
Letter of Recommendation

Dear Sir or Madam,

This is ***, the Dean of School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guangdong University of Finance&Economics. I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Mr. ***555 as a competent candidate to your program. In the summer of 2012, ***55588 became the Director of the Mathematical Modeling Club. As the teacher in charge of this club, I naturally became acquainted with ***55588 and had the opportunities to know about this engaging and intelligent student.

First of all, ***55588, as the Director of the club, amply demonstrated his outstanding management skills and leadership ability. At the very beginning, the members of the club were mainly from School of Mathematics and Statistics, which was not good for the team members to absorb different ideas. To solve it, ***55588 strengthened the promotion, and expanded the targeted promotion students to other schools and departments. At the same time, he also tried his best to introduce the attractive and useful parts of mathematical modeling, reducing students’ misunderstanding of it. After a year, the club was developed from a 70-student club to a 130-student club with students from various departments, and won the title of “Club Star”. Owing to ***55588’s efforts, he was awarded as the “Outstanding Student Cadre”.

In addition, ***55588 showed his strong academic learning potential when he participated in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling held by COMAP under my guidance. During the training period, ***55588 practiced the former exercises diligently. Whenever he countered some questions he could not solve independently, he would come to me for help, never letting any questions go. From the questions he asked me, I could tell he had made many efforts on self-study, since he always consulted me questions about intelligence algorithm, such as neural network and genetic algorithm. Though he was not a Mathematics-major student, he possessed good understanding of mathematics and was formed with solid quantitative qualities. ***55588 also excelled in writing. His paper or work was always a great pleasure to read, for it was arranged in a clear and coherent way with severe logic.

At last, ***55588 also illustrated his strong team spirit during the competition. He got along well with his group members. When there were divergences of the paper, he was able to keep an open mind and listen to others’ opinions with modesty. Based on all I said before, his group won the National Second Prize. And I was very proud of the achievement he made and his progress.

Depending on my knowledge of ***55588, I believe he can do increasingly better in his future academic career. I therefore highly support his application for a student position at your esteemed school. And your favorable consideration will be strongly appreciated.

Best wishes,

***, Professor

Dean of School of Mathematics and Statistics

Guangdong University e and Ecmics Telephone: 86

Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: No.21 Chisha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510320, China

Letter of Recommendation

Dear Sir or Madam,

This is ***, the Dean of School of Mathematics and Statistics, Guangdong University of Finance&Economics. I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Mr. ***555 as a competent candidate to your program. In the summer of 2012, ***55588 became the Director of the Mathematical Modeling Club. As the teacher in charge of this club, I naturally became acquainted with ***55588 and had the opportunities to know about this engaging and intelligent student.

First of all, ***55588, as the Director of the club, amply demonstrated his outstanding management skills and leadership ability. At the very beginning, the members of the club were mainly from School of Mathematics and Statistics, which was not good for the team members to absorb different ideas. To solve it, ***55588 strengthened the promotion, and expanded the targeted promotion students to other schools and departments. At the same time, he also tried his best to introduce the attractive and useful parts of mathematical modeling, reducing students’ misunderstanding of it. After a year, the club was developed from a 70-student club to a 130-student club with students from various departments, and won the title of “Club Star”. Owing to ***55588’s efforts, he was awarded as the “Outstanding Student Cadre”.

In addition, ***55588 showed his strong academic learning potential when he participated in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling held by COMAP under my guidance. During the training period, ***55588 practiced the former exercises diligently. Whenever he countered some questions he could not solve independently, he would come to me for help, never letting any questions go. From the questions he asked me, I could tell he had made many efforts on self-study, since he always consulted me questions about intelligence algorithm, such as neural network and genetic algorithm. Though he was not a Mathematics-major student, he possessed good understanding of mathematics and was formed with solid quantitative qualities. ***55588 also excelled in writing. His paper or work was always a great pleasure to read, for it was arranged in a clear and coherent way with severe logic.

At last, ***55588 also illustrated his strong team spirit during the competition. He got along well with his group members. When there were divergences of the paper, he was able to keep an open mind and listen to others’ opinions with modesty. Based on all I said before, his group won the National Second Prize. And I was very proud of the achievement he made and his progress.

Depending on my knowledge of ***55588, I believe he can do increasingly better in his future academic career. I therefore highly support his application for a student position at your esteemed school. And your favorable consideration will be strongly appreciated.

Best wishes,

***, Professor

Dean of School of Mathematics and Statistics

Guangdong University e and Ecmics Telephone: 86

Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: No.21 Chisha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510320, China


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