


李鹏 编写






中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝


Only an Open and Inclusive Nation Can Be Strong

Address at National University of Singapore by Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council, the People's Republic of China

on November 19, 2007




【译文】Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew,

Mr. Shih Choon Fong, President of the National University of Singapore,

Students and faculty members,

Ladies and gentlemen,


I am delighted to have this opportunity of meeting you, leading public figures in Singapore and representatives of faculty and students of the National University of Singapore (NUS). Let me begin by conveying the warm greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people to you, and through you, to the people of Singapore.






【译文】NUS has a long history and is internationally renowned.


1. “致力激发创意精神,教育学生并为国家和社会培养人才”、 “无墙文化”和“思想任驰骋,生活显姿彩”都是有现成译文的说法,不能自由发挥,必须回译。

2. “秉持‘致力激发创意精神,教育学生并为国家和社会培养

人才’的宗旨”如果直译为Guided by the motto of„,句子过长且重点不突出,译者先将“致力激发„„培养人才”提出来译为一句,再以Guided by this motto承上启下,很好地解决了问题。

3. “无墙文化”和“提倡自由思想和人才交流”不是并列关系,后者是对前者的解说,译者因此作了相应处理。



【译文】This is my fourth visit to Singapore. Though my visits have all been short, I have never failed to be impressed by changes and progress made in Singapore. Thanks to its efforts

made over the past 40 years since independence, Singapore has the busiest container port and airport in the world. It has grown into the world's third largest commodity trading center and oil refinery center and the fifth largest foreign exchange trading center. It is also one of the three largest financial centers in Asia. Singapore today is noted for prosperity, public order, clean government, high efficiency and a beautiful environment. Singapore's development achievements are attributable to your most valuable assets. And this is how Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew put it,


1. “令我印象深刻”以双重否定形式have never failed to be impressed by„译出,很好地传达了原文的内在含义。

2. “建成经济发达、秩序井然、廉洁高效、环境优美的国家”另起一句,以Singapore today is noted for开头,将原文中的四个定语全部转化为名词prosperity, public order, clean government, high efficiency和a beautiful environment译出,这种翻译技巧很值得学习。

3. 请记住“国家虽小,兼容乃大”的译法:A small country becomes big when it embraces the world.。

4.“其发展成就和影响力备受世人瞩目”没有字字对译,而是吃透原文后重新组句,译为Singapore has come a long way in development, with growing international influence.这样译主次分明。另请掌握习语come a long way的含义和用法。


Ladies and gentlemen,



【译文】Opening up has worked not only for Singapore. A review of China’s history leads to the same conclusion: Only an open and inclusive nation can become strong and prosperous, while a nation that shuts its door to the world is bound to fall behind. There were proud chapters of opening up in China's history. As early as 2,000 years ago in the Han Dynasty, China opened the famous Silk Road and started exchanges with West Asia. During the prime time of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh and eighth centuries, the country was engaged in frequent interaction with the outside world. In the early Ming Dynasty in the 15th century, Zheng He, the famous Chinese navigator, led a fleet on seven expeditions to the Western Seas, reaching as far as the east coast of Africa. He brought tea, silk and porcelain to the local people. These voyages demonstrated China's strong maritime capabilities and overall national strength at that time. Zheng He's expeditions were almost a century earlier than those of Columbus or Da Gama. But after Zheng He, the Chinese feudal rulers at the time turned inward

and began to restrict and later completely banned ocean-going voyages, missing out on an important opportunity for development.


1. “对外开放不仅是新加坡发展的成功之路。”如果字字对译必成中式英语,译者吃透了原文的含义,译文精彩:Opening up has worked not only for Singapore.(work此处意为“奏效,发挥作用”。)

2. “从中国的历史发展来看,也可以得出这样的结论:„„”,翻译这句时,主语选择最为重要,且看译者的处理:A review of China’s history leads to the same conclusion:„,A review of China’s history作主语,这种转换方法必须牢记。

3. “只有开放兼容,国家才能富强”与“闭关锁国必然落后”不是并列的关系,两者形成鲜明对照,译者以while联结这两句,很好地体现了这点。

4. 适度加词,译“七下西洋”为led a fleet on seven expeditions to the Western Seas,准确。

5. “失去”译为missing out on而非losing,显示了译者掌握丰富的词汇。



【译文】The Qing Dynasty reached its apex in the period between late 17th century and the end of the 18th century, noted for unprecedented peace and prosperity during the reign of Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong. At that time, China was a leading industrial producer in the world. It was, however, during this period that European countries embarked on the path of modern capitalist revolution and the Industrial Revolution. They unleashed productive forces and overtook China. The Chinese rulers at that time, ignorant of this historical transformation, continued to indulge in complacency. They dismissed Western science and technology as


1. 处理“史称‘康乾盛世’”时,译者并未直译,为了便于英语听众更好地理解,详细作了解释,译为noted for unprecedented peace and prosperity during the reign of Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong。

2.“中国的工业产量位居世界前列”并未直译为“中国的工业产量+位居世界前列”,且看译者的处理方法:China was a leading industrial producer in the world,地道而简洁。

3.“后来居上”如果照汉英词典上的译文译会很繁琐,这里只须参照上下文译为overtook China即可。


5.“茫然无知”在原文中是谓语成分,译文中ignorant of this historical transformation却是定语,这一转化值得学习者认真研究。


【译文】The founding of the People's Republic of China marked the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation and brought about profound changes in the country. But in the 1960s and 1970s when waves of dynamic economic growth and scientific and technological revolution were sweeping across much of the world, China was in the grip of the decade-long


1.“中华人民共和国成立后,„„”容易译为After the founding of the People's Republic of China,„,但高明的译者却处理得很巧妙,以the founding of the People's Republic of China为主语,再接谓语marked和brought about,整句一气呵成。

2. “值得欣慰的是”译为fortunately,准确而简洁。

3. “选择了改革开放的正确道路”译为chose the track of reform and opening up是死译,译为 embarked on the track of reform and opening up较好。

4. “开放也是改革”不能直译,必须加词,且看译者的处理方法:Opening up is also a part of China's overall reform efforts.


【译文】China has made remarkable achievements in its opening-up endeavor in the past three decades. Its import and export in goods, only $20.6 billion in 1978, reached $1.76 trillion in 2006, registering an 84-fold increase. This turned

China into the third largest trading nation in the world. China's foreign exchange reserves, which never exceeded $1 billion before 1978, surpassed $1 trillion at the end of 2006. Foreign trade has become a key pillar underpinning China's economic development. By introducing foreign capital, technologies and managerial expertise and using them as a basis for making innovation, we have greatly boosted productivity and narrowed the gap between China and developed countries. We have increased exchanges with other countries in education, culture, science and technology and other fields. A great number of Chinese students have studied overseas and many of them have returned to China, contributing their share to its development endeavor. By drawing on the strengths of others, the people in China have freed their minds and broadened their visions and become more open and creative. China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, which marked a new stage in its opening-up drive.


1. “增长了84倍”译为registering an 84-fold increase,需注意register的用法。

2. “中国经济发展的重要支柱”容易译为a key pillar of China's economic development,试比较上译a key pillar underpinning

China's economic development,underpinning添得地道。

3. “他们中的许多人成为国家建设的有用之才”没有直译,而是采用了英语习语contributing one’s share to„,符合英语习惯。


【译文】This is what we have learned from China's success in development over the past nearly 30 years: The world today is an open one. No country can achieve development in isolation or seclusion. We in China are working to build socialism with distinctive Chinese features, and our fundamental objective is to boost productive forces and meet the increasing material and cultural needs of the people. To meet this goal, we must address issues arising in the course of domestic development and reform and remain committed to opening up.


1. “任何一个国家要发展,孤立起来,闭关自守是不可能的”的译文No country can achieve development in isolation or seclusion.应当熟记。

2. “不断满足人民日益增长的物质文化需要”译为meet the increasing material and cultural needs of the people,这里强调两点,第一,记住meet„needs这个搭配;第二,原文中“不断”是作副词修饰“满足”,译文中increasing是作为形容词修饰material and cultural needs of the people,这样译更符合英语的习惯。

3. 不要见到“解决”就只想到solve,还可以使用address(if you address a problem,you start trying to solve it)。


【译文】China's opening-up policy is a long-term one. Opening up has brought great benefits to more than 1 billion Chinese. It is the right policy for China and has the support of the people, and it will therefore not change. To deviate from this policy will

only impede China's development and we will lose popular support. This is the fundamental reason why China will stay on the track of opening up. Opening up is crucial to China's reform and modernization endeavor. It is a basic state policy, not expediency. Though the specific measures and means to implement this policy may differ in different stages, the basic policy will not change. At the beginning of China's reform and opening up, we assured the world that China's opening-up policy would remain unchanged in the 20th century and the first half of the 21st century. After the mid-21st century, China will have more frequent economic interactions with the rest of the world, and the two will become even more inter-dependent and indivisible. This will make it even less likely for China to reverse its opening-up policy.


1. “这是中国对外开放长期性的根本基础”译为This is the fundamental reason why China will stay on the track of opening up.既准确又简洁。

2. “权宜之计”译为expediency,该词的形容词形式是expedient。



【译文】China's opening up is comprehensive in nature. We are open not only to developed countries, but also to developing countries. We are open not only in the economic field, but also in the scientific, technological, educational, cultural and other fields. China first introduced the opening-up policy in its special economic zones on a trial basis. Following their success, we proceeded to implement this policy in coastal cities and areas, and then in the hinterland. The opening-up policy has been pursued in a gradual way: from selected cities to regions and then to the whole country. Openness and inclusiveness are two sides of the same coin. Only by opening China can we bring in advanced and successful practices. And only by being inclusive, which calls for respect for different cultures and mutual learning, can we enrich and strengthen ourselves. We should boldly absorb and draw upon all the achievements of the human society, including those of the capitalist countries, build

on them and make innovations.

1. “中国的开放首先从经济特区开始”一不留神就会译为China’s opening-up started from special economic zones.但这叫“译词”不叫“译句”。且看译者的处理方式多么准确地道:China first introduced the opening-up policy in its special economic zones(on a trial basis).

2.“„„形成由点到线到片到面的全面开放格局”这句很形象,但不宜直译,必须结合原文,在符合原意的基础上稍加变通,且看译者的处理方法:The opening-up policy has been pursued in a gradual way: from selected cities to regions and then to the whole country.

3.“开放和兼容,两者是相互联系的”译为Openness and inclusiveness are two sides of the same coin.非常形象。

4.“只有开放,先进的和有用的东西才能进得来”,最好变化角度译这句,主语选择极为重要,且看译者的处理方法:Only by opening China can we bring in advanced and successful practices.

5. “只有兼容,尊重不同文明,取长补短”中“兼容”、“尊重不同文明”和“取长补短”三者不是并列的关系,后两词是对“兼容”的进一步解说,译文很好地体现了这点。



【译文】China's opening-up policy is based on mutual benefit. We are developing a socialist market economy under the conditions of economic globalization, and this naturally means we should open ourselves to the world, build inter-dependent economic ties with other countries, gain close access to the international market and integrate ourselves into the world economy. We are committed to carrying out mutually beneficial cooperation on an equal footing with other countries in accordance with the law of the market. Opening up not only benefits China's development, but also contributes to the world's economic development. By introducing foreign capital, technologies and managerial expertise, China has upgraded its production capacity, and this has also enabled other countries to gain benefits and increase their market shares in China. Only on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win progress can opening up endure and be conducive to the fundamental

interests of all peoples and peace and prosperity of the world.


1.“搞社会主义市场经济”译为develop a socialist market economy,注意develop的用法。

2. “理所当然”结合上下文译为this naturally means„,值得借鉴。另掌握几个关于“理所当然”的例句:


It is only natural that those who contribute more should get more.


As neighbours, we should of course help each other. ⑶这些孩子认为父母给钱是理所当然的事。

These children take it for granted that their parents should give them money.

3. “对外开放不仅有利于中国的发展,也有利于世界的发展” 中“有利于”出现了两次,但译者却用了benefit和contributes(to)两个动词分别翻译,这显然比只用一个benefit要好。

4. “中国吸收国外的资金„„”,“吸收”译为introduce,注意这种用法。

5.“(外国也能从中)获得利益和市场”,不能简单地译为“获得利益+获得市场”,且看译者的处理方法:gain benefits and increase their market shares in China。“获得市场”的译法值得


6.“只有双赢互利的开放才能持久”中“双赢互利的开放”容易亦步亦趋地译为“互利双赢的+开放”,即用mutually beneficial和win-win来修饰opening up,这样译“中式英语”味道很重,不地道,译为only on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win progress can„,这样的译文既忠实,又符合英语的习惯。



【译文】The Communist Party of China held its 17th National Congress not long ago. The Congress reviewed and affirmed the achievements we have made and experience we have gained in the course of reform and opening up over the past nearly 30 years. The Party Congress highlighted China's resolve to pursue reform and opening up and build socialism with distinctive Chinese features and its confidence in accomplishing this endeavor. We will unswervingly follow the opening-up policy, move up the value chain as we participate in economic globalization, and focus on addressing new issues in opening up that have arisen under the current circumstances. We stand for free trade and oppose protectionism. We will speed up changing the mode of trade growth, improve trade mix and strive to reduce trade imbalances. We are committed to the basic policy of using foreign capital and will develop innovative ways of using foreign capital, improve its structure and raise its efficiency. We will continue to follow an independent, gradual and controllable approach in improving the renminbi exchange rate mechanism, increase its flexibility and gradually make renminbi convertible under capital account. We take product

quality and food safety seriously and work to uphold the interests of both Chinese and foreign consumers. We comply with international standards in production and have enhanced law enforcement of and supervision over product testing and inspection. We are fully committed to protecting intellectual property rights and have made a lot of effective efforts in this area. We stand ready to deepen cooperation in IPR protection with other countries. We are ready to work with all other countries to jointly tackle climate change within the framework of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol and in accordance with the principle of


1.注意此处“中国特色社会主义道路”的译法socialism with distinctive Chinese features。《十七大报告》的译法是socialism with Chinese characteristics。

2.“在更高水平上参与经济全球化的进程”看似简单,其实极易译为“中式英语”,译成move up the value chain as we

participate in economic globalization是再恰当不过了。

3. “我们将继续按照主动性、渐进性、可控性的原则”中的“性”都不好直译为英语,必须变通处理,译为follow an independent, gradual and controllable approach in是具有借鉴意义的译法。


Ladies and gentlemen,


【译文】Opening up and inclusiveness have both created Singapore's success and contributed to China's development. Mutual opening up and inclusiveness between China and

Singapore have led to rapid growth in our cooperation. Last year, China-Singapore trade totaled $40.85 billion, 15 times the figure of 1990 when our two countries established diplomatic ties. Last year saw 1.8 million mutual visits between China and Singapore, a 19-fold increase over 1990. The Suzhou Industrial Park, in which Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has invested a lot of time and energy, has become a success story not only in China-Singapore cooperation, but also among China's industrial parks. Our two countries are exploring the building of an eco-city. This will be a good initiative to be taken by China and Singapore to promote sustainable development in keeping with the trends of the times. Back in the early 1990s, Mr. Deng Xiaoping highly commended Singapore on its public order and said that China should draw upon its experience. In the past decade and more, over 9,000 Chinese officials have received training in Singapore. By drawing on their respective strengths and maintaining close cooperation, China and Singapore have both become winners. Responding to the proposal made by Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recently set up an organization known as

countries. We hope


1.原文“开放兼容造就了新加坡的成就,开放兼容推动了中国的发展”中“开放兼容”出现了两次,而英译文却只用了一次Opening up and inclusiveness,简练。“

2.(去年)两国互访人员超过180万”译为Last year saw„是极地道的英语表达法,saw亦可换用witnessed,这个句型必须牢记。

3.“亮点”结合上下文译为a success story,妥贴。

4.“开创新的天地”译为create more opportunities for„也很妥贴。


【译文】Reviewing the past and looking ahead to the future, we have every confidence in the future of China-Singapore relations. Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, we

in China are striving to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and you are pursuing the strategy to remake Singapore. This has provided new opportunities for our two countries to carry out cooperation in development. We will continue to increase exchanges and cooperation with Singapore. The foundation of China-Singapore friendship was laid by Mr. Deng Xiaoping and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and new generations of leaders in both countries have worked hard to build this friendship. We are confident that our friendship will be carried forward from generation to generation, and our cooperation will have an even brighter future.

【评点】“目前,中国正在深入贯彻落实科学发展观,致力于全面建设小康社会”是地道的汉语表达,但英译时却不可亦步亦趋,译者用we in China做第二个分句的主语是符合英语习惯的。同理,下句中的“贵国”也译为you。“我们相信,由邓小平先生、李光耀先生等两国老一辈领导人奠定、并在几代领导人共同努力下发展起来的中新友好将世代传承,两国合作的未来将更加美好。”是个长句,需合理拆开,分别处理。译者先用了一个句子翻译“由邓小平先生、李光耀先生等两国老一辈领导人奠定、并在几代领导人共同努力下发展起来的中新友好”这个部分,再用一个句子翻译“我们相信中新友好将世代传承,两国合作的未来将更加美好。”这是极富创造性的译法,非高手不能为之。



李鹏 编写






中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝


Only an Open and Inclusive Nation Can Be Strong

Address at National University of Singapore by Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council, the People's Republic of China

on November 19, 2007




【译文】Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew,

Mr. Shih Choon Fong, President of the National University of Singapore,

Students and faculty members,

Ladies and gentlemen,


I am delighted to have this opportunity of meeting you, leading public figures in Singapore and representatives of faculty and students of the National University of Singapore (NUS). Let me begin by conveying the warm greetings and best wishes of the Chinese people to you, and through you, to the people of Singapore.






【译文】NUS has a long history and is internationally renowned.


1. “致力激发创意精神,教育学生并为国家和社会培养人才”、 “无墙文化”和“思想任驰骋,生活显姿彩”都是有现成译文的说法,不能自由发挥,必须回译。

2. “秉持‘致力激发创意精神,教育学生并为国家和社会培养

人才’的宗旨”如果直译为Guided by the motto of„,句子过长且重点不突出,译者先将“致力激发„„培养人才”提出来译为一句,再以Guided by this motto承上启下,很好地解决了问题。

3. “无墙文化”和“提倡自由思想和人才交流”不是并列关系,后者是对前者的解说,译者因此作了相应处理。



【译文】This is my fourth visit to Singapore. Though my visits have all been short, I have never failed to be impressed by changes and progress made in Singapore. Thanks to its efforts

made over the past 40 years since independence, Singapore has the busiest container port and airport in the world. It has grown into the world's third largest commodity trading center and oil refinery center and the fifth largest foreign exchange trading center. It is also one of the three largest financial centers in Asia. Singapore today is noted for prosperity, public order, clean government, high efficiency and a beautiful environment. Singapore's development achievements are attributable to your most valuable assets. And this is how Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew put it,


1. “令我印象深刻”以双重否定形式have never failed to be impressed by„译出,很好地传达了原文的内在含义。

2. “建成经济发达、秩序井然、廉洁高效、环境优美的国家”另起一句,以Singapore today is noted for开头,将原文中的四个定语全部转化为名词prosperity, public order, clean government, high efficiency和a beautiful environment译出,这种翻译技巧很值得学习。

3. 请记住“国家虽小,兼容乃大”的译法:A small country becomes big when it embraces the world.。

4.“其发展成就和影响力备受世人瞩目”没有字字对译,而是吃透原文后重新组句,译为Singapore has come a long way in development, with growing international influence.这样译主次分明。另请掌握习语come a long way的含义和用法。


Ladies and gentlemen,



【译文】Opening up has worked not only for Singapore. A review of China’s history leads to the same conclusion: Only an open and inclusive nation can become strong and prosperous, while a nation that shuts its door to the world is bound to fall behind. There were proud chapters of opening up in China's history. As early as 2,000 years ago in the Han Dynasty, China opened the famous Silk Road and started exchanges with West Asia. During the prime time of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh and eighth centuries, the country was engaged in frequent interaction with the outside world. In the early Ming Dynasty in the 15th century, Zheng He, the famous Chinese navigator, led a fleet on seven expeditions to the Western Seas, reaching as far as the east coast of Africa. He brought tea, silk and porcelain to the local people. These voyages demonstrated China's strong maritime capabilities and overall national strength at that time. Zheng He's expeditions were almost a century earlier than those of Columbus or Da Gama. But after Zheng He, the Chinese feudal rulers at the time turned inward

and began to restrict and later completely banned ocean-going voyages, missing out on an important opportunity for development.


1. “对外开放不仅是新加坡发展的成功之路。”如果字字对译必成中式英语,译者吃透了原文的含义,译文精彩:Opening up has worked not only for Singapore.(work此处意为“奏效,发挥作用”。)

2. “从中国的历史发展来看,也可以得出这样的结论:„„”,翻译这句时,主语选择最为重要,且看译者的处理:A review of China’s history leads to the same conclusion:„,A review of China’s history作主语,这种转换方法必须牢记。

3. “只有开放兼容,国家才能富强”与“闭关锁国必然落后”不是并列的关系,两者形成鲜明对照,译者以while联结这两句,很好地体现了这点。

4. 适度加词,译“七下西洋”为led a fleet on seven expeditions to the Western Seas,准确。

5. “失去”译为missing out on而非losing,显示了译者掌握丰富的词汇。



【译文】The Qing Dynasty reached its apex in the period between late 17th century and the end of the 18th century, noted for unprecedented peace and prosperity during the reign of Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong. At that time, China was a leading industrial producer in the world. It was, however, during this period that European countries embarked on the path of modern capitalist revolution and the Industrial Revolution. They unleashed productive forces and overtook China. The Chinese rulers at that time, ignorant of this historical transformation, continued to indulge in complacency. They dismissed Western science and technology as


1. 处理“史称‘康乾盛世’”时,译者并未直译,为了便于英语听众更好地理解,详细作了解释,译为noted for unprecedented peace and prosperity during the reign of Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong。

2.“中国的工业产量位居世界前列”并未直译为“中国的工业产量+位居世界前列”,且看译者的处理方法:China was a leading industrial producer in the world,地道而简洁。

3.“后来居上”如果照汉英词典上的译文译会很繁琐,这里只须参照上下文译为overtook China即可。


5.“茫然无知”在原文中是谓语成分,译文中ignorant of this historical transformation却是定语,这一转化值得学习者认真研究。


【译文】The founding of the People's Republic of China marked the independence and liberation of the Chinese nation and brought about profound changes in the country. But in the 1960s and 1970s when waves of dynamic economic growth and scientific and technological revolution were sweeping across much of the world, China was in the grip of the decade-long


1.“中华人民共和国成立后,„„”容易译为After the founding of the People's Republic of China,„,但高明的译者却处理得很巧妙,以the founding of the People's Republic of China为主语,再接谓语marked和brought about,整句一气呵成。

2. “值得欣慰的是”译为fortunately,准确而简洁。

3. “选择了改革开放的正确道路”译为chose the track of reform and opening up是死译,译为 embarked on the track of reform and opening up较好。

4. “开放也是改革”不能直译,必须加词,且看译者的处理方法:Opening up is also a part of China's overall reform efforts.


【译文】China has made remarkable achievements in its opening-up endeavor in the past three decades. Its import and export in goods, only $20.6 billion in 1978, reached $1.76 trillion in 2006, registering an 84-fold increase. This turned

China into the third largest trading nation in the world. China's foreign exchange reserves, which never exceeded $1 billion before 1978, surpassed $1 trillion at the end of 2006. Foreign trade has become a key pillar underpinning China's economic development. By introducing foreign capital, technologies and managerial expertise and using them as a basis for making innovation, we have greatly boosted productivity and narrowed the gap between China and developed countries. We have increased exchanges with other countries in education, culture, science and technology and other fields. A great number of Chinese students have studied overseas and many of them have returned to China, contributing their share to its development endeavor. By drawing on the strengths of others, the people in China have freed their minds and broadened their visions and become more open and creative. China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, which marked a new stage in its opening-up drive.


1. “增长了84倍”译为registering an 84-fold increase,需注意register的用法。

2. “中国经济发展的重要支柱”容易译为a key pillar of China's economic development,试比较上译a key pillar underpinning

China's economic development,underpinning添得地道。

3. “他们中的许多人成为国家建设的有用之才”没有直译,而是采用了英语习语contributing one’s share to„,符合英语习惯。


【译文】This is what we have learned from China's success in development over the past nearly 30 years: The world today is an open one. No country can achieve development in isolation or seclusion. We in China are working to build socialism with distinctive Chinese features, and our fundamental objective is to boost productive forces and meet the increasing material and cultural needs of the people. To meet this goal, we must address issues arising in the course of domestic development and reform and remain committed to opening up.


1. “任何一个国家要发展,孤立起来,闭关自守是不可能的”的译文No country can achieve development in isolation or seclusion.应当熟记。

2. “不断满足人民日益增长的物质文化需要”译为meet the increasing material and cultural needs of the people,这里强调两点,第一,记住meet„needs这个搭配;第二,原文中“不断”是作副词修饰“满足”,译文中increasing是作为形容词修饰material and cultural needs of the people,这样译更符合英语的习惯。

3. 不要见到“解决”就只想到solve,还可以使用address(if you address a problem,you start trying to solve it)。


【译文】China's opening-up policy is a long-term one. Opening up has brought great benefits to more than 1 billion Chinese. It is the right policy for China and has the support of the people, and it will therefore not change. To deviate from this policy will

only impede China's development and we will lose popular support. This is the fundamental reason why China will stay on the track of opening up. Opening up is crucial to China's reform and modernization endeavor. It is a basic state policy, not expediency. Though the specific measures and means to implement this policy may differ in different stages, the basic policy will not change. At the beginning of China's reform and opening up, we assured the world that China's opening-up policy would remain unchanged in the 20th century and the first half of the 21st century. After the mid-21st century, China will have more frequent economic interactions with the rest of the world, and the two will become even more inter-dependent and indivisible. This will make it even less likely for China to reverse its opening-up policy.


1. “这是中国对外开放长期性的根本基础”译为This is the fundamental reason why China will stay on the track of opening up.既准确又简洁。

2. “权宜之计”译为expediency,该词的形容词形式是expedient。



【译文】China's opening up is comprehensive in nature. We are open not only to developed countries, but also to developing countries. We are open not only in the economic field, but also in the scientific, technological, educational, cultural and other fields. China first introduced the opening-up policy in its special economic zones on a trial basis. Following their success, we proceeded to implement this policy in coastal cities and areas, and then in the hinterland. The opening-up policy has been pursued in a gradual way: from selected cities to regions and then to the whole country. Openness and inclusiveness are two sides of the same coin. Only by opening China can we bring in advanced and successful practices. And only by being inclusive, which calls for respect for different cultures and mutual learning, can we enrich and strengthen ourselves. We should boldly absorb and draw upon all the achievements of the human society, including those of the capitalist countries, build

on them and make innovations.

1. “中国的开放首先从经济特区开始”一不留神就会译为China’s opening-up started from special economic zones.但这叫“译词”不叫“译句”。且看译者的处理方式多么准确地道:China first introduced the opening-up policy in its special economic zones(on a trial basis).

2.“„„形成由点到线到片到面的全面开放格局”这句很形象,但不宜直译,必须结合原文,在符合原意的基础上稍加变通,且看译者的处理方法:The opening-up policy has been pursued in a gradual way: from selected cities to regions and then to the whole country.

3.“开放和兼容,两者是相互联系的”译为Openness and inclusiveness are two sides of the same coin.非常形象。

4.“只有开放,先进的和有用的东西才能进得来”,最好变化角度译这句,主语选择极为重要,且看译者的处理方法:Only by opening China can we bring in advanced and successful practices.

5. “只有兼容,尊重不同文明,取长补短”中“兼容”、“尊重不同文明”和“取长补短”三者不是并列的关系,后两词是对“兼容”的进一步解说,译文很好地体现了这点。



【译文】China's opening-up policy is based on mutual benefit. We are developing a socialist market economy under the conditions of economic globalization, and this naturally means we should open ourselves to the world, build inter-dependent economic ties with other countries, gain close access to the international market and integrate ourselves into the world economy. We are committed to carrying out mutually beneficial cooperation on an equal footing with other countries in accordance with the law of the market. Opening up not only benefits China's development, but also contributes to the world's economic development. By introducing foreign capital, technologies and managerial expertise, China has upgraded its production capacity, and this has also enabled other countries to gain benefits and increase their market shares in China. Only on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win progress can opening up endure and be conducive to the fundamental

interests of all peoples and peace and prosperity of the world.


1.“搞社会主义市场经济”译为develop a socialist market economy,注意develop的用法。

2. “理所当然”结合上下文译为this naturally means„,值得借鉴。另掌握几个关于“理所当然”的例句:


It is only natural that those who contribute more should get more.


As neighbours, we should of course help each other. ⑶这些孩子认为父母给钱是理所当然的事。

These children take it for granted that their parents should give them money.

3. “对外开放不仅有利于中国的发展,也有利于世界的发展” 中“有利于”出现了两次,但译者却用了benefit和contributes(to)两个动词分别翻译,这显然比只用一个benefit要好。

4. “中国吸收国外的资金„„”,“吸收”译为introduce,注意这种用法。

5.“(外国也能从中)获得利益和市场”,不能简单地译为“获得利益+获得市场”,且看译者的处理方法:gain benefits and increase their market shares in China。“获得市场”的译法值得


6.“只有双赢互利的开放才能持久”中“双赢互利的开放”容易亦步亦趋地译为“互利双赢的+开放”,即用mutually beneficial和win-win来修饰opening up,这样译“中式英语”味道很重,不地道,译为only on the basis of mutual benefit and win-win progress can„,这样的译文既忠实,又符合英语的习惯。



【译文】The Communist Party of China held its 17th National Congress not long ago. The Congress reviewed and affirmed the achievements we have made and experience we have gained in the course of reform and opening up over the past nearly 30 years. The Party Congress highlighted China's resolve to pursue reform and opening up and build socialism with distinctive Chinese features and its confidence in accomplishing this endeavor. We will unswervingly follow the opening-up policy, move up the value chain as we participate in economic globalization, and focus on addressing new issues in opening up that have arisen under the current circumstances. We stand for free trade and oppose protectionism. We will speed up changing the mode of trade growth, improve trade mix and strive to reduce trade imbalances. We are committed to the basic policy of using foreign capital and will develop innovative ways of using foreign capital, improve its structure and raise its efficiency. We will continue to follow an independent, gradual and controllable approach in improving the renminbi exchange rate mechanism, increase its flexibility and gradually make renminbi convertible under capital account. We take product

quality and food safety seriously and work to uphold the interests of both Chinese and foreign consumers. We comply with international standards in production and have enhanced law enforcement of and supervision over product testing and inspection. We are fully committed to protecting intellectual property rights and have made a lot of effective efforts in this area. We stand ready to deepen cooperation in IPR protection with other countries. We are ready to work with all other countries to jointly tackle climate change within the framework of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol and in accordance with the principle of


1.注意此处“中国特色社会主义道路”的译法socialism with distinctive Chinese features。《十七大报告》的译法是socialism with Chinese characteristics。

2.“在更高水平上参与经济全球化的进程”看似简单,其实极易译为“中式英语”,译成move up the value chain as we

participate in economic globalization是再恰当不过了。

3. “我们将继续按照主动性、渐进性、可控性的原则”中的“性”都不好直译为英语,必须变通处理,译为follow an independent, gradual and controllable approach in是具有借鉴意义的译法。


Ladies and gentlemen,


【译文】Opening up and inclusiveness have both created Singapore's success and contributed to China's development. Mutual opening up and inclusiveness between China and

Singapore have led to rapid growth in our cooperation. Last year, China-Singapore trade totaled $40.85 billion, 15 times the figure of 1990 when our two countries established diplomatic ties. Last year saw 1.8 million mutual visits between China and Singapore, a 19-fold increase over 1990. The Suzhou Industrial Park, in which Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has invested a lot of time and energy, has become a success story not only in China-Singapore cooperation, but also among China's industrial parks. Our two countries are exploring the building of an eco-city. This will be a good initiative to be taken by China and Singapore to promote sustainable development in keeping with the trends of the times. Back in the early 1990s, Mr. Deng Xiaoping highly commended Singapore on its public order and said that China should draw upon its experience. In the past decade and more, over 9,000 Chinese officials have received training in Singapore. By drawing on their respective strengths and maintaining close cooperation, China and Singapore have both become winners. Responding to the proposal made by Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recently set up an organization known as

countries. We hope


1.原文“开放兼容造就了新加坡的成就,开放兼容推动了中国的发展”中“开放兼容”出现了两次,而英译文却只用了一次Opening up and inclusiveness,简练。“

2.(去年)两国互访人员超过180万”译为Last year saw„是极地道的英语表达法,saw亦可换用witnessed,这个句型必须牢记。

3.“亮点”结合上下文译为a success story,妥贴。

4.“开创新的天地”译为create more opportunities for„也很妥贴。


【译文】Reviewing the past and looking ahead to the future, we have every confidence in the future of China-Singapore relations. Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, we

in China are striving to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and you are pursuing the strategy to remake Singapore. This has provided new opportunities for our two countries to carry out cooperation in development. We will continue to increase exchanges and cooperation with Singapore. The foundation of China-Singapore friendship was laid by Mr. Deng Xiaoping and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and new generations of leaders in both countries have worked hard to build this friendship. We are confident that our friendship will be carried forward from generation to generation, and our cooperation will have an even brighter future.

【评点】“目前,中国正在深入贯彻落实科学发展观,致力于全面建设小康社会”是地道的汉语表达,但英译时却不可亦步亦趋,译者用we in China做第二个分句的主语是符合英语习惯的。同理,下句中的“贵国”也译为you。“我们相信,由邓小平先生、李光耀先生等两国老一辈领导人奠定、并在几代领导人共同努力下发展起来的中新友好将世代传承,两国合作的未来将更加美好。”是个长句,需合理拆开,分别处理。译者先用了一个句子翻译“由邓小平先生、李光耀先生等两国老一辈领导人奠定、并在几代领导人共同努力下发展起来的中新友好”这个部分,再用一个句子翻译“我们相信中新友好将世代传承,两国合作的未来将更加美好。”这是极富创造性的译法,非高手不能为之。


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