
Reviews of《Friends 》


This winter holiday, I have watched the extremely fantastic American teleplay 《Friends 》,which is so popular to a high degree that it is one of the most welcome situation comedy in the world.The plot is closely developed with six main protagonists, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe and Chandler. Their friendship is the basis of the story, as well as the whole - length main thread, connecting all the drama story.

As we all know, one resultful way for human beings to express their feelings is to enjoy the humor, which also becomes a important topic in pragmatic study that how the human system itthe purpose to promote audiences to understand and enjoy the humor.

Surely it should be obvious to the spectators, that the conversations are always so funny as to make people cannot stop laughing. Chandler's acerb jokes, Monica's self-mockery, Phoebe' strange words, Joey' stupid utterance, and so on, that inevitably make us roll in the aisles. Not only the language humor, but also the action humor is the feature of this comedy. We are likely to see Phoebe' odd movements every day, Ross and Monica's exaggerated new year dance and Joey' clumsy and stupid behaviors in the drama. Factually, their inopportune talks and actions are actually the humor feature. No one can refuse the joy it brings.

Except the humor ,we are also supposed to contemplate the emotion topic the play conveys. Indeed, just as we enjoy the humorous plot, it occurs to us their deep friendships in the same time. They satirize each other, they quarrel without a break, and their personalities are quiet different, but they can't lose anyone of them, as well as their friendships are more and more deep with time going by. Generally speaking, though the six protagonists make fun of their own life and other's drawbacks without hesitation, they put whole their hearts into the friendships between them. Based on their mutual trust and respect, finally, they get on well.

And another thing I have learned from this play is the cultural differences between China and America. It is not the same between the two countries, when it comes to the view of family affection. One situation in the drama leaves me a pretty deep impression. When Ross' grandparent passed away, all the family members and friends participate the funeral. During the boring funeral, men watch the ball competition, while women talk happily, which makes me surprised,as it seems that they are not so sad. Afterwards, I understand that Americans do not have the same family hierarchy sense as Chinese. They treat other people including relatives and friends more equally. So when it refers to the view of friend affection, they are also more optional. They respect their friends' lifestyles and are unwilling to put their own opinions on them. Instead, individuals would like to consider more for friends and give tips to them in China. There are huge differences in American and Chinese culture.

Above are my reviews on 《Friends 》, I definitely think it is a nice play ,and I learned a lot from it.

Reviews of《Friends 》


This winter holiday, I have watched the extremely fantastic American teleplay 《Friends 》,which is so popular to a high degree that it is one of the most welcome situation comedy in the world.The plot is closely developed with six main protagonists, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe and Chandler. Their friendship is the basis of the story, as well as the whole - length main thread, connecting all the drama story.

As we all know, one resultful way for human beings to express their feelings is to enjoy the humor, which also becomes a important topic in pragmatic study that how the human system itthe purpose to promote audiences to understand and enjoy the humor.

Surely it should be obvious to the spectators, that the conversations are always so funny as to make people cannot stop laughing. Chandler's acerb jokes, Monica's self-mockery, Phoebe' strange words, Joey' stupid utterance, and so on, that inevitably make us roll in the aisles. Not only the language humor, but also the action humor is the feature of this comedy. We are likely to see Phoebe' odd movements every day, Ross and Monica's exaggerated new year dance and Joey' clumsy and stupid behaviors in the drama. Factually, their inopportune talks and actions are actually the humor feature. No one can refuse the joy it brings.

Except the humor ,we are also supposed to contemplate the emotion topic the play conveys. Indeed, just as we enjoy the humorous plot, it occurs to us their deep friendships in the same time. They satirize each other, they quarrel without a break, and their personalities are quiet different, but they can't lose anyone of them, as well as their friendships are more and more deep with time going by. Generally speaking, though the six protagonists make fun of their own life and other's drawbacks without hesitation, they put whole their hearts into the friendships between them. Based on their mutual trust and respect, finally, they get on well.

And another thing I have learned from this play is the cultural differences between China and America. It is not the same between the two countries, when it comes to the view of family affection. One situation in the drama leaves me a pretty deep impression. When Ross' grandparent passed away, all the family members and friends participate the funeral. During the boring funeral, men watch the ball competition, while women talk happily, which makes me surprised,as it seems that they are not so sad. Afterwards, I understand that Americans do not have the same family hierarchy sense as Chinese. They treat other people including relatives and friends more equally. So when it refers to the view of friend affection, they are also more optional. They respect their friends' lifestyles and are unwilling to put their own opinions on them. Instead, individuals would like to consider more for friends and give tips to them in China. There are huge differences in American and Chinese culture.

Above are my reviews on 《Friends 》, I definitely think it is a nice play ,and I learned a lot from it.


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