
【A 】 area – region 区域 化 abandon – give up 放弃 assignment – task 任务 close – intimate -- near亲密的 abide by——stick to坚持, 遵守 assembled ——gathered 装配, 组合 clever – intelligent – wise – bright 聪明的 an abundant ——a plentiful 丰富的, 充裕的, astonish —surprise 惊讶 collaborate (A级) – cooperate 合作 丰富 asserted ——stated firmly 宣称的(尚待证实的) company – firm – concern – corporation – abandoned ——given up 被抛弃的, 自甘堕落的 enterprise 公司 的, assume – suppose 假定 come across – run into – meet 遇到 a branch ——a division 枝, 分枝, 分部, 分科, assign – distribute 分配 complicated (A 级) – complex 复杂的 部门, as a result – in consequence 结果 comply with(A 级) – observe – abide by (A 级) abnormal ——unusual 反常的, 变态的 attended to——waited on出席者, 参加者, 在场-- stick to 遵守 abrupt ——sudden 突然的, 陡峭的, 生硬的 者 compel (A级) – force 迫使 abide by ---stick to (坚持,遵循) at once --- immediately马上 competent – capable – able 有能力的 【D 】

damaging ——harmful 有破坏性的, 损害的, 诽谤的

darken – blacken 使变黑

dangerous – hazardous (A 级) 危险的 danger – hazard(B 级) 危险 dark – black 黑色的

depend on – rely on – be dependent on 依靠 depict (A 级) – describe 描写

deliberately ——intentionally 故意地

decent ——honest 正派的, 端庄的, (服装) 得体的

abided byaccidentally ——achieved accelerate ——– by chance adhered to坚持, 遵守 attained 完成– by accident 偶然 accumulate ——account for——step upcollect –加速, gather , 达到促进 积聚 , accused ofaccelerate ————charged withexplain 说明, 控告占, 堆积 , 解决, 得分 account for – speed up – step up – pick up 谴责, 加速非难 accumulate – explain 解释 adverse – gather – collect 积聚, 积累 反的 ——unfavorable 不利的, 敌对的, 相adequate –– enough –ample (A 级) – plenty of adequate sufficient 充足的 adverse – competent – qualified 胜任的 admit adhere to---follow– acknowledge – unfavorable 不利的, 相反的 advisable---wise 遵守、坚持承认 affect (聪明的) aim alleviated —goal – influence 目标– impact 影响 减轻 ——lessened 使(痛苦等) 易于忍受, allocated allocate ——assigned / distributed分派, 分配allow ——assign 分派, 分配 allocate – permit alleviate (– assign 允许– distribute ample annoying —enough – relieve -- lessen 减轻,减少分配 an improved——irritating 足够的恼人的 , 讨厌的be keen to ….anxious to ——do a better…---- be 改善eager , 改进to do…--- anyhow annoy annoying –——渴望 irritate anyway … be 使生气无论如何 , 总之 appealing –appeal 吸引 to – irritating 讨厌的, 令人生气的 -- attractive --fascinating tempt – attract – fascinate 吸引人的(A 级 ) appalling 的 ——dreadful 令人震惊的, 骇人听闻arrive at arouses area – field ——– reach 领域excites – get to 到达 成列地, 持续地 at stake -- in danger attend --- go toauthentically 出席,照顾– in distress 处于危险之中 at stake【B 】 ——in danger——genuinely 危如累卵确实地, 危险, 真正地 ban barren ——forbid 禁止, 取缔 的 ——bare 不生育的, 贫瘠的, 没有结果beautiful handsome – pretty – attractive – lovely -- bearing behavior ——美丽的influence 轴承, 关系, 方面, 意义believable – conduct , 的 – convincing -- credible (B 行为 级) 可信boring be bordering on– dull -- uninterestingbranch —be close to令人厌烦的在…. breaks 过 ——– division beats 部门打破 边上 , 违犯, 折断, 削弱, 超blend 【C 】—— mix 混和(或admix) cause called off– bring about capabilities ——cancelled 造成呼叫 , 召集, call off ——abilities (实际) 能力, 称呼性能 cater for– cancel 取消 cater for ——call insist on for –meet 供应伙食, 迎合 – meet ask –– require satisfy –满足 request -- demand – called me up要求cause cause – bring about —— telephoned me– lead to – result in 打电话给我导致 call sb. up – bring about call – telephone sb. 造成给某人打电话 census —phone certain ——count 打电话人口普查 certain – some 某一个的 childish (A– sure – positive – doubtless 确定的 characteristic 级) cheerful –– immature 不成熟的 be characteristic of —happy feature 高兴的特征 的 – be typical of 是….所特有childish change ——– alter immature – vary – modify(B孩子气的, 级幼稚的) 改变, 变complete component – finish – accomplish -- fulfill 完成 confidential (A – ingredient – element 成分 conjunction with (与…共同或协力)级) – secret 秘密的 ---together convert constantly – change 转变,兑换

consolidate (A – continuously contaminate (A 级) – strengthen – endlessly 加强,不断地 巩固 染

级) –– pollute – stain (A 级) 污courteous (A courtesy (A 级) –貌 级) – politeness polite – respectful – good manners 有礼貌的礼 conference confidential –contended converted ———— meetingargued secret 会议 斗争秘密的, 机密的 信仰 ——changed 使转变, 竞争, 转换使, 主张... 改变contented concise concise courteous ——– brief -- short – satisfactory – satisfied 满意的 short and clear简明的简明的 , 的 ——well-informed 有礼貌的简练的, 谦恭 conscientious consolidated ——careful 尽责的 过的 ——strengthened 加固的; 整理consequence consume conversation--talk —use —result 花掉结果 contaminated collided with——会话 polluted | 谈话污染 | 对话 compelled comprehend ————forced ran into强迫碰撞, 迫使, 冲突 , 强要 (——understand 领会, 理解 collaborating 包含) , 包括作的 ——cooperating 共同运转的; 协consideration 虑的事项, 报酬—— account 体谅, 考虑, 需要考coverage complain ——criticize -- blame ——reportage feel unhappy覆盖抱怨 , 悲叹, 控诉 credible crazy ——convincing 批评 可信的, 可靠的

– mad 疯狂的 deadly deters – killing – fatal 致命的 deliberately ——inhibits (故意,蓄意地)(故意,阻止


--- intentionallydeadly 的

——fatal 致命的, 势不两立的, 死一般deduced depicts ——derived 得自采集者退散 defer ——describes 描述, 描写 densely ——decide ——postpone compactly 推迟, 延期


determine – make up one’s mind浓密地, 浓厚地

决定, deceive (A destroy 级) deal with – ruin –demolish (A – cope with 毁灭 cheat

欺骗 – handle 应付, demolished 粉碎

——级) –pulled down pull down 拆毁处理 毁坏

, 破坏, 推翻, densely 地,紧凑地)(密集地,浓厚地

---compactly (紧密deficient (Adecrease (B级) – short 缺乏的

delighted 兴的

– 级joyful ) – reduce – happy – cut down on —glad -- pleased 减少 高do away withdiploma —get rid ofdistant – certificate 证书废除 difficult –dim discuss – – remote faint hard –– tough 遥远的


discussion – debate vague 模糊的, 暗淡的 dimly – debate– talk over 讨论 讨论 diligent ——faintly 微暗, 朦胧

diverse disorder ————varied hardworking 勤勉的, 用功的 distress draft duplicated ——————formulate danger confusion 不同的使悲痛扰乱, 变化多的, 使失调,

使紊乱 起草, 为, 使穷困... 打样, , 设计使忧伤

——copied 复制出的, 复写书的 【H 】

harmful harm – damaging -- bad 有害的 hate 不喜欢–– dislike damage 损害

– be tired of – be sick of 讨厌,

harness ——utilize 利用

hailed ——acclaimed 向... 欢呼, 致敬, 招呼 hazard ——danger 冒险, 危险, 冒险的事 horrify ——terrify 使恐怖, 恐吓 hurt – injure 伤害

【E 】

effect – realize 实现

effects ——results 动产, (家庭) 财物

elementary – basic – primary – fundamental 基本的

eligible ——qualified / entitled符合条件的, 合fair – just 公正的

fascinated ——intrigued 使着迷, 使神魂颠倒 fit – healthy 健康的

fire – dismiss – send away解雇

finds fault with——criticizes 批评, 责备 final ——last 最后的, 临终的,结论性的 final –last 最后的

finally – at last – in the end – eventually – ultimately (A 级) 最终的

follow – understand – comprehend (A 级) 理解

foolish – stupid -- dull 愚蠢的 increase – add to – enhance 增加 insane (A 级) – crazy – mad 疯狂的

inevitable ——certain 不可避免的, 必然的 intimate ——friendly 亲密的

insist on——demand 坚持, 坚决要求 investigated ——looked into调查, 研究

in conjunction ——together 共同, 一起, 合起来

insane ——crazy 患精神病的, 精神病患者的 ingenious ——clever 机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的

invaluable ——extremely 无价的, 价值无法衡modify ——change 更改, 修改

motives ——reasons 动机的, 乐旨的

mostly – mainly – for the most part主要的

【N 】

notably ——particularly 显著地, 特别地 now and then -- occasionally 偶尔

normal – common – usual – average 通常的 notion – concept – idea 概念 no longer – no more 不再

now and then——occasionally 偶尔

numerous – a number of – a lot of – abundant 格的

eligible for good eligible(A ——forbid employ -- hire 级qualified ) – entitled 符合条件的– qualified , 合格的 foster employ for love or money––– forever 永远

cultivate prohibit(A –级)-- ban 禁止 使用, 利用– use

–雇佣 utilize (A

有资格的 级) -- harness (A 级) for the most partemploy fostered ——— cultivate (B级) 培养

mostly at any price通常、多半无论如何

——cultivated 养育, 抚育, 培养, 鼓empty – hire 雇佣

employment – vacant framework encourage –– bare 空的 fury ——skeleton 构架【G —】anger , 框架, 结构

愤怒、暴怒 endeavor(B – inspire work – job 工作

end 级– push 鼓励, 激励 gaze at end – finish ) – – try stop – attempt –cease 努力

gain –endeavoring —terminated (A gangsters – put on look at – stare at 凝视,注视 ensure ——trying 级) -- come to an 尽力停止,

gained ——增加violent criminals

女匪徒 error – make sure – make certain 努力

确保get ready for ——put on得到, 增进, 获得

eternal – mistake get up – get prepared for 为…做好准备 没的

——everlasting 错误

永恒的,不灭的, 没完gets 训

up –—— arise arises 起床

发生, 出现, 站立职称英语培eventually --- finally --- in the end --- ultimately --- lastly --- at last grasp evere 最后

grasped – catch hold of 会

——took hold of抓住抓住

, 抓紧, 掌握, 领examination –serious -- bad 严重的 examine give up --- abandoned (be) exhausted – check up – test 测试, 考试 gorgeous 惫

– (be) tired 检查, –核对 (be) worn out

疲gorgeous ——lovely 华丽的放弃

, 灿烂的丽的,宏伟的)(好极了, 壮丽的)--- magnificent (壮extinction (A exhibit guy 【I 】—

man 男人 extract – show 级、) – die out 灭绝 explore – take out desplay 拔出 展示 identify --- nameexhaustive – investigate important 彻底的

——extremely 调查

thorough 无遗漏的, impartial (B– essential 识别、认出

extinction immense 消光

——dying out消失, 消灭, 废止, [物]immediately (巨大的)级) – fair –– crucial just 重要的 --- enormous公正的

entitled immediately 地

—— – right away right away –(巨大的) 立即 at once , 马上立刻, 直接 exhibited – qualified 有资格的 explored an improved测器

————investigated showed 展示探险家

, 探测者, 探instruct extract industrious (B – teach ——教授a better改善, 改进 苦的

级) – hardworking (…课程)

勤劳的, 刻【F 】

——take out拔出, 榨取, 吸取 famous indispensable(A 名的

– noted –distinguished – celebrated 著involve 级) facilitate (A initial – include 包括– necessary必须的 faulty 级) – help – assist 有助于

invaluable —beginning 的

——wrong 有过失的, 有缺点的, 不完美---extremely useful (无法最初的估计

的,十分宝贵的)ingenious (设计独特而精巧的)

original 量的

irritate isolated —【L 】

——annoy solitary 生气,烦恼隔离的

, 孤立的, 单独 lately last lawful ————past recently 越过, 近来, 最近 laugh at – legal 合法的晚于

lawful leave ——– mock (B 级) 嘲笑

lethal –limited —— depart ( Blegal 法律许可的, 守法的, deadly 致命的级) 离开

——small 有限的, 狭窄的, 缺乏创见link look for – connect 连接 look after – seek for look forward to – take care of 寻找

look up to – expect – care for 盼望, 期待照顾 lose looking for– miss – respect 尊敬 lure ——丢失trying to find

查找 【M ——】

attraction 引诱 massive 的

– extensive – a mass of -- plentiful大量make up ones mind --- decidedmaintain made up his mind– hold – think 打定主意,决心 magnificent ——decided 认为

确定的, marvel —splendid 豪华的 坚决的 manual —体力的

——miracle physical 奇迹

手的, 手动的, 手工的, massive 的

——extensive 厚重的, 大块的, 魁伟manufacture 造, 生产

– make – produce – turn out 制merge mildly minute ——– unite gently – combine 温和地, – join 联合, 合并 mighty 力的

————very slight strong 轻微的适度地, 略微 有势力的, 微小的

, 强大的, 有miraculous mild mildly --- gently– gentle ——温柔的,amazing 奇迹的温和的, 不可思议的 mock ——laugh at温和地,有教养地嘲笑, 骗, 挫败,

嘲弄 –numerous plentiful 【O 】


众多的, 许多的, 无数的 obtain observe -- stick to – get – gain 得到obvious obvious – evident –遵守 clear

– distinct 明显的 occasionally ——occurred --- happened--- take place ——clear sometimes 明显的, 显而易见的有时候, odd 成对的——

strange 奇数的, 单数的, 发生偶而单只的

, 不offer omitted – give on purpose ——给与failed

有时候, 偶而on the verge of --- close to – intentionally 故意地 operative---working (运作的)接近于

, 濒临于 original original –orthodox-- conventional – initial creative 最初的创造性的 order orthodox – direct 传统的 习惯的


正统的, 传统的, outrageous 无耻的

——unacceptable 蛮横的, 残暴的, outcome out of question ——result out – doubtless 结果, 成果毫无疑问的

可能的of the

question – impossible – unlikely

不overtook ---passed

(超过) 【P 】

particularly participated in——享

——especially took part in独特地参加, 显著地, 参与 , 分participate involved in in – take part in – join in – be pattern particularly – mode 参加模式,

式样perceive persists ——– especially notice 感知尤其,

, 感到 , 特别认识到 permitted ——perpetual ——continues allowed 坚持许可, , 持续 允许

, 限的

—endless 不间断的,永久的、无期准许

physician ——doctor 医师, 内科医师

phase ——stage 阶段, 状态, 相, 相位 physician – doctor 医生 phase – stage 阶段 planes ——aircraft 位面

pleasing – satisfactory 令人满意的 polite – respectful 有礼貌的 politeness – good manners 礼貌

raise – increase 增加

remarkable –exceptional –extraordinary –great –marvelous –striking –special –unusual 显著的 rest – break 休息

remedy(B级) – cure – treat 治疗 remove – get off 脱下

remember – memorize 记住

try ——test 试, 试图, 努力, 试验, 磨难, 考验, 审问

try – attempt 努力

trembled ——shook 战栗, 发抖, 震动, (树叶等) 摇晃.

typical ——characteristic 典型的 【U 】

show – indicate表明

sketched —outlined 描画轮廓, shine —polish 照耀, 发光

shocked ——surprised 震惊的, 震撼的 shabby —unfair 不公平的、破旧的 sharp – acute – severe 剧烈的(疼痛) slight – a little 轻微的

poorly possessed ——remedy 补

——cure 治疗, 补救, 矫正, 修缮, 修支配

——inadequately owned 占有贫穷地, 拥有, , 贫乏地持有,

摆布, porcelain removed 无关的

——took off 离开的, 远离... 的, 与... postulated ——china 瓷器, 瓷

postulate ——remainder pretty – assume assumed 要求, 假定 repair ——pressing – very – rather –– suppose fairly 相当地假定 reason – fix 修理rest 剩余的, 出售剩书的 preserve – urgent 紧迫的

ready previously ——keep 保护, 保持, 保存, 保藏ready –– cause -- motive (B

级) 原因 pressing result – prepared willing 乐意的有准备的

precise ————before 先前, 以前 realize -- know – consequence 意识到

– be aware of – effect -- outcome – be conscious of 结果 previous – accurate urgent – exact 紧迫的精确的

problem –remember propose – former issue 问题以前的 down – m reject – refuse – decline – turn provide – suggest – advise -- recommend

建议 rescue 拒绝proper recently – save

prohibit –– appropriate supply – furnish 适当的提供 regardless of – lately 拯救 proposed ——ban 禁止, 阻止

regret provoked ——regardless – sorry – despite 最近

– in spite of不管, 不顾 驱使

——suggested elicited 激怒被提议的, 挑拨,

煽动, 惹起, regret probed reject ————遗憾的sorry whatever

为... 感到遗憾不管, , 不顾后悔, 不注意 绝

– refuse – decline – turn down , 惋惜 拒probe ——protect – explore explored (探查以探针等 ) 探查, 查明 realize prior to– preserve 保护

residents ——know 认识到private ——readily principal or ganizers– personal before 私人的在前, 居先 realized ————, 了解, 实现, 实行 willingly occupants 乐意地居民,

欣然, 行

——fulfilled 认识到, 了解容易地, 实现 , 实prior to practically – before 在——…之前planners

计划者 relied onpractically – almost 几乎

relieve -- lessen ——depended on依靠, principal recommended 要的

–——chief -- leading--- main almost 几乎, 差不多主要的,

首regulate purchase reduce ——control ——减轻,减少依赖 suggested

管制, 控制被推荐的, 调节校准 【T 】

– cut down on 减少 put off – buy 购买

put up with --- tolerate– postpone – delay – defer (A级) take 把…考虑在内…into consideration

– take …into account put up put up – lift – raise 忍耐 推迟 talked 说服

over ——discussed 详尽地商议, 商量, pulled up– build – construct 举起


puzzle ——stopped 拔起, 停下, 阻止 take out --- extract【Q 】——

mystery 神秘, 谜 terminated 止

——put 用力拔出,带出an end to 停止

, 结束, 终quickly quit temptation quarter – give up – fast 很快地–

tease 一刻钟——

fourth abandon四分之一放弃, 方向

, 地区, 季度, terrible -- awful – make fun of– attraction 取笑诱惑 quit though

——give up v.放弃(念头、希望等), 停止 think – although 可怕的尽管 【R 】

tolerate – guess 忍受

– bear – believe – stand 认为– put up with

– endure rarely rarely ——– hardly seldom – seldom 很少地很少,, 罕有地 几乎不

touching tolerate ————bear / put up withmoving 移动

忍受, 容忍俄 uneasy. 安的)

---anxious (忧虑的,担心的,局促不unique unite uneasy –– particular combine –独特的 join


——uncomfortable / 联合,anxious 合并心神不安

unbelievable uneasy -)– incredible 难以置信的 urge usually ——–utterly – normally force worried 催促焦虑的 通常地, 力劝

【V 】

——totally 完全地, 整全地 vanish vague vigorous ——– disappear 消失

– imprecise energetic 含糊的– dynamic , 不清楚的---healthy ,

健康view of view – opinion virtually – notion – viewpoint – idea 观点– standpoint , 见解 – point vigorous ——壮的 ——almost healthy 几乎精力旺盛的

, 有力的, 健【W 】

while wholesome ——although 的, 有益健康的——healthy 当... 的时候 卫生的, , 虽然有益的

, 健康wish widens – hope without ——broadens 希望

宽的, 广阔的


——fairly 公正地, 正当的, 公平write down wreck – put down 写下 【Y 】—

damage 毁坏 yield 【S 】—

harvest 成果 satisfactorily safe scene – secure ——scared ——location 安全的acceptably 满意地 现场

, 场面, scare scattered –—— frighten frightened 恐惧的 scared ——使害怕

severe ---frightened separated 离散的,分散的 苦的

– hard –serious -- bad (害怕的,受惊的)严重的- tough艰 severe sensible – strict 严厉的

seldom –wise – advisable (B 级) 明智的 seem settle –——rarely 很少, 不常职称英语考试 shine —— appear – polish solve 看起来擦亮安放

, 使定居

, 整理 sometimes solve spare time – settle – from time to time 解决(问题)

– at times 有时 spur --- encouraged– free time space --- room 促进,激励空闲时间 speed speed up – rate 空间 speeds spurred ——–velocities 速度step up

加快– pick up , 速飞, 加速飞跑 specification ——encouraged a spare—instruction 鼓励说明 strange —standpoint – odd an extra– abnormal(B多余的、备用的 级) 奇怪的 stationary ——point of view立场, 观点 steadily ——not moving固定的 steady ——stay state –remain – stable continuously 稳定地 保持稳定的

start steady –– begin declare 开始– announce (用作半系动词)

宣布,声明 suitable – stable suddenly – fit 稳定的 surprised – abruptly(A适合的

级subject surprising – topic – astonished 话题– shocked ) 突然地感到吃惊的

summit 层

——– astonishing

top of the mountain– shocking 顶点令人吃惊的, 最高阶 substantial 实的, 充的——

significant 坚固的, 实质的, 真subject sympathize ——–topic n. feel sorry 话题感到同情, 主题

第一篇 Inventor of LED

1. Holonyak’s colleagues thought he would fail in his research on LEDs at the time when 2. Holonyak believed that his students that were working with him on the project would get the Lemelson- MIT Prize sooner or later. 3. Holonyak was the inventor of the transistor

in the early 1950s. 4.Holonyak believed that LEDs would become very popular in the future. anything you are not interested in.

6. Edith Flanigen is the only co-inventor of LEDs. over 100 years. 第二篇 El Nino

1. The method used by the .. University researchers can predict El Nino a few months 2. The University researchers studied the relationship between the past EI Nino occurrences and sea-surface 3. The researchers are the course of engineering ethics is declining at Texas A&M University.

3. The National Science Foundation involves itself directly in writing up material about ethical issues. A C Not mentioned

4. It seems that medical ethics and business ethics are more mature than engineering 5. professors have quit from teaching to protest against the creation of a new course in engineering ethics. A Right 1. The country says that the investment of US $14 million is big enough for developing that country’s chip industry. A Right C Not mentioned

2. That country gives top priorities to developing chips for military purposes. A 3. Although the licensing fees are not very high, that Far Eastern country cannot afford of the most advanced chip-making technologies to that country to prevent them 1.Not everyone agrees that dreams are meaningful.A

2.According to Freud, people dream about things that they cannot talk about.A 3.Jung believed that dreams did not help one to understand oneself.B

4.In the past, people believed that dreams involved emotions.C

5.According to Domhoff, babies do not have the same ability to dream as adults do.A

6.Men and women dream about different things.A

7.Scientists agree that dreams predict the the match first the to past use sea-surface El Nino occurrences. temperatures to

5. According to a Chinese report, the flooding

in China caused by El Nino in 1991 and 1997 affected 200 million Chinese people. 6. It takes about eight months for El Nino to

7. A special institute has bee reach its peak. America to study El Nino. n set up in


1. It is easy to determine whether smoking is 2. Smoking reduces one’s life expectancy.

Wrong C Not mentioned 4. responsible There is

for evidence breast cancer. that smoking A is 5. from Male smokers have a

Right B heart disease than female lower smokers. death rate A 6. Not mentioned Nicotine is poisonous.

B Wrong C 7. Filters and low tar tobacco make smoking


1. Engineering ethics is a compulsory subject in every institute of science and technology in the United States. A Right B Wrong 2. The number

of students wishing to take

from future.B

第九篇 Dangers Await Babies with time being used for military purposes. to prepare material for class discussion 5.

Altitude mentioned chipmakers Currently, 1. 7. American reasons According

to the passage ,one passage, It is likely

investors. in that almost all the flagship A country Right B are Wrong owned by communities why newborns in mountain of the necessary the that following this introductory 6.

mothers are under-nourished. B

are underweight is that their engineering material author related will to provide the develop Mainstream 2. mentioned B Wrong the topic C Not of mentioned rapidly. chip production B Wrong technology C Not researchers Giussani’s 第五篇

Rescue Platform

7. More than 10 chip plants being built in that

University. C

and team professors members from are Cambridge all British 1. country 3. capable of moving vertically but not sideways. A rescue platform called the Eagle is are an example of self-reliance. 第七篇 Moderate Earthquake

A Strikes weight Giussani financial conditions of the family he was born of a did baby not had expect little to to find do with that the the 2.

England into.A

to The 1. During the April 28 earthquake, the whole

4. mentioned the four Eagle. propellers are B fitted Wrong horizontally C Not England was left without power. A Right the supply of oxygen even when he was still The weight of a newborn has to do with 3. With the help of jet engines, the Eagle can

fly at a speed of 100 miles an hour. A Right B in his mother’s womb. hours after the earthquake occurred. A Right Channel Tunnel

was closed for 10 5. A

larger than their bodies.B

High-altitude babies have heads that are refers 6. mentioned to the Eagle. A C Not head thinner limbs than average.C

High-altitude babies have longer but 5. and neck injured, but not 7. Giussani has arrived at the conclusion that propellers, the more people the platform can The mare

jet engines are fitted to the babies in high-altitude regions are more likely countries and several

to have heart trouble when they grow up. B 6. side by side with the British doctors. A Right B sent their medical other teams European to work *Metreveli In the wake of 1第十篇 The Biology of Music

build has secured enough funding Mr. to 5. 2.test place The their emotions.A

.Humans, but not animals, can sing.B

People can use music to communicate mentioned his up a idea. small-scale A model of the Eagle to Not mentioned in London in 1580. A Right earthquake took 37. Mr. Metreveli is designing for Israel a more

C Not 6. Musson predicted that another earthquake

music and language.B .We use the same part of the brain for advanced would 4Eagle occur in southeast England sooner or and emotions.A

.Geoffery Miler has done research on music or the form Eaglet. of rescue A Right platform B Wrong than the 7. 5 England It can be inferred from the passage

that 6.It ’s hard for humans to compose music.C 第六篇 Microchip Research Center earthquakes. is rarely hit by high magnitude in tune.B

.Memory is not an important part in singing Created

mentioned. 7第八篇 What Is a Dream?

B Wrong C Not about the effects of music on humans.A

.Scientists does not know all the answers

【A 】 area – region 区域 化 abandon – give up 放弃 assignment – task 任务 close – intimate -- near亲密的 abide by——stick to坚持, 遵守 assembled ——gathered 装配, 组合 clever – intelligent – wise – bright 聪明的 an abundant ——a plentiful 丰富的, 充裕的, astonish —surprise 惊讶 collaborate (A级) – cooperate 合作 丰富 asserted ——stated firmly 宣称的(尚待证实的) company – firm – concern – corporation – abandoned ——given up 被抛弃的, 自甘堕落的 enterprise 公司 的, assume – suppose 假定 come across – run into – meet 遇到 a branch ——a division 枝, 分枝, 分部, 分科, assign – distribute 分配 complicated (A 级) – complex 复杂的 部门, as a result – in consequence 结果 comply with(A 级) – observe – abide by (A 级) abnormal ——unusual 反常的, 变态的 attended to——waited on出席者, 参加者, 在场-- stick to 遵守 abrupt ——sudden 突然的, 陡峭的, 生硬的 者 compel (A级) – force 迫使 abide by ---stick to (坚持,遵循) at once --- immediately马上 competent – capable – able 有能力的 【D 】

damaging ——harmful 有破坏性的, 损害的, 诽谤的

darken – blacken 使变黑

dangerous – hazardous (A 级) 危险的 danger – hazard(B 级) 危险 dark – black 黑色的

depend on – rely on – be dependent on 依靠 depict (A 级) – describe 描写

deliberately ——intentionally 故意地

decent ——honest 正派的, 端庄的, (服装) 得体的

abided byaccidentally ——achieved accelerate ——– by chance adhered to坚持, 遵守 attained 完成– by accident 偶然 accumulate ——account for——step upcollect –加速, gather , 达到促进 积聚 , accused ofaccelerate ————charged withexplain 说明, 控告占, 堆积 , 解决, 得分 account for – speed up – step up – pick up 谴责, 加速非难 accumulate – explain 解释 adverse – gather – collect 积聚, 积累 反的 ——unfavorable 不利的, 敌对的, 相adequate –– enough –ample (A 级) – plenty of adequate sufficient 充足的 adverse – competent – qualified 胜任的 admit adhere to---follow– acknowledge – unfavorable 不利的, 相反的 advisable---wise 遵守、坚持承认 affect (聪明的) aim alleviated —goal – influence 目标– impact 影响 减轻 ——lessened 使(痛苦等) 易于忍受, allocated allocate ——assigned / distributed分派, 分配allow ——assign 分派, 分配 allocate – permit alleviate (– assign 允许– distribute ample annoying —enough – relieve -- lessen 减轻,减少分配 an improved——irritating 足够的恼人的 , 讨厌的be keen to ….anxious to ——do a better…---- be 改善eager , 改进to do…--- anyhow annoy annoying –——渴望 irritate anyway … be 使生气无论如何 , 总之 appealing –appeal 吸引 to – irritating 讨厌的, 令人生气的 -- attractive --fascinating tempt – attract – fascinate 吸引人的(A 级 ) appalling 的 ——dreadful 令人震惊的, 骇人听闻arrive at arouses area – field ——– reach 领域excites – get to 到达 成列地, 持续地 at stake -- in danger attend --- go toauthentically 出席,照顾– in distress 处于危险之中 at stake【B 】 ——in danger——genuinely 危如累卵确实地, 危险, 真正地 ban barren ——forbid 禁止, 取缔 的 ——bare 不生育的, 贫瘠的, 没有结果beautiful handsome – pretty – attractive – lovely -- bearing behavior ——美丽的influence 轴承, 关系, 方面, 意义believable – conduct , 的 – convincing -- credible (B 行为 级) 可信boring be bordering on– dull -- uninterestingbranch —be close to令人厌烦的在…. breaks 过 ——– division beats 部门打破 边上 , 违犯, 折断, 削弱, 超blend 【C 】—— mix 混和(或admix) cause called off– bring about capabilities ——cancelled 造成呼叫 , 召集, call off ——abilities (实际) 能力, 称呼性能 cater for– cancel 取消 cater for ——call insist on for –meet 供应伙食, 迎合 – meet ask –– require satisfy –满足 request -- demand – called me up要求cause cause – bring about —— telephoned me– lead to – result in 打电话给我导致 call sb. up – bring about call – telephone sb. 造成给某人打电话 census —phone certain ——count 打电话人口普查 certain – some 某一个的 childish (A– sure – positive – doubtless 确定的 characteristic 级) cheerful –– immature 不成熟的 be characteristic of —happy feature 高兴的特征 的 – be typical of 是….所特有childish change ——– alter immature – vary – modify(B孩子气的, 级幼稚的) 改变, 变complete component – finish – accomplish -- fulfill 完成 confidential (A – ingredient – element 成分 conjunction with (与…共同或协力)级) – secret 秘密的 ---together convert constantly – change 转变,兑换

consolidate (A – continuously contaminate (A 级) – strengthen – endlessly 加强,不断地 巩固 染

级) –– pollute – stain (A 级) 污courteous (A courtesy (A 级) –貌 级) – politeness polite – respectful – good manners 有礼貌的礼 conference confidential –contended converted ———— meetingargued secret 会议 斗争秘密的, 机密的 信仰 ——changed 使转变, 竞争, 转换使, 主张... 改变contented concise concise courteous ——– brief -- short – satisfactory – satisfied 满意的 short and clear简明的简明的 , 的 ——well-informed 有礼貌的简练的, 谦恭 conscientious consolidated ——careful 尽责的 过的 ——strengthened 加固的; 整理consequence consume conversation--talk —use —result 花掉结果 contaminated collided with——会话 polluted | 谈话污染 | 对话 compelled comprehend ————forced ran into强迫碰撞, 迫使, 冲突 , 强要 (——understand 领会, 理解 collaborating 包含) , 包括作的 ——cooperating 共同运转的; 协consideration 虑的事项, 报酬—— account 体谅, 考虑, 需要考coverage complain ——criticize -- blame ——reportage feel unhappy覆盖抱怨 , 悲叹, 控诉 credible crazy ——convincing 批评 可信的, 可靠的

– mad 疯狂的 deadly deters – killing – fatal 致命的 deliberately ——inhibits (故意,蓄意地)(故意,阻止


--- intentionallydeadly 的

——fatal 致命的, 势不两立的, 死一般deduced depicts ——derived 得自采集者退散 defer ——describes 描述, 描写 densely ——decide ——postpone compactly 推迟, 延期


determine – make up one’s mind浓密地, 浓厚地

决定, deceive (A destroy 级) deal with – ruin –demolish (A – cope with 毁灭 cheat

欺骗 – handle 应付, demolished 粉碎

——级) –pulled down pull down 拆毁处理 毁坏

, 破坏, 推翻, densely 地,紧凑地)(密集地,浓厚地

---compactly (紧密deficient (Adecrease (B级) – short 缺乏的

delighted 兴的

– 级joyful ) – reduce – happy – cut down on —glad -- pleased 减少 高do away withdiploma —get rid ofdistant – certificate 证书废除 difficult –dim discuss – – remote faint hard –– tough 遥远的


discussion – debate vague 模糊的, 暗淡的 dimly – debate– talk over 讨论 讨论 diligent ——faintly 微暗, 朦胧

diverse disorder ————varied hardworking 勤勉的, 用功的 distress draft duplicated ——————formulate danger confusion 不同的使悲痛扰乱, 变化多的, 使失调,

使紊乱 起草, 为, 使穷困... 打样, , 设计使忧伤

——copied 复制出的, 复写书的 【H 】

harmful harm – damaging -- bad 有害的 hate 不喜欢–– dislike damage 损害

– be tired of – be sick of 讨厌,

harness ——utilize 利用

hailed ——acclaimed 向... 欢呼, 致敬, 招呼 hazard ——danger 冒险, 危险, 冒险的事 horrify ——terrify 使恐怖, 恐吓 hurt – injure 伤害

【E 】

effect – realize 实现

effects ——results 动产, (家庭) 财物

elementary – basic – primary – fundamental 基本的

eligible ——qualified / entitled符合条件的, 合fair – just 公正的

fascinated ——intrigued 使着迷, 使神魂颠倒 fit – healthy 健康的

fire – dismiss – send away解雇

finds fault with——criticizes 批评, 责备 final ——last 最后的, 临终的,结论性的 final –last 最后的

finally – at last – in the end – eventually – ultimately (A 级) 最终的

follow – understand – comprehend (A 级) 理解

foolish – stupid -- dull 愚蠢的 increase – add to – enhance 增加 insane (A 级) – crazy – mad 疯狂的

inevitable ——certain 不可避免的, 必然的 intimate ——friendly 亲密的

insist on——demand 坚持, 坚决要求 investigated ——looked into调查, 研究

in conjunction ——together 共同, 一起, 合起来

insane ——crazy 患精神病的, 精神病患者的 ingenious ——clever 机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的

invaluable ——extremely 无价的, 价值无法衡modify ——change 更改, 修改

motives ——reasons 动机的, 乐旨的

mostly – mainly – for the most part主要的

【N 】

notably ——particularly 显著地, 特别地 now and then -- occasionally 偶尔

normal – common – usual – average 通常的 notion – concept – idea 概念 no longer – no more 不再

now and then——occasionally 偶尔

numerous – a number of – a lot of – abundant 格的

eligible for good eligible(A ——forbid employ -- hire 级qualified ) – entitled 符合条件的– qualified , 合格的 foster employ for love or money––– forever 永远

cultivate prohibit(A –级)-- ban 禁止 使用, 利用– use

–雇佣 utilize (A

有资格的 级) -- harness (A 级) for the most partemploy fostered ——— cultivate (B级) 培养

mostly at any price通常、多半无论如何

——cultivated 养育, 抚育, 培养, 鼓empty – hire 雇佣

employment – vacant framework encourage –– bare 空的 fury ——skeleton 构架【G —】anger , 框架, 结构

愤怒、暴怒 endeavor(B – inspire work – job 工作

end 级– push 鼓励, 激励 gaze at end – finish ) – – try stop – attempt –cease 努力

gain –endeavoring —terminated (A gangsters – put on look at – stare at 凝视,注视 ensure ——trying 级) -- come to an 尽力停止,

gained ——增加violent criminals

女匪徒 error – make sure – make certain 努力

确保get ready for ——put on得到, 增进, 获得

eternal – mistake get up – get prepared for 为…做好准备 没的

——everlasting 错误

永恒的,不灭的, 没完gets 训

up –—— arise arises 起床

发生, 出现, 站立职称英语培eventually --- finally --- in the end --- ultimately --- lastly --- at last grasp evere 最后

grasped – catch hold of 会

——took hold of抓住抓住

, 抓紧, 掌握, 领examination –serious -- bad 严重的 examine give up --- abandoned (be) exhausted – check up – test 测试, 考试 gorgeous 惫

– (be) tired 检查, –核对 (be) worn out

疲gorgeous ——lovely 华丽的放弃

, 灿烂的丽的,宏伟的)(好极了, 壮丽的)--- magnificent (壮extinction (A exhibit guy 【I 】—

man 男人 extract – show 级、) – die out 灭绝 explore – take out desplay 拔出 展示 identify --- nameexhaustive – investigate important 彻底的

——extremely 调查

thorough 无遗漏的, impartial (B– essential 识别、认出

extinction immense 消光

——dying out消失, 消灭, 废止, [物]immediately (巨大的)级) – fair –– crucial just 重要的 --- enormous公正的

entitled immediately 地

—— – right away right away –(巨大的) 立即 at once , 马上立刻, 直接 exhibited – qualified 有资格的 explored an improved测器

————investigated showed 展示探险家

, 探测者, 探instruct extract industrious (B – teach ——教授a better改善, 改进 苦的

级) – hardworking (…课程)

勤劳的, 刻【F 】

——take out拔出, 榨取, 吸取 famous indispensable(A 名的

– noted –distinguished – celebrated 著involve 级) facilitate (A initial – include 包括– necessary必须的 faulty 级) – help – assist 有助于

invaluable —beginning 的

——wrong 有过失的, 有缺点的, 不完美---extremely useful (无法最初的估计

的,十分宝贵的)ingenious (设计独特而精巧的)

original 量的

irritate isolated —【L 】

——annoy solitary 生气,烦恼隔离的

, 孤立的, 单独 lately last lawful ————past recently 越过, 近来, 最近 laugh at – legal 合法的晚于

lawful leave ——– mock (B 级) 嘲笑

lethal –limited —— depart ( Blegal 法律许可的, 守法的, deadly 致命的级) 离开

——small 有限的, 狭窄的, 缺乏创见link look for – connect 连接 look after – seek for look forward to – take care of 寻找

look up to – expect – care for 盼望, 期待照顾 lose looking for– miss – respect 尊敬 lure ——丢失trying to find

查找 【M ——】

attraction 引诱 massive 的

– extensive – a mass of -- plentiful大量make up ones mind --- decidedmaintain made up his mind– hold – think 打定主意,决心 magnificent ——decided 认为

确定的, marvel —splendid 豪华的 坚决的 manual —体力的

——miracle physical 奇迹

手的, 手动的, 手工的, massive 的

——extensive 厚重的, 大块的, 魁伟manufacture 造, 生产

– make – produce – turn out 制merge mildly minute ——– unite gently – combine 温和地, – join 联合, 合并 mighty 力的

————very slight strong 轻微的适度地, 略微 有势力的, 微小的

, 强大的, 有miraculous mild mildly --- gently– gentle ——温柔的,amazing 奇迹的温和的, 不可思议的 mock ——laugh at温和地,有教养地嘲笑, 骗, 挫败,

嘲弄 –numerous plentiful 【O 】


众多的, 许多的, 无数的 obtain observe -- stick to – get – gain 得到obvious obvious – evident –遵守 clear

– distinct 明显的 occasionally ——occurred --- happened--- take place ——clear sometimes 明显的, 显而易见的有时候, odd 成对的——

strange 奇数的, 单数的, 发生偶而单只的

, 不offer omitted – give on purpose ——给与failed

有时候, 偶而on the verge of --- close to – intentionally 故意地 operative---working (运作的)接近于

, 濒临于 original original –orthodox-- conventional – initial creative 最初的创造性的 order orthodox – direct 传统的 习惯的


正统的, 传统的, outrageous 无耻的

——unacceptable 蛮横的, 残暴的, outcome out of question ——result out – doubtless 结果, 成果毫无疑问的

可能的of the

question – impossible – unlikely

不overtook ---passed

(超过) 【P 】

particularly participated in——享

——especially took part in独特地参加, 显著地, 参与 , 分participate involved in in – take part in – join in – be pattern particularly – mode 参加模式,

式样perceive persists ——– especially notice 感知尤其,

, 感到 , 特别认识到 permitted ——perpetual ——continues allowed 坚持许可, , 持续 允许

, 限的

—endless 不间断的,永久的、无期准许

physician ——doctor 医师, 内科医师

phase ——stage 阶段, 状态, 相, 相位 physician – doctor 医生 phase – stage 阶段 planes ——aircraft 位面

pleasing – satisfactory 令人满意的 polite – respectful 有礼貌的 politeness – good manners 礼貌

raise – increase 增加

remarkable –exceptional –extraordinary –great –marvelous –striking –special –unusual 显著的 rest – break 休息

remedy(B级) – cure – treat 治疗 remove – get off 脱下

remember – memorize 记住

try ——test 试, 试图, 努力, 试验, 磨难, 考验, 审问

try – attempt 努力

trembled ——shook 战栗, 发抖, 震动, (树叶等) 摇晃.

typical ——characteristic 典型的 【U 】

show – indicate表明

sketched —outlined 描画轮廓, shine —polish 照耀, 发光

shocked ——surprised 震惊的, 震撼的 shabby —unfair 不公平的、破旧的 sharp – acute – severe 剧烈的(疼痛) slight – a little 轻微的

poorly possessed ——remedy 补

——cure 治疗, 补救, 矫正, 修缮, 修支配

——inadequately owned 占有贫穷地, 拥有, , 贫乏地持有,

摆布, porcelain removed 无关的

——took off 离开的, 远离... 的, 与... postulated ——china 瓷器, 瓷

postulate ——remainder pretty – assume assumed 要求, 假定 repair ——pressing – very – rather –– suppose fairly 相当地假定 reason – fix 修理rest 剩余的, 出售剩书的 preserve – urgent 紧迫的

ready previously ——keep 保护, 保持, 保存, 保藏ready –– cause -- motive (B

级) 原因 pressing result – prepared willing 乐意的有准备的

precise ————before 先前, 以前 realize -- know – consequence 意识到

– be aware of – effect -- outcome – be conscious of 结果 previous – accurate urgent – exact 紧迫的精确的

problem –remember propose – former issue 问题以前的 down – m reject – refuse – decline – turn provide – suggest – advise -- recommend

建议 rescue 拒绝proper recently – save

prohibit –– appropriate supply – furnish 适当的提供 regardless of – lately 拯救 proposed ——ban 禁止, 阻止

regret provoked ——regardless – sorry – despite 最近

– in spite of不管, 不顾 驱使

——suggested elicited 激怒被提议的, 挑拨,

煽动, 惹起, regret probed reject ————遗憾的sorry whatever

为... 感到遗憾不管, , 不顾后悔, 不注意 绝

– refuse – decline – turn down , 惋惜 拒probe ——protect – explore explored (探查以探针等 ) 探查, 查明 realize prior to– preserve 保护

residents ——know 认识到private ——readily principal or ganizers– personal before 私人的在前, 居先 realized ————, 了解, 实现, 实行 willingly occupants 乐意地居民,

欣然, 行

——fulfilled 认识到, 了解容易地, 实现 , 实prior to practically – before 在——…之前planners

计划者 relied onpractically – almost 几乎

relieve -- lessen ——depended on依靠, principal recommended 要的

–——chief -- leading--- main almost 几乎, 差不多主要的,

首regulate purchase reduce ——control ——减轻,减少依赖 suggested

管制, 控制被推荐的, 调节校准 【T 】

– cut down on 减少 put off – buy 购买

put up with --- tolerate– postpone – delay – defer (A级) take 把…考虑在内…into consideration

– take …into account put up put up – lift – raise 忍耐 推迟 talked 说服

over ——discussed 详尽地商议, 商量, pulled up– build – construct 举起


puzzle ——stopped 拔起, 停下, 阻止 take out --- extract【Q 】——

mystery 神秘, 谜 terminated 止

——put 用力拔出,带出an end to 停止

, 结束, 终quickly quit temptation quarter – give up – fast 很快地–

tease 一刻钟——

fourth abandon四分之一放弃, 方向

, 地区, 季度, terrible -- awful – make fun of– attraction 取笑诱惑 quit though

——give up v.放弃(念头、希望等), 停止 think – although 可怕的尽管 【R 】

tolerate – guess 忍受

– bear – believe – stand 认为– put up with

– endure rarely rarely ——– hardly seldom – seldom 很少地很少,, 罕有地 几乎不

touching tolerate ————bear / put up withmoving 移动

忍受, 容忍俄 uneasy. 安的)

---anxious (忧虑的,担心的,局促不unique unite uneasy –– particular combine –独特的 join


——uncomfortable / 联合,anxious 合并心神不安

unbelievable uneasy -)– incredible 难以置信的 urge usually ——–utterly – normally force worried 催促焦虑的 通常地, 力劝

【V 】

——totally 完全地, 整全地 vanish vague vigorous ——– disappear 消失

– imprecise energetic 含糊的– dynamic , 不清楚的---healthy ,

健康view of view – opinion virtually – notion – viewpoint – idea 观点– standpoint , 见解 – point vigorous ——壮的 ——almost healthy 几乎精力旺盛的

, 有力的, 健【W 】

while wholesome ——although 的, 有益健康的——healthy 当... 的时候 卫生的, , 虽然有益的

, 健康wish widens – hope without ——broadens 希望

宽的, 广阔的


——fairly 公正地, 正当的, 公平write down wreck – put down 写下 【Y 】—

damage 毁坏 yield 【S 】—

harvest 成果 satisfactorily safe scene – secure ——scared ——location 安全的acceptably 满意地 现场

, 场面, scare scattered –—— frighten frightened 恐惧的 scared ——使害怕

severe ---frightened separated 离散的,分散的 苦的

– hard –serious -- bad (害怕的,受惊的)严重的- tough艰 severe sensible – strict 严厉的

seldom –wise – advisable (B 级) 明智的 seem settle –——rarely 很少, 不常职称英语考试 shine —— appear – polish solve 看起来擦亮安放

, 使定居

, 整理 sometimes solve spare time – settle – from time to time 解决(问题)

– at times 有时 spur --- encouraged– free time space --- room 促进,激励空闲时间 speed speed up – rate 空间 speeds spurred ——–velocities 速度step up

加快– pick up , 速飞, 加速飞跑 specification ——encouraged a spare—instruction 鼓励说明 strange —standpoint – odd an extra– abnormal(B多余的、备用的 级) 奇怪的 stationary ——point of view立场, 观点 steadily ——not moving固定的 steady ——stay state –remain – stable continuously 稳定地 保持稳定的

start steady –– begin declare 开始– announce (用作半系动词)

宣布,声明 suitable – stable suddenly – fit 稳定的 surprised – abruptly(A适合的

级subject surprising – topic – astonished 话题– shocked ) 突然地感到吃惊的

summit 层

——– astonishing

top of the mountain– shocking 顶点令人吃惊的, 最高阶 substantial 实的, 充的——

significant 坚固的, 实质的, 真subject sympathize ——–topic n. feel sorry 话题感到同情, 主题

第一篇 Inventor of LED

1. Holonyak’s colleagues thought he would fail in his research on LEDs at the time when 2. Holonyak believed that his students that were working with him on the project would get the Lemelson- MIT Prize sooner or later. 3. Holonyak was the inventor of the transistor

in the early 1950s. 4.Holonyak believed that LEDs would become very popular in the future. anything you are not interested in.

6. Edith Flanigen is the only co-inventor of LEDs. over 100 years. 第二篇 El Nino

1. The method used by the .. University researchers can predict El Nino a few months 2. The University researchers studied the relationship between the past EI Nino occurrences and sea-surface 3. The researchers are the course of engineering ethics is declining at Texas A&M University.

3. The National Science Foundation involves itself directly in writing up material about ethical issues. A C Not mentioned

4. It seems that medical ethics and business ethics are more mature than engineering 5. professors have quit from teaching to protest against the creation of a new course in engineering ethics. A Right 1. The country says that the investment of US $14 million is big enough for developing that country’s chip industry. A Right C Not mentioned

2. That country gives top priorities to developing chips for military purposes. A 3. Although the licensing fees are not very high, that Far Eastern country cannot afford of the most advanced chip-making technologies to that country to prevent them 1.Not everyone agrees that dreams are meaningful.A

2.According to Freud, people dream about things that they cannot talk about.A 3.Jung believed that dreams did not help one to understand oneself.B

4.In the past, people believed that dreams involved emotions.C

5.According to Domhoff, babies do not have the same ability to dream as adults do.A

6.Men and women dream about different things.A

7.Scientists agree that dreams predict the the match first the to past use sea-surface El Nino occurrences. temperatures to

5. According to a Chinese report, the flooding

in China caused by El Nino in 1991 and 1997 affected 200 million Chinese people. 6. It takes about eight months for El Nino to

7. A special institute has bee reach its peak. America to study El Nino. n set up in


1. It is easy to determine whether smoking is 2. Smoking reduces one’s life expectancy.

Wrong C Not mentioned 4. responsible There is

for evidence breast cancer. that smoking A is 5. from Male smokers have a

Right B heart disease than female lower smokers. death rate A 6. Not mentioned Nicotine is poisonous.

B Wrong C 7. Filters and low tar tobacco make smoking


1. Engineering ethics is a compulsory subject in every institute of science and technology in the United States. A Right B Wrong 2. The number

of students wishing to take

from future.B

第九篇 Dangers Await Babies with time being used for military purposes. to prepare material for class discussion 5.

Altitude mentioned chipmakers Currently, 1. 7. American reasons According

to the passage ,one passage, It is likely

investors. in that almost all the flagship A country Right B are Wrong owned by communities why newborns in mountain of the necessary the that following this introductory 6.

mothers are under-nourished. B

are underweight is that their engineering material author related will to provide the develop Mainstream 2. mentioned B Wrong the topic C Not of mentioned rapidly. chip production B Wrong technology C Not researchers Giussani’s 第五篇

Rescue Platform

7. More than 10 chip plants being built in that

University. C

and team professors members from are Cambridge all British 1. country 3. capable of moving vertically but not sideways. A rescue platform called the Eagle is are an example of self-reliance. 第七篇 Moderate Earthquake

A Strikes weight Giussani financial conditions of the family he was born of a did baby not had expect little to to find do with that the the 2.

England into.A

to The 1. During the April 28 earthquake, the whole

4. mentioned the four Eagle. propellers are B fitted Wrong horizontally C Not England was left without power. A Right the supply of oxygen even when he was still The weight of a newborn has to do with 3. With the help of jet engines, the Eagle can

fly at a speed of 100 miles an hour. A Right B in his mother’s womb. hours after the earthquake occurred. A Right Channel Tunnel

was closed for 10 5. A

larger than their bodies.B

High-altitude babies have heads that are refers 6. mentioned to the Eagle. A C Not head thinner limbs than average.C

High-altitude babies have longer but 5. and neck injured, but not 7. Giussani has arrived at the conclusion that propellers, the more people the platform can The mare

jet engines are fitted to the babies in high-altitude regions are more likely countries and several

to have heart trouble when they grow up. B 6. side by side with the British doctors. A Right B sent their medical other teams European to work *Metreveli In the wake of 1第十篇 The Biology of Music

build has secured enough funding Mr. to 5. 2.test place The their emotions.A

.Humans, but not animals, can sing.B

People can use music to communicate mentioned his up a idea. small-scale A model of the Eagle to Not mentioned in London in 1580. A Right earthquake took 37. Mr. Metreveli is designing for Israel a more

C Not 6. Musson predicted that another earthquake

music and language.B .We use the same part of the brain for advanced would 4Eagle occur in southeast England sooner or and emotions.A

.Geoffery Miler has done research on music or the form Eaglet. of rescue A Right platform B Wrong than the 7. 5 England It can be inferred from the passage

that 6.It ’s hard for humans to compose music.C 第六篇 Microchip Research Center earthquakes. is rarely hit by high magnitude in tune.B

.Memory is not an important part in singing Created

mentioned. 7第八篇 What Is a Dream?

B Wrong C Not about the effects of music on humans.A

.Scientists does not know all the answers


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