

一. 单选

(        )1.Mr. Green usually starts the day ______ breakfast.

A. to B. for C. with D. from

(        )2.Is there __________ with your bike?

A. something wrong B. wrong something

C. anything wrong D. wrong anything

(        ) 3.Eat a balanced diet ________ healthy.

A. to stay B. is staying C. will stay D. staying

(        )4.--____ is the weather like? -It’s warm.

A. What B. Which C. How D. When

(        )5. Mr. Brown usually comes here _______.

A. drive ships B. take a ship C. by sea D. on the sea

(        )6. Jim’s home is _______ from here.

A. 20 minutes B. 3kms far C. 20 minutes far D. 20 minutes’ walk

(        ) 7. Tom and Tim usually come to school ____ their father’s car.

A. by B. in C. at D. for

(        )8. Her home is ten kilometers ________.

A. away B. to C. from D. at

(        )9. Jay ran ______ faster than the other boys in the sports meeing.

A. so B. much C. very D. too

(        )10. Stay ______ and then you will do your work better.

A. quiet B. healthy C. at home D. health

(        )11. There is going to _____ a relaxing vacation in three weeks.

A. will have B. be C. have D. has

(        )12.The boy is ______ fat because he eats _____ junk food.

A. much too; much too B. much too; too much

C. too much; too much D. too much; much too

(        )13._____ good weather today!.

A. How B. What C. What a D. How a

(        )14.--- Why don’t’ you answer my question., Bill?

--- It’s ______ difficult ____ me to answer.

A. too; for B. so; to C. too; to D. very; to

(        )15. Coffee is ready. How nice it ____! Would you like some?

A. cooks B. smells C. sounds D. feels

(        )16. We’ll have _______ holiday next week.

A. a eight-day B. eight-days

C. eight-day D. an eight-day

(        )17. – How can I help you, mum?

n Please ____ these vegetables to the sandwich.

A. mix B. add C. put D. pour

(        )18._____ he is only 8 years old, he knows more about science

than his father.

A. But B. So C. Though D.Because

(        ) 19. – What should I do ,doctor/

__________ healthy, you should take more exercise.

A. Keep B. To keep C. Keeping D. Having kept

(        ) 20. It’s a serious problem. We can’t decide ______ Mr. Zhao comes back.

A. while B. since C. until D. so

(        )21. – Is your father ill?

n No, ________, only a little cold.

A. serious nothing B. nothing serious

C. serious anything D. anything serious

(        )22. – Do you know ______ it is from here to the gym?

n About twenty minutes’ walk.

A. how long B. how far C. how soon D. how often

(        )23. There are many tall buildings on ____ sides of the street.

A. either B. all C. both D. every

(        )24. Jim was born ______ a rainy evening.

A. on B. in C at D. with

二. 用所给词的适当形式填空.

1. Are you ___________ ( early) than Peter?

2.Harbin is in _________ ( north) China.

3.He finished _______ ( read) the book last Sunday.

4. Let’s talk about the ________ ( different) between English and Chinese.

5.They are planning ____________ ( visit) Tibet next week.

6. What about __________ ( go) to the movies tonight?

7. There _____(be) a number of people in the shop.

8 .Beijing is such an ________ city that I’m _________

in it very much. There are many places of _____ ( interest) in it.三.改错.  1. Lucy was never away to school last term.    ___________________

A    B          C   D

2. Her hair is shorter than her sister.   ______________

A         B              C            D

3. His father is seriouser than my father.  _________________

A            B    C                    D

4. Tom is as better at sports as Peter.  _________________

A     B      C        D

三.首字母填空5. My good friend Monica always does the same things like me. __

1. Surfing the Internet can help you get a lot of i________________.

2.Do you know which team w______ the football match yesterday?

3.L_______, I caught the first bus and got there on time.

4.It t_____ him about two hours to finish the work yesterday.

5.She is very shy and h______ speaks in class.

6. There are three h______ students in our school.

7. What does the word m_____?____________________

A                               B         C                         D

1.     ------______the paintings are drawn by meand the others by my brother.

A.All of   B.Some of  C.Any of   D.One of

2.Whowill______Headmaster Wang?

A.in place   B.in place of   C.take place   D.take the place of

3.I don’tknow______now.

A.where did they live   B.they live where

C.where theylived      D.where they live

4.Aftersupper hisgrandparents always go for a walk______this road.

A.long   B.cross  C.along   D.at

5.In the Uk,smokingkills about 114,000 people each year.300 people die every day because ofsmoking,and______them many are young smokers.

A.among   B.between  C.from   D.on

6.Everyone in myclass ______read books.

A.likes   B.like  C.likes to   D.like to

7.Although they______here for weeks only,they______quite well with us.

A.have come;getson   B.have got;gets up

C.have been;geton    D.has been to;get up

8.Can you tellme______?

A.what is hereading    B.what does he reading

C.he is readingwhat    D.what he is reading

9.He lookedsad.We______he had passed the exam.

A.hope   B.wish  C.want   D.guess


A.to come   B.comes  C.coming   D.come

11.Sorry,I tookyour MP3 ______ mistake.I’ll be______careful next time.

A.in;most   B.by;more  C.on;much

12.-Bob,how areyou feeling today?

-Much______,Idon’t want to eat anything.

A.better   B.worse  C.healthier

13.-How often doyou make phone______your friends?

-Once a week.

A.to   B.call to  c.calls to    D.calls for

14.It’s late inthe morning.The boy won’t be ______yet.

A.in bed   B.in the bed   C.in a bed  D.on the bed

15.I hope you______to me soon.

A.to write   B.are write  C.will write   D.write

16.Dr Kelly askedfor her final bill ______she  lefthospital.

A.before   B.after  C. when    D.because

17.My father______on business for two weeks.He’ll return in 3 days.

A left   B.has left  C.has gone   D.has been away

18.Siimon ______hisfingers when he was cooking the dinner.

A.burnt   B.was burning   C.has burnt  D.had burnt.

19.A cleverstudent is usually ______at asking questions.

A.well   B.weak  C.bad   D.good

20. ______prettyyour dress is!Where did you get it?

A.How   B.How a  C.What   D.What a

21.-How ara yougoing to the Summer Place?

-We’re going there______bike.

A.for   B.at  C.of   D.by

22.Do you know theman ______is sitting behind Nancy?

A.what   B.which  C.who   D.whom

23.I told you notto be late again,John, ______I?

A.do    B.did   C.don’t   D didn’t

24.Heremembersvyou somewhere before.Don’t you think so?

A.saw   B.to see  C.see   D.seeing

25.We ______to gointo the school unless we are in school uniforms.

A.allow   B.are allowed   C.are not allowed

26.-I’m sorry forbreaking your door.

- ______.

A.That’sright.    B.You’re welcome    C.Never mind

27.In the past fewyears there ______great changes in my hometown.

A.have been   B.were  C.had been   D.are

28.What  ______did you see in the classroom?

A.other   B.else  C.the other   D.others

29.My sister hasbeen in the country for ______.

A.two year and ahalf    B. two- and- a- half –year

C. two years and ahalf years   D. two years and a half

30.-Which coat is ______onme,the blue one or the black one?

-The blue one.

A.good   B.better   C.best   D.the best

31.-I have twobags;you can use______them.

-Thank you.

A.both of   B.all of  C.neither of   D.none of

32.Germanyis a country______.

A.in theEurope   B. in Europe   C.on Europe  D.on the Europe

33.-Whatabout_______dictionary on the bookshelf?

-It’s veryuseful,I think.

A.a   B.an  C.the   D.one

34.The boy _____Italked with just now is my best friend.

A.which   B.that  C.whose   D where

35.He used to______in the sun,but now he is used to____at night.

A.read;read    B.reading ;reading    C.read;reading

36.-Mum,we’regoing to visit an island this weekend.


A.Goodbye    B.That’s Ok    C.Not at all   D.Have a good trip

37.-I’ll have achemistry exam tomorrow.


A.Well done    B.You’re welcome   C.Good luck

38.I have justheard on the radio that Nanjing Road is jammed____cars.

A.in   B.on  C.with   D.at

39.-your monitoris never late for school,is he?

-______.He alwayscomes to school earlier than others.

A.Yes,he is    B.No,he isn’t    C.Yes,of course   D.No,sometimes

40.Twenty percentof his time______in listening to music.

A.is spent   B.is took  C.are spent    D.is paid

41.-It’s hottoday!How about going swimming after school?

-_______!Let’s askDaniel to go with us.

A.That’s OK   B.Best wishes   C.Good luck  D.Good idea.

42.-Could youplease tell me______?

-I live in Yan’an.

A.where do youlive    B.where were you born

C.where youlive     D.where you were born

43.Please writedown the new words in the text of_______.

A.LessonEleven     B.the Lesson  Eleven   C.Lesson Eleventh


1.      ________ do you swim with yourfriends?

I do that everyday.

A How soon    B How far  C How often    D How much

2. Here _______ the results _______ thestudent activity survey.

A is; with      B are; of     C is; of        D are; with

3. You must _______ yourself.

A look for      B take after   C take care    D look after

4.We should try our best _______ hard.

A work        B works      C working     D to work

5.--- _________ has Mr. Smith taught in ourschool?

---For three years.

A How often   B How long   C How many times  D How often

6. _________ give up, then you can besuccessful.

A Never       B Sometimes   C Often      D Usually

7. ----Is your lifestyle the same _______Linda’s, Jerry ?

----No, mine is quite different _______ hers.

A as; from     B as; as        C from; as     D from; from

8. Mike gave us _______ on how to improveEnglish.

A someadvices  B many advices  C some advice D an advice

9. ______ me carefully, boys and girls. Canyou _____me?

A Hear; listento  B listen to; hear from  C Hear; hear D Listen to; hear

10. This sweater looks_______, so it sells________.

A well;good    B good; well    C good; good   D well; well

11. In China, people like eating some yinfood ______ tofu.

A as           B like         C likes         D and

12. You have _______ yin, so you oftenfeel______ weak and tired.

A too much; too much    B muchtoo; much too

C too much ; much too   D muchtoo; too much

13. ---What’s _________ ?

---I have got a sore throat.

A matter     B your wrong  C your trouble with you  D the matter

14.---________ did it start ?

---About 3 days ago.

A How often  B How long   C When   D How soon

15. Don’t forget _________ him the news.

A tell        B to tell      C telling    D told

16. I am planning _______ a very ________vacation.

A to have; relaxing   B have; relaxing  C to have; relaxed   D have; relaxed

17. China is famous ________ the GreatWall.

A as         B with       C on       D for

18. ---Can you see _______ in the tree?

----No, I can see ________ .

A something; nothing   Banything; nothing  C nothing;anything  D anything; something

19.How about ________ tomorrow?

A go hiking     B go hike     C going hike       D going hiking

20.You should keep your house ________ .

A cleaning      B toclean    C clean           D cleans

21. It takes us 2 hours _______ to the zoo.

A ride          B to ride     C rode            D riding

22.--- How do you go to school?

---_______ .

A By foot       B On foot    C By feet          D On feet

23. If you have ________ questions, pleaseask me.

A other         B else       C the other         D others

24. ________ like singing and dancing;_______ like playing chess.

A One; the other  B Some; theother  C Some; others  D Some; the others

25. I often _______ home.

A walk to       B on foot     C walk           D walks

26. Yang Liping is famous _______ a greatdancer.

A for           B to         C as             D with

27. Ann’s home is about 10 kilometers_______ school.

A away         B to         C away from      D far from

28. My father’s office is at the top. I cansee the whole city _______ the office.

A  from        B on         C with           D in

29. The girl looks the _______ her father.

A same like      B like       C same as         D same

30. The famous writer gave us _______ abouthow to write novels.

A talk          B a talk       C talking         D to talk

31. Danny said that he would be a doctor_______ two more years.

A after         B before       C in             D for

32. We _______ you a merry Christmas.

A hope         B make        C wish           D take

33. Nobody helps Mary ______ Lily.

A that          B but          C with           D for

34. Which is _________, the sun or themoon?

A big          B bigger        C biggest         D more big

35. --- How do you feel today, Ted?

--- I feel _______ better today, thank you.

A more        B little          C a few          D a little

36. ---Of the two man , who is your father?

---________ of them is my father.

A Neither      B Both         C None           D Either

37. This book is ______ as that one.

A same        B different      C the same        D difference

38. You look tired. Why ________ a rest?

A not to have    B don’thave   C not have         D no have

39. The government plans _________ a squarehere.

A to build     B building      C build         D built

40. There isn’t ______ on TV.

A something important  B important something  C anything important  D important something

41. ---- Is everyone here today?

---- No, Tom isn’t here. He must ______ .

A is ill       B be ill      C be illness     D healthy

42.--_______ shall we make it?

--You must cut up the apples first.

A Where     B Who       C How        D Which

43._________ yogurt shall we need?

A How many   B How little   C How much  D How few

44.First you peel some bananas. Then youcan _____ .

A cut it up     B cut upit    C cut them up   D cut up them

45. It’s raining now. You have to take______ umbrella with you.

A a           B an         C some        D /

46. They gave up the plan ________ the end.

A in          B at         C with         D on

47. Can you say it again? I ________ youclearly.

A hear        B heard      C don’t hear     D didn’t hear

48.--- Did you see any seals?

---________. I saw nothing.

A Yes, I did    B Yes, I didn’t   C No, I did     D No, I didn’t





1._____yourhomework to school tomorrow,please.(D)

A.Take    B.bring  C.Took   D.Bring

2._Icalled you at half past nine this morning,but there was no anser.

_Oh,sorry,I_____withmy cousin in the supermarket.(B)

A.shop    B.was shopping   C.shopped  D.will shop

3._____people were very surprised.(A)

A.Other   B.The other  C.Another   D.The others

4._Sofar,how long_____you_____China?

-_Forone year.

A.have;cometo   B.have;been to   C.have;been in   D.have;gone to

5.Veryfew people_____after great men.

A.arenamed   B.name   C.names  D.named

6.Thereparents_____famous directors.

A.is   B.are  C.am   D.be

7._There_____nomilk in the fridge.Could you get some for me,Dick?


A.is   B.are  C.was   D.were

8.Thebird comes _____my hand and _____the food.

A.on;for   B.to;eats  C.in;up   D.from;eat


A.think   B.like  C.knows   D.happy

10.Theyoung man was often seen_____by the lake.

A.todraw   B.to drawing   C.draw  D.drew

11.Manystudents often learn English for their _____studies because_____the collegesome of their books are written i_____English.

A.lower   B.longer  C.shorter   D.higher

A.near   B.at  C.on   D.with

A.in   B.on  C.by   D.with

12.Hehopes his students will be honest and he is_____with them.

A.pleased;   B.anger  C.strict   D.busy

13.Wewill have a meeting_____two minutes.

A.in   B.for  C.at   D.on

14.Allof them _____me had been there before.

A.but   B.that  C.beside   D.except for

15.WhenI met him,I saw him_____on the playground.

A.playthe basketball   B. playing thebasketball

C.play basketball   D. playing basketball

16.Hurryup! The play_____ for ten minutes.

A.has begun  B.had begun   C.has been on   D.began

17.Hewas having a rest_____yesterday

A.atnoon   B.at the noon   C.at a noon  D.since noon


A.whatbook is Tom’s.   B.which picture wasTom’s.

C.whichpicture Tom’s is   D.which picture Tom’swas.

19.Hismother came_____his bedroom.

A.in   B.out  C.into   D.with

20.Please_____meyour new story book tomorrow.”Lucy said.

A.bring   B.take  C.carry

21.Lighttravels faster than_____.

A.sound   B.noise  C.voice

22._Excuseme,is this the right way to No.1 middle school?

_Sorry,I’mnot sure.But it_____be.

A.can   B.need  C.must   D.may

23._Hi,Tom.Here’syour cap. _____!

A.Get   B.Catch  C.Bring   D.Take

24.Hesaid he_____start working the following week.

A.isgoing to   B.was going to   C.were going to   D.had gone to

25.I’m_____youhave read many books.

A.sorry   B.sure  c.thinking   D.saying

26.Youoften get books from your parents or friends_____.

A.fora present   B.as a present   C.for presents   D.as presents

27.Everyone in the factory has to work.Very carefully because_____must not be anymistakes in it.

A.that   B.this  C.it   D.there

28.Haveyou _____thought of how people make a book?

A.just   B.yet  C.ever   D.even

29._Whatdid you get_____your mother_____Mother’s Day?

_Abeautiful card with”Thank You.Mum.”

A.for;in   B.for;on  C.to;for   D.to;at

30._Yourbrother doesn’t get up early,does he?

--______.Buthe gets up late on weekends.

A.Yes,hedoes.   B.No,he doesn’t   C.Yes,he doesn’t   D.No,he does.

31.LiHongcame into the classroom_____usual.

A.like   B.as  C.on   D.in

32.Theywere all_____in school uniform.

A.alike   B.like  C.live   D.alive

33.Best____forMother’s Day!

A.wish   B.to wish  C.wishes   D.wished

34.OnMother’s Day,children give____,____the whole family go out and try to do____forthe mother.

A.presentto their mothers;but;anything nice

B.presents to their mothers;or;something nice

C.presents for their mother;than;nice everything

D.theirmother presents;yet;nice something

35.Youshould take more____.Don’t always sit at the desk busy doing your____.

A.exercise;exercise   B. exercises;exercises

C.exercises;exercise   D.exercise;exercises

36.The____result is that he wins the competition.

A.finally   B.final  C.first   D.lastly

37.Ifeel it hard to keep up with my classmates.But whenever I want to ____,myteacher always encourages me to work hard.

A.goon   B.give up   C.run away  D.give back

38.-____you____the magazine from the school library yet?

-Yes,I____itfor two weeks.

A.Have;borrowed;havekept   B.Have;borrowed;have borrowed



39.-MayI speak to John?

-Sorry,he____Japan.Buthe____in two days.

A.hasbeen to;will come back   B.has goneto;will be back

C.hasbeen in;would come back   D.has goneto;won’t come back

40.-Whyis your brother’s English so good?

-Becausehe____New Yorkfor six years.

A.hascome to   B.has been in   C.has gone  D.has been to

41.-Howlong have you____china?

-Forthree years.

A.comeback   B.returned   C.left  D.been away from

42.-Jackhasn’t paid for the school things,has he?

-____.Hisfather will pay for him.

A.Yes,hehas   B.Yes,he did   C.No,he hasn’t   D.No,he didn’t

43.Yangyangnever plays video games in his spare time____?

A.ishe   B.isn’t he   C.does he  D.doesn’t he

44.Don’tplan____driving a car in Tibet,____?

A.to;willyou   B.on;do you   C.on,will you   D.to;do you

45.-Iknocked over my tea cup.It went right over____key board.

-Youshouldn’t put drinks near ____computer.

A.the;/   B.the;a  C.a;/   D.a;a

46.Jane____,I’m waiting for her.

A.cameback   B.has come back   C.hasn’t come back

47.Mybrother is going to look for another job____the company offers him more money.

A.after   B.when  C.unless   D.besides

48.-Wouldyou like some more chicken?


A.yes,please   B.No,thanks  C.Yes,I would   D.No,I wouldn’t

49.We’rehaving a ____to____our success.

A.celebrate;celebrate   B. celebration;celebration

C.celebrate;celebration   D.celebration;celebrate

50.____the bad weather,the swimming match had been put off.

A.Because   B.Thanks to  C.With the help of    D.Because of

51.-Excuseme.Could you tell me____later on?

-Waita minute.It is coming in ten minutes.

A.ifthe next train arrives   B.if the nexttrain will arrive

C.whenthe next train will arrives   D.when willthe next train arrive

52.-Mum,whatare you doing?

-Youruncle has come.I____put an extra fork on the table.

A.will   B.have  C.would

53.Jackhas been to Disneyland before,but he ____therethis summer.

A.hasbeen   B.is going   C.went  D.goes

54.Theprice of this computer is the____of the three.

A.smallest   B.biggest  C.highest   D.tallest

55.____it was yesterday because of the storm!

A.Whatbad weather   B.What a bad weather

C.Howbad a weather   D.How bad weather

56.____exciting news!We’ve never had____long vacation before.

A.What;sucha   B.What an;such a  C.How;such a  D.What;so

57.We’ve never had____long a vacation before.

A.such    B. so

58.BeforeNew Year’sDay,people are____shopping and ____their houses.

A.free   B.busy  C.happy   D.beautiful

A.clean   B.to clean  C.cleaning   D.cleaned

59.Wecall the Chinese New Year the Sping Festival.There is a name ____each Chiineseyear.

A.in   B.on  C./   D.for

60.-Isthe weather____in different parts of Australia?


A.like   B.different  C.the same   D.same

61.It’sgood____for a walk after supper.

A.go   B.to go  C.going   D.goes

62.Whatdo you mean____”all right”?

A.by   B.from  C.for   D.with

63.Ourforeign teacher often tells us____in class and so we all find his class____.

A.anythinginteresting;interested   B. anythinginteresting;interesting

C.something interesting;interesting D.something interesting;interested


64.Therelots of interesting books in our library.

A.much   B.many  C.a few   D.a little

65.Teenagerslike to watch a movie at home with their friends.

A.Youngmen   B.Young children  C.Young people between 13 and 19  D. Young people between 20 and 25

66.Doyou usually do any sports after school?

A.get   B.make  C.study   D.play

67.-Comeand see me in____.

-Withpleasure.That’s what I’m expecting.

A.twoor three days’   B.two or three day’stime

C.twoor three day’ time

68.____is too much for the boy to lift.

A.Theweight of the box   B.The box’sweight

C.thebox weight   D.The box of weight

69.Theold teacher is a friend____.

A.mybrother’s   B.my brother   C.of my brother’s   D.a brother’s

70.AudreyHepburn was born in Belgium____4th May 1929.

A.at   B.in  C.on   D.from

71.-Canyou turn these English sentences____Chinese?


A.with   B.into  C.for   D.of

72.-Youforgot____the door.

-Oh,____.I’ll go and close it.

A.closing;sodid I   B.to close;so I did

C.closing;nordid I   D.to close;neither did I

73.-Doyou mind if I____the Tv a bit?

-Yes,Ido.Because I’m busy with my homework now.

A.turnon   B.turn up   C.turn down  D.turn off

74.Youare supposed____to her as soon as possible.

A.towriting   B.writing   C.to write  D.write

75.He____apresent from his grandparents just now.

A.A.gets   B.got  C.has got   D.was getting

76.Hewill call me____he gets there.

A.theminute   B.since   C.though  D.while

77.-Idon’t know____to do with this maths problem.It’s too hard.

A.which   B.how  C.what   D.when

78.EverySunday I went to my____,as my aunt had a lot of interesting books.

A.aunt   B.aunts’s  C.aunts’   D.aunt’s

79.The____Park will open next week.

A.Children’s   B.Childrens’   C.Children   D.Children’

80.Letme show you____.

A.apicture’s family   B.a my family ofpicture

C.myfamily of a picture   D.a picture of myfamily

81.It’sa book of____.

A.myfather   B.my father’s   C.mine father

82.-Wheredid you put the keys?

Oh,I____Iput them on the chair because the phone rang as I____in.

A.remembered;come   B.remembered;was coming

C.remember;come   D.remember;was coming

83.-MayI____this T-shirt?

-Sure,thedressing room is over there.

A.dressup   B.find out   C.put off  D.try on

84.Theheadmaster said they would have____library____.

A.another;built   B.other;built   C.another;build   D.other;building

85.Theairport is about five kilometers____here.

A.awayfrom   B.away   C.far away  D.far from

86.-Howis the weather tomorrow.

-Idon’t know if it ____tomorrow.

-Well,ifit____,Iwon’t go out with you.

A.willrain;will rain   B.rains;rains  C.rains;will rain   D.willrain;rains

87.If____makes a contribution to protecting the environment,the world will becomemuch more ____.

A.everybody;beautiful   B.somebody;important

C.nobody;hopeful   D.anybody;useful


一. 单选

(        )1.Mr. Green usually starts the day ______ breakfast.

A. to B. for C. with D. from

(        )2.Is there __________ with your bike?

A. something wrong B. wrong something

C. anything wrong D. wrong anything

(        ) 3.Eat a balanced diet ________ healthy.

A. to stay B. is staying C. will stay D. staying

(        )4.--____ is the weather like? -It’s warm.

A. What B. Which C. How D. When

(        )5. Mr. Brown usually comes here _______.

A. drive ships B. take a ship C. by sea D. on the sea

(        )6. Jim’s home is _______ from here.

A. 20 minutes B. 3kms far C. 20 minutes far D. 20 minutes’ walk

(        ) 7. Tom and Tim usually come to school ____ their father’s car.

A. by B. in C. at D. for

(        )8. Her home is ten kilometers ________.

A. away B. to C. from D. at

(        )9. Jay ran ______ faster than the other boys in the sports meeing.

A. so B. much C. very D. too

(        )10. Stay ______ and then you will do your work better.

A. quiet B. healthy C. at home D. health

(        )11. There is going to _____ a relaxing vacation in three weeks.

A. will have B. be C. have D. has

(        )12.The boy is ______ fat because he eats _____ junk food.

A. much too; much too B. much too; too much

C. too much; too much D. too much; much too

(        )13._____ good weather today!.

A. How B. What C. What a D. How a

(        )14.--- Why don’t’ you answer my question., Bill?

--- It’s ______ difficult ____ me to answer.

A. too; for B. so; to C. too; to D. very; to

(        )15. Coffee is ready. How nice it ____! Would you like some?

A. cooks B. smells C. sounds D. feels

(        )16. We’ll have _______ holiday next week.

A. a eight-day B. eight-days

C. eight-day D. an eight-day

(        )17. – How can I help you, mum?

n Please ____ these vegetables to the sandwich.

A. mix B. add C. put D. pour

(        )18._____ he is only 8 years old, he knows more about science

than his father.

A. But B. So C. Though D.Because

(        ) 19. – What should I do ,doctor/

__________ healthy, you should take more exercise.

A. Keep B. To keep C. Keeping D. Having kept

(        ) 20. It’s a serious problem. We can’t decide ______ Mr. Zhao comes back.

A. while B. since C. until D. so

(        )21. – Is your father ill?

n No, ________, only a little cold.

A. serious nothing B. nothing serious

C. serious anything D. anything serious

(        )22. – Do you know ______ it is from here to the gym?

n About twenty minutes’ walk.

A. how long B. how far C. how soon D. how often

(        )23. There are many tall buildings on ____ sides of the street.

A. either B. all C. both D. every

(        )24. Jim was born ______ a rainy evening.

A. on B. in C at D. with

二. 用所给词的适当形式填空.

1. Are you ___________ ( early) than Peter?

2.Harbin is in _________ ( north) China.

3.He finished _______ ( read) the book last Sunday.

4. Let’s talk about the ________ ( different) between English and Chinese.

5.They are planning ____________ ( visit) Tibet next week.

6. What about __________ ( go) to the movies tonight?

7. There _____(be) a number of people in the shop.

8 .Beijing is such an ________ city that I’m _________

in it very much. There are many places of _____ ( interest) in it.三.改错.  1. Lucy was never away to school last term.    ___________________

A    B          C   D

2. Her hair is shorter than her sister.   ______________

A         B              C            D

3. His father is seriouser than my father.  _________________

A            B    C                    D

4. Tom is as better at sports as Peter.  _________________

A     B      C        D

三.首字母填空5. My good friend Monica always does the same things like me. __

1. Surfing the Internet can help you get a lot of i________________.

2.Do you know which team w______ the football match yesterday?

3.L_______, I caught the first bus and got there on time.

4.It t_____ him about two hours to finish the work yesterday.

5.She is very shy and h______ speaks in class.

6. There are three h______ students in our school.

7. What does the word m_____?____________________

A                               B         C                         D

1.     ------______the paintings are drawn by meand the others by my brother.

A.All of   B.Some of  C.Any of   D.One of

2.Whowill______Headmaster Wang?

A.in place   B.in place of   C.take place   D.take the place of

3.I don’tknow______now.

A.where did they live   B.they live where

C.where theylived      D.where they live

4.Aftersupper hisgrandparents always go for a walk______this road.

A.long   B.cross  C.along   D.at

5.In the Uk,smokingkills about 114,000 people each year.300 people die every day because ofsmoking,and______them many are young smokers.

A.among   B.between  C.from   D.on

6.Everyone in myclass ______read books.

A.likes   B.like  C.likes to   D.like to

7.Although they______here for weeks only,they______quite well with us.

A.have come;getson   B.have got;gets up

C.have been;geton    D.has been to;get up

8.Can you tellme______?

A.what is hereading    B.what does he reading

C.he is readingwhat    D.what he is reading

9.He lookedsad.We______he had passed the exam.

A.hope   B.wish  C.want   D.guess


A.to come   B.comes  C.coming   D.come

11.Sorry,I tookyour MP3 ______ mistake.I’ll be______careful next time.

A.in;most   B.by;more  C.on;much

12.-Bob,how areyou feeling today?

-Much______,Idon’t want to eat anything.

A.better   B.worse  C.healthier

13.-How often doyou make phone______your friends?

-Once a week.

A.to   B.call to  c.calls to    D.calls for

14.It’s late inthe morning.The boy won’t be ______yet.

A.in bed   B.in the bed   C.in a bed  D.on the bed

15.I hope you______to me soon.

A.to write   B.are write  C.will write   D.write

16.Dr Kelly askedfor her final bill ______she  lefthospital.

A.before   B.after  C. when    D.because

17.My father______on business for two weeks.He’ll return in 3 days.

A left   B.has left  C.has gone   D.has been away

18.Siimon ______hisfingers when he was cooking the dinner.

A.burnt   B.was burning   C.has burnt  D.had burnt.

19.A cleverstudent is usually ______at asking questions.

A.well   B.weak  C.bad   D.good

20. ______prettyyour dress is!Where did you get it?

A.How   B.How a  C.What   D.What a

21.-How ara yougoing to the Summer Place?

-We’re going there______bike.

A.for   B.at  C.of   D.by

22.Do you know theman ______is sitting behind Nancy?

A.what   B.which  C.who   D.whom

23.I told you notto be late again,John, ______I?

A.do    B.did   C.don’t   D didn’t

24.Heremembersvyou somewhere before.Don’t you think so?

A.saw   B.to see  C.see   D.seeing

25.We ______to gointo the school unless we are in school uniforms.

A.allow   B.are allowed   C.are not allowed

26.-I’m sorry forbreaking your door.

- ______.

A.That’sright.    B.You’re welcome    C.Never mind

27.In the past fewyears there ______great changes in my hometown.

A.have been   B.were  C.had been   D.are

28.What  ______did you see in the classroom?

A.other   B.else  C.the other   D.others

29.My sister hasbeen in the country for ______.

A.two year and ahalf    B. two- and- a- half –year

C. two years and ahalf years   D. two years and a half

30.-Which coat is ______onme,the blue one or the black one?

-The blue one.

A.good   B.better   C.best   D.the best

31.-I have twobags;you can use______them.

-Thank you.

A.both of   B.all of  C.neither of   D.none of

32.Germanyis a country______.

A.in theEurope   B. in Europe   C.on Europe  D.on the Europe

33.-Whatabout_______dictionary on the bookshelf?

-It’s veryuseful,I think.

A.a   B.an  C.the   D.one

34.The boy _____Italked with just now is my best friend.

A.which   B.that  C.whose   D where

35.He used to______in the sun,but now he is used to____at night.

A.read;read    B.reading ;reading    C.read;reading

36.-Mum,we’regoing to visit an island this weekend.


A.Goodbye    B.That’s Ok    C.Not at all   D.Have a good trip

37.-I’ll have achemistry exam tomorrow.


A.Well done    B.You’re welcome   C.Good luck

38.I have justheard on the radio that Nanjing Road is jammed____cars.

A.in   B.on  C.with   D.at

39.-your monitoris never late for school,is he?

-______.He alwayscomes to school earlier than others.

A.Yes,he is    B.No,he isn’t    C.Yes,of course   D.No,sometimes

40.Twenty percentof his time______in listening to music.

A.is spent   B.is took  C.are spent    D.is paid

41.-It’s hottoday!How about going swimming after school?

-_______!Let’s askDaniel to go with us.

A.That’s OK   B.Best wishes   C.Good luck  D.Good idea.

42.-Could youplease tell me______?

-I live in Yan’an.

A.where do youlive    B.where were you born

C.where youlive     D.where you were born

43.Please writedown the new words in the text of_______.

A.LessonEleven     B.the Lesson  Eleven   C.Lesson Eleventh


1.      ________ do you swim with yourfriends?

I do that everyday.

A How soon    B How far  C How often    D How much

2. Here _______ the results _______ thestudent activity survey.

A is; with      B are; of     C is; of        D are; with

3. You must _______ yourself.

A look for      B take after   C take care    D look after

4.We should try our best _______ hard.

A work        B works      C working     D to work

5.--- _________ has Mr. Smith taught in ourschool?

---For three years.

A How often   B How long   C How many times  D How often

6. _________ give up, then you can besuccessful.

A Never       B Sometimes   C Often      D Usually

7. ----Is your lifestyle the same _______Linda’s, Jerry ?

----No, mine is quite different _______ hers.

A as; from     B as; as        C from; as     D from; from

8. Mike gave us _______ on how to improveEnglish.

A someadvices  B many advices  C some advice D an advice

9. ______ me carefully, boys and girls. Canyou _____me?

A Hear; listento  B listen to; hear from  C Hear; hear D Listen to; hear

10. This sweater looks_______, so it sells________.

A well;good    B good; well    C good; good   D well; well

11. In China, people like eating some yinfood ______ tofu.

A as           B like         C likes         D and

12. You have _______ yin, so you oftenfeel______ weak and tired.

A too much; too much    B muchtoo; much too

C too much ; much too   D muchtoo; too much

13. ---What’s _________ ?

---I have got a sore throat.

A matter     B your wrong  C your trouble with you  D the matter

14.---________ did it start ?

---About 3 days ago.

A How often  B How long   C When   D How soon

15. Don’t forget _________ him the news.

A tell        B to tell      C telling    D told

16. I am planning _______ a very ________vacation.

A to have; relaxing   B have; relaxing  C to have; relaxed   D have; relaxed

17. China is famous ________ the GreatWall.

A as         B with       C on       D for

18. ---Can you see _______ in the tree?

----No, I can see ________ .

A something; nothing   Banything; nothing  C nothing;anything  D anything; something

19.How about ________ tomorrow?

A go hiking     B go hike     C going hike       D going hiking

20.You should keep your house ________ .

A cleaning      B toclean    C clean           D cleans

21. It takes us 2 hours _______ to the zoo.

A ride          B to ride     C rode            D riding

22.--- How do you go to school?

---_______ .

A By foot       B On foot    C By feet          D On feet

23. If you have ________ questions, pleaseask me.

A other         B else       C the other         D others

24. ________ like singing and dancing;_______ like playing chess.

A One; the other  B Some; theother  C Some; others  D Some; the others

25. I often _______ home.

A walk to       B on foot     C walk           D walks

26. Yang Liping is famous _______ a greatdancer.

A for           B to         C as             D with

27. Ann’s home is about 10 kilometers_______ school.

A away         B to         C away from      D far from

28. My father’s office is at the top. I cansee the whole city _______ the office.

A  from        B on         C with           D in

29. The girl looks the _______ her father.

A same like      B like       C same as         D same

30. The famous writer gave us _______ abouthow to write novels.

A talk          B a talk       C talking         D to talk

31. Danny said that he would be a doctor_______ two more years.

A after         B before       C in             D for

32. We _______ you a merry Christmas.

A hope         B make        C wish           D take

33. Nobody helps Mary ______ Lily.

A that          B but          C with           D for

34. Which is _________, the sun or themoon?

A big          B bigger        C biggest         D more big

35. --- How do you feel today, Ted?

--- I feel _______ better today, thank you.

A more        B little          C a few          D a little

36. ---Of the two man , who is your father?

---________ of them is my father.

A Neither      B Both         C None           D Either

37. This book is ______ as that one.

A same        B different      C the same        D difference

38. You look tired. Why ________ a rest?

A not to have    B don’thave   C not have         D no have

39. The government plans _________ a squarehere.

A to build     B building      C build         D built

40. There isn’t ______ on TV.

A something important  B important something  C anything important  D important something

41. ---- Is everyone here today?

---- No, Tom isn’t here. He must ______ .

A is ill       B be ill      C be illness     D healthy

42.--_______ shall we make it?

--You must cut up the apples first.

A Where     B Who       C How        D Which

43._________ yogurt shall we need?

A How many   B How little   C How much  D How few

44.First you peel some bananas. Then youcan _____ .

A cut it up     B cut upit    C cut them up   D cut up them

45. It’s raining now. You have to take______ umbrella with you.

A a           B an         C some        D /

46. They gave up the plan ________ the end.

A in          B at         C with         D on

47. Can you say it again? I ________ youclearly.

A hear        B heard      C don’t hear     D didn’t hear

48.--- Did you see any seals?

---________. I saw nothing.

A Yes, I did    B Yes, I didn’t   C No, I did     D No, I didn’t





1._____yourhomework to school tomorrow,please.(D)

A.Take    B.bring  C.Took   D.Bring

2._Icalled you at half past nine this morning,but there was no anser.

_Oh,sorry,I_____withmy cousin in the supermarket.(B)

A.shop    B.was shopping   C.shopped  D.will shop

3._____people were very surprised.(A)

A.Other   B.The other  C.Another   D.The others

4._Sofar,how long_____you_____China?

-_Forone year.

A.have;cometo   B.have;been to   C.have;been in   D.have;gone to

5.Veryfew people_____after great men.

A.arenamed   B.name   C.names  D.named

6.Thereparents_____famous directors.

A.is   B.are  C.am   D.be

7._There_____nomilk in the fridge.Could you get some for me,Dick?


A.is   B.are  C.was   D.were

8.Thebird comes _____my hand and _____the food.

A.on;for   B.to;eats  C.in;up   D.from;eat


A.think   B.like  C.knows   D.happy

10.Theyoung man was often seen_____by the lake.

A.todraw   B.to drawing   C.draw  D.drew

11.Manystudents often learn English for their _____studies because_____the collegesome of their books are written i_____English.

A.lower   B.longer  C.shorter   D.higher

A.near   B.at  C.on   D.with

A.in   B.on  C.by   D.with

12.Hehopes his students will be honest and he is_____with them.

A.pleased;   B.anger  C.strict   D.busy

13.Wewill have a meeting_____two minutes.

A.in   B.for  C.at   D.on

14.Allof them _____me had been there before.

A.but   B.that  C.beside   D.except for

15.WhenI met him,I saw him_____on the playground.

A.playthe basketball   B. playing thebasketball

C.play basketball   D. playing basketball

16.Hurryup! The play_____ for ten minutes.

A.has begun  B.had begun   C.has been on   D.began

17.Hewas having a rest_____yesterday

A.atnoon   B.at the noon   C.at a noon  D.since noon


A.whatbook is Tom’s.   B.which picture wasTom’s.

C.whichpicture Tom’s is   D.which picture Tom’swas.

19.Hismother came_____his bedroom.

A.in   B.out  C.into   D.with

20.Please_____meyour new story book tomorrow.”Lucy said.

A.bring   B.take  C.carry

21.Lighttravels faster than_____.

A.sound   B.noise  C.voice

22._Excuseme,is this the right way to No.1 middle school?

_Sorry,I’mnot sure.But it_____be.

A.can   B.need  C.must   D.may

23._Hi,Tom.Here’syour cap. _____!

A.Get   B.Catch  C.Bring   D.Take

24.Hesaid he_____start working the following week.

A.isgoing to   B.was going to   C.were going to   D.had gone to

25.I’m_____youhave read many books.

A.sorry   B.sure  c.thinking   D.saying

26.Youoften get books from your parents or friends_____.

A.fora present   B.as a present   C.for presents   D.as presents

27.Everyone in the factory has to work.Very carefully because_____must not be anymistakes in it.

A.that   B.this  C.it   D.there

28.Haveyou _____thought of how people make a book?

A.just   B.yet  C.ever   D.even

29._Whatdid you get_____your mother_____Mother’s Day?

_Abeautiful card with”Thank You.Mum.”

A.for;in   B.for;on  C.to;for   D.to;at

30._Yourbrother doesn’t get up early,does he?

--______.Buthe gets up late on weekends.

A.Yes,hedoes.   B.No,he doesn’t   C.Yes,he doesn’t   D.No,he does.

31.LiHongcame into the classroom_____usual.

A.like   B.as  C.on   D.in

32.Theywere all_____in school uniform.

A.alike   B.like  C.live   D.alive

33.Best____forMother’s Day!

A.wish   B.to wish  C.wishes   D.wished

34.OnMother’s Day,children give____,____the whole family go out and try to do____forthe mother.

A.presentto their mothers;but;anything nice

B.presents to their mothers;or;something nice

C.presents for their mother;than;nice everything

D.theirmother presents;yet;nice something

35.Youshould take more____.Don’t always sit at the desk busy doing your____.

A.exercise;exercise   B. exercises;exercises

C.exercises;exercise   D.exercise;exercises

36.The____result is that he wins the competition.

A.finally   B.final  C.first   D.lastly

37.Ifeel it hard to keep up with my classmates.But whenever I want to ____,myteacher always encourages me to work hard.

A.goon   B.give up   C.run away  D.give back

38.-____you____the magazine from the school library yet?

-Yes,I____itfor two weeks.

A.Have;borrowed;havekept   B.Have;borrowed;have borrowed



39.-MayI speak to John?

-Sorry,he____Japan.Buthe____in two days.

A.hasbeen to;will come back   B.has goneto;will be back

C.hasbeen in;would come back   D.has goneto;won’t come back

40.-Whyis your brother’s English so good?

-Becausehe____New Yorkfor six years.

A.hascome to   B.has been in   C.has gone  D.has been to

41.-Howlong have you____china?

-Forthree years.

A.comeback   B.returned   C.left  D.been away from

42.-Jackhasn’t paid for the school things,has he?

-____.Hisfather will pay for him.

A.Yes,hehas   B.Yes,he did   C.No,he hasn’t   D.No,he didn’t

43.Yangyangnever plays video games in his spare time____?

A.ishe   B.isn’t he   C.does he  D.doesn’t he

44.Don’tplan____driving a car in Tibet,____?

A.to;willyou   B.on;do you   C.on,will you   D.to;do you

45.-Iknocked over my tea cup.It went right over____key board.

-Youshouldn’t put drinks near ____computer.

A.the;/   B.the;a  C.a;/   D.a;a

46.Jane____,I’m waiting for her.

A.cameback   B.has come back   C.hasn’t come back

47.Mybrother is going to look for another job____the company offers him more money.

A.after   B.when  C.unless   D.besides

48.-Wouldyou like some more chicken?


A.yes,please   B.No,thanks  C.Yes,I would   D.No,I wouldn’t

49.We’rehaving a ____to____our success.

A.celebrate;celebrate   B. celebration;celebration

C.celebrate;celebration   D.celebration;celebrate

50.____the bad weather,the swimming match had been put off.

A.Because   B.Thanks to  C.With the help of    D.Because of

51.-Excuseme.Could you tell me____later on?

-Waita minute.It is coming in ten minutes.

A.ifthe next train arrives   B.if the nexttrain will arrive

C.whenthe next train will arrives   D.when willthe next train arrive

52.-Mum,whatare you doing?

-Youruncle has come.I____put an extra fork on the table.

A.will   B.have  C.would

53.Jackhas been to Disneyland before,but he ____therethis summer.

A.hasbeen   B.is going   C.went  D.goes

54.Theprice of this computer is the____of the three.

A.smallest   B.biggest  C.highest   D.tallest

55.____it was yesterday because of the storm!

A.Whatbad weather   B.What a bad weather

C.Howbad a weather   D.How bad weather

56.____exciting news!We’ve never had____long vacation before.

A.What;sucha   B.What an;such a  C.How;such a  D.What;so

57.We’ve never had____long a vacation before.

A.such    B. so

58.BeforeNew Year’sDay,people are____shopping and ____their houses.

A.free   B.busy  C.happy   D.beautiful

A.clean   B.to clean  C.cleaning   D.cleaned

59.Wecall the Chinese New Year the Sping Festival.There is a name ____each Chiineseyear.

A.in   B.on  C./   D.for

60.-Isthe weather____in different parts of Australia?


A.like   B.different  C.the same   D.same

61.It’sgood____for a walk after supper.

A.go   B.to go  C.going   D.goes

62.Whatdo you mean____”all right”?

A.by   B.from  C.for   D.with

63.Ourforeign teacher often tells us____in class and so we all find his class____.

A.anythinginteresting;interested   B. anythinginteresting;interesting

C.something interesting;interesting D.something interesting;interested


64.Therelots of interesting books in our library.

A.much   B.many  C.a few   D.a little

65.Teenagerslike to watch a movie at home with their friends.

A.Youngmen   B.Young children  C.Young people between 13 and 19  D. Young people between 20 and 25

66.Doyou usually do any sports after school?

A.get   B.make  C.study   D.play

67.-Comeand see me in____.

-Withpleasure.That’s what I’m expecting.

A.twoor three days’   B.two or three day’stime

C.twoor three day’ time

68.____is too much for the boy to lift.

A.Theweight of the box   B.The box’sweight

C.thebox weight   D.The box of weight

69.Theold teacher is a friend____.

A.mybrother’s   B.my brother   C.of my brother’s   D.a brother’s

70.AudreyHepburn was born in Belgium____4th May 1929.

A.at   B.in  C.on   D.from

71.-Canyou turn these English sentences____Chinese?


A.with   B.into  C.for   D.of

72.-Youforgot____the door.

-Oh,____.I’ll go and close it.

A.closing;sodid I   B.to close;so I did

C.closing;nordid I   D.to close;neither did I

73.-Doyou mind if I____the Tv a bit?

-Yes,Ido.Because I’m busy with my homework now.

A.turnon   B.turn up   C.turn down  D.turn off

74.Youare supposed____to her as soon as possible.

A.towriting   B.writing   C.to write  D.write

75.He____apresent from his grandparents just now.

A.A.gets   B.got  C.has got   D.was getting

76.Hewill call me____he gets there.

A.theminute   B.since   C.though  D.while

77.-Idon’t know____to do with this maths problem.It’s too hard.

A.which   B.how  C.what   D.when

78.EverySunday I went to my____,as my aunt had a lot of interesting books.

A.aunt   B.aunts’s  C.aunts’   D.aunt’s

79.The____Park will open next week.

A.Children’s   B.Childrens’   C.Children   D.Children’

80.Letme show you____.

A.apicture’s family   B.a my family ofpicture

C.myfamily of a picture   D.a picture of myfamily

81.It’sa book of____.

A.myfather   B.my father’s   C.mine father

82.-Wheredid you put the keys?

Oh,I____Iput them on the chair because the phone rang as I____in.

A.remembered;come   B.remembered;was coming

C.remember;come   D.remember;was coming

83.-MayI____this T-shirt?

-Sure,thedressing room is over there.

A.dressup   B.find out   C.put off  D.try on

84.Theheadmaster said they would have____library____.

A.another;built   B.other;built   C.another;build   D.other;building

85.Theairport is about five kilometers____here.

A.awayfrom   B.away   C.far away  D.far from

86.-Howis the weather tomorrow.

-Idon’t know if it ____tomorrow.

-Well,ifit____,Iwon’t go out with you.

A.willrain;will rain   B.rains;rains  C.rains;will rain   D.willrain;rains

87.If____makes a contribution to protecting the environment,the world will becomemuch more ____.

A.everybody;beautiful   B.somebody;important

C.nobody;hopeful   D.anybody;useful


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