

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a Letter of Inquiry(询价信) according to the following information given in Chinese. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 内容:我公司对贵厂生产的玩具感兴趣,能否请贵厂寄一份产品目录表和价格表。我公司是山东最大的玩具经销商,在全省各地设有分公司。如果贵厂的玩具质量令人满意,价格合理,我们将大量订货。 Dear Sir or Madam,

We have seen the advertisement of your toys on television, and are very interested in your products. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price list?

We are the leading toys dealers in Shandong Province and have branches in every district. If the quality of your toys is satisfactory and the prices are reasonable, we will place regular orders for fairly large numbers.

We look forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours, ×××

2005.12 感谢信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of thanks according to the following information given in Chinese. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet.

王林给他在纽约的朋友Peter 写一封感谢信。告诉他自己已经平安回到青岛,一路上很顺利。天气也很好。现已在一家大型电脑公司开始上班,自己很喜欢这份工作。感谢他对自己在美国留学的一年时间内在生活上、学习上给予的热情帮助。邀请他夏天到青岛玩。

December 25, 2005 Dear Peter,

I’m glad to tell you that I arrived in Qingdao on April 8 safe and sound. The journey was wonderful and the weather was fine all the time.

Now I go to work in a large-sized computer company regularly. Everything goes smoothly. And I love this job. Thank you very much for meeting me and seeing me off at the airport. I really appreciate your kindness and great help you offered during my one year’s stay in New York. Your help did a lot of good both to my life and studies there.

Summer is the best season here. I will be very happy if you can come to Qingdao and see me then. Yours truly, Wang Linchao

2006.06 投诉信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a Letter of Complaint according to the following information given in Chinese. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 请以顾客张明的名义给某商店写一封投诉信。张明宇5月28日在某商店买了一台电视机。但用了不到两个星期,发现电视坏了。他打电话去商店的服务中心,得到的答复是商店会尽快上门修理。但是一个星期过去了,至今无人上门修理。张明要求商店道歉并退货。

June 1, 2006 Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain of a TV set which I bought form your store on May 28. After only two weeks, I found something wrong with the TV set. I telephoned to the service center of your store. The reply I got was that an on-sale repair would be provided, but no one has ever come to repair it during the week.

In view of the inconvenience that it has caused, I feel that you should apologize to me and I should return this TV set, looking forward to a full refund.

Yours sincerely, Zhang Ming

2006.12 失物登记表

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write A notice of the lost property according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

Louise Jones 小姐7月12日下午5:40左右在地铁站第四站台丢失黑色公文包一个,内有手机一部,驾照一本,信用卡两张及公司的一些重要文件,价值约500美金。琼斯小姐的电话是:98565789(宅电);驾照号码是:2129BD;地址是:Flat 1, Fountain Road

Lost Property Register

Lost Item(s): _______________________________________________ Things inside: ______________________________________________ Estimated Value of the lost item(s): _____________________________ Where lost it: _______________________________________________ What time: _________________________________________________ Owner of the lost property: First name ________ Surname ___________ Male/ Female: _______________________________________________ Telephone number:___________ ID(driver’s license) number:_________ Address: ____________________________

Lost Property Register

Things inside: _What time: ___5:40 p.m., July 12 (1分)______


2007.06 工作及收入证明信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a Work and Income Certificate to the British Embassy according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.


内容:兹证明陈强自2000年7月以来一直在本公司负责市场营销工作。由于他较强的工作能力以及出色的业绩,自2004年9月升任本公司国内贸易部经理。陈强税后年薪约为8万人民币,包括基本工资,奖金及其他福利。 市场营销 marketing 业绩 achievements 奖金 bonus 福利 welfare 证明单位:山东今兴贸易有限公司

Work and Income Certificate

June 8, 2007 To: British Embassy

This is to certify(证明) that ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Jinxing Trade Co., LTD., Shandong Province

Work and Income Certificate

June 8, 2007 To: British Embassy

This is to certify(证明) that Mr. Chen Qiang has been working in our company since July, 2000, in charge of market sales. With his good ability and great achievements in work, he has been promoted to the position of manager of the Domestic Trade Department since September, 2004. Mr. Chen Qiang’s yearly income is about ¥80,000 (including salary, bonus and other welfare) after tax.

Jinxing Trade Co. LTD. Shandong Province

2007.12 申请信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of application in 80 words according to the following given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

张凯得知他已被纽约大学录取。他想申请奖学金。请代张凯写一封奖学金申请信。内容包括: 1. 很高兴被录取了。

2. 自己家境困难,为了减轻父母的负担(financial burden), 想申请奖学金。 3. 请校方考虑自己的申请,并告知是否有这种 Dec. 23, 2007 Dear Sir,

I’m pleased to learn of my admission to New York University. In order to reduce the financial burden of my parents, I earnestly hope to obtain some kind of financial aid in the form of teaching or research assistantship.

Would you kindly consider this request and advise me as to the responsibilities? Should further information be

required, please let me know at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing good news from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Zhang Ka

Dec. 23, 2007 Dear Sir,

I’m pleased/glad/sorry to learn. Would you

…. I look forward to hearing from you. /Looking forward to Zhang Kai

2008.06 推荐信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of recommendation in 80 words according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

请以某大学教师王静的名义写一封推荐信,向你的外国朋友Johnson先生推荐你的学生陈琳。该生在你校学习,即将毕业。毕业后她打算到Johnson 先生所在学校继续深造,攻读硕士学位。陈琳聪明刻苦,且乐于助人,肯定会成为好学生。如Johnson 先生能给予帮助将不胜感激。

June 4, 2008

Dear Mr. Johnson,

It is my great pleasure to recommend my student Chen Lin to you. Chen Lin is studying in our university and she is graduating soon. She has planned to go to study in your university for a master degree. From my observation of her, Chen Lin is a very clever/ smart and hard-working/ diligent student and she is always ready to help others. I am sure that she will become one of the top students in your university if she could/ can be accepted. I’ll appreciate it very much if you could give her any/ your help.

Yours Faithfully, Wang Jing

2008.12 投诉信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of complaint in 80 words according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

假如你叫王佳,上个月去广州出差时,在一家商店买了一架照相机,并在广州拍了一些照片。回家后将照片冲洗出来,却发现什么也没照上,因此非常恼火。今天(12月21日)给商店写信投诉,并寄回相机,坚决要求尽快退款。 Words for Reference: 出差 be on business; 冲洗 develop; 退款 refund Dec. 21, 2008 Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing the letter to complain about the camera I bought from/in your store/ shop last month when I was on business in Guangzhou. I took some pictures there with it. But when I got home and had the film developed, I found there were no pictures at all. I feel/am very frustrated (angry/unhappy/annoyed) about it. I have already posted/sent the camera back to you and I strongly insist that you (should) refund me as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely, Wang Jia

2009.06 投诉信

Yours sincerely,

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of complaint in 80 words according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

假如你是李华, 请就本校食堂服务(canteen service)的状况给校长写一封信。

I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Sincerely Yours

Li Hua

Dear Mr. Principal,

I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.

In general, I like our canteen. It’s clean and tidy. The dishes look good and taste delicious as well. What’s more, the service is satisfactory. The workers there are really friendly.

However, I think the prices are a little too high and we can only have a limited variety of dishes. In addition, we often have to stand in line for a long time before we can get the meal.

Therefore, I suggest something be done to solve the problems as soon as possible. Thanks for your consideration.

Sincerely yours, Li Hua

2009.12 通知

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a notice according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet. 根据提示写一张延期举行报告会的通知。

1. 推迟原因:王华教授因为突然生病不能来校,据医生估计她几天内可以康复; 2. 另定时间:4月20日,星期四,上午9点; 3. 地址:新教学楼大厅; 4. 报告内容:计算机科学;

5. 出席者:信息系师生必须参加,欢迎其他院系师生参加。


It is informed that Prof. Wang Hua is unable to come to our school because of a sudden illness. The doctor predicated that he would recover from his illness in a couple of days. His lecture on Computer and Science has been

rescheduled on Thursday, April 20, at 9:00 a.m. and in New Teaching Building. All teachers and students of Information Department are requested to be present. Teachers and students from other departments are welcome.

Foreign Language Department

2010.06 命题作文

Directions: This part is to test your writing ability. You are required to write a composition entitled Turn Off You Cell Phone. Remember to express your ideas clearly in your composition. You should write it no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet.

1、 手机的使用越来越普遍,给人们的生活带来了极大的便利; 2、 但是,有时候手机也会带来一些问题; 3、 因此,在某些场合下,我们要关掉手机。

Turn off Your Cell Phone

Nowadays, the cell phone is widely used everywhere in our country and brings us a lot of convenience. Thanks to it, we can contact others or be contacted by others at any time of the day and in any places.

But have you noticed sometimes the mobile phone also causes embarrassment to us? It’s not uncommon for us to see someone pressing the cell phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public. Most people have had such an experience that the cell phone rings continuously on a formal occasion.

Therefore, if you are one of them, please turn off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It’s a respect for both others and yourself.


2010.12 回复邀请信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter according to the following information given in Chinese. You should write no less than 80 words on Paper Two. Reply



Dec. 19, 2010 Dear Li Qiang,

Thank you for inviting me to your family party. But I'm sorry I couldn’t attend it because my mother will come to visit me just this weekend. She is stopping over on her way to Shanghai and plans to spend the weekend here. She expects me to accompany her to buy some clothes as gifts to my sister in Shanghai. So I can’t make any other plans for the weekend.'

I know I am missing a wonderful chance! Please do tell your family how sorry I am Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Wang Hong


Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a Letter of Inquiry(询价信) according to the following information given in Chinese. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 内容:我公司对贵厂生产的玩具感兴趣,能否请贵厂寄一份产品目录表和价格表。我公司是山东最大的玩具经销商,在全省各地设有分公司。如果贵厂的玩具质量令人满意,价格合理,我们将大量订货。 Dear Sir or Madam,

We have seen the advertisement of your toys on television, and are very interested in your products. Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current price list?

We are the leading toys dealers in Shandong Province and have branches in every district. If the quality of your toys is satisfactory and the prices are reasonable, we will place regular orders for fairly large numbers.

We look forward to your early reply.

Sincerely yours, ×××

2005.12 感谢信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of thanks according to the following information given in Chinese. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet.

王林给他在纽约的朋友Peter 写一封感谢信。告诉他自己已经平安回到青岛,一路上很顺利。天气也很好。现已在一家大型电脑公司开始上班,自己很喜欢这份工作。感谢他对自己在美国留学的一年时间内在生活上、学习上给予的热情帮助。邀请他夏天到青岛玩。

December 25, 2005 Dear Peter,

I’m glad to tell you that I arrived in Qingdao on April 8 safe and sound. The journey was wonderful and the weather was fine all the time.

Now I go to work in a large-sized computer company regularly. Everything goes smoothly. And I love this job. Thank you very much for meeting me and seeing me off at the airport. I really appreciate your kindness and great help you offered during my one year’s stay in New York. Your help did a lot of good both to my life and studies there.

Summer is the best season here. I will be very happy if you can come to Qingdao and see me then. Yours truly, Wang Linchao

2006.06 投诉信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a Letter of Complaint according to the following information given in Chinese. You should write no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet. 请以顾客张明的名义给某商店写一封投诉信。张明宇5月28日在某商店买了一台电视机。但用了不到两个星期,发现电视坏了。他打电话去商店的服务中心,得到的答复是商店会尽快上门修理。但是一个星期过去了,至今无人上门修理。张明要求商店道歉并退货。

June 1, 2006 Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain of a TV set which I bought form your store on May 28. After only two weeks, I found something wrong with the TV set. I telephoned to the service center of your store. The reply I got was that an on-sale repair would be provided, but no one has ever come to repair it during the week.

In view of the inconvenience that it has caused, I feel that you should apologize to me and I should return this TV set, looking forward to a full refund.

Yours sincerely, Zhang Ming

2006.12 失物登记表

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write A notice of the lost property according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

Louise Jones 小姐7月12日下午5:40左右在地铁站第四站台丢失黑色公文包一个,内有手机一部,驾照一本,信用卡两张及公司的一些重要文件,价值约500美金。琼斯小姐的电话是:98565789(宅电);驾照号码是:2129BD;地址是:Flat 1, Fountain Road

Lost Property Register

Lost Item(s): _______________________________________________ Things inside: ______________________________________________ Estimated Value of the lost item(s): _____________________________ Where lost it: _______________________________________________ What time: _________________________________________________ Owner of the lost property: First name ________ Surname ___________ Male/ Female: _______________________________________________ Telephone number:___________ ID(driver’s license) number:_________ Address: ____________________________

Lost Property Register

Things inside: _What time: ___5:40 p.m., July 12 (1分)______


2007.06 工作及收入证明信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a Work and Income Certificate to the British Embassy according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.


内容:兹证明陈强自2000年7月以来一直在本公司负责市场营销工作。由于他较强的工作能力以及出色的业绩,自2004年9月升任本公司国内贸易部经理。陈强税后年薪约为8万人民币,包括基本工资,奖金及其他福利。 市场营销 marketing 业绩 achievements 奖金 bonus 福利 welfare 证明单位:山东今兴贸易有限公司

Work and Income Certificate

June 8, 2007 To: British Embassy

This is to certify(证明) that ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Jinxing Trade Co., LTD., Shandong Province

Work and Income Certificate

June 8, 2007 To: British Embassy

This is to certify(证明) that Mr. Chen Qiang has been working in our company since July, 2000, in charge of market sales. With his good ability and great achievements in work, he has been promoted to the position of manager of the Domestic Trade Department since September, 2004. Mr. Chen Qiang’s yearly income is about ¥80,000 (including salary, bonus and other welfare) after tax.

Jinxing Trade Co. LTD. Shandong Province

2007.12 申请信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of application in 80 words according to the following given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

张凯得知他已被纽约大学录取。他想申请奖学金。请代张凯写一封奖学金申请信。内容包括: 1. 很高兴被录取了。

2. 自己家境困难,为了减轻父母的负担(financial burden), 想申请奖学金。 3. 请校方考虑自己的申请,并告知是否有这种 Dec. 23, 2007 Dear Sir,

I’m pleased to learn of my admission to New York University. In order to reduce the financial burden of my parents, I earnestly hope to obtain some kind of financial aid in the form of teaching or research assistantship.

Would you kindly consider this request and advise me as to the responsibilities? Should further information be

required, please let me know at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing good news from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Zhang Ka

Dec. 23, 2007 Dear Sir,

I’m pleased/glad/sorry to learn. Would you

…. I look forward to hearing from you. /Looking forward to Zhang Kai

2008.06 推荐信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of recommendation in 80 words according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

请以某大学教师王静的名义写一封推荐信,向你的外国朋友Johnson先生推荐你的学生陈琳。该生在你校学习,即将毕业。毕业后她打算到Johnson 先生所在学校继续深造,攻读硕士学位。陈琳聪明刻苦,且乐于助人,肯定会成为好学生。如Johnson 先生能给予帮助将不胜感激。

June 4, 2008

Dear Mr. Johnson,

It is my great pleasure to recommend my student Chen Lin to you. Chen Lin is studying in our university and she is graduating soon. She has planned to go to study in your university for a master degree. From my observation of her, Chen Lin is a very clever/ smart and hard-working/ diligent student and she is always ready to help others. I am sure that she will become one of the top students in your university if she could/ can be accepted. I’ll appreciate it very much if you could give her any/ your help.

Yours Faithfully, Wang Jing

2008.12 投诉信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of complaint in 80 words according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

假如你叫王佳,上个月去广州出差时,在一家商店买了一架照相机,并在广州拍了一些照片。回家后将照片冲洗出来,却发现什么也没照上,因此非常恼火。今天(12月21日)给商店写信投诉,并寄回相机,坚决要求尽快退款。 Words for Reference: 出差 be on business; 冲洗 develop; 退款 refund Dec. 21, 2008 Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing the letter to complain about the camera I bought from/in your store/ shop last month when I was on business in Guangzhou. I took some pictures there with it. But when I got home and had the film developed, I found there were no pictures at all. I feel/am very frustrated (angry/unhappy/annoyed) about it. I have already posted/sent the camera back to you and I strongly insist that you (should) refund me as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely, Wang Jia

2009.06 投诉信

Yours sincerely,

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a letter of complaint in 80 words according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.

假如你是李华, 请就本校食堂服务(canteen service)的状况给校长写一封信。

I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Sincerely Yours

Li Hua

Dear Mr. Principal,

I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.

In general, I like our canteen. It’s clean and tidy. The dishes look good and taste delicious as well. What’s more, the service is satisfactory. The workers there are really friendly.

However, I think the prices are a little too high and we can only have a limited variety of dishes. In addition, we often have to stand in line for a long time before we can get the meal.

Therefore, I suggest something be done to solve the problems as soon as possible. Thanks for your consideration.

Sincerely yours, Li Hua

2009.12 通知

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a notice according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet. 根据提示写一张延期举行报告会的通知。

1. 推迟原因:王华教授因为突然生病不能来校,据医生估计她几天内可以康复; 2. 另定时间:4月20日,星期四,上午9点; 3. 地址:新教学楼大厅; 4. 报告内容:计算机科学;

5. 出席者:信息系师生必须参加,欢迎其他院系师生参加。


It is informed that Prof. Wang Hua is unable to come to our school because of a sudden illness. The doctor predicated that he would recover from his illness in a couple of days. His lecture on Computer and Science has been

rescheduled on Thursday, April 20, at 9:00 a.m. and in New Teaching Building. All teachers and students of Information Department are requested to be present. Teachers and students from other departments are welcome.

Foreign Language Department

2010.06 命题作文

Directions: This part is to test your writing ability. You are required to write a composition entitled Turn Off You Cell Phone. Remember to express your ideas clearly in your composition. You should write it no less than 80 words on the Composition Sheet.

1、 手机的使用越来越普遍,给人们的生活带来了极大的便利; 2、 但是,有时候手机也会带来一些问题; 3、 因此,在某些场合下,我们要关掉手机。

Turn off Your Cell Phone

Nowadays, the cell phone is widely used everywhere in our country and brings us a lot of convenience. Thanks to it, we can contact others or be contacted by others at any time of the day and in any places.

But have you noticed sometimes the mobile phone also causes embarrassment to us? It’s not uncommon for us to see someone pressing the cell phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public. Most people have had such an experience that the cell phone rings continuously on a formal occasion.

Therefore, if you are one of them, please turn off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It’s a respect for both others and yourself.


2010.12 回复邀请信

Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter according to the following information given in Chinese. You should write no less than 80 words on Paper Two. Reply



Dec. 19, 2010 Dear Li Qiang,

Thank you for inviting me to your family party. But I'm sorry I couldn’t attend it because my mother will come to visit me just this weekend. She is stopping over on her way to Shanghai and plans to spend the weekend here. She expects me to accompany her to buy some clothes as gifts to my sister in Shanghai. So I can’t make any other plans for the weekend.'

I know I am missing a wonderful chance! Please do tell your family how sorry I am Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Wang Hong


  • 专八复习经验
  • 上海男人出题都这样小心眼 改错的话其实都是最基本的语法错误 而且都是那几种语法错误来回变 总结出规律来就好办了 直接把能想到的错误挨个套上去肯定能套上 翻译的话就真是靠运气了 万一有个词就是不知道什么意思谁也救不了你 别全按英语的语言顺序翻 ...查看

  • 2014年上海复旦大学考研翻硕MTI初试经验分享
  • 2014年上海复旦大学 考研翻硕MTI 初试经验分享 翻译硕士英语 这个就是典型的以一份综合性的英语试卷考察英语语言功底的科目,所以大家肯定也知道并没有什么特定的方法去准备,实力不错了,也就考得不错了,至于那些相关题型的练习,顶多就是练练手 ...查看

  • Efwqte英语考研资料大全
  • 生活需要游戏,但不能游戏人生:生活需要歌舞,但不需醉生梦死:生活需要艺术,但不能投机取巧:生活需要勇气,但不能鲁莽蛮干:生活需要重复,但不能重蹈覆辙. -----无名 无需积分,无需回复,只要你带宽足够大,你资料就足够多!大家网考研论坛ht ...查看

  • 复试面试官教你2010年考研复试英语如何abc
  • 复试面试官教你2010年考研复试英语如何备考 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:http://www.pacificenglish.cn 随着研究生报名人数的逐年 ...查看

  • 中小学英语教学纲要
  • 中小学英语教学纲要 升上六年级,就要面对紧张激烈的小升初.对于大多数的小学生来说,英语的知识掌握都缺乏难度和深度,而且往往忽视了语法的重要性,没有建立起一个良好的语法系统,而名校的小升初英语的特点,就是题型丰富,题量大,难度高,尤其偏重于语 ...查看

  • 考研英语作文该用哪本复习书比较好?
  • 考研英语作文该用哪本复习书比较好? 英语作文是非常考验考生英语综合能力的试题,而且分值较大.这就需要考生对于作文的复习要非常重视.选择一个好的英语复习书,将非常有效的提升我们的成绩.<写作160篇>就是一个可以有效提升考生作文成 ...查看

  • (商务)英语专业考证大全
  • (商务)英语专业必考证 在受金融危机影响,今年就业形势更严峻的情况下,更多的竞争者抢变少的职位,求职者没有一些额外的筹码,很难在竞争中赢得优势,很多大学毕业生选择参加英语培训作为就业的转机. 大二:英语专业四级考试: 计算机二级考试:(已过 ...查看

  • 考研经验交流
  • 本文作者夏妙云是湖南农大东方科技学院英语系09级毕业生,今年成功考取对外经贸大学翻译硕士.她是东方科技学院英语系有史以来第一位考取对外经贸大学英语专业研究生的同学,也是湖南农大英语专业第一位考取对外经贸大学英语研究生的同学.而老夫对夏妙云最 ...查看

  • 清华电子系博士生入学考试复习指南_2013
  • 笔者终于考上了清华大学电子工程系的博士,并已于2012年9月开始课程学习.整整三年啊,最宝贵的青春年华用到了一些很没有意义的事情上.但形势比人强啊,在中国文凭还是很重要的,尤其是我们单位这样一个封闭的地方. 将搜集的资料重新整理一下,方便有 ...查看
