法学论文摘要目录 (1)




Communicate in the modern market economy society, civil main body is the most important form of the contract, the purpose of the contract the contracting people enter into a contract is to make to be able to realize their own interests, and one of the parties breach contract may hinder the realization of the interests of the other party, and the liability for breach of contract is a extremely important system in contract law, is one of the long-term market trading practice legal mechanism. Stipulated in the contract

liability for breach of contract not only can make better performance of the contract, the parties to the contract to avoid and reduce the default behavior of the preventive role, and in the case of default, shall be investigated by the breaching party's liability for breach of contract, the other party's loss compensation, make the party in breach by the corresponding sanctions, thereby more effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, maintain social and economic order.

Key words:The contract ; Liability for breach of contract ; The principle of imputation














(四)接轨国际惯例,营造良好竞争环境···································································6 参考文献···························································································································8 谢辞···································································································································9




Communicate in the modern market economy society, civil main body is the most important form of the contract, the purpose of the contract the contracting people enter into a contract is to make to be able to realize their own interests, and one of the parties breach contract may hinder the realization of the interests of the other party, and the liability for breach of contract is a extremely important system in contract law, is one of the long-term market trading practice legal mechanism. Stipulated in the contract

liability for breach of contract not only can make better performance of the contract, the parties to the contract to avoid and reduce the default behavior of the preventive role, and in the case of default, shall be investigated by the breaching party's liability for breach of contract, the other party's loss compensation, make the party in breach by the corresponding sanctions, thereby more effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, maintain social and economic order.

Key words:The contract ; Liability for breach of contract ; The principle of imputation














(四)接轨国际惯例,营造良好竞争环境···································································6 参考文献···························································································································8 谢辞···································································································································9


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