
Comparison of German and Chinese material designations, Basis SN359

No guarantee in respect of completeness and substitution of materials!

Status: 01.01.2006 AEK2 Design ConsultingGerman

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation



Material designation





Matching of properties:

Engineering steels


1. 0050

St 50-2

DIN EN 10025-2


Engineering steels

Q275 Z

GB 700-88

Unalloyed engineering steels

C content 0.28 to 0.38%, identical only limited weldability, Z = Fully killed steel only is permissible,

E335E360S235JR S275JR

1. 00601. 00701. 0038

St 60-2St 70-2

R St 37-2 S235JRG2St 44-2 S275JRG2

DIN EN 10025-2DIN EN 10025-2DIN EN 10025-2

- -KV at room temperature, unkilled not permittedKV at room temperature, unkilled not permitted

Q 345 CQ 390 C

Q 235 DQ 275 Z

GB T 1591-94GB T 1591-94

High strength low alloy structural steelsHigh strength low alloy structural steels

identical identical identical similar

GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels Fully killed steel only is GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steelspermissible GB 700-88

Unalloyed engineering steels

C content must be limited to

0.22%, otherwise only limited

weldability, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

Fully killed steel only is permissible

Fully killed steel only is

permissible, KV only at room temperature,Fully killed steel only is

permissible, KV at 0°C ,

Fully killed steel only is

permissible, KV at 0°C ,

Fully killed or double-killed steel only is permissible, KV at -20°C ,

Fully killed or double-killed steel only is permissible, KV at -20°C ,

1. 0044DIN EN 10025-2

S355J2S355JR S235J0S235J0C S235J2G3S235J2G3C

1. 05771. 0045St 52-3N S355J2G3


DIN EN 10025-2DIN EN 10025-2

KV at -20°C, fully killed


KV at room temperature, unkilled not permitted

KV at 0°C

Q 345 DQ 345 CQ 235 CQ 235 CQ 235 DQ 235 D

GB T 1591-94GB T 1591-94

High strength low alloy structural steelsHigh strength low alloy structural steels

Unalloyed engineering steels

similar identical similar similar similar similar

1. 0114St 37-3 UDIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88

1. 0115Q St 37-3UDIN EN 10025 (invalid)

KV at 0°C, suitable for

cold forming,KV at -20°C, fully killed

steel KV at -20°C, fully killed steel, suitable for cold

forming, KV at -20°C, fully killed


GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0116St 37-3NDIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0118Q St 37-3NDIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels


1. 0117 -DIN EN 10025 (invalid)

Q 235 D

GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

Fully killed or double-killed steel similar only is permissible, KV at -20°C ,

Z = killed only is permissible

S235JR S235JRG1S235JRG1C

1. 00371. 00361. 0121

St 37-2U St 37-2UQ St 37-2

DIN EN 10025 (invalid)DIN EN 10025 (invalid)DIN EN 10025 (invalid)

KV at room temperature,KV at room temperature,


KV at room temperature, unkilled, suitable for cold


KV at 0°C

Q 235 B

Q 235 B Not known

GB 700-88GB 700-88

Unalloyed engineering steelsUnalloyed engineering steels



S275J0S275J0C S275J2G3

1. 0143St 44-3DIN EN 10025 (invalid)

Q 275Q 275Q 275

GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0140Q St 44-3UDIN EN 10025 (invalid)

KV at 0°C, suitable for

cold forming,KV at -20°C, fully killed


GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0144St 44-3NDIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

C content must be limited to 0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

C content must be limited to 0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

C content must be limited to 0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

do not usedo not usedo not use

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation

Q St 44-3N

Standard DIN EN 10025 (invalid)


KV at -20°C, fully killed steel, suitable for cold


KV at -20°C, fully killed

steel KV at room temperature, suitable for cold forming,

KV at 0°C

Material designation

Standard GB 700-88



Matching of properties:

S275J2G3C S275J2G4S275JRC S355J0S355J2G3C

1. 0141

Q 275Q 275Q 27516Mn 16Mn

Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0145 -DIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0128Q St 44-2DIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0553 -DIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 1591-88High strength low alloy structural steelsHigh strength low alloy structural steels

1. 0569 -DIN EN 10025 (invalid)

KV at -20°C, fully killed steel, suitable for cold


GB 1591-88

C content must be limited to do not use0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

C content must be limited to do not use0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

C content must be limited to do not use0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

KV only at room temperature, similar Z= Fully killed steel only is permissible

KV only at room temperature, similar Z= Fully killed steel only is permissible

Fine-grained engineering steels, weldable

S355N S355NL S420N

1. 05451. 0546 1. 8902

StE 355TStE 355StE 420

DIN EN 10025-3DIN EN 10025-3DIN EN 10025-3

Fine-grained engineering steels, weldable

KV at -20°C,

KV at -50°C,

KV at -20°C,

Q 345 DQ 345 EQ 420 D

GB T 1591-94GB T 1591-94GB T 16270-96

High strength low alloy structural steelsKV at -20°CHigh strength low alloy structural steelsKV at -40°C !

KV at -20°C !High-strength engineering-steel

sheet/plate and strip products, heat-treated or produced by controlled rolling

KV at -40°C !High-strength engineering-steel

sheet/plate and strip products, heat-treated or produced by controlled rolling

similar similar similar


1. 8912TStE 420DIN EN 10025-3

KV at -50°C,

Q 420 E

GB T 16270-96


S460N S460NL

1. 8901 1. 8903

StE 460TStE 460

DIN EN 10025-3DIN EN 10025-3

KV at -20°C,

KV at -50°C,

Q 460 DQ 460 E

GB T 1591-94GB T 1591-94

High strength low alloy structural steelsKV at -20°C !High strength low alloy structural steelsKV at -40°C !

similar similar

Bright steel products for general engineering purposes

C45 +C or +SHC15 +C or +SHE 295GC +C or +SH

1. 05031. 04011. 0533

C 45 C15St 50-2 KG

DIN EN 10277-2DIN EN 10277-2DIN EN 10277-2

Bright steel products for general engineering purposes

+SH = as rolled and


4515Q 275

GB 699-88GB 699-88GB 700-88

Quality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steelUnalloyed engineering steels

Z = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissible

similar similar similar



1. 0330

St 12

DIN EN 10130



GB 699-88

Plain carbon quality steel

Sameness must be checked in every case


Pipes, tubes


1. 0254

St 37.0

DIN EN 10216-1


Pipes, tubes



16Mn 16Mn 16Mn 202020

GB 8163-87GB 8162-87GB 8162-87GB 6479-86

Seamless tubes for transport of liquids

Seamless tubes for structuresSeamless tubes for structures

Seamless steel tubes for equipment of chemical industry for high pressure serviceSeamless steel tubes for structural purposes

Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%

similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar P235GH P355N

1. 03451.0562St 35.8StE 355DIN EN 10216-2DIN EN 10216-3normalised normalised

GB 8162-87 GB 8163-87

Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%

Seamless steel pipes for liquid service

E235St 37.4 NBK

1.03081. 0255 -St 37.4 NBKDIN EN 10305-4

DIN 2391normalised normalised

GB/T 8164-87 Strips for welding stel pipeGB 8162-87Seamless tubes for structuresGB 8163-87Seamless tubes for transport of liquidsGB 8162-87

Seamless tubes for structures

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation



Material designation




Matching of properties:

Tubes in stainless steels

X2CrNiMo 17-12-2


-DIN EN 10216-5 DIN EN 10217-7


Tubes in stainless steels

0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti

GB T 14975-94GB T 14976-94GB 13296-91GB 13296-91GB T 14975-94GB T 14976-94GB 12771-91GB 13296-91GB T 14975-94GB T 14976-94GB 13296-91

Seamless tubes

Seamless tubes for liquids

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)Seamless tubes

Seamless tubes for liquids

Welded pipes for transport of liquidsSeamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)Seamless tubes

Seamless tubes for liquids

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)

similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar


1. 4541X10CrNiTi 18 9

DIN EN 10216-5 DIN EN 10217-7


0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti


1. 4571X10CrNiMoTi 18 10

DIN EN 10216-5 DIN EN 10217-7


0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti

Qenched and tempered steels, unalloyed

C22 +NC35 +NC35 +QT

1. 04021. 05011. 0501

C 22 NC 35 NC 35 V

DIN EN 10083-2DIN EN 10083-2DIN EN 10083-2

normalised normalised quenched & tempered

Quenched and tempered steels, unalloyed


GB 699-88GB 699-88GB 699-88

Quality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steel

Z = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising. Yield point at small nom. thickness differs from European material.

Z = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising. Yield point at small nom. thickness differs from European material.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising. Yield point at small nom. thickness differs from European material.

Z = killed only is permissible

identical identical similar

C35E +QTC45 +NC45 +QT

1. 1181Ck 35 VDIN EN 10083-1quenched & tempered354545

GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steelsimilar identical similar

1. 05031. 0503

C 45 NC 45 V

DIN EN 10083-2DIN EN 10083-2

normalised quenched & tempered

GB 699-88GB 699-88

Quality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steel

C45E +QT1. 1191Ck 45 VDIN EN 10083-1quenched & tempered45GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steelsimilar

C55 +QT1. 0535C 55 VDIN EN 10083-2quenched & tempered55GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steelsimilar

C55E +QTC60 +N

1. 1203Ck 55 VDIN EN 10083-1quenched & tempered5560

GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steelsimilar identical

1. 0601C 60 NDIN EN 10083-2normalised GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steel

Flame hardening steels

Cf 35 VCf 45 VCf 55 V

1. 1183.05

Cf 35 V

DIN 17212

quenched & tempered

Flame hardening steels


GB 699-88

Plain carbon quality steel

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

similar similar similar

1. 1193.05Cf 45 VDIN 17212quenched & temperedGB 699-88Plain carbon quality steel

1. 1213.05Cf 55 VDIN 17212quenched & temperedGB 699-88Plain carbon quality steel

Quenched and tempered steels, alloyed

Quenched and tempered steels, alloyed

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation



Material designation




Heat treatment strength to be agreed upon

Heat treatment strength to be agreed upon

Matching of properties:similar similar



25 CrMo 4 V42 CrMo 4 V50 CrMo 4 V34 CrNiMo 6 V30 CrNiMo 8 V

DIN EN 10083-1DIN EN 10083-1DIN EN 10083-1DIN EN 10083-1DIN EN 10083-1

quenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & tempered

30CrMo 42CrMo 50CrMo 34CrNi3Mo 30Cr2Ni2Mo

GB 3077-88GB 3077-88EZB 1184-93EZB 1184-93EZB 1184-93

Alloyed structural steelsAlloyed structural steels

(Title not known)(Title not known)(Title not known)

Case hardening steels



16 MnCr 5 BF

DIN EN 10084

Case hardening steels

20CrMnTi 16MnCr 20CrMnTi 20MnCr 17Cr2Ni2Mo

Alloyed structural steels

Large forged piece of alloyed structural steel

GB 3077-88Alloyed structural steelsJB T 6396-92Large forged piece of alloyed structural


JB/T 6396-92 Large forged piece of alloyed structural EZB 1187-93steel

GB 3077-88JB T 6396-92

similar similar similar similar similar


1.714720 MnCr 5 BFDIN EN 10084


1.658717 CrNiMo 6 BFDIN EN 10084

Heat-resisting steels



X 22 CrMoV 12 1

DIN EN 10222-2

Heat-resisting steels


GB 1221-92

Heat-resisting steels


Tool steel

60WCrV 7102Cr6


60 WCrV7100Cr6


Tool steel

6 Cr W 2 Si


GB 1299-85GB 1299-85

Alloyed cold work steelAlloyed cold work steel

similar similar

Steels for forgings



X 20 CrMoV 12 1

St 52-3

DIN EN 10222-2DIN EN 10250-2

Steels for forgings


2016MnDR 20Mn22020Mn2354545H 6030CrMo 35CrMo 42CrMo 50CrMo 30Cr2Ni2Mo 34CrNi3Mo 34CrNiMo Not known2Cr132Cr132Cr13SM 2Cr131Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni20Cr18Ni90Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti

GB 1221-92GB 699-88GB 3531-96GB 3077-88GB 699-88GB 3077-88GB 699-88GB 699-88GB 5216-85GB 699-88GB 3077-88GB 3077-88GB 3077-88EZB 1184-93EZB 1184-93Not knownEZB 1184-93Not knownGB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB 8732-88YB 094-97GB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB T 1220-92GB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB 1220-92

Heat-resisting steels

Quality carbon structure steel

Notch impact energy not guaranteed

similar do not usesimilar similar similar similar identical identical similar identical similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar

Plate for pressure vessels for use at low temperatures

Alloyed structural steels

Quality carbon structure steel

Z = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissible

C2220Mn5C35E C45E

1.04021.11331.11811.1191C 2220 Mn 5Ck 35Ck 45DIN EN 10250-2DIN EN 10250-2DIN EN 10250-2DIN EN 10250-2

Alloyed structural steels

Quality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steel

Structural steels with defined hardenability scatterband

Quality carbon structure steel

Z = killed only is permissible

C60E 25CrMo434CrMo442CrMo450CrMo430CrNiMo834CrNiMo633NiCrMoV14-5



Ck 6025 CrMo 434 CrMo 442 CrMo 450 CrMo 430 CrNiMo 834 CrNiMo 633 NiCrMoV 14 5X 20 Cr 13

DIN EN 10250-2DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-4

Alloyed structural steelsAlloyed structural steelsAlloyed structural steelsTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not known

Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)Steel for steam turbine blades

Slabs for plastic moulds

Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)



X 17 CrNi 16 2X 5 CrNi 18 9X 10 CrNiTi 18 9X 10 CrNiMoTi 18 10

DIN EN 10250-4DIN EN 10250-4DIN EN 10250-4DIN EN 10250-4

Stainless steel bar

Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)Stainless steels (austenitic)

X 5 CrNiMo17 12 2

-DIN EN 10250-4DIN EN 10250-4

GB 1220-92GB 1221-92Not known




0Cr17Ni12Mo20Cr17Ni12Mo2Not known

Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)

Stainless steels



X 20 Cr 13X 17 CrNi 16 2

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

Stainless steels

X20Cr131Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni2 (-R)1Cr17Ni2

GB 1220-92GB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB 3280-92GB 4356-84GB T 4240-93GB T 4231-93GB 4232-93Not knownGB 1220-92GB 1220-92GB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB 3280-92GB 4237-92GB 4238-92GB 13296-91GB T 14975-94GB T 14976-94GB 4356-84GB 12771-91GB T 4240-93GB 13296-91YB T 5092-96GB T 4237-92

Stainless steels (austenitic)Stainless steels (austenitic)Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)Cold-rolled plate and strip (austenitic)Wire in rod shapeWire

Cold-rolled strip in stainless steel for springs



X 39 CrMo 17 1X 5 CrNi 18 9X 5 CrNiMo17 12 2X 10 CrNiTi 18 9

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

ML1Cr17Ni2Not known0Cr18Ni90Cr17Ni12Mo20Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti (-Q,-R)


Wire for cold heading

Stainless steels (austenitic)Stainless steels (austenitic)Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)

Cold-rolled sheet/plate and strip (austenitic)Hot-rolled sheet/plate and strip in stainless steel (austenitic)

Hot-rolled sheet/plate in heat-resisting steel (austenitic)

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)

Seamless tubes

Seamless tubes for liquidsWire in rod shape

Welded pipes for transport of liquidsWire

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)


1.4571X 10 CrNiMoTi 18 10

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

H0Cr20Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti

Stainless steel wire for welding

Hot rolled stainless steel sheets and plates

Grey cast iron




DIN EN 1561DIN EN 1561DIN EN 1561

- - -

Grey cast iron

HT20 - 40HT 200HT25 - 47HT 250 HT3 - 54HT 300

GB 9439-88Not knownGB 9439-88Not knownGB 9439-88Not known

Grey iron castingsGrey iron castingsGrey iron castings

identical identical identical

Spheroidal graphite cast iron








1060DIN EN 1563DIN EN 1563DIN EN 1563DIN EN 1563

- - - -

Spheroidal graphite cast iron

Not knownNot knownQT 400-15QT 400-15QT 500-7QT 500-7QT 600-3Not knownNot knownGB 1348-88GB 1348-88GB 1348-88GB 1348-88GB 1348-88GB 1348-88


Spheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castings

identical identical identical identical identical


DIN EN 1563

-GB 1348-88GB 1348-88

properties:identical identical

GJS-700-2U GJS-700-2


QT 700-2QT 700-2Spheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castings

Malleable cast iron


EN-JM 1020EN-JM 1030

GTW-S 38-12GTW-40-05

DIN EN 1562DIN EN 1562

Malleable cast iron

Not knownNot known

Not knownNot known

General purpose cast steel


1. 04491.O445

GS-38N GS-45N

DIN EN 10293DIN EN 10293

normalised normalised

General purpose cast steel

ZG 200 - 400ZG 230 - 450ZGD 270 - 480

GB 11352-89GB 11352-89GB T 14408-93

General-purpose unalloyed cast steelGeneral-purpose unalloyed cast steel

C content max. 0.18%

C content max. 0.30% must be limited to max. 0.23%!

Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only

P and S max. 0.040 eachand structural steel engineering


similar do not use


1.O558GS-60N DIN EN 10293normalised

ZG 310 - 570 ZG340 - 640ZGD 345 - 570

GB 11352-89GB 11352-89GB T 14408-93

Important! C content 0.50 to 0.60 %, only limited weldability.

Important! C content 0.50 to 0.60 General-purpose unalloyed cast steel

%, only limited weldability.

Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only

P and S max. 0.040 eachand structural steel engineering

General-purpose unalloyed cast steelsimilar similar similar

ZGD 410 - 620

GB T 14408-93

Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only P and S max. 0.040 eachand structural steel engineeringCastings in low-alloy steel

General-purpose unalloyed cast steel


G20Mn5 +N or +QT


1 .62201.O552GS-20Mn5V GS-52N DIN EN 10293DIN 1681quenched & tempered


ZG 20 SiMnZG 270 - 500ZGD 290 - 510

JB T 6402-92GB 11352-89GB T 14408-93

C content max. 0.40% must be limited to 0.35%!

Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only

P and S max. 0.040 eachand structural steel engineering


do not usedo not use

ZG 310-570

GB 11352-89General-purpose unalloyed cast steeldo not use

Quenched and tempered steel castings

G28Mn6 +QT1 or QT2G26 CrMo4 +QT1 or +QT2G42 CrMo4 +QT1 or QT2G35CrNiMo6-6 +N or +QT1 or


GS-34 CrMo4V

1. 1165 1. 7221 1. 7231 1. 6582 1. 7220

GS-30Mn5V GS-25 CrMo4VGS-42 CrMo4VGS-34CrNiMo6V GS-34 CrMo4V

DIN EN 10293DIN EN 10293DIN EN 10293DIN EN 10293DIN 17205

quenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & tempered

Quenched and tempered steel castings

ZG 35 SiMnZG 20 CrMoZG 42 CrMoZG 34 CrNiMoZG 35CrMo

JB T 6402-92EZB 1162-92JB T 6402-92JB T 6402-92EZB 1162-92

Castings in low-alloy steel

Title not known

similar similar similar similar similar

Castings in low-alloy steelCastings in low-alloy steel

Title not known

Flame and induction hardening steel castings


1. 7231 1. 7232


SEW 835SEW 835

quenched & temperedquenched & tempered

Flame and induction hardening steel castings

ZG 42 CrMoZG 50 CrMo

JB ZQ 4297-88 JB ZQ 4297-88

Alloyed cast steels. Non-standardised cast steels.

Alloyed cast steels. Non-standardised cast steels.

similar similar

Heat-resistant steel castings


1.O619 1.O619 1. 5419 1. 7357 1. 7706 1. 4931

GS-C25N GS-C25V GS-22Mo4V GS-17CrMo55V GS-17CrMoV5 11VG-X22CrMoV12 1V

DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2

normalised quenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & tempered

Heat-resistant steel castings

ZG 230-450ZG 230-450Not knownZG 20CrMoVZG 15Cr1Mo1VNot known

EZB 1165-93EZB 1165-93Not knownJB / T 7024-93JB / T 7024-93Not known

Title not knownTitle not known

C content higher, V alloyed, Rm and Re identical

Cr content higher, Rm and Re lower

Title not knownTitle not known

similar similar

similar similar

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation



Material designation




Matching of properties:

Manganese steel castings, austenitic

GX 120Mn12Not knownNot knownNot known

1. 3401

- - - -without standardwithout standardwithout standardwithout standard


Manganese steel castings, austenitic

ZG MN 13-1ZG MN 13-2ZG MN 13-3ZG MN 13-4

GB 5680-98GB 5680-98GB 5680-98GB 5680-98

Austenitic cast steels with high manganese content

Austenitic cast steels with high manganese content

Austenitic cast steels with high manganese content

Austenitic cast steels with high manganese content


Copper-tin-zinc cast alloys (red brass)

GK-CuSn10Zn CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C-GS CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C-GZ CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C-GC

-CC493K-GS CC493K-GZ CC493K-GC

GK-S1G-CuSn7ZnPb GZ-CuSn7ZnPb GC-CuSn7ZnPb

DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982

Copper-tin-zinc cast alloys (red brass)


GB/T 1176-1987EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93

Specification for cast copper alloys

Title not knownTitle not knownTitle not known

Copper-tin cast alloys (tin bronze)

CuSn12-C-GS CuSn12-C-GZ



DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982

Copper-tin cast alloys (tin bronze)


EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93Not knownEZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93

Title not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not known

CuSn12-C-GC CuSn12Ni2-C-GS CuSn12Ni2-C-GZ CuSn12Ni2-C-GC CuSn11Pb2-C-GS CuSn11Pb2-C-GZ CuSn11Pb2-C-GC


GC-CuSn12G-CuSn12Ni GZ-CuSn12Ni GC-CuSn12Ni G-CuSn12Pb GZ-CuSn12Pb GC-CuSn12Pb

DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982


Copper-lead-tin cast alloys

CuSn10Pb10-C-GS CuSn10Pb10-C-GZ


G-CuPb10Sn GZ-CuPb10Sn

DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982

Copper-lead-tin cast alloys


GB/T 1176-1987GB/T 1176-1987

Specification for cast copper alloysSpecification for cast copper alloys

Copper-aluminium cast alloys

CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C-GS CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C-GZ


G-CuAl10Ni GZ-CuAl10Ni

DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982

Copper-aluminium cast alloys


EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93

Title not knownTitle not known

Copper-zinc cast alloys (cast special brass)

CuZn35Mn2Al1Fe1-GS CuZn35Mn2Al1Fe1-GZ CuZn34Mn3Al2Fe1-C-GS CuZn34Mn3Al2Fe1-C-GZ CuZn25Al5Mn4Fe3-C-GS CuZn25Al5Mn4Fe3-C-GZ CuZn37Mn3Al2PbSi-R540

CC765-GS CC765-GZ CC764-GS CC764-GZ CC762-GS CC762-GZ CW713R-R540


DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 12164

Copper-zinc cast alloys (cast special brass)


Not known

EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93Not known

Title not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not known

Comparison of German and Chinese material designations, Basis SN359

No guarantee in respect of completeness and substitution of materials!

Status: 01.01.2006 AEK2 Design ConsultingGerman

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation



Material designation





Matching of properties:

Engineering steels


1. 0050

St 50-2

DIN EN 10025-2


Engineering steels

Q275 Z

GB 700-88

Unalloyed engineering steels

C content 0.28 to 0.38%, identical only limited weldability, Z = Fully killed steel only is permissible,

E335E360S235JR S275JR

1. 00601. 00701. 0038

St 60-2St 70-2

R St 37-2 S235JRG2St 44-2 S275JRG2

DIN EN 10025-2DIN EN 10025-2DIN EN 10025-2

- -KV at room temperature, unkilled not permittedKV at room temperature, unkilled not permitted

Q 345 CQ 390 C

Q 235 DQ 275 Z

GB T 1591-94GB T 1591-94

High strength low alloy structural steelsHigh strength low alloy structural steels

identical identical identical similar

GB 700-88 Unalloyed engineering steels Fully killed steel only is GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steelspermissible GB 700-88

Unalloyed engineering steels

C content must be limited to

0.22%, otherwise only limited

weldability, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

Fully killed steel only is permissible

Fully killed steel only is

permissible, KV only at room temperature,Fully killed steel only is

permissible, KV at 0°C ,

Fully killed steel only is

permissible, KV at 0°C ,

Fully killed or double-killed steel only is permissible, KV at -20°C ,

Fully killed or double-killed steel only is permissible, KV at -20°C ,

1. 0044DIN EN 10025-2

S355J2S355JR S235J0S235J0C S235J2G3S235J2G3C

1. 05771. 0045St 52-3N S355J2G3


DIN EN 10025-2DIN EN 10025-2

KV at -20°C, fully killed


KV at room temperature, unkilled not permitted

KV at 0°C

Q 345 DQ 345 CQ 235 CQ 235 CQ 235 DQ 235 D

GB T 1591-94GB T 1591-94

High strength low alloy structural steelsHigh strength low alloy structural steels

Unalloyed engineering steels

similar identical similar similar similar similar

1. 0114St 37-3 UDIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88

1. 0115Q St 37-3UDIN EN 10025 (invalid)

KV at 0°C, suitable for

cold forming,KV at -20°C, fully killed

steel KV at -20°C, fully killed steel, suitable for cold

forming, KV at -20°C, fully killed


GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0116St 37-3NDIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0118Q St 37-3NDIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels


1. 0117 -DIN EN 10025 (invalid)

Q 235 D

GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

Fully killed or double-killed steel similar only is permissible, KV at -20°C ,

Z = killed only is permissible

S235JR S235JRG1S235JRG1C

1. 00371. 00361. 0121

St 37-2U St 37-2UQ St 37-2

DIN EN 10025 (invalid)DIN EN 10025 (invalid)DIN EN 10025 (invalid)

KV at room temperature,KV at room temperature,


KV at room temperature, unkilled, suitable for cold


KV at 0°C

Q 235 B

Q 235 B Not known

GB 700-88GB 700-88

Unalloyed engineering steelsUnalloyed engineering steels



S275J0S275J0C S275J2G3

1. 0143St 44-3DIN EN 10025 (invalid)

Q 275Q 275Q 275

GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0140Q St 44-3UDIN EN 10025 (invalid)

KV at 0°C, suitable for

cold forming,KV at -20°C, fully killed


GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0144St 44-3NDIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

C content must be limited to 0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

C content must be limited to 0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

C content must be limited to 0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

do not usedo not usedo not use

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation

Q St 44-3N

Standard DIN EN 10025 (invalid)


KV at -20°C, fully killed steel, suitable for cold


KV at -20°C, fully killed

steel KV at room temperature, suitable for cold forming,

KV at 0°C

Material designation

Standard GB 700-88



Matching of properties:

S275J2G3C S275J2G4S275JRC S355J0S355J2G3C

1. 0141

Q 275Q 275Q 27516Mn 16Mn

Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0145 -DIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0128Q St 44-2DIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 700-88Unalloyed engineering steels

1. 0553 -DIN EN 10025 (invalid)GB 1591-88High strength low alloy structural steelsHigh strength low alloy structural steels

1. 0569 -DIN EN 10025 (invalid)

KV at -20°C, fully killed steel, suitable for cold


GB 1591-88

C content must be limited to do not use0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

C content must be limited to do not use0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

C content must be limited to do not use0.22%, notch impact energy not guaranteed.

KV only at room temperature, similar Z= Fully killed steel only is permissible

KV only at room temperature, similar Z= Fully killed steel only is permissible

Fine-grained engineering steels, weldable

S355N S355NL S420N

1. 05451. 0546 1. 8902

StE 355TStE 355StE 420

DIN EN 10025-3DIN EN 10025-3DIN EN 10025-3

Fine-grained engineering steels, weldable

KV at -20°C,

KV at -50°C,

KV at -20°C,

Q 345 DQ 345 EQ 420 D

GB T 1591-94GB T 1591-94GB T 16270-96

High strength low alloy structural steelsKV at -20°CHigh strength low alloy structural steelsKV at -40°C !

KV at -20°C !High-strength engineering-steel

sheet/plate and strip products, heat-treated or produced by controlled rolling

KV at -40°C !High-strength engineering-steel

sheet/plate and strip products, heat-treated or produced by controlled rolling

similar similar similar


1. 8912TStE 420DIN EN 10025-3

KV at -50°C,

Q 420 E

GB T 16270-96


S460N S460NL

1. 8901 1. 8903

StE 460TStE 460

DIN EN 10025-3DIN EN 10025-3

KV at -20°C,

KV at -50°C,

Q 460 DQ 460 E

GB T 1591-94GB T 1591-94

High strength low alloy structural steelsKV at -20°C !High strength low alloy structural steelsKV at -40°C !

similar similar

Bright steel products for general engineering purposes

C45 +C or +SHC15 +C or +SHE 295GC +C or +SH

1. 05031. 04011. 0533

C 45 C15St 50-2 KG

DIN EN 10277-2DIN EN 10277-2DIN EN 10277-2

Bright steel products for general engineering purposes

+SH = as rolled and


4515Q 275

GB 699-88GB 699-88GB 700-88

Quality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steelUnalloyed engineering steels

Z = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissible

similar similar similar



1. 0330

St 12

DIN EN 10130



GB 699-88

Plain carbon quality steel

Sameness must be checked in every case


Pipes, tubes


1. 0254

St 37.0

DIN EN 10216-1


Pipes, tubes



16Mn 16Mn 16Mn 202020

GB 8163-87GB 8162-87GB 8162-87GB 6479-86

Seamless tubes for transport of liquids

Seamless tubes for structuresSeamless tubes for structures

Seamless steel tubes for equipment of chemical industry for high pressure serviceSeamless steel tubes for structural purposes

Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%

similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar P235GH P355N

1. 03451.0562St 35.8StE 355DIN EN 10216-2DIN EN 10216-3normalised normalised

GB 8162-87 GB 8163-87

Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%Limit C content to 0.17%

Seamless steel pipes for liquid service

E235St 37.4 NBK

1.03081. 0255 -St 37.4 NBKDIN EN 10305-4

DIN 2391normalised normalised

GB/T 8164-87 Strips for welding stel pipeGB 8162-87Seamless tubes for structuresGB 8163-87Seamless tubes for transport of liquidsGB 8162-87

Seamless tubes for structures

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation



Material designation




Matching of properties:

Tubes in stainless steels

X2CrNiMo 17-12-2


-DIN EN 10216-5 DIN EN 10217-7


Tubes in stainless steels

0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti

GB T 14975-94GB T 14976-94GB 13296-91GB 13296-91GB T 14975-94GB T 14976-94GB 12771-91GB 13296-91GB T 14975-94GB T 14976-94GB 13296-91

Seamless tubes

Seamless tubes for liquids

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)Seamless tubes

Seamless tubes for liquids

Welded pipes for transport of liquidsSeamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)Seamless tubes

Seamless tubes for liquids

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)

similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar


1. 4541X10CrNiTi 18 9

DIN EN 10216-5 DIN EN 10217-7


0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti


1. 4571X10CrNiMoTi 18 10

DIN EN 10216-5 DIN EN 10217-7


0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti 1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti

Qenched and tempered steels, unalloyed

C22 +NC35 +NC35 +QT

1. 04021. 05011. 0501

C 22 NC 35 NC 35 V

DIN EN 10083-2DIN EN 10083-2DIN EN 10083-2

normalised normalised quenched & tempered

Quenched and tempered steels, unalloyed


GB 699-88GB 699-88GB 699-88

Quality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steel

Z = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising. Yield point at small nom. thickness differs from European material.

Z = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising. Yield point at small nom. thickness differs from European material.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising. Yield point at small nom. thickness differs from European material.

Z = killed only is permissible

identical identical similar

C35E +QTC45 +NC45 +QT

1. 1181Ck 35 VDIN EN 10083-1quenched & tempered354545

GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steelsimilar identical similar

1. 05031. 0503

C 45 NC 45 V

DIN EN 10083-2DIN EN 10083-2

normalised quenched & tempered

GB 699-88GB 699-88

Quality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steel

C45E +QT1. 1191Ck 45 VDIN EN 10083-1quenched & tempered45GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steelsimilar

C55 +QT1. 0535C 55 VDIN EN 10083-2quenched & tempered55GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steelsimilar

C55E +QTC60 +N

1. 1203Ck 55 VDIN EN 10083-1quenched & tempered5560

GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steelsimilar identical

1. 0601C 60 NDIN EN 10083-2normalised GB 699-88Quality carbon structure steel

Flame hardening steels

Cf 35 VCf 45 VCf 55 V

1. 1183.05

Cf 35 V

DIN 17212

quenched & tempered

Flame hardening steels


GB 699-88

Plain carbon quality steel

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

Z = killed only is permissible,

Agreement required for QT instead of normalising.

similar similar similar

1. 1193.05Cf 45 VDIN 17212quenched & temperedGB 699-88Plain carbon quality steel

1. 1213.05Cf 55 VDIN 17212quenched & temperedGB 699-88Plain carbon quality steel

Quenched and tempered steels, alloyed

Quenched and tempered steels, alloyed

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation



Material designation




Heat treatment strength to be agreed upon

Heat treatment strength to be agreed upon

Matching of properties:similar similar



25 CrMo 4 V42 CrMo 4 V50 CrMo 4 V34 CrNiMo 6 V30 CrNiMo 8 V

DIN EN 10083-1DIN EN 10083-1DIN EN 10083-1DIN EN 10083-1DIN EN 10083-1

quenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & tempered

30CrMo 42CrMo 50CrMo 34CrNi3Mo 30Cr2Ni2Mo

GB 3077-88GB 3077-88EZB 1184-93EZB 1184-93EZB 1184-93

Alloyed structural steelsAlloyed structural steels

(Title not known)(Title not known)(Title not known)

Case hardening steels



16 MnCr 5 BF

DIN EN 10084

Case hardening steels

20CrMnTi 16MnCr 20CrMnTi 20MnCr 17Cr2Ni2Mo

Alloyed structural steels

Large forged piece of alloyed structural steel

GB 3077-88Alloyed structural steelsJB T 6396-92Large forged piece of alloyed structural


JB/T 6396-92 Large forged piece of alloyed structural EZB 1187-93steel

GB 3077-88JB T 6396-92

similar similar similar similar similar


1.714720 MnCr 5 BFDIN EN 10084


1.658717 CrNiMo 6 BFDIN EN 10084

Heat-resisting steels



X 22 CrMoV 12 1

DIN EN 10222-2

Heat-resisting steels


GB 1221-92

Heat-resisting steels


Tool steel

60WCrV 7102Cr6


60 WCrV7100Cr6


Tool steel

6 Cr W 2 Si


GB 1299-85GB 1299-85

Alloyed cold work steelAlloyed cold work steel

similar similar

Steels for forgings



X 20 CrMoV 12 1

St 52-3

DIN EN 10222-2DIN EN 10250-2

Steels for forgings


2016MnDR 20Mn22020Mn2354545H 6030CrMo 35CrMo 42CrMo 50CrMo 30Cr2Ni2Mo 34CrNi3Mo 34CrNiMo Not known2Cr132Cr132Cr13SM 2Cr131Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni20Cr18Ni90Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti

GB 1221-92GB 699-88GB 3531-96GB 3077-88GB 699-88GB 3077-88GB 699-88GB 699-88GB 5216-85GB 699-88GB 3077-88GB 3077-88GB 3077-88EZB 1184-93EZB 1184-93Not knownEZB 1184-93Not knownGB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB 8732-88YB 094-97GB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB T 1220-92GB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB 1220-92

Heat-resisting steels

Quality carbon structure steel

Notch impact energy not guaranteed

similar do not usesimilar similar similar similar identical identical similar identical similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar similar

Plate for pressure vessels for use at low temperatures

Alloyed structural steels

Quality carbon structure steel

Z = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissibleZ = killed only is permissible

C2220Mn5C35E C45E

1.04021.11331.11811.1191C 2220 Mn 5Ck 35Ck 45DIN EN 10250-2DIN EN 10250-2DIN EN 10250-2DIN EN 10250-2

Alloyed structural steels

Quality carbon structure steelQuality carbon structure steel

Structural steels with defined hardenability scatterband

Quality carbon structure steel

Z = killed only is permissible

C60E 25CrMo434CrMo442CrMo450CrMo430CrNiMo834CrNiMo633NiCrMoV14-5



Ck 6025 CrMo 434 CrMo 442 CrMo 450 CrMo 430 CrNiMo 834 CrNiMo 633 NiCrMoV 14 5X 20 Cr 13

DIN EN 10250-2DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-3DIN EN 10250-4

Alloyed structural steelsAlloyed structural steelsAlloyed structural steelsTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not known

Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)Steel for steam turbine blades

Slabs for plastic moulds

Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)



X 17 CrNi 16 2X 5 CrNi 18 9X 10 CrNiTi 18 9X 10 CrNiMoTi 18 10

DIN EN 10250-4DIN EN 10250-4DIN EN 10250-4DIN EN 10250-4

Stainless steel bar

Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)Stainless steels (austenitic)

X 5 CrNiMo17 12 2

-DIN EN 10250-4DIN EN 10250-4

GB 1220-92GB 1221-92Not known




0Cr17Ni12Mo20Cr17Ni12Mo2Not known

Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)

Stainless steels



X 20 Cr 13X 17 CrNi 16 2

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

Stainless steels

X20Cr131Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni21Cr17Ni2 (-R)1Cr17Ni2

GB 1220-92GB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB 3280-92GB 4356-84GB T 4240-93GB T 4231-93GB 4232-93Not knownGB 1220-92GB 1220-92GB 1220-92GB 1221-92GB 3280-92GB 4237-92GB 4238-92GB 13296-91GB T 14975-94GB T 14976-94GB 4356-84GB 12771-91GB T 4240-93GB 13296-91YB T 5092-96GB T 4237-92

Stainless steels (austenitic)Stainless steels (austenitic)Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)Cold-rolled plate and strip (austenitic)Wire in rod shapeWire

Cold-rolled strip in stainless steel for springs



X 39 CrMo 17 1X 5 CrNi 18 9X 5 CrNiMo17 12 2X 10 CrNiTi 18 9

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

ML1Cr17Ni2Not known0Cr18Ni90Cr17Ni12Mo20Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni10Ti (-Q,-R)


Wire for cold heading

Stainless steels (austenitic)Stainless steels (austenitic)Stainless steels (austenitic)

Heat-resisting steels (austenitic)

Cold-rolled sheet/plate and strip (austenitic)Hot-rolled sheet/plate and strip in stainless steel (austenitic)

Hot-rolled sheet/plate in heat-resisting steel (austenitic)

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)

Seamless tubes

Seamless tubes for liquidsWire in rod shape

Welded pipes for transport of liquidsWire

Seamless boiler and heat exchanger tubes (austenitic)


1.4571X 10 CrNiMoTi 18 10

DIN 17440 DIN EN 10088-1 to 3

H0Cr20Ni10Ti 0Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti

Stainless steel wire for welding

Hot rolled stainless steel sheets and plates

Grey cast iron




DIN EN 1561DIN EN 1561DIN EN 1561

- - -

Grey cast iron

HT20 - 40HT 200HT25 - 47HT 250 HT3 - 54HT 300

GB 9439-88Not knownGB 9439-88Not knownGB 9439-88Not known

Grey iron castingsGrey iron castingsGrey iron castings

identical identical identical

Spheroidal graphite cast iron








1060DIN EN 1563DIN EN 1563DIN EN 1563DIN EN 1563

- - - -

Spheroidal graphite cast iron

Not knownNot knownQT 400-15QT 400-15QT 500-7QT 500-7QT 600-3Not knownNot knownGB 1348-88GB 1348-88GB 1348-88GB 1348-88GB 1348-88GB 1348-88


Spheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castings

identical identical identical identical identical


DIN EN 1563

-GB 1348-88GB 1348-88

properties:identical identical

GJS-700-2U GJS-700-2


QT 700-2QT 700-2Spheroidal graphite iron castingsSpheroidal graphite iron castings

Malleable cast iron


EN-JM 1020EN-JM 1030

GTW-S 38-12GTW-40-05

DIN EN 1562DIN EN 1562

Malleable cast iron

Not knownNot known

Not knownNot known

General purpose cast steel


1. 04491.O445

GS-38N GS-45N

DIN EN 10293DIN EN 10293

normalised normalised

General purpose cast steel

ZG 200 - 400ZG 230 - 450ZGD 270 - 480

GB 11352-89GB 11352-89GB T 14408-93

General-purpose unalloyed cast steelGeneral-purpose unalloyed cast steel

C content max. 0.18%

C content max. 0.30% must be limited to max. 0.23%!

Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only

P and S max. 0.040 eachand structural steel engineering


similar do not use


1.O558GS-60N DIN EN 10293normalised

ZG 310 - 570 ZG340 - 640ZGD 345 - 570

GB 11352-89GB 11352-89GB T 14408-93

Important! C content 0.50 to 0.60 %, only limited weldability.

Important! C content 0.50 to 0.60 General-purpose unalloyed cast steel

%, only limited weldability.

Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only

P and S max. 0.040 eachand structural steel engineering

General-purpose unalloyed cast steelsimilar similar similar

ZGD 410 - 620

GB T 14408-93

Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only P and S max. 0.040 eachand structural steel engineeringCastings in low-alloy steel

General-purpose unalloyed cast steel


G20Mn5 +N or +QT


1 .62201.O552GS-20Mn5V GS-52N DIN EN 10293DIN 1681quenched & tempered


ZG 20 SiMnZG 270 - 500ZGD 290 - 510

JB T 6402-92GB 11352-89GB T 14408-93

C content max. 0.40% must be limited to 0.35%!

Low-alloy cast steel for general purpose No composition specification, only

P and S max. 0.040 eachand structural steel engineering


do not usedo not use

ZG 310-570

GB 11352-89General-purpose unalloyed cast steeldo not use

Quenched and tempered steel castings

G28Mn6 +QT1 or QT2G26 CrMo4 +QT1 or +QT2G42 CrMo4 +QT1 or QT2G35CrNiMo6-6 +N or +QT1 or


GS-34 CrMo4V

1. 1165 1. 7221 1. 7231 1. 6582 1. 7220

GS-30Mn5V GS-25 CrMo4VGS-42 CrMo4VGS-34CrNiMo6V GS-34 CrMo4V

DIN EN 10293DIN EN 10293DIN EN 10293DIN EN 10293DIN 17205

quenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & tempered

Quenched and tempered steel castings

ZG 35 SiMnZG 20 CrMoZG 42 CrMoZG 34 CrNiMoZG 35CrMo

JB T 6402-92EZB 1162-92JB T 6402-92JB T 6402-92EZB 1162-92

Castings in low-alloy steel

Title not known

similar similar similar similar similar

Castings in low-alloy steelCastings in low-alloy steel

Title not known

Flame and induction hardening steel castings


1. 7231 1. 7232


SEW 835SEW 835

quenched & temperedquenched & tempered

Flame and induction hardening steel castings

ZG 42 CrMoZG 50 CrMo

JB ZQ 4297-88 JB ZQ 4297-88

Alloyed cast steels. Non-standardised cast steels.

Alloyed cast steels. Non-standardised cast steels.

similar similar

Heat-resistant steel castings


1.O619 1.O619 1. 5419 1. 7357 1. 7706 1. 4931

GS-C25N GS-C25V GS-22Mo4V GS-17CrMo55V GS-17CrMoV5 11VG-X22CrMoV12 1V

DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2DIN EN 10213-2

normalised quenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & temperedquenched & tempered

Heat-resistant steel castings

ZG 230-450ZG 230-450Not knownZG 20CrMoVZG 15Cr1Mo1VNot known

EZB 1165-93EZB 1165-93Not knownJB / T 7024-93JB / T 7024-93Not known

Title not knownTitle not known

C content higher, V alloyed, Rm and Re identical

Cr content higher, Rm and Re lower

Title not knownTitle not known

similar similar

similar similar

Material No.

Basis SN359

Former designation



Material designation




Matching of properties:

Manganese steel castings, austenitic

GX 120Mn12Not knownNot knownNot known

1. 3401

- - - -without standardwithout standardwithout standardwithout standard


Manganese steel castings, austenitic

ZG MN 13-1ZG MN 13-2ZG MN 13-3ZG MN 13-4

GB 5680-98GB 5680-98GB 5680-98GB 5680-98

Austenitic cast steels with high manganese content

Austenitic cast steels with high manganese content

Austenitic cast steels with high manganese content

Austenitic cast steels with high manganese content


Copper-tin-zinc cast alloys (red brass)

GK-CuSn10Zn CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C-GS CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C-GZ CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C-GC

-CC493K-GS CC493K-GZ CC493K-GC

GK-S1G-CuSn7ZnPb GZ-CuSn7ZnPb GC-CuSn7ZnPb

DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982

Copper-tin-zinc cast alloys (red brass)


GB/T 1176-1987EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93

Specification for cast copper alloys

Title not knownTitle not knownTitle not known

Copper-tin cast alloys (tin bronze)

CuSn12-C-GS CuSn12-C-GZ



DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982

Copper-tin cast alloys (tin bronze)


EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93Not knownEZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93

Title not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not known

CuSn12-C-GC CuSn12Ni2-C-GS CuSn12Ni2-C-GZ CuSn12Ni2-C-GC CuSn11Pb2-C-GS CuSn11Pb2-C-GZ CuSn11Pb2-C-GC


GC-CuSn12G-CuSn12Ni GZ-CuSn12Ni GC-CuSn12Ni G-CuSn12Pb GZ-CuSn12Pb GC-CuSn12Pb

DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982


Copper-lead-tin cast alloys

CuSn10Pb10-C-GS CuSn10Pb10-C-GZ


G-CuPb10Sn GZ-CuPb10Sn

DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982

Copper-lead-tin cast alloys


GB/T 1176-1987GB/T 1176-1987

Specification for cast copper alloysSpecification for cast copper alloys

Copper-aluminium cast alloys

CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C-GS CuAl10Fe5Ni5-C-GZ


G-CuAl10Ni GZ-CuAl10Ni

DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982

Copper-aluminium cast alloys


EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93

Title not knownTitle not known

Copper-zinc cast alloys (cast special brass)

CuZn35Mn2Al1Fe1-GS CuZn35Mn2Al1Fe1-GZ CuZn34Mn3Al2Fe1-C-GS CuZn34Mn3Al2Fe1-C-GZ CuZn25Al5Mn4Fe3-C-GS CuZn25Al5Mn4Fe3-C-GZ CuZn37Mn3Al2PbSi-R540

CC765-GS CC765-GZ CC764-GS CC764-GZ CC762-GS CC762-GZ CW713R-R540


DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 1982DIN EN 12164

Copper-zinc cast alloys (cast special brass)


Not known

EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93EZB 1179-93Not known

Title not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not knownTitle not known


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