



abstract: the building is built on the three dimensional spatial structure of space on the basis of, the structure the complexity of the importance of structure design. each

component architecture formed by the way the power played a role at the same time, they also to their own unique

personality characteristics exist in the whole building structure. therefore, in the design and construction of structure, not only to use computer guarantee structure

design of the smart, but also pay attention to the concept design according to the empirical to perfect the construction structure, fully realize the integrity of the design of the building structure. this paper analyzes the concept of




abstract: the building is built on the three dimensional spatial structure of space on the basis of, the structure the complexity of the importance of structure design. each

component architecture formed by the way the power played a role at the same time, they also to their own unique

personality characteristics exist in the whole building structure. therefore, in the design and construction of structure, not only to use computer guarantee structure

design of the smart, but also pay attention to the concept design according to the empirical to perfect the construction structure, fully realize the integrity of the design of the building structure. this paper analyzes the concept of


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