备用发电机 standby generator
燃烧combustion chamber 核反应堆nuclear reactor
励磁机 exciter 变压器transformer 汽轮机turbine 动能kinetic energy
势能 potential energy 原子核nucleus 煤气管道gas piping
蒸汽驱动的工厂steam driven plants 水力发电hydroelectric power plant 能量载体 energy carrier 联合开发 joint development 太阳能电池 solar cell 照明LIGHTING 制冷 REFRIGERATION 热力发动机heat engine 太阳炉solar furnace
采集光束 cquisition of light beam
可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy 能源生产率energy productivity
能源密集型工业energy intensive industries 电厂power plant
汽油发电机 gasoline engine generator 节能 ENERGY CONSERVA TON 温室效应 global warming 专家系统包 expert system package 食品加工厂 packing house
热功当量 mechanical equivalent of heat 乏汽 steam exhaust
给定热量 a given quantity of heat
热力学第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics 绝热膨胀 adiabatic expansion 数学表达 mathematic expressions 能量守恒定律 energy conservation law 可测量的物理量 measurable quantities 热接触 thermal contact 工质 working fluid
卡诺循环机 carnot cycle engine 吸热 absorption of heat 放热 heat release
趋于无穷大 toward infinity
气体状态方程equation of state of the gas
可逆 reversible
最大功量the maximum of work amount 初始状态 original state 理想气体 ideal gas 继续加热 further heating 相变 phase transition
蒸汽表 steam table
绝热压缩 adiabatic compression 给水泵 feed pump 进一步降低 further lowering 蒸汽动力循环 steam dynamic cycle 传统的闭合循环 conventional closed cycle 低效的 inefficiency P-V 图p-v diagram
气液混合物 the mixture of vapor and liquid 数值解numerical solution 燃烧产物combustion products 等熵关系 isentropic relation 低燃点low ignition point 定容加热constant volume heating 定容放热 constant volume heat release 给定的输出功 a given output work 封闭系统 closed system
热功当量the mechanical equivalent of heat
传统的闭合循环 conventional close-cycle steam 能量守恒定理the law of conservation of energy 燃烧产物combustion products
膨胀阀expansion valve 电荷Electric charge 气液混合相 mixture of vapor and liquid 坚实的实验基础 a sound experimental basis 等熵压缩 be compressed isentropically 蒸汽驱动的工厂steam powered factories
可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy 可再生能源资源 renewable sources of energy 饱和温度saturation temperature 相变change in phase
温室效应green house effect 核反应堆nuclear reactor
能源生产率energy productivity 绝热压缩 adiabatically compress 给水泵feed water pump
能源密集型工业energy intensive industry 低燃点low ignition point 离心泵centrifugal pump 临界压力critical pressure 火花塞spark plug
冷冻厂refrigeration plants
运行平稳smooth in operation 外燃设备external combustion device
备用发电机 standby generator
燃烧combustion chamber 核反应堆nuclear reactor
励磁机 exciter 变压器transformer 汽轮机turbine 动能kinetic energy
势能 potential energy 原子核nucleus 煤气管道gas piping
蒸汽驱动的工厂steam driven plants 水力发电hydroelectric power plant 能量载体 energy carrier 联合开发 joint development 太阳能电池 solar cell 照明LIGHTING 制冷 REFRIGERATION 热力发动机heat engine 太阳炉solar furnace
采集光束 cquisition of light beam
可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy 能源生产率energy productivity
能源密集型工业energy intensive industries 电厂power plant
汽油发电机 gasoline engine generator 节能 ENERGY CONSERVA TON 温室效应 global warming 专家系统包 expert system package 食品加工厂 packing house
热功当量 mechanical equivalent of heat 乏汽 steam exhaust
给定热量 a given quantity of heat
热力学第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics 绝热膨胀 adiabatic expansion 数学表达 mathematic expressions 能量守恒定律 energy conservation law 可测量的物理量 measurable quantities 热接触 thermal contact 工质 working fluid
卡诺循环机 carnot cycle engine 吸热 absorption of heat 放热 heat release
趋于无穷大 toward infinity
气体状态方程equation of state of the gas
可逆 reversible
最大功量the maximum of work amount 初始状态 original state 理想气体 ideal gas 继续加热 further heating 相变 phase transition
蒸汽表 steam table
绝热压缩 adiabatic compression 给水泵 feed pump 进一步降低 further lowering 蒸汽动力循环 steam dynamic cycle 传统的闭合循环 conventional closed cycle 低效的 inefficiency P-V 图p-v diagram
气液混合物 the mixture of vapor and liquid 数值解numerical solution 燃烧产物combustion products 等熵关系 isentropic relation 低燃点low ignition point 定容加热constant volume heating 定容放热 constant volume heat release 给定的输出功 a given output work 封闭系统 closed system
热功当量the mechanical equivalent of heat
传统的闭合循环 conventional close-cycle steam 能量守恒定理the law of conservation of energy 燃烧产物combustion products
膨胀阀expansion valve 电荷Electric charge 气液混合相 mixture of vapor and liquid 坚实的实验基础 a sound experimental basis 等熵压缩 be compressed isentropically 蒸汽驱动的工厂steam powered factories
可持续发展战略 sustainable development strategy 可再生能源资源 renewable sources of energy 饱和温度saturation temperature 相变change in phase
温室效应green house effect 核反应堆nuclear reactor
能源生产率energy productivity 绝热压缩 adiabatically compress 给水泵feed water pump
能源密集型工业energy intensive industry 低燃点low ignition point 离心泵centrifugal pump 临界压力critical pressure 火花塞spark plug
冷冻厂refrigeration plants
运行平稳smooth in operation 外燃设备external combustion device