
Story happened in every thousand year’s comet return visit to earth.

 In remote rural town(偏僻的小镇) in Japan.

 High school girl Mitsuha(宫水三叶) lived a sad little life every day.

 Her troubles were not only election campaign(选举) hosted by her father who served as mayor of

this small town, but the old custom of her family shrine(神社).

 In the town, all around were just some old man loved blind worry about.

 For this , Mitsuha(三叶)’s longing for metropolis(大都市) filled her mind.

 One day, she dreamt that she turned into a boy.

 In Mitsuha(三叶)’s dream ,she has strange room, strange relatives and strange friends.

 What ‘s more important that the scene in front of her eyes was the streets in Tokyo. Mitsuha(三

叶) feel confused, but this change, meet her yearn(向往) to city life , let her refreshed .

 The other hand , the lives of male high school students in Tokyo , Taki(立花泷) also had a

strange dream.

 In Taki(泷)’s dream ,he became a high school girl in a small town in the mountain where he was

never been.

“Looking for you who has never seen.

Taki (泷) and Mitsuha(三叶) ,two strangers began a journey to find each other .”

Makoto Shinkai

“Soul, as the wind blew the trees, deep rustling. People are always looking for somebody, always waiting for someone, and always feeling anxious about the destiny.

In Makoto Shinkai’s world, even so, still full of hope. ”

--Yasushi Akimoto


The authors of the reviews of the film have strong feelings, as well as many moving lines in the story : Important people,whoyou never forgetandwho you don't want to forget.


“Just remember your name, no matter where you are in the world, I must and will go to see you. ” --Miyamizu Mitsuha 只要记住你的名字,不管你在世界的哪个地方,我一定,会去见你。

This story of course is a fantasy film.

But I believe that where there will be someone have the similar experiences and thoughts with the main characters of this story.

The destiny always let us lose important people and places, but we still decide to fight with it.

Though important people has not been turned up, but will one-day meet, we are those who believe in and lend a hand.



Story happened in every thousand year’s comet return visit to earth.

 In remote rural town(偏僻的小镇) in Japan.

 High school girl Mitsuha(宫水三叶) lived a sad little life every day.

 Her troubles were not only election campaign(选举) hosted by her father who served as mayor of

this small town, but the old custom of her family shrine(神社).

 In the town, all around were just some old man loved blind worry about.

 For this , Mitsuha(三叶)’s longing for metropolis(大都市) filled her mind.

 One day, she dreamt that she turned into a boy.

 In Mitsuha(三叶)’s dream ,she has strange room, strange relatives and strange friends.

 What ‘s more important that the scene in front of her eyes was the streets in Tokyo. Mitsuha(三

叶) feel confused, but this change, meet her yearn(向往) to city life , let her refreshed .

 The other hand , the lives of male high school students in Tokyo , Taki(立花泷) also had a

strange dream.

 In Taki(泷)’s dream ,he became a high school girl in a small town in the mountain where he was

never been.

“Looking for you who has never seen.

Taki (泷) and Mitsuha(三叶) ,two strangers began a journey to find each other .”

Makoto Shinkai

“Soul, as the wind blew the trees, deep rustling. People are always looking for somebody, always waiting for someone, and always feeling anxious about the destiny.

In Makoto Shinkai’s world, even so, still full of hope. ”

--Yasushi Akimoto


The authors of the reviews of the film have strong feelings, as well as many moving lines in the story : Important people,whoyou never forgetandwho you don't want to forget.


“Just remember your name, no matter where you are in the world, I must and will go to see you. ” --Miyamizu Mitsuha 只要记住你的名字,不管你在世界的哪个地方,我一定,会去见你。

This story of course is a fantasy film.

But I believe that where there will be someone have the similar experiences and thoughts with the main characters of this story.

The destiny always let us lose important people and places, but we still decide to fight with it.

Though important people has not been turned up, but will one-day meet, we are those who believe in and lend a hand.




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