马祥杰+, 李晓中, 范兴隆, 陈洪彦
(中国人民解放军空军工程大学 北京市 100195)
(中国人民解放军95824部队 北京市 100195)
摘 要: 基于服务标识的网络交换调度机制是当前一个重要的研究课题。本文分析了中间级缓存多级多平面交换结构内部阻塞性、模拟最优OQ 结构、链路加速比的技术特性,建立了基于均衡指针和动态时延指针的调度模型,设计了采用“请求-响应-确认”策略的均衡迭代和时延保证迭代调度算法。该算法克服了iSLIP 和PPS 方法在高负载强度下时延发散问题,在突发流量和非均匀diagonal 流量下均可实现时延保证性能,在交换平面数p 为4和迭代次数Iteration 为4条件下可收敛至最优时延曲线。 关键词: 服务标识; 多级多平面; 中间级缓存; 时延保证; 并行分组交换
中图法分类号: TP393 文献标识码: A
Study on the Delay Guaranteed Scheduling Mechanism of the Central Stage Buffered Multiple-Plane and Multiple-Stage Packet Switching Fabric Based on Service Identification
Ma Xiangjie, Li Xiaozhong, Fan Xinglong, Chen Hongyan
(Air Force Engineering University, Beijing 100195, China)
Abstract: The network switching and scheduling mechanism is becoming an important research topic based on service identification. In this paper, technological properties are analyzed including internal blocking, simulating optimal OQ fabric, linking speedup of the MPMS fabric. The scheduling model is established based on balanced pointers and dynamic delay pointers. Scheduling algorithms are designed with balancing iteration and delay guaranteed iteration adopting the strategy of "request-response-accept". It overcomes the divergence problem of iSLIP and PPS under high-load case. The delay guaranteed performance is provided under burst traffic and non-uniform diagonal traffic. The proposed method converges to optimal delay performance with four switching planes and four rounds of iteration.
Key words: service identification; multiple-plane and multiple-stage; middle buffering; delay guaranteed; PPS.
本课题得到国家自然科学基金项目“互联网超大容量多级多平面分组交换结构、缓存模式与调度机理研究”(61003252) 资助. 马祥杰, 男,1977年生, 博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 中国计算机学会(CCF )会员, 主要研究方向为超大容量分组交换与调度技术,E-mail:[email protected].李晓中, 男,1962年生, 硕士, 副教授, 主要研究方向为网络交换结构; 范兴隆, 男,1963年生, 本科, 副教授, 主要研究方向为分组调度技术; 陈洪彦, 男,1978年生, 讲师, 主要研究方向为多级交换结构.
马祥杰+, 李晓中, 范兴隆, 陈洪彦
(中国人民解放军空军工程大学 北京市 100195)
(中国人民解放军95824部队 北京市 100195)
摘 要: 基于服务标识的网络交换调度机制是当前一个重要的研究课题。本文分析了中间级缓存多级多平面交换结构内部阻塞性、模拟最优OQ 结构、链路加速比的技术特性,建立了基于均衡指针和动态时延指针的调度模型,设计了采用“请求-响应-确认”策略的均衡迭代和时延保证迭代调度算法。该算法克服了iSLIP 和PPS 方法在高负载强度下时延发散问题,在突发流量和非均匀diagonal 流量下均可实现时延保证性能,在交换平面数p 为4和迭代次数Iteration 为4条件下可收敛至最优时延曲线。 关键词: 服务标识; 多级多平面; 中间级缓存; 时延保证; 并行分组交换
中图法分类号: TP393 文献标识码: A
Study on the Delay Guaranteed Scheduling Mechanism of the Central Stage Buffered Multiple-Plane and Multiple-Stage Packet Switching Fabric Based on Service Identification
Ma Xiangjie, Li Xiaozhong, Fan Xinglong, Chen Hongyan
(Air Force Engineering University, Beijing 100195, China)
Abstract: The network switching and scheduling mechanism is becoming an important research topic based on service identification. In this paper, technological properties are analyzed including internal blocking, simulating optimal OQ fabric, linking speedup of the MPMS fabric. The scheduling model is established based on balanced pointers and dynamic delay pointers. Scheduling algorithms are designed with balancing iteration and delay guaranteed iteration adopting the strategy of "request-response-accept". It overcomes the divergence problem of iSLIP and PPS under high-load case. The delay guaranteed performance is provided under burst traffic and non-uniform diagonal traffic. The proposed method converges to optimal delay performance with four switching planes and four rounds of iteration.
Key words: service identification; multiple-plane and multiple-stage; middle buffering; delay guaranteed; PPS.
本课题得到国家自然科学基金项目“互联网超大容量多级多平面分组交换结构、缓存模式与调度机理研究”(61003252) 资助. 马祥杰, 男,1977年生, 博士, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 中国计算机学会(CCF )会员, 主要研究方向为超大容量分组交换与调度技术,E-mail:[email protected].李晓中, 男,1962年生, 硕士, 副教授, 主要研究方向为网络交换结构; 范兴隆, 男,1963年生, 本科, 副教授, 主要研究方向为分组调度技术; 陈洪彦, 男,1978年生, 讲师, 主要研究方向为多级交换结构.