
新概念一册 (1-36)课 测试题

一.按要求写出下列各词:(每题1分,共10分) 书面分5分 共105分 eat ) sit( ) make( ) swim( ) sweep ( ) policeman ( )

book ( ) knife ( ) wife ( ) picture( )


1,I have a good friend, ________ name is Tom.

2, I love____ mother, _____ is a teacher,

3,Whose books are those?.______are my books.

4,This is my dog,_____name is “maomao”_____like it very much.

5,Is this Tom’s watch?-No,_____isn’t, ____watch is blue.

6,Are these your cups?

No, ______ are not, ________cups are clean.

三,介词填空( on in across between under) (10分)

1,Our village is _______two hills.

2,A boy is sitting______the big tree.

3,There is a picture ______the wall.

4,The girl is running______the grass.

5,My mother is ____ the kitchen.

四,用所给动词的适当形式填空 (20分)

1, what are you _______(do)? I _____( do) my homework now,

2,What is he ______(do)? He is________(type) a letter.

3,look!,this dog _______(drink) the milk. And that dog ____________ (eat) a bone. 4,What are you_____(do)? I_______(sweep) the floor.

5,what are the boys _____(do)? They_______(swim) in the river.


1,There are ____new books on the desk.

A any B some c a

2, There aren’t ______apples in the basket.

A any B some C a

3,The boy is _____ on his shirt.

A puting B putting c put

4,The cat is _______Its milk.

A drink B drinks c drinking

5._________ is your pen? ---It’s yellow.

A what colour B How C How many

6,Are you Swedish?

A No, we are. B, Yes , we aren’t c No, we aren’t

7,_______room is large.

A Lucy B Lucy’s c Lucys’

8,Where is your pen?-----It is _____the left.

A on Bin c of

9, There ______two books and a pen on the desk.

A is B are c /

10.Tom and I_______swimming in the river.

A is B are C am 六,阅读理解(10分)

AuntJudy's birthdayiscoming.Shewillbe38yearsold.Dadand Mumaregoingtotakemetoherhouse.ShelivesinGuangzhou.Wearegoingtogotherebytrain.HerbirthdaypartywillbeonSaturday.Weare leavingonFridayafternoon.AndwearecomingbackonSundayevening.IamgoingtogivemydearAuntJudyapicture.Iamdrawingitnow.Iamdrawingsomebeautifulflowers.Iamdrawingasmalldog,too. That'sbecauseshelikesdogs.Thepicturewillbeverynice. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

( )1. AuntJudy's birthday party will be on______.

A Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday.

( )2.This is Aunt Judy's ______ birthday.

A. thirty-eighth B. fortieth C. thirtieth

( )3.She lives in ______,so we are going there by__

A.Shanghai;train B. Guangzhou;plane C.Guangzhou;;train ( )4.Iamdrawing ______.


C.adog and aflower

( ) 5.What does Aunt Judy’s like?

A dogs B cats C I don’t know


以“My bedroom ” 写一篇短文. 要求: 50词左右;字体工整;

My bedroom








新概念一册 (1-36)课 测试题

一.按要求写出下列各词:(每题1分,共10分) 书面分5分 共105分 eat ) sit( ) make( ) swim( ) sweep ( ) policeman ( )

book ( ) knife ( ) wife ( ) picture( )


1,I have a good friend, ________ name is Tom.

2, I love____ mother, _____ is a teacher,

3,Whose books are those?.______are my books.

4,This is my dog,_____name is “maomao”_____like it very much.

5,Is this Tom’s watch?-No,_____isn’t, ____watch is blue.

6,Are these your cups?

No, ______ are not, ________cups are clean.

三,介词填空( on in across between under) (10分)

1,Our village is _______two hills.

2,A boy is sitting______the big tree.

3,There is a picture ______the wall.

4,The girl is running______the grass.

5,My mother is ____ the kitchen.

四,用所给动词的适当形式填空 (20分)

1, what are you _______(do)? I _____( do) my homework now,

2,What is he ______(do)? He is________(type) a letter.

3,look!,this dog _______(drink) the milk. And that dog ____________ (eat) a bone. 4,What are you_____(do)? I_______(sweep) the floor.

5,what are the boys _____(do)? They_______(swim) in the river.


1,There are ____new books on the desk.

A any B some c a

2, There aren’t ______apples in the basket.

A any B some C a

3,The boy is _____ on his shirt.

A puting B putting c put

4,The cat is _______Its milk.

A drink B drinks c drinking

5._________ is your pen? ---It’s yellow.

A what colour B How C How many

6,Are you Swedish?

A No, we are. B, Yes , we aren’t c No, we aren’t

7,_______room is large.

A Lucy B Lucy’s c Lucys’

8,Where is your pen?-----It is _____the left.

A on Bin c of

9, There ______two books and a pen on the desk.

A is B are c /

10.Tom and I_______swimming in the river.

A is B are C am 六,阅读理解(10分)

AuntJudy's birthdayiscoming.Shewillbe38yearsold.Dadand Mumaregoingtotakemetoherhouse.ShelivesinGuangzhou.Wearegoingtogotherebytrain.HerbirthdaypartywillbeonSaturday.Weare leavingonFridayafternoon.AndwearecomingbackonSundayevening.IamgoingtogivemydearAuntJudyapicture.Iamdrawingitnow.Iamdrawingsomebeautifulflowers.Iamdrawingasmalldog,too. That'sbecauseshelikesdogs.Thepicturewillbeverynice. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

( )1. AuntJudy's birthday party will be on______.

A Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday.

( )2.This is Aunt Judy's ______ birthday.

A. thirty-eighth B. fortieth C. thirtieth

( )3.She lives in ______,so we are going there by__

A.Shanghai;train B. Guangzhou;plane C.Guangzhou;;train ( )4.Iamdrawing ______.


C.adog and aflower

( ) 5.What does Aunt Judy’s like?

A dogs B cats C I don’t know


以“My bedroom ” 写一篇短文. 要求: 50词左右;字体工整;

My bedroom









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