



的情感历程, 以牧场主克利里的美丽的女儿梅吉与才华横溢但有野心


结束于20世纪60年代末70年代初, 历经半个多世纪。生在笃信天主

教的澳大利亚, 所受的宗教文化和氛围的影响使作者考琳·麦卡洛在

作品中带有传统浓厚的宗教气息与文化。虽然深受宗教的影响, 但考

琳·麦卡洛更肯定正常的人性追求, 这是对文艺复兴以来宗教思想的

进一步探讨和继承。在现代开放的社会中, 随着人们越来越重视自己,

在这种社会氛围下, 人们都在思考的问题是宗教信仰与人性欲求该如

何抉择的问题。本论文通过对作品的深度剖析, 旨在解读在神性与人

性的抗争中人的抉择问题, 并展现了自己的独特思考。本论文以《荆

棘鸟》中梅吉, 拉尔夫, 菲, 贾斯婷等主要人物为例进行分析, 揭示宗教

对人性所产生的复杂影响, 以及人们对宗教的复杂情感, 是从人性和

神性的冲突的角度来分析主人公们的性格, 探讨宗教在人们生活中的


普通的人, 虽然希望忠诚地为上帝服务, 但由于人的本性的固有的特

点, 往往根本无法做到。因此人性与神性的抗争始终贯穿在人类历史


【英文摘要】The work tells the life-experiences and

emotional journey of three generations. Living in Australia and being received virtually and devoutly by Catholic religious culture influenced the writer. In her works she involuntarily verifies the traditional Christian faith and culture. It has quite a strong religious breath. The author feels that, in the modern and open society, man pays more and more attention to oneself. In this kind of social atmosphere, religious belief and human desires are coincided with each other, which people are thinking of. This paper probes into the conflicts between divinity and human nature in the choice of human problem by analyzing the works which show one’s own thinking.The Third Birds tells the story which began in the early 20th century and ended after more than half a century later in the late 1960s and early 1970s using a way of expressing a deep-rooted love between Meggie and a Catholic Priest ---Ralph as the main line. Though the author is affected deeply by religious influence, more makes sure back to nature and to normal humanity. This is awakening thought which has been inherited in further

discussion since the Renaissance Humanity.The Third Birds

reveals the complex effects of religion and religious complex emotions with the main characters taking the Priest Ralph as a main example to aim to explore the religious position and

value in people ’s lives. From the angle of humanity and divinity it analyzes Ralph and other protagonist ’s personality. We may safely draw a conclusion that a person, although sincerely

hoping to be a loyal servant for God, because of the inherent characteristics of nature, often can’t achieve, so the fight between human nature and the divinity is throughout the long history.

【关键词】《荆棘鸟》 麦吉 拉尔夫 宗教思想 抗争 神性 人性

【英文关键词】The Third Birds Meggie Priest

Ralph Religious thought struggle Divinity Humanity



6-74-5Abstract 5Chapter Ⅰ

9-101.2 摘要Contents 7-99-15Introduction 1.1 Brief Introduction

10-11Literature Review

Significance 1.3 Background and 1.4 Purpose13-15Chapter Ⅱ 11-13

The Profound Influence of Religious Thoughts on Western

Literature 15-23

content 15-172.1 Religious implications and 2.2 The important position of religious

17-182.3 Religious thought in western literature works

thought in the development of western

literature 18-23

Conflict on Hero

God 24-26

priest 26-29

soul 29-30

divinity 30-33

divinity 33-35

Humanity 35-42

divinity 35-37

humanity 37-40

struggle 40-42

Religious ThoughtChapter Ⅲ The Embodiment of Religious 23-353.1 Meggie: a woman winning over 3.2 Ralph-a hypocritical God’s 3.3 Fee--- a woman in the pursuit of her own 3.4 Justine-a success against 3.5 Mary---a complicated image against Chapter Ⅳ Struggle between Divinity and 4.1 Struggle with 4.2 Struggle with 4.3 The ending of Chapter Ⅴ The Reflection of Author’s 42-485.1 The author’s religious

42-445.2 The values--criticizing and inheriting

author ’s religious ideas and the love tragedy-struggle between humanityand divinity44-465.3 The religious social significance of the author’s

creation 46-48

Major findingsChapter Ⅵ Conclusion48-496.2 Limitations

49-5148-51496.1 6.3 Works Suggestions for further discussion

Cited 51-56Publications 56




的情感历程, 以牧场主克利里的美丽的女儿梅吉与才华横溢但有野心


结束于20世纪60年代末70年代初, 历经半个多世纪。生在笃信天主

教的澳大利亚, 所受的宗教文化和氛围的影响使作者考琳·麦卡洛在

作品中带有传统浓厚的宗教气息与文化。虽然深受宗教的影响, 但考

琳·麦卡洛更肯定正常的人性追求, 这是对文艺复兴以来宗教思想的

进一步探讨和继承。在现代开放的社会中, 随着人们越来越重视自己,

在这种社会氛围下, 人们都在思考的问题是宗教信仰与人性欲求该如

何抉择的问题。本论文通过对作品的深度剖析, 旨在解读在神性与人

性的抗争中人的抉择问题, 并展现了自己的独特思考。本论文以《荆

棘鸟》中梅吉, 拉尔夫, 菲, 贾斯婷等主要人物为例进行分析, 揭示宗教

对人性所产生的复杂影响, 以及人们对宗教的复杂情感, 是从人性和

神性的冲突的角度来分析主人公们的性格, 探讨宗教在人们生活中的


普通的人, 虽然希望忠诚地为上帝服务, 但由于人的本性的固有的特

点, 往往根本无法做到。因此人性与神性的抗争始终贯穿在人类历史


【英文摘要】The work tells the life-experiences and

emotional journey of three generations. Living in Australia and being received virtually and devoutly by Catholic religious culture influenced the writer. In her works she involuntarily verifies the traditional Christian faith and culture. It has quite a strong religious breath. The author feels that, in the modern and open society, man pays more and more attention to oneself. In this kind of social atmosphere, religious belief and human desires are coincided with each other, which people are thinking of. This paper probes into the conflicts between divinity and human nature in the choice of human problem by analyzing the works which show one’s own thinking.The Third Birds tells the story which began in the early 20th century and ended after more than half a century later in the late 1960s and early 1970s using a way of expressing a deep-rooted love between Meggie and a Catholic Priest ---Ralph as the main line. Though the author is affected deeply by religious influence, more makes sure back to nature and to normal humanity. This is awakening thought which has been inherited in further

discussion since the Renaissance Humanity.The Third Birds

reveals the complex effects of religion and religious complex emotions with the main characters taking the Priest Ralph as a main example to aim to explore the religious position and

value in people ’s lives. From the angle of humanity and divinity it analyzes Ralph and other protagonist ’s personality. We may safely draw a conclusion that a person, although sincerely

hoping to be a loyal servant for God, because of the inherent characteristics of nature, often can’t achieve, so the fight between human nature and the divinity is throughout the long history.

【关键词】《荆棘鸟》 麦吉 拉尔夫 宗教思想 抗争 神性 人性

【英文关键词】The Third Birds Meggie Priest

Ralph Religious thought struggle Divinity Humanity



6-74-5Abstract 5Chapter Ⅰ

9-101.2 摘要Contents 7-99-15Introduction 1.1 Brief Introduction

10-11Literature Review

Significance 1.3 Background and 1.4 Purpose13-15Chapter Ⅱ 11-13

The Profound Influence of Religious Thoughts on Western

Literature 15-23

content 15-172.1 Religious implications and 2.2 The important position of religious

17-182.3 Religious thought in western literature works

thought in the development of western

literature 18-23

Conflict on Hero

God 24-26

priest 26-29

soul 29-30

divinity 30-33

divinity 33-35

Humanity 35-42

divinity 35-37

humanity 37-40

struggle 40-42

Religious ThoughtChapter Ⅲ The Embodiment of Religious 23-353.1 Meggie: a woman winning over 3.2 Ralph-a hypocritical God’s 3.3 Fee--- a woman in the pursuit of her own 3.4 Justine-a success against 3.5 Mary---a complicated image against Chapter Ⅳ Struggle between Divinity and 4.1 Struggle with 4.2 Struggle with 4.3 The ending of Chapter Ⅴ The Reflection of Author’s 42-485.1 The author’s religious

42-445.2 The values--criticizing and inheriting

author ’s religious ideas and the love tragedy-struggle between humanityand divinity44-465.3 The religious social significance of the author’s

creation 46-48

Major findingsChapter Ⅵ Conclusion48-496.2 Limitations

49-5148-51496.1 6.3 Works Suggestions for further discussion

Cited 51-56Publications 56


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