



1、It was between 1830 and 1835 _ the modem newspaper was born.

A. when B. that C. which D. while

2、 _ who had arrested him three times for smuggling.

A. Before John stood the policeman

B. Before the policeman stood John

C. Before the policeman John stood

D. Before John the policeman stood

3、John can play the guitar, and _ .

A. Mary play the violin B. Mary can the violin

C. Mary can play D. Mary the violin

4、Anthony, a meticulous young man, _ watered his neighbors' plants once a week while they were on vacation.

A. eagerly B.perpetually C. diligently D. haphazardly

5 、The Euro has _ ,but the dollar is up.

A. deprecated B. depreciated C. depressed D. depraved

6.、Dog-sitting for Buddy is easy to do; he is a _ and obedient pet

A. delectable B. commonplace

C .meddlesome D. docile

7、Which of the following sets of phonetic feature characterize the English phoneme/ɔ:/?





8、The phoneme /n/ in the first word of all the following phrases changes to /m/ EXCEPT_.

A. open book B. Open market C. Brown paper D. Brown hat

9.、Juliet says in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Her words pinpoint

the fact that language is

A. recursive B. arbitrary

C. culturally specific D. creative

10、Which of the following is a slip of tongue?

A. A cup of tea. B. A gray tape.

C. Loop before you leak. D. Use the key to open the door.

11 、A teacher handed out a list of twenty "if' sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical rules. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?

A. Deduction. B. Presentation.

C. Consolidation. D. Induction.

12. When You focus on "utterance function" and "expected response" by using examples like "apology/acceptance,inform/acknowledge", you are probably teaching language at the _ .

A .lexical level B. discourse level

C.story level D. Grammatical level

13. Asking students to explain new words in a text with known words is NOT an act of _ .

A. elicitation B. reinforcement

C. management D. production

14. Which of the following is an accuracy-oriented speaking activity?

A. Identifying particular phonemes on the tape.

B. Acting out the roles in the classroom.

C. Greeting people informally in pairs.

D. Having discussion in groups.

15. Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-listening activity?

A. Writing a similar text.

B. Discussing a relevant picture.

C. Writing questions about the topic.

D. Associating vocabulary with the topic.

16. Writing exercises such as completion, reproduction, compression, and transformation are mainly the type of exercises used in _ task.

A. imitative writing B. guided writing

C. free writing D. creative writing

17. The conversation below shows that the teacher _ .

Student: I'm very down. My Dad get seriously ill last week, and I'm…

Teacher: No. Not get. Say got because it 'r in the past.

A. focused on accuracy only

B. lacked confidence in students

C. had a good rapport with students

D. failed to understand what the student said

18.If a teacher gets an incorrect answer from students, it is most appropriate for him or her to say" _ "in order to encourage them.

A. No, I don't like your answers.

B. Nonsense, it is not what I want!

C. Your answer is far beyond the point.

D. You missed the point, but I'm glad you mentioned another point.

19.When a student said in class, "I goed there yesterday." the teacher responded," Say it again, please." The response is an example of _ .

A. recast B.modification

C.positive feedback D. Postponed feedback

20. When students engage in group work, the teacher moves around to provide help if necessary and make sure they are doing the task properly.This is called _ .

A.instructing B. observing

C. monitoring D.evaluating

二、简答顺(本大题1小题, 20分)


31. 课堂教学目标的设定通常需要关注四个要素:Who,Will do what, Under what conditions, To what degree。请根据上述四个要素简述下列教学目标所存在的问题(12分),并改写该教学目标。(8分)

Teaching Objectives:

Enable students to talk about festivals and customs in English and express or support an opinion with suitable expressions.













四、教学设计题(本大题一小题, 40分)


33.设计任务:请根据所提供的信息和语言素材设计一节说写课的教学方案。 该方案应突出下列要点:

●teaching objectives

●teaching contents

●key and difficult points

●major steps and time allocation

●activities and justifications


学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中二年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》六级水平。学生课堂参与积极性较高。 语言素材:


Now you have the chance to create a new festival. Talk with your partner and make a name

for your festival. Prepare a short report about your new festival and present it to the class.

Points to discuss:

●when the festival takes place

●what the festival is for

●what people do at the festival

●what people eat at the festival


Write a brochure for the new festival that you have created, introducing it and giving advice

to those who want to come. Be sure to include:

●where it will take place

●how people can get there

●what kind of weather people should expect

●what things people should bring

●three things that visitors should see

●how much it will cost

Use the following expressions to help you.

You must ... You should…

You could... You can...

You might... You Would…

You would have to… You need...




6-10 DBDBC

11-15 DBDAA

16-20 AADBA

21-25 CBADB

26-30 DCADB



该教学目标中只有who和will do what,但没有说明under what conditions 和to what degree。另外,教学目标的确定应体现以学生为中心的原则。学生是学习的主体,这是现代教育的基本理念。教师要从学生的角度考虑,以学生的知识、技能和情感态度的发展为目标,准确定位教学目标。教学目标的行为主体应试学生的发展,而不是教师是否完成的预定的教学任务。所以应对其进行补充修改。教学目标应改为:

Knowledge objectives”

Students can learn some useful words and expressions in this text like feast,gather ,belief,dress up,playa trick on,admire,poet,look forward,day and night,etc. Ability objectives:

Students can know different festivals and celebrations around the world.

Students can talk about Chinese festivas and customs in English and get to know some information about forergn festivals.

Emotional objective:

Students can have a further understanding of different festivals and celebrations around the world and at the same time respect the different festival customs in different countries.







Teaching Objectives:

(1)Knowledge objective:

Students can learn some new words and phrases of festivals.

(2)Ability objectives

Students can talk about festivals and writ dialogues with new words and grammar.

(3)Emotional objectives

Students can have a further understanding of festivals and speak confidently in front of the class.

Teaching Contents:

(1)Comprehension of the given text.

(2)Organizing a short speech on festival in pairs or in groups.

(3)Difficult words and phrases.

(4)Writing task.

Teaching key and difficult points:

(1)Application of grammar points and new words.

(2)Presentation of speeches in class.

(3)Write a brochure after class with new expressions

Major steps and time allocation:

Step 1:Introduction of new words and phrases on festivals.(5~10 minutes) Step 2:Read the requirements and make students prepare to speak and write. Step 3:The students work in pairs on short speeches.

Step 4:Help students write the brochure with new words and expressions. Step 5:Summary and some extra exercises.(5 minutes)

Activities and Justification:

(1)Q&A about the task.

(2)Comment on and give suggestions to students’ performance.




1、It was between 1830 and 1835 _ the modem newspaper was born.

A. when B. that C. which D. while

2、 _ who had arrested him three times for smuggling.

A. Before John stood the policeman

B. Before the policeman stood John

C. Before the policeman John stood

D. Before John the policeman stood

3、John can play the guitar, and _ .

A. Mary play the violin B. Mary can the violin

C. Mary can play D. Mary the violin

4、Anthony, a meticulous young man, _ watered his neighbors' plants once a week while they were on vacation.

A. eagerly B.perpetually C. diligently D. haphazardly

5 、The Euro has _ ,but the dollar is up.

A. deprecated B. depreciated C. depressed D. depraved

6.、Dog-sitting for Buddy is easy to do; he is a _ and obedient pet

A. delectable B. commonplace

C .meddlesome D. docile

7、Which of the following sets of phonetic feature characterize the English phoneme/ɔ:/?





8、The phoneme /n/ in the first word of all the following phrases changes to /m/ EXCEPT_.

A. open book B. Open market C. Brown paper D. Brown hat

9.、Juliet says in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Her words pinpoint

the fact that language is

A. recursive B. arbitrary

C. culturally specific D. creative

10、Which of the following is a slip of tongue?

A. A cup of tea. B. A gray tape.

C. Loop before you leak. D. Use the key to open the door.

11 、A teacher handed out a list of twenty "if' sentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatical rules. What is the teacher's grammar teaching method?

A. Deduction. B. Presentation.

C. Consolidation. D. Induction.

12. When You focus on "utterance function" and "expected response" by using examples like "apology/acceptance,inform/acknowledge", you are probably teaching language at the _ .

A .lexical level B. discourse level

C.story level D. Grammatical level

13. Asking students to explain new words in a text with known words is NOT an act of _ .

A. elicitation B. reinforcement

C. management D. production

14. Which of the following is an accuracy-oriented speaking activity?

A. Identifying particular phonemes on the tape.

B. Acting out the roles in the classroom.

C. Greeting people informally in pairs.

D. Having discussion in groups.

15. Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-listening activity?

A. Writing a similar text.

B. Discussing a relevant picture.

C. Writing questions about the topic.

D. Associating vocabulary with the topic.

16. Writing exercises such as completion, reproduction, compression, and transformation are mainly the type of exercises used in _ task.

A. imitative writing B. guided writing

C. free writing D. creative writing

17. The conversation below shows that the teacher _ .

Student: I'm very down. My Dad get seriously ill last week, and I'm…

Teacher: No. Not get. Say got because it 'r in the past.

A. focused on accuracy only

B. lacked confidence in students

C. had a good rapport with students

D. failed to understand what the student said

18.If a teacher gets an incorrect answer from students, it is most appropriate for him or her to say" _ "in order to encourage them.

A. No, I don't like your answers.

B. Nonsense, it is not what I want!

C. Your answer is far beyond the point.

D. You missed the point, but I'm glad you mentioned another point.

19.When a student said in class, "I goed there yesterday." the teacher responded," Say it again, please." The response is an example of _ .

A. recast B.modification

C.positive feedback D. Postponed feedback

20. When students engage in group work, the teacher moves around to provide help if necessary and make sure they are doing the task properly.This is called _ .

A.instructing B. observing

C. monitoring D.evaluating

二、简答顺(本大题1小题, 20分)


31. 课堂教学目标的设定通常需要关注四个要素:Who,Will do what, Under what conditions, To what degree。请根据上述四个要素简述下列教学目标所存在的问题(12分),并改写该教学目标。(8分)

Teaching Objectives:

Enable students to talk about festivals and customs in English and express or support an opinion with suitable expressions.













四、教学设计题(本大题一小题, 40分)


33.设计任务:请根据所提供的信息和语言素材设计一节说写课的教学方案。 该方案应突出下列要点:

●teaching objectives

●teaching contents

●key and difficult points

●major steps and time allocation

●activities and justifications


学生概况:某城镇普通中学高中二年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》六级水平。学生课堂参与积极性较高。 语言素材:


Now you have the chance to create a new festival. Talk with your partner and make a name

for your festival. Prepare a short report about your new festival and present it to the class.

Points to discuss:

●when the festival takes place

●what the festival is for

●what people do at the festival

●what people eat at the festival


Write a brochure for the new festival that you have created, introducing it and giving advice

to those who want to come. Be sure to include:

●where it will take place

●how people can get there

●what kind of weather people should expect

●what things people should bring

●three things that visitors should see

●how much it will cost

Use the following expressions to help you.

You must ... You should…

You could... You can...

You might... You Would…

You would have to… You need...




6-10 DBDBC

11-15 DBDAA

16-20 AADBA

21-25 CBADB

26-30 DCADB



该教学目标中只有who和will do what,但没有说明under what conditions 和to what degree。另外,教学目标的确定应体现以学生为中心的原则。学生是学习的主体,这是现代教育的基本理念。教师要从学生的角度考虑,以学生的知识、技能和情感态度的发展为目标,准确定位教学目标。教学目标的行为主体应试学生的发展,而不是教师是否完成的预定的教学任务。所以应对其进行补充修改。教学目标应改为:

Knowledge objectives”

Students can learn some useful words and expressions in this text like feast,gather ,belief,dress up,playa trick on,admire,poet,look forward,day and night,etc. Ability objectives:

Students can know different festivals and celebrations around the world.

Students can talk about Chinese festivas and customs in English and get to know some information about forergn festivals.

Emotional objective:

Students can have a further understanding of different festivals and celebrations around the world and at the same time respect the different festival customs in different countries.







Teaching Objectives:

(1)Knowledge objective:

Students can learn some new words and phrases of festivals.

(2)Ability objectives

Students can talk about festivals and writ dialogues with new words and grammar.

(3)Emotional objectives

Students can have a further understanding of festivals and speak confidently in front of the class.

Teaching Contents:

(1)Comprehension of the given text.

(2)Organizing a short speech on festival in pairs or in groups.

(3)Difficult words and phrases.

(4)Writing task.

Teaching key and difficult points:

(1)Application of grammar points and new words.

(2)Presentation of speeches in class.

(3)Write a brochure after class with new expressions

Major steps and time allocation:

Step 1:Introduction of new words and phrases on festivals.(5~10 minutes) Step 2:Read the requirements and make students prepare to speak and write. Step 3:The students work in pairs on short speeches.

Step 4:Help students write the brochure with new words and expressions. Step 5:Summary and some extra exercises.(5 minutes)

Activities and Justification:

(1)Q&A about the task.

(2)Comment on and give suggestions to students’ performance.


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