign box-type parts of rough quality and high precision, and its production-line system has been implemented directly on the blank line, not only eliminating the need for blank check device also saves the rough quality problems due to waste of machining time, increase overall efficiency. Therefore, the refinement of rough is to improve the productivity of the most promising way out. For the engine block production line, can be rough in parts on-line pre-milling six face, removing most of the margin, to facilitate direct on-line parts.

3.2 Machining process selection and processing of the benchmark

Choose the right processing technology base is directly related to the processing quality can ensure the parts. Generally speaking, process benchmarking can be divided into coarse and fine reference base.

3.2.1 Coarse reference base

The baseline for the on-line thick rough ,which is particularly important the choice of benchmark crude, if crude benchmark choice unreasonable, will the uneven distribution of machining allowance, processing and surface offsets, resulting in waste.

In the cylinder production line, we have adopted for the coarse side of the base;

3.2.2 Fine reference base

Refined the base of this box for the engine block parts, the general use of "side two sales "for a full range of uniform benchmarks, For the longer automated production positioning. In the gearbox shell of the process, we have adopted to the side, bottom and the spindle hole positioning, in the processing center on the process.

3.3 Machining Processing Stages and processes of the arrangements

Often a part of many apparent need for processing, of course, the surface machining accuracy are different. Processing of high precision surface, often after repeated processing; As for the processing of the surface of low precision, only need to go through one or two on the list. Thus, when the development process in order to seize the "processing high precision surface, "this conflict, the reasonable arrangement processes and rational division stage of processing. Arrange the order of the principle of process is: after the first coarse refined, the first surface after the hole, the first benchmark other. In the engine block machining, the same should follow this principle.

3.3.1 roughing stage engine block machining process

The arrangements for roughing process, to fully carry out rough rough, trim most of the margin in order to ensure production efficiency;

3.3.2 semi-finishing phase of the engine block machining

In order to ensure the accuracy of the middle of some important surface processing, and arrange some semi-finishing operations, will be required accuracy and surface roughness of the surface of the middle of some processing to complete, while demanding the surface of semi-finished, to prepare for future finishing;

3.3.3 The finishing stage

The finishing stage of requiring high accuracy and surface roughness of the surface processing;

3.3.4 secondary processing

Secondary processing such as small surface screw holes, you can finish of the major surface after the one hand, when the workpiece deformation process little impact at the same time also reduced the rejection rate;In addition,if the main surface of a waste,these small the surface will not have to be processed,thus avoiding a waste of man-hours.However,if the processing is very easy for a small surface bumps the main surface,it should be placed on a small surface finish prior to the main surface finishing;

3.3.5 make proper arrangements for secondary processes

Make proper arrangements for secondary processes such as product inspection process,in part roughing stage,the key process before and after processing,spare parts all the processing has been completed,should be appropriate arrangements.

Stage of processing division,has the following advantages:First,it can take measures to eliminate the rough workpiece after the stress,to ensure accuracy; second,finishing on the back,and will not damage during transport the surface of the workpiece has been processed;again,first roughing the surface defects can be detected early and promptly deal with rough,do not waste working hours.But most small parts,do not sub very thin.

3.4 The gearbox shell surface of the main processing and secondary processes

3.4.1 Plane processing

Plane processing at present, the milling of engine blocks is the primary means of planar processing,domestic milling feed rate is generally 300-400mm/min,and foreign 2000-4000mm/min milling feed rate compared to far cry,to be on increasing,therefore,improve the milling feed rate,reduce overhead time is to improve the productivity of the major means of finishing a number of plane engine block when the milling feed rate to reach 2399mm/min,greatly improved efficiency;

Top surface of the cylinder milling is a key process in the process,the flatness

requirements for 0.02/145mm,the surface roughness of Ra1.6um.Processing in the cylinder,the use of side and spindle bearing bore positioning,top,bottom and middle vagay only aperture while processing used in the processing line outside of the knife device can better meet the engine block machining accuracy;

3.4.2 General holes Machining

General holes Machining holes in general are still using the traditional processing of drilling,expansion,boring,reaming,tapping and other craft approach. Issues in the design process of specific programs,use of coated cutting tools,cutting tools and other advanced tools within the cooling,and using a large flow of cooling systems,greatly improving the cutting speed,improved productivity;

3.4.3 Deep hole processing

Deep hole processing of the traditional processing method is used to grade twist drill feed,low efficiency of their production,processing and quality is poor.The deep hole in the engine block processing,the use of gun drilling process;

3.4.4 Cleaning

Cleaning is divided into wet cleaning and dry cleaning.Machining cylinder automatic production line using a large flow of wet cleaning;

3.4.5 Detection

Detect points outside the line detection and line detection of two kinds. Quality inspection in the engine block,according to the actual situation with lines outside the detection,the main use of coordinate measuring machine integrated measurements of the cylinder,each 200 samples 1-5 pieces,each class random one.


摘自: 《机械工程与技术(机加工)》(英文版)

机械工业出版社 2004年3月第1版 p560—564

美 s. 卡卡尔帕基安 s.r 施密德



1. 变速箱壳体的工艺特点


2. 变速箱壳体工艺方案设计原则和依据




2.2 集中工序原则


3. 发动机缸体机械加工工艺设计的主要内容


3.1 毛坯的选择





3.2.1 粗基准


3.2.2 精基准


3.3 机械加工加工阶段的划分和工序的安排


3.3.1 粗加工阶段


3.3.2 半精加工阶段


3.3.3 精加工阶段


3.3.4 次要小表面的加工



3.3.5 辅助工序也要妥善安排



3.4 箱体的主要加工表面和辅助工序

3.4.1 平面加工

目前,铣削是发动机缸体平面加工的主要手段,国内铣削进给量一般为300-400mm/min,与国外铣削进给量2000-4000 mm/min相比,相差甚远,有待于提高,因此,提高铣削进给量,缩短辅助时间,是提高生产效率的主要途径,发动机缸体精加工一些平面时的铣削进给量达到2399mm/min,大大提高了效率;

顶面的铣削是缸体加工中的一个关键工序,其平面度要求为0.02/145mm,表面粗造度为Ra1.6um 。在缸体的加工中,采用侧面和主轴轴承孔定位,顶面、底面和中间瓦盖面同时加工,在加工中采用线外对刀装置,能较好地满足发动机缸体加工精度要求;

3.4.2 一般孔系的加工


3.4.3 深油孔加工


3.4.4 清洗


3.4.5 检测




题 目 75拖拉机变速箱壳体机械加工工艺规程设计 学生姓名 XXXXXX 专业班级 机械设计制造及其自动化(本科二班) 学 号 200933080 院 (系) 机械工程学院 指导教师(职称) XXXXXX


Gearbox shell machining process design

《Manufacturing Engineering and Technology—Machining 》

Mechanical Industry Press In March 2004, version 1 p560—564

(Serope kalpakjian) (Steven R.Schmid)


Gearbox shell is a more complex structure of spare parts box, its high precision, complex process, and the processing quality will affect the overall performance engine, so it has become the engine manufacturer's focus parts one.Machining process planning must guarantee the machining quality of parts, to meet the technical requirements stipulated in drawings, at the same time should also have high productivity and efficiency. Therefore, machining process planning design is an important work, requires designers must have a rich experience in production practice and wide range of mechanical manufacturing technology basic theory knowledge. In the specified procedure, should according to the production of parts and the existing equipment conditions, taking the processing quality into account, productivity and economy requirements, after repeated analysis and comparison, to determine the optimal or the best solution.

1.Technical Characteristics of the gearbox shell

The gearbox shell process features are: the structure of complex shape; processing plane, more than holes; uneven wall thickness and stiffness is low; processing of high precision typical of box-type processing part. The main processing of the surface of cylinder block top surface, the main bearing side, cylinder bore, the main and

camshaft bearing bore holes and so on, they will directly affect the machining accuracy of the engine assembly precision and performance, mainly rely on precision equipment, industrial fixtures reliability and processing technology to ensure the reasonableness.

2.The gearbox shell process design principles and the basis Design Technology program should be to ensure product quality at the same time, give full consideration to the production cycle, cost and environmental protection; based on the enterprises ability to actively adopt advanced process technology and equipment, and constantly enhance their level of technology. Gearbox shell machining process design should follow the following basic principles:

2.1 The selection of processing equipment

The principle of selection adopted the principle of selection adopted the principle of combining rigid-flexible, processing each horizontal machining center is located mainly small operations with vertical machining center, the key process a crank hole, cylinder hole, balancer shaft hole High-speed processing of high-precision horizontal machining center, an upper and lower non-critical processes before and after the four-dimensional high-efficiency rough milling and have a certain adjustment range of special machine processing;

2.2 Concentration process principle

Focus on a key process in principle process the body cylinder bore, crankshaft hole, Balance Shaft hole surface finishing and the combination of precision milling cylinder head, using a process focused on a setup program to complete all processing elements in order to ensure product accuracy The key quality processes to meet the cylinder capacity and the relevant technical requirements;

3.The gearbox shell machining process design the main content

Gearbox shell complex structure, high precision, arge size, is thin-walled parts, there are a number of high precision plane and holes. Engine block machining process

characteristics; mainly flat and the hole processing, processing of flat generally use planing, milling methods such as processing, processing of hole used mainly boring, processing and multi-purpose drilling holes. As the cylinder complex structure. so how to ensure that the mutual position of the surface processing precision is an important issue.

3.1 The selection of blank

Gearbox shell on the materials used are generally gray cast iron HT150,HT200,HT250,there is also cast aluminum or steel plate, this engine block using high-strength alloy cast iron. Cylinder in the processing prior to aging treatment in order to eliminate stress and improve the rough casting mechanical properties.

Improve the rough accuracy, reduction of machining allowance, is to improve the automated production line system productivity and processing quality of the important measures. As the foreign box-type parts of rough quality and high precision, and its production-line system has been implemented directly on the blank line, not only eliminating the need for blank check device also saves the rough quality problems due to waste of machining time, increase overall efficiency. Therefore, the refinement of rough is to improve the productivity of the most promising way out. For the engine block production line, can be rough in parts on-line pre-milling six face, removing most of the margin, to facilitate direct on-line parts.

3.2 Machining process selection and processing of the benchmark

Choose the right processing technology base is directly related to the processing quality can ensure the parts. Generally speaking, process benchmarking can be divided into coarse and fine reference base.

3.2.1 Coarse reference base

The baseline for the on-line thick rough ,which is particularly important the choice of benchmark crude, if crude benchmark choice unreasonable, will the uneven distribution of machining allowance, processing and surface offsets, resulting in waste.

In the cylinder production line, we have adopted for the coarse side of the base;

3.2.2 Fine reference base

Refined the base of this box for the engine block parts, the general use of "side two sales "for a full range of uniform benchmarks, For the longer automated production positioning. In the gearbox shell of the process, we have adopted to the side, bottom and the spindle hole positioning, in the processing center on the process.

3.3 Machining Processing Stages and processes of the arrangements

Often a part of many apparent need for processing, of course, the surface machining accuracy are different. Processing of high precision surface, often after repeated processing; As for the processing of the surface of low precision, only need to go through one or two on the list. Thus, when the development process in order to seize the "processing high precision surface, "this conflict, the reasonable arrangement processes and rational division stage of processing. Arrange the order of the principle of process is: after the first coarse refined, the first surface after the hole, the first benchmark other. In the engine block machining, the same should follow this principle.

3.3.1 roughing stage engine block machining process

The arrangements for roughing process, to fully carry out rough rough, trim most of the margin in order to ensure production efficiency;

3.3.2 semi-finishing phase of the engine block machining

In order to ensure the accuracy of the middle of some important surface processing, and arrange some semi-finishing operations, will be required accuracy and surface roughness of the surface of the middle of some processing to complete, while demanding the surface of semi-finished, to prepare for future finishing;

3.3.3 The finishing stage

The finishing stage of requiring high accuracy and surface roughness of the surface processing;

3.3.4 secondary processing

Secondary processing such as small surface screw holes, you can finish of the major surface after the one hand, when the workpiece deformation process little impact at the same time also reduced the rejection rate;In addition,if the main surface of a waste,these small the surface will not have to be processed,thus avoiding a waste of man-hours.However,if the processing is very easy for a small surface bumps the main surface,it should be placed on a small surface finish prior to the main surface finishing;

3.3.5 make proper arrangements for secondary processes

Make proper arrangements for secondary processes such as product inspection process,in part roughing stage,the key process before and after processing,spare parts all the processing has been completed,should be appropriate arrangements.

Stage of processing division,has the following advantages:First,it can take measures to eliminate the rough workpiece after the stress,to ensure accuracy; second,finishing on the back,and will not damage during transport the surface of the workpiece has been processed;again,first roughing the surface defects can be detected early and promptly deal with rough,do not waste working hours.But most small parts,do not sub very thin.

3.4 The gearbox shell surface of the main processing and secondary processes

3.4.1 Plane processing

Plane processing at present, the milling of engine blocks is the primary means of planar processing,domestic milling feed rate is generally 300-400mm/min,and foreign 2000-4000mm/min milling feed rate compared to far cry,to be on increasing,therefore,improve the milling feed rate,reduce overhead time is to improve the productivity of the major means of finishing a number of plane engine block when the milling feed rate to reach 2399mm/min,greatly improved efficiency;

Top surface of the cylinder milling is a key process in the process,the flatness

requirements for 0.02/145mm,the surface roughness of Ra1.6um.Processing in the cylinder,the use of side and spindle bearing bore positioning,top,bottom and middle vagay only aperture while processing used in the processing line outside of the knife device can better meet the engine block machining accuracy;

3.4.2 General holes Machining

General holes Machining holes in general are still using the traditional processing of drilling,expansion,boring,reaming,tapping and other craft approach. Issues in the design process of specific programs,use of coated cutting tools,cutting tools and other advanced tools within the cooling,and using a large flow of cooling systems,greatly improving the cutting speed,improved productivity;

3.4.3 Deep hole processing

Deep hole processing of the traditional processing method is used to grade twist drill feed,low efficiency of their production,processing and quality is poor.The deep hole in the engine block processing,the use of gun drilling process;

3.4.4 Cleaning

Cleaning is divided into wet cleaning and dry cleaning.Machining cylinder automatic production line using a large flow of wet cleaning;

3.4.5 Detection

Detect points outside the line detection and line detection of two kinds. Quality inspection in the engine block,according to the actual situation with lines outside the detection,the main use of coordinate measuring machine integrated measurements of the cylinder,each 200 samples 1-5 pieces,each class random one.


摘自: 《机械工程与技术(机加工)》(英文版)

机械工业出版社 2004年3月第1版 p560—564

美 s. 卡卡尔帕基安 s.r 施密德



1. 变速箱壳体的工艺特点


2. 变速箱壳体工艺方案设计原则和依据




2.2 集中工序原则


3. 发动机缸体机械加工工艺设计的主要内容


3.1 毛坯的选择





3.2.1 粗基准


3.2.2 精基准


3.3 机械加工加工阶段的划分和工序的安排


3.3.1 粗加工阶段


3.3.2 半精加工阶段


3.3.3 精加工阶段


3.3.4 次要小表面的加工



3.3.5 辅助工序也要妥善安排



3.4 箱体的主要加工表面和辅助工序

3.4.1 平面加工

目前,铣削是发动机缸体平面加工的主要手段,国内铣削进给量一般为300-400mm/min,与国外铣削进给量2000-4000 mm/min相比,相差甚远,有待于提高,因此,提高铣削进给量,缩短辅助时间,是提高生产效率的主要途径,发动机缸体精加工一些平面时的铣削进给量达到2399mm/min,大大提高了效率;

顶面的铣削是缸体加工中的一个关键工序,其平面度要求为0.02/145mm,表面粗造度为Ra1.6um 。在缸体的加工中,采用侧面和主轴轴承孔定位,顶面、底面和中间瓦盖面同时加工,在加工中采用线外对刀装置,能较好地满足发动机缸体加工精度要求;

3.4.2 一般孔系的加工


3.4.3 深油孔加工


3.4.4 清洗


3.4.5 检测



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