1.文稿: 来稿要求内容充实且具有创新性, 数据可靠, 条理清楚, 论述有据, 文字精练, 图表简明。涉及产量性状或受环境影响大的试验, 要求有两年以上的重复, 并须对数据作统计分析。综述性文章应由具有一定学术水平的学科带头人撰写, 能对所讨论的专题或学科的进一步发展起到引导作用。为加强国际交流, 可用英文写稿(附中文摘要)。“研究论文”不超过8 000字(包括图、表和图版), 一般包括引言、材料与方法、结果与分析、讨论、结论5个部分; “研究简报”一般不超过3 000字, 3个版面以内。首页下方注明课题资助项目名称(批准号)和作者简介(第一作者和通讯作者)。
投稿方式: (1) 登陆本刊网站在线投稿(http://www.china crops.org/zwxb/); (2)通过E-mail投稿(xbzw@chinajournal. net.cn; [email protected])。
投稿格式: Word文档, A4页面, 1.5倍行距, 正文5号字, 单栏, 四周留空, 以便修改。
2.英文摘要: 英文摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的, 简明、确切地论述文献重要内容的短文, 必须符合“拥有与论文同等量的主要信息”的原则。中文“研究论文”的英文摘要包括“研究背景、目的、方法、结果和结论”5个要素, 500词。内容须尽可能详细, 即应写出论文的重要研究背景, 主要研究目的, 解决问题的主要方法、过程及主要结果和结论, 重点描述研究中的创新内容, 尽量包括论文中的主要论点和重要细节(重要的论证和数据)。字数多于中文摘要。英文“研究论文”、中文“综述”和“研究简报”的英文摘要包括“研究目的、方法、结果和结论”4个要素, 200~300词。
3.计量单位: 采用国家法定计量单位, 如: m(米)、s(秒)、min(分)、h(小时)、d(天)、L(升)、kg(千克)、hm2(公顷)(英文论文与英文文摘中用ha)、t(吨)、Pa(帕斯卡)、mol(摩尔)、cM(厘摩)、U(酶活力单位)等。溶液浓度用mol L1或mg L1等表示, M、N、ppm、亩等已停止使用。1 M硫
酸改为1 mol L-1, 1 N硫酸改为0.5 mol L-1。
单位符号不用于无数字的文句中, 如“每天”不写作“每d”。数字与单位之间须留一字的1/4空。
4.图表: 图、表要少而精, 应有足够的信息, 具有自明性, 即应使读者不查阅正文即可理解图、表的内容。图、表应排在正文首次提及之后。图题、表题、表中横竖项目栏和注释要有中、英文对照, 图中的内容只用英文。数量关系尽量用图表示, 文字部分避免罗列与图、表重复的数字。线条图中点线要准确、清晰、美观, 不宜过粗或过细。计算机制图请提供制图参数。照片要清晰, 反差好, 如照片较多, 可拼贴成16 cm×22 cm的图版。表格编排采用三线表, 不带竖线。用Word中的制表功能绘制, 勿用Tab键和空格键制表。表内个位数、小数点、±、-、+等应上下对齐。
5.参考文献: 应引用所有的相关参考文献。未公开发表的资料或私人通讯不作为文献列出, 可在文中用括号注明。参考文献按照在文章中出现的先后顺序编号、排列, 即按“顺序编码制”编写。在文中引用处的右上角加方括号 标明文献序号。文献中作者姓名全部列出。作者应对所引文献的准确性负责, 修改时请务必逐篇核查文献的正确性。 在参考文献中引用非英文文献时, 无论其原文是否用英文形式刊出, 均用英文形式列出, 并在页码后注明语种。非英文期刊中的文献, 根据英文摘要的有无标注(in Chi-nese with English abstract)或(in Chinese)等。英文刊名用斜体, 中国作者、期刊和专著须在括号中注出中文名。几种主要参考文献的著录格式如下:
期 刊
[序号] 作者姓名. 文章题目. 期刊名称, 出版年, 卷(期): 起始页码
[1] Yang J-C(杨建昌), Wang Z-Q(王志琴), Liu L-J(刘立军), Lang
Y-Z(郎有忠), Zhu Q-S(朱庆森). Growth and development charac- teristics and yield formation of dry-cultivated rice. Acta Agron Sin (作物学报), 2002, 28(1): 11–17 (in Chinese with English abstract) [2] Chloupek O, Forster B P, Thomas W T B. The effect of semi-dwarf
genes on root system size in field-grown barley. Theor Appl Genet, 2006, 112: 779–786 专 著
[序号] 作者姓名. 书名. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年. pp 起始页码–终
[3] Mo H-D(莫惠栋). Agricultural Experimentation (农业试验统计),
2nd edn. Shanghai: Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers, 1992. pp 467–602 (in Chinese)
[4] Sambrook J, Russell D. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual,
3rd edn. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2001. pp 304–331 论文集
[序号] 作者姓名. 文章题目. In: 编者姓名. 论文集名称. 出版地:出
版者, 出版年. pp 起始页码–终止页码 (语种)
[5] He Z-H(何中虎), Xiao S-H(肖世和), Zhuang Q-S(庄巧生). Wheat
breeding progress from 1996 to 2000. In: Zhuang Q-S(庄巧生), Du Z-H(杜振华), eds. Advance of Wheat Breeding in China (中国小麦育种研究进展). Beijing: China Science and Technology Press, 2002. pp 3–7 (in Chinese)
6.稿件处理周期: 从投稿之日起, 半年内不得另投他刊。如修改期超过3个月又未及时申明理由者, 作新稿处理。刊登与否需经两或三位同行评议和常务编委终审后决定。投稿时作者可提出要求回避的同行专家名单。刊登后即付稿酬, 并赠送样书2本和单行本30份。
7.网站及网上出版: 本刊为完全开放存取期刊(Open Access Journal), 建有独立网站(http://www.chinacrops. org/zwxb/), 向读者免费提供最新录用、下期、当期及过刊全文(PDF格式)。本刊网站还有作者在线投稿、专家在线审稿、作者在线查询等功能。此外, 本刊还在国内数个全文数据库上网。
8.版权: 文章发表后, 著作权归作者所有, 文责由作者自负, 编辑权归本刊所有。本刊有权将其向国内、外文献检索机构报送并上网, 届时将不再通知作者。 9.证明信: 来稿须附单位同意发表的证明信, 写明无泄密之处、一稿两投和未正式发表等情况, 还须经每位作者署名同意。
10.收费: 刊用稿需支付版面费(260元/版)和审稿费(150元/篇), 彩色图版需支付1 000元/版。汇款可邮汇或银行信汇。邮汇——北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号中国农科院作物所《作物学报》编辑部(邮编100081), 收款人: 卓淑燕; 银行汇款——开户行: 交通银行北京分行农科院分理处, 户名: 中国作物学会, 帐号: [***********]607。汇款时务请注明第一作者姓名、单位和论文题目。编辑部收款后即寄回发票。
《作物学报》是中国科学技术协会主管、中国作物学会和中国农业科学院作物科学研究所共同主办、科学出版社出版的有关作物科学的学术期刊。前身可追溯到1919年1月中华农学会创办的《中华农学会丛刊》, 后相继改名为《中华农林会报》、《中华农学会报》、《中国农业研究》和《农业学报》, 1962年改为现名《作物学报》。主要刊登农作物遗传育种、耕作栽培、生理生化、生态、种质资源、谷物化学、贮藏加工以及与农作物有关的生物技术、生物数学、生物物理、农业气象等领域以第一手资料撰写的学术论文、研究报告、简报以及专题综述、评述等。办刊宗旨是为繁荣我国作物科学技术、促进国内外学术交流和加速我国的农业现代化建设服务。读者对象是从事农作物科学研究的科技工作者、大专院校师生和具有同等水平的专业人士。
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《作物学报》被多个国外重要数据库和检索系统收录, 如: 联合国粮农组织(FAO)的AGRIS数据库、美国《生物学文摘》(BA)、英国国际农业与生物中心(CABI)的《农业与生物科学研究中心文摘》(CABA)和《全球健康》(Global Health)数据库、美国《化学文摘》(CA)、美国《剑桥科学文摘》(CSA)、日本科学技术社数据库(JST)、俄罗斯《文摘杂志》(AJ of VINITI)和波兰哥白尼索引(Index of Copurnicus)等。
作 物 学 报
(月刊, 1950年创刊)
第37卷 第1期 2011年1月12日
(Monthly, Started in 1950) Vol. 37 No. 1, January 12, 2011
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology Sponsored by Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Sci-ences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Editor-in-chief: WAN Jian-Min
Edited by Editorial Committee of ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA
Add: 12 Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing 100081, China Tel: 010-82108548, Fax: 010-82105793 Website: http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/ E-mail: [email protected] Published by SCIENCE PRESS Printed by Beijing Kexin Printing House Distributed by SCIENCE PRESS
Add: 16 Donghuangchenggen North Street, Beijing 100717, China Tel: 010-64017032
E-mail: [email protected] Foreign: China International Book Trading Corporation
Add: P.O.Box 399, Beijing 100044, China
主 管 主 办 主 编 编 辑
中国科学技术协会 中
万 建 民
《作物学报》编 委 会
北京市中关村南大街12号 邮编: 100081 电话: 010-82108548; 传真: 010-82105793 网址: http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/ E-mail: [email protected]
出 版
印刷装订 总 发 行
电话: 010-64017032
E-mail: [email protected]
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国外发行 中国国际图书贸易总公司
北京399信箱 (100044)
ISSN 0496-3490
CN 11-1809/S
国外发行代号: M445 (Code No. M445)
国内邮发代号: 82-336 国内定价: 50.00元
国 内 外 公 开 发 行
138 146
Effects of Limited Supplemental Irrigation on Potato in the Semiarid Areas of Middle Gansu Province
Changes of Safe Dates for Full Heading in Japonica Rice over Past 50 Years in Jiangsu Province
QIN Shu-Hao, ZHANG Jun-Lian, WANG Di, XIAO Hong- Lang, and PU Yu-Lin
ZHANG Zu-Jian, ZHANG Hong-Xi, YANG Jian-Chang, SONG Yun-Sheng, ZHAO Bu-Hong, JI Hong-Juan, and ZHU Qing-Sen
YE You-Liang, HUANG Yu-Fang, LIU Chun-Sheng, QU Ri- Tao, SONG Hai-Yan, and CUI Zhen-Ling
WANG Jing, LI Xiao-Li, JIANG Peng, TIAN Feng-Long, HOU Wen-Qian, and SUN Qing-Quan
CHEN Mei-Xia, QI Jian-Min, WEI Cheng-Lin, XIE Zeng- Rong, LIN Pei-Qing, LAN Tao, TAO Ai-Fen, and CHEN TaoZHANG Fu-Dou, XU Gao-Feng, LI Tian-Lin, TAO Da-Yun, XU Peng, and ZHANG Yu-Hua
XIAO Qiang, YANG Shu, and ZHENG Hai-Lei
XIONG Shu-Ping, WANG Xiao-Chun, MA Xin-Ming, ZHAO Peng, WANG Lu, and CHENG Zhen-Yun
152 158
Effect of In-Season Nitrogen Management Strategy on Maize Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Moisture Variation and Model Verification of Wheat and Maize Seeds under Different Storage Conditions
165 170 177 182
Preliminary Localization of Five Qualitative Traits in Ke-naf Genetic Linkage Map
Allelopathy and Weed-Suppression of Oryza longistaminata under Water-Nitrogen Interactions in the Field
Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide Donor SNP on Lipid Peroxidation Caused by Selenium in Rice Seedlings Effects of Soil Water Holding Capacity after Anthesis on Isozymes of Glutamine Synthetase, Grain Yield, and Pro-tein Content in Winter Wheat Yumai 34
Acta Agronomica Sinica (AAS, ISSN 0496-3490) is a monthly academic journal co-sponsored by Crop Science Socie- ty of China and the Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, under the leadership of China Association for Science and Technology and published by Science Press, Chinese Academy of Sciences. AAS was firstly published in 1962. The predecessors were Proceedings of China Association of Agricultural Science Societies started in 1919, Chinese Journal of Agricultural Research started in 1950, and Acta Agriculturae Sinica started in 1952. As one of the key scientific journals in China, AAS has been financially supported by China Association for Science and Technology since 1997 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China since 2000.
The major aims of AAS are to report the progresses in the disciplines of crop breeding, crop genetics, crop cultivation, crop physiology, ecology, biochemistry, germplasm resources, grain chemistry, grain storage and processing, biotechnology and biomathematics etc. mainly in China and abroad. AAS provides regular columns for Original papers, Reviews, and Re-search notes. The strict peer-review procedure guarantees the academic level and raises the reputation of the journal. The readership of AAS is for crop science researchers, students of agricultural colleges and universities, and persons with similar academic level.
AAS is the leading journal of crop sciences and reflects the latest achievement in all aspects of crop sciences in China. AAS occupies the first position on the list of Chinese core journals in “Agronomy and Crops” field. The editorial board con-sists of 122 specialists in the field of crop sciences. Among them, 25 are academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences or Chinese Academy of Engineering, 12 are from the outside of China, and 3 are from Hong Kong, China.
AAS is a fully Open Access Journal through the independent website (http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/) since 2004. Free full texts are published online 2 months earlier than printing version, and all articles of the journal from 1962 are available freely. Manuscript submission, tracking, and peer review process are completed online. The functions of eTOCs (Table of Contents Alerting), advanced paper search, and paper recommendation are available.
AAS are listed in some international index systems, such as AGRIS (FAO), Biological Abstract, CAB Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstract, Index of Copurnicus, JST’s Bibliographic Databases, and VINITI Ab-stracts Journal (Russia). AAS is also referenced by many domestic databases and abstract periodicals.
The purposes of AAS are to enhance the development of crop science and technology in China, to promote nationwide and worldwide academic exchanges, and to accelerate the modernization of Chinese agriculture. AAS is distributed in China and abroad. The editorial office appreciates to establish publication exchange relationship with related institutions, agricul-tural colleges and universities, and international organizations in China and abroad. Submissions in English from overseas are welcome.
1.文稿: 来稿要求内容充实且具有创新性, 数据可靠, 条理清楚, 论述有据, 文字精练, 图表简明。涉及产量性状或受环境影响大的试验, 要求有两年以上的重复, 并须对数据作统计分析。综述性文章应由具有一定学术水平的学科带头人撰写, 能对所讨论的专题或学科的进一步发展起到引导作用。为加强国际交流, 可用英文写稿(附中文摘要)。“研究论文”不超过8 000字(包括图、表和图版), 一般包括引言、材料与方法、结果与分析、讨论、结论5个部分; “研究简报”一般不超过3 000字, 3个版面以内。首页下方注明课题资助项目名称(批准号)和作者简介(第一作者和通讯作者)。
投稿方式: (1) 登陆本刊网站在线投稿(http://www.china crops.org/zwxb/); (2)通过E-mail投稿(xbzw@chinajournal. net.cn; [email protected])。
投稿格式: Word文档, A4页面, 1.5倍行距, 正文5号字, 单栏, 四周留空, 以便修改。
2.英文摘要: 英文摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的, 简明、确切地论述文献重要内容的短文, 必须符合“拥有与论文同等量的主要信息”的原则。中文“研究论文”的英文摘要包括“研究背景、目的、方法、结果和结论”5个要素, 500词。内容须尽可能详细, 即应写出论文的重要研究背景, 主要研究目的, 解决问题的主要方法、过程及主要结果和结论, 重点描述研究中的创新内容, 尽量包括论文中的主要论点和重要细节(重要的论证和数据)。字数多于中文摘要。英文“研究论文”、中文“综述”和“研究简报”的英文摘要包括“研究目的、方法、结果和结论”4个要素, 200~300词。
3.计量单位: 采用国家法定计量单位, 如: m(米)、s(秒)、min(分)、h(小时)、d(天)、L(升)、kg(千克)、hm2(公顷)(英文论文与英文文摘中用ha)、t(吨)、Pa(帕斯卡)、mol(摩尔)、cM(厘摩)、U(酶活力单位)等。溶液浓度用mol L1或mg L1等表示, M、N、ppm、亩等已停止使用。1 M硫
酸改为1 mol L-1, 1 N硫酸改为0.5 mol L-1。
单位符号不用于无数字的文句中, 如“每天”不写作“每d”。数字与单位之间须留一字的1/4空。
4.图表: 图、表要少而精, 应有足够的信息, 具有自明性, 即应使读者不查阅正文即可理解图、表的内容。图、表应排在正文首次提及之后。图题、表题、表中横竖项目栏和注释要有中、英文对照, 图中的内容只用英文。数量关系尽量用图表示, 文字部分避免罗列与图、表重复的数字。线条图中点线要准确、清晰、美观, 不宜过粗或过细。计算机制图请提供制图参数。照片要清晰, 反差好, 如照片较多, 可拼贴成16 cm×22 cm的图版。表格编排采用三线表, 不带竖线。用Word中的制表功能绘制, 勿用Tab键和空格键制表。表内个位数、小数点、±、-、+等应上下对齐。
5.参考文献: 应引用所有的相关参考文献。未公开发表的资料或私人通讯不作为文献列出, 可在文中用括号注明。参考文献按照在文章中出现的先后顺序编号、排列, 即按“顺序编码制”编写。在文中引用处的右上角加方括号 标明文献序号。文献中作者姓名全部列出。作者应对所引文献的准确性负责, 修改时请务必逐篇核查文献的正确性。 在参考文献中引用非英文文献时, 无论其原文是否用英文形式刊出, 均用英文形式列出, 并在页码后注明语种。非英文期刊中的文献, 根据英文摘要的有无标注(in Chi-nese with English abstract)或(in Chinese)等。英文刊名用斜体, 中国作者、期刊和专著须在括号中注出中文名。几种主要参考文献的著录格式如下:
期 刊
[序号] 作者姓名. 文章题目. 期刊名称, 出版年, 卷(期): 起始页码
[1] Yang J-C(杨建昌), Wang Z-Q(王志琴), Liu L-J(刘立军), Lang
Y-Z(郎有忠), Zhu Q-S(朱庆森). Growth and development charac- teristics and yield formation of dry-cultivated rice. Acta Agron Sin (作物学报), 2002, 28(1): 11–17 (in Chinese with English abstract) [2] Chloupek O, Forster B P, Thomas W T B. The effect of semi-dwarf
genes on root system size in field-grown barley. Theor Appl Genet, 2006, 112: 779–786 专 著
[序号] 作者姓名. 书名. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年. pp 起始页码–终
[3] Mo H-D(莫惠栋). Agricultural Experimentation (农业试验统计),
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作 物 学 报
(月刊, 1950年创刊)
第37卷 第1期 2011年1月12日
(Monthly, Started in 1950) Vol. 37 No. 1, January 12, 2011
Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology Sponsored by Crop Science Society of China and Institute of Crop Sci-ences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Editor-in-chief: WAN Jian-Min
Edited by Editorial Committee of ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA
Add: 12 Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing 100081, China Tel: 010-82108548, Fax: 010-82105793 Website: http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/ E-mail: [email protected] Published by SCIENCE PRESS Printed by Beijing Kexin Printing House Distributed by SCIENCE PRESS
Add: 16 Donghuangchenggen North Street, Beijing 100717, China Tel: 010-64017032
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中国科学技术协会 中
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《作物学报》编 委 会
北京市中关村南大街12号 邮编: 100081 电话: 010-82108548; 传真: 010-82105793 网址: http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/ E-mail: [email protected]
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ISSN 0496-3490
CN 11-1809/S
国外发行代号: M445 (Code No. M445)
国内邮发代号: 82-336 国内定价: 50.00元
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138 146
Effects of Limited Supplemental Irrigation on Potato in the Semiarid Areas of Middle Gansu Province
Changes of Safe Dates for Full Heading in Japonica Rice over Past 50 Years in Jiangsu Province
QIN Shu-Hao, ZHANG Jun-Lian, WANG Di, XIAO Hong- Lang, and PU Yu-Lin
ZHANG Zu-Jian, ZHANG Hong-Xi, YANG Jian-Chang, SONG Yun-Sheng, ZHAO Bu-Hong, JI Hong-Juan, and ZHU Qing-Sen
YE You-Liang, HUANG Yu-Fang, LIU Chun-Sheng, QU Ri- Tao, SONG Hai-Yan, and CUI Zhen-Ling
WANG Jing, LI Xiao-Li, JIANG Peng, TIAN Feng-Long, HOU Wen-Qian, and SUN Qing-Quan
CHEN Mei-Xia, QI Jian-Min, WEI Cheng-Lin, XIE Zeng- Rong, LIN Pei-Qing, LAN Tao, TAO Ai-Fen, and CHEN TaoZHANG Fu-Dou, XU Gao-Feng, LI Tian-Lin, TAO Da-Yun, XU Peng, and ZHANG Yu-Hua
XIAO Qiang, YANG Shu, and ZHENG Hai-Lei
XIONG Shu-Ping, WANG Xiao-Chun, MA Xin-Ming, ZHAO Peng, WANG Lu, and CHENG Zhen-Yun
152 158
Effect of In-Season Nitrogen Management Strategy on Maize Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
Moisture Variation and Model Verification of Wheat and Maize Seeds under Different Storage Conditions
165 170 177 182
Preliminary Localization of Five Qualitative Traits in Ke-naf Genetic Linkage Map
Allelopathy and Weed-Suppression of Oryza longistaminata under Water-Nitrogen Interactions in the Field
Effects of Exogenous Nitric Oxide Donor SNP on Lipid Peroxidation Caused by Selenium in Rice Seedlings Effects of Soil Water Holding Capacity after Anthesis on Isozymes of Glutamine Synthetase, Grain Yield, and Pro-tein Content in Winter Wheat Yumai 34
Acta Agronomica Sinica (AAS, ISSN 0496-3490) is a monthly academic journal co-sponsored by Crop Science Socie- ty of China and the Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, under the leadership of China Association for Science and Technology and published by Science Press, Chinese Academy of Sciences. AAS was firstly published in 1962. The predecessors were Proceedings of China Association of Agricultural Science Societies started in 1919, Chinese Journal of Agricultural Research started in 1950, and Acta Agriculturae Sinica started in 1952. As one of the key scientific journals in China, AAS has been financially supported by China Association for Science and Technology since 1997 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China since 2000.
The major aims of AAS are to report the progresses in the disciplines of crop breeding, crop genetics, crop cultivation, crop physiology, ecology, biochemistry, germplasm resources, grain chemistry, grain storage and processing, biotechnology and biomathematics etc. mainly in China and abroad. AAS provides regular columns for Original papers, Reviews, and Re-search notes. The strict peer-review procedure guarantees the academic level and raises the reputation of the journal. The readership of AAS is for crop science researchers, students of agricultural colleges and universities, and persons with similar academic level.
AAS is the leading journal of crop sciences and reflects the latest achievement in all aspects of crop sciences in China. AAS occupies the first position on the list of Chinese core journals in “Agronomy and Crops” field. The editorial board con-sists of 122 specialists in the field of crop sciences. Among them, 25 are academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences or Chinese Academy of Engineering, 12 are from the outside of China, and 3 are from Hong Kong, China.
AAS is a fully Open Access Journal through the independent website (http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/) since 2004. Free full texts are published online 2 months earlier than printing version, and all articles of the journal from 1962 are available freely. Manuscript submission, tracking, and peer review process are completed online. The functions of eTOCs (Table of Contents Alerting), advanced paper search, and paper recommendation are available.
AAS are listed in some international index systems, such as AGRIS (FAO), Biological Abstract, CAB Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstract, Index of Copurnicus, JST’s Bibliographic Databases, and VINITI Ab-stracts Journal (Russia). AAS is also referenced by many domestic databases and abstract periodicals.
The purposes of AAS are to enhance the development of crop science and technology in China, to promote nationwide and worldwide academic exchanges, and to accelerate the modernization of Chinese agriculture. AAS is distributed in China and abroad. The editorial office appreciates to establish publication exchange relationship with related institutions, agricul-tural colleges and universities, and international organizations in China and abroad. Submissions in English from overseas are welcome.