

1.The Temple of Heaven (天坛) is the largest intact alter temple(坛庙) of China. The Temple of Heaven used to be a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped and offered sacrifices to Heaven(祭天)to pray for good harvests and fine rain(五谷丰登、风调雨顺).


2.The Fragrant Hill(香山)looks very much like a censer(香炉), often girdled (环绕) by wisps of spiraling (缭绕) mist as if it were giving out incense-smoke hence it was called the “Censer Hill”(“香炉山”). Later, it was shortened as the “Fragrant Hill”.


3.The Beihai Park (北海公园) is located to the west of the Jingshan Park (景山公园) . The existence of the park can be traced back to the mid-eleventh century when a temporary royal residence named “Yaoyu”(瑶屿) was built here during the Liao Dynasty.


4. 故宫(Former Imperial Palace), 也称紫禁城(Purple Forbidden City),位于北京市的中心,是明清两朝的皇宫。

译:Located in the center of Beijing, the Former Imperial Palace , also known as the Purple Forbidden City , was the royal palace for the Ming and Qing dynasties.

5. 天安门广场(Tiananmen Square ) 位于北京市的中轴线(central axis)上,是北京的标志性建筑(symbolic architecture).

译:Located on the central axis of Beijing, the Tiananmen Square is the symbolic architecture of Beijing.

6. 颐和园(Summer Palace)是清朝皇家用的避暑行宫(summer resort), 是中国现存规模最大、保存最为完好的古代园林建筑。

译:Being a summer resort of the Qing royal family, the Summer Palace is the most intact ,the best preserved and the largest of its kind of the classical gardens in China.

1.Mount Taishan was known in ancient times as Daishan(岱山) and revered as the East Sacred Mountain (东岳) in the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期) 。


2.The scenic area boats of 22 groups of ancient architectures ,97 ancient remains (古遗址) ,819 commemorative stone tablets (碑碣) and 1800 inscribed rocks.


3. A large number of scenic spots were given names since ancient times, They include 112 peaks, 18 rock caves(岩洞), 102 streams and valleys (溪谷) ,56 pools and waterfalls(潭池瀑布) ,64 springs.



4. 曲阜(Qufu )位于山东省中部,泰山之南。公元前11世纪为鲁国(the State of Lu)都城,也是儒学(Confucianism)的始祖(founder )孔子的故乡。

译:Located south of Mount Taishan in central Shandong Province, Qufu was the capital of the State of Lu during the 11th century BC and also the home of Confucius, the founder of Confuciasm.

5. 蓬莱阁(Penglai Pavilion )在山东半岛(Shandong Peninsula )蓬莱市丹崖山上,离烟台(Yantai City)约70公里。据说秦始皇曾遣方士(alchemist )到此求长生药(longevity herbs ).

译:Penglai Pavilion, or Pavilion of Immortals, is located on Mount Danya in Penglai City of Shandong peninsula, approximately 70 kilometers from Yantai City. It is said that Emperor Qin Shihuang once sent his alchemists to come here to seek the longevity herbs.

6. 铜亭(Bronze Pavilion)又名“金阙”(Jin Que or Golden Tower)。铸工精细,造型优美,反映了我国古代工匠冶炼(metallurgy )技术和翻砂工艺(casting technique)的高超水平。 译:Bronze Pavilion is also known as Jin Que , or Golden Tower. Its splendid craftsmanship and beautiful shape reflect the high level of metallurgy and casting technique attained by ancient Chinese craftsmen.

1. Linggu Temple(灵谷寺) was first built in the Liang Dynasty(梁朝). In the temple the Hall

of Eternity(无量殿) ,otherwise known as the Beamless Hall (无梁殿) ,not an inch of wood was used.


2. Mount Huangshan has all the charms of landscape in China, while Zhouzhuang boasts of

all the beautiful features of Chinese water towns. Zhouzhuang lives up to its fame (名不虚传) as the “First Water Town in China”(“中国第一水乡”).


3. The Grand Canal (大运河)is 1794 kilometers long, extending from Beijing to Hangzhou,

and joining five water system of Haihe River(海河) ,the Yellow River, Huaihe River, the Yangtze and Qiantang Rivers(钱塘江).


4. 钟山(Mount Zhongshan)古称“金陵山”(Jinlin Mountain)。因山顶常有紫云萦绕(hover ),

东晋时称之为“紫金山”(Purple Gold Mountain)。

译:Mount Zhongshan was named Jinlin Mountain in ancient times. It was also called Purple Gold Mountain in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, for purple clouds were often found hovering over its peaks.

5. 太湖(Taihu Lake)是我国三大淡水湖(freshwater lake)。湖中大小岛屿48个,连同

沿湖的山峰和半岛(peninsula ), 号称72峰。

译:Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater lake in China. The 48 islands of various

sizes in the lake, peninsulas and the peaks along the lakeside make up 72 peaks.

6. 苏州位于美丽的太湖旁,由20多个湖环抱而成,向有“东方威尼斯”(“Venice of the


译:Located on the lakeside of the beautiful Taihu Lake, Suzhou is surrounded by more than 20 lakes, and has been reputed as “Venice of the East”

1. The Broken Bridge (断桥) now is located at the eastern side of the Bai Embankment (白

堤). The snow scene(雪景) of the West Lake enjoys very high praise by people, especially the view of “melting snow at broke bridge”(“断桥残雪”).


2. On the left of the Yue Fei’s Tomb(岳飞墓), which was built in 1162, is a temple where the

statue of the general is enshrined(祭祀). This is the place where people come and pay respect to the heroic martyr(英烈).


3. The three stone pagodas on the Santanyinyue Island(三潭印月岛) were first built in the

Song Dynasty , and present the wonderful scenery of “one moon in the sky and three reflections in the lake”(“天上月一轮,湖中影成三”).


4. 普陀山(Mount Putuo)被称为海天佛国(the Buddhist Kingdom on the Sea), 是中国

佛教四大名山之一,位于杭州湾(Hangzhou Bay)以东约100海里(nautical mile)的莲花洋(Lotus Sea)中。

译:Mount Putuo, the Buddhist Kingdom on the Sea ,is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. It is located in the Lotus Sea about 100 nautical miles east of the Hangzhou Bay.

5. 钱塘江(Qiantang River)大潮是天下奇观(a marvelous spectacle under heaven), 全世

界只有巴西亚马逊河(Amazon River)的涌潮(surging tide)可以与之媲美。

译:The roaring tide of the Qiantang River is a marvelous spectacle under heaven and only the surging tide of the Amazon River in Brazil can rival it in the world.

6. 从空中俯瞰(overlook )西湖,三潭印月岛形如一个特大的“田”字,呈现出“湖中有

岛,岛中有湖”的景色(“a lake within an island and an island within a lake”)。

译:Overlooking the West Lake, the Santanyinyue Islet looks like a huge character “Tian”, and features “a lake within an island and an island within a lake”.

1. Huangpu River (黄浦江) cruise in a traditional tourist item in Shanghai’s tours. It is

significant not only because of Huangpu River being Shanghai’s mother river but also of its collection of the quintessence(精华) of Shanghai scenes.


2. Guyi Garden(古猗园) was first constructed in the Ming Dynasty. Built in a unique style,

the garden has exquisite(精致的) towers and pavilions, elegant (巧雅的) studies and long corridors , pebble paths and winding streams, old twisted Chinese scholar trees(槐树) ,and precious flowers of all seasons.


3. Situated in the southwest part of the city, Longhua Temple(龙华寺) is the biggest and

oldest temple in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Delta(长江三角洲). It is also one of the major scenic attractions of Shanghai.


4. 东方明珠塔(Oriental Pearl TV Tower)位于上海黄浦江畔,塔高468米,是亚洲第


译:The Oriental Pearl TV Tower,468 meters high, stands by the bank of the Huangpu River. It is the highest TV Tower in Asia and the third highest in the world.

5. 豫园(Yuyuan Garden or Garden of Leisurely Repose) 位于市区豫园路地同名建筑“豫


译:Yuyuan Garden (Garden or Garden of Leisurely Repose) on the road of the same name in downtown is the paragon of classical gardens of Shanghai.

6. 玉佛寺(Jade Buddha Temple)是一座著名佛教禅寺(Zen Buddhist temple)。寺内供奉

着玉雕释迦牟尼(Sakyamuni )坐像和卧像各一座。

译:Jade Buddha Temple is a well-known Zen Buddhist temple. Two jade statues of Sakyamuni are enshrined. One is in a sitting position, and the other is in a reclining position.


1.The Temple of Heaven (天坛) is the largest intact alter temple(坛庙) of China. The Temple of Heaven used to be a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped and offered sacrifices to Heaven(祭天)to pray for good harvests and fine rain(五谷丰登、风调雨顺).


2.The Fragrant Hill(香山)looks very much like a censer(香炉), often girdled (环绕) by wisps of spiraling (缭绕) mist as if it were giving out incense-smoke hence it was called the “Censer Hill”(“香炉山”). Later, it was shortened as the “Fragrant Hill”.


3.The Beihai Park (北海公园) is located to the west of the Jingshan Park (景山公园) . The existence of the park can be traced back to the mid-eleventh century when a temporary royal residence named “Yaoyu”(瑶屿) was built here during the Liao Dynasty.


4. 故宫(Former Imperial Palace), 也称紫禁城(Purple Forbidden City),位于北京市的中心,是明清两朝的皇宫。

译:Located in the center of Beijing, the Former Imperial Palace , also known as the Purple Forbidden City , was the royal palace for the Ming and Qing dynasties.

5. 天安门广场(Tiananmen Square ) 位于北京市的中轴线(central axis)上,是北京的标志性建筑(symbolic architecture).

译:Located on the central axis of Beijing, the Tiananmen Square is the symbolic architecture of Beijing.

6. 颐和园(Summer Palace)是清朝皇家用的避暑行宫(summer resort), 是中国现存规模最大、保存最为完好的古代园林建筑。

译:Being a summer resort of the Qing royal family, the Summer Palace is the most intact ,the best preserved and the largest of its kind of the classical gardens in China.

1.Mount Taishan was known in ancient times as Daishan(岱山) and revered as the East Sacred Mountain (东岳) in the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期) 。


2.The scenic area boats of 22 groups of ancient architectures ,97 ancient remains (古遗址) ,819 commemorative stone tablets (碑碣) and 1800 inscribed rocks.


3. A large number of scenic spots were given names since ancient times, They include 112 peaks, 18 rock caves(岩洞), 102 streams and valleys (溪谷) ,56 pools and waterfalls(潭池瀑布) ,64 springs.



4. 曲阜(Qufu )位于山东省中部,泰山之南。公元前11世纪为鲁国(the State of Lu)都城,也是儒学(Confucianism)的始祖(founder )孔子的故乡。

译:Located south of Mount Taishan in central Shandong Province, Qufu was the capital of the State of Lu during the 11th century BC and also the home of Confucius, the founder of Confuciasm.

5. 蓬莱阁(Penglai Pavilion )在山东半岛(Shandong Peninsula )蓬莱市丹崖山上,离烟台(Yantai City)约70公里。据说秦始皇曾遣方士(alchemist )到此求长生药(longevity herbs ).

译:Penglai Pavilion, or Pavilion of Immortals, is located on Mount Danya in Penglai City of Shandong peninsula, approximately 70 kilometers from Yantai City. It is said that Emperor Qin Shihuang once sent his alchemists to come here to seek the longevity herbs.

6. 铜亭(Bronze Pavilion)又名“金阙”(Jin Que or Golden Tower)。铸工精细,造型优美,反映了我国古代工匠冶炼(metallurgy )技术和翻砂工艺(casting technique)的高超水平。 译:Bronze Pavilion is also known as Jin Que , or Golden Tower. Its splendid craftsmanship and beautiful shape reflect the high level of metallurgy and casting technique attained by ancient Chinese craftsmen.

1. Linggu Temple(灵谷寺) was first built in the Liang Dynasty(梁朝). In the temple the Hall

of Eternity(无量殿) ,otherwise known as the Beamless Hall (无梁殿) ,not an inch of wood was used.


2. Mount Huangshan has all the charms of landscape in China, while Zhouzhuang boasts of

all the beautiful features of Chinese water towns. Zhouzhuang lives up to its fame (名不虚传) as the “First Water Town in China”(“中国第一水乡”).


3. The Grand Canal (大运河)is 1794 kilometers long, extending from Beijing to Hangzhou,

and joining five water system of Haihe River(海河) ,the Yellow River, Huaihe River, the Yangtze and Qiantang Rivers(钱塘江).


4. 钟山(Mount Zhongshan)古称“金陵山”(Jinlin Mountain)。因山顶常有紫云萦绕(hover ),

东晋时称之为“紫金山”(Purple Gold Mountain)。

译:Mount Zhongshan was named Jinlin Mountain in ancient times. It was also called Purple Gold Mountain in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, for purple clouds were often found hovering over its peaks.

5. 太湖(Taihu Lake)是我国三大淡水湖(freshwater lake)。湖中大小岛屿48个,连同

沿湖的山峰和半岛(peninsula ), 号称72峰。

译:Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater lake in China. The 48 islands of various

sizes in the lake, peninsulas and the peaks along the lakeside make up 72 peaks.

6. 苏州位于美丽的太湖旁,由20多个湖环抱而成,向有“东方威尼斯”(“Venice of the


译:Located on the lakeside of the beautiful Taihu Lake, Suzhou is surrounded by more than 20 lakes, and has been reputed as “Venice of the East”

1. The Broken Bridge (断桥) now is located at the eastern side of the Bai Embankment (白

堤). The snow scene(雪景) of the West Lake enjoys very high praise by people, especially the view of “melting snow at broke bridge”(“断桥残雪”).


2. On the left of the Yue Fei’s Tomb(岳飞墓), which was built in 1162, is a temple where the

statue of the general is enshrined(祭祀). This is the place where people come and pay respect to the heroic martyr(英烈).


3. The three stone pagodas on the Santanyinyue Island(三潭印月岛) were first built in the

Song Dynasty , and present the wonderful scenery of “one moon in the sky and three reflections in the lake”(“天上月一轮,湖中影成三”).


4. 普陀山(Mount Putuo)被称为海天佛国(the Buddhist Kingdom on the Sea), 是中国

佛教四大名山之一,位于杭州湾(Hangzhou Bay)以东约100海里(nautical mile)的莲花洋(Lotus Sea)中。

译:Mount Putuo, the Buddhist Kingdom on the Sea ,is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. It is located in the Lotus Sea about 100 nautical miles east of the Hangzhou Bay.

5. 钱塘江(Qiantang River)大潮是天下奇观(a marvelous spectacle under heaven), 全世

界只有巴西亚马逊河(Amazon River)的涌潮(surging tide)可以与之媲美。

译:The roaring tide of the Qiantang River is a marvelous spectacle under heaven and only the surging tide of the Amazon River in Brazil can rival it in the world.

6. 从空中俯瞰(overlook )西湖,三潭印月岛形如一个特大的“田”字,呈现出“湖中有

岛,岛中有湖”的景色(“a lake within an island and an island within a lake”)。

译:Overlooking the West Lake, the Santanyinyue Islet looks like a huge character “Tian”, and features “a lake within an island and an island within a lake”.

1. Huangpu River (黄浦江) cruise in a traditional tourist item in Shanghai’s tours. It is

significant not only because of Huangpu River being Shanghai’s mother river but also of its collection of the quintessence(精华) of Shanghai scenes.


2. Guyi Garden(古猗园) was first constructed in the Ming Dynasty. Built in a unique style,

the garden has exquisite(精致的) towers and pavilions, elegant (巧雅的) studies and long corridors , pebble paths and winding streams, old twisted Chinese scholar trees(槐树) ,and precious flowers of all seasons.


3. Situated in the southwest part of the city, Longhua Temple(龙华寺) is the biggest and

oldest temple in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Delta(长江三角洲). It is also one of the major scenic attractions of Shanghai.


4. 东方明珠塔(Oriental Pearl TV Tower)位于上海黄浦江畔,塔高468米,是亚洲第


译:The Oriental Pearl TV Tower,468 meters high, stands by the bank of the Huangpu River. It is the highest TV Tower in Asia and the third highest in the world.

5. 豫园(Yuyuan Garden or Garden of Leisurely Repose) 位于市区豫园路地同名建筑“豫


译:Yuyuan Garden (Garden or Garden of Leisurely Repose) on the road of the same name in downtown is the paragon of classical gardens of Shanghai.

6. 玉佛寺(Jade Buddha Temple)是一座著名佛教禅寺(Zen Buddhist temple)。寺内供奉

着玉雕释迦牟尼(Sakyamuni )坐像和卧像各一座。

译:Jade Buddha Temple is a well-known Zen Buddhist temple. Two jade statues of Sakyamuni are enshrined. One is in a sitting position, and the other is in a reclining position.


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