
出国工作证明范本 xxx xxx co. ltd 126 nanjing road, shanghai, pr china july 11, XX to whom it may concern: this is to certify that mr. wang has been working in our company as the project manager from june 19xx to july XX, mr wang is a diligent and creative engineer, under his leadersip, he successfully design a new product for our company, and the product also gained international patent. mr wang also has a good sense of teamwork, he knows how to delegate and how to coordinate. mr wang has been entitled to a monthly salary rmb 6000, with house allowance for 1500 a month and he also was awarded a bonus for 25,000 last year for his outstanding performance. for further enquires, please feel free to contact me at +21 +2323244 or 13 333 sincerely yours, xxxxx (company seal) ____________ chief executive officer

出国工作证明范本 xxx xxx co. ltd 126 nanjing road, shanghai, pr china july 11, XX to whom it may concern: this is to certify that mr. wang has been working in our company as the project manager from june 19xx to july XX, mr wang is a diligent and creative engineer, under his leadersip, he successfully design a new product for our company, and the product also gained international patent. mr wang also has a good sense of teamwork, he knows how to delegate and how to coordinate. mr wang has been entitled to a monthly salary rmb 6000, with house allowance for 1500 a month and he also was awarded a bonus for 25,000 last year for his outstanding performance. for further enquires, please feel free to contact me at +21 +2323244 or 13 333 sincerely yours, xxxxx (company seal) ____________ chief executive officer


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