爱直至成伤。Love until it hurts I am Mother Teresa
Hello tresa,欢迎来到。。。talk show
God bless you !
1, 你来自哪里,能谈谈你的家庭吗?
I was born in Skopje, Macedonia. I came from a family of Albanian descent. my father was work in a grocery,my family was not rich, but it was a happy family. My parents are very kind, they have taught me how to laugh at trouble, to smile at hard work, and to laugh away tears.When I was young , On Christmas Day,my father asked me what I would like for a gift.i asked him how to cure poverty. He told me only love .
I wanted to be a Missionary(传教士) when I was only 12.from them on,I felt my future career is to help poor people .I took park in a nun(修女)organization when i was 18 years old. I teached hen geography in the church school. but then I left the school and went out to help the people who suffered from hungerand cold. I established(创建) a school in the open to take in the children who had no home.
3.You got the Noble PeacePrice in 1979 . What did you do with the prize?
I donated all of the money to the poor people and the patients who suffered from the disease . then I sold the medal to help the people who needed help.
We should love poor people, understand poor people, so we must to be a poor people!!
One day,a gentleman came to our house and said: "Mother Teresa, there is a family with eight children; they have not eaten for so long; do something". So I took some rice and I went there immediately. And I saw the children - their eyes shining with hunger. I don't know if you have ever seen hunger. But I have seen it very often.
And she took the rice, she divided the rice, and she went out. When she came back I asked her: "Where did you go, what did you do?" And she gave me a very simple answer: "They are hungry also". What struck me most was that she shared the food with her neborhood.
The day is sadness, let me be enjoying 人生苦短,让我好好享受吧
Allow me to consult, rather to be consulted 让我去慰藉他人,而不是被慰藉
To understand,rather than to be understood; 去理解,而不是被理解
To love, rather than be loved; 去爱,而不是被爱
Because giving is receiving; 因为付出就是得到
爱直至成伤。Love until it hurts I am Mother Teresa
Hello tresa,欢迎来到。。。talk show
God bless you !
1, 你来自哪里,能谈谈你的家庭吗?
I was born in Skopje, Macedonia. I came from a family of Albanian descent. my father was work in a grocery,my family was not rich, but it was a happy family. My parents are very kind, they have taught me how to laugh at trouble, to smile at hard work, and to laugh away tears.When I was young , On Christmas Day,my father asked me what I would like for a gift.i asked him how to cure poverty. He told me only love .
I wanted to be a Missionary(传教士) when I was only 12.from them on,I felt my future career is to help poor people .I took park in a nun(修女)organization when i was 18 years old. I teached hen geography in the church school. but then I left the school and went out to help the people who suffered from hungerand cold. I established(创建) a school in the open to take in the children who had no home.
3.You got the Noble PeacePrice in 1979 . What did you do with the prize?
I donated all of the money to the poor people and the patients who suffered from the disease . then I sold the medal to help the people who needed help.
We should love poor people, understand poor people, so we must to be a poor people!!
One day,a gentleman came to our house and said: "Mother Teresa, there is a family with eight children; they have not eaten for so long; do something". So I took some rice and I went there immediately. And I saw the children - their eyes shining with hunger. I don't know if you have ever seen hunger. But I have seen it very often.
And she took the rice, she divided the rice, and she went out. When she came back I asked her: "Where did you go, what did you do?" And she gave me a very simple answer: "They are hungry also". What struck me most was that she shared the food with her neborhood.
The day is sadness, let me be enjoying 人生苦短,让我好好享受吧
Allow me to consult, rather to be consulted 让我去慰藉他人,而不是被慰藉
To understand,rather than to be understood; 去理解,而不是被理解
To love, rather than be loved; 去爱,而不是被爱
Because giving is receiving; 因为付出就是得到