英语作文:环保Protecting the Earth

Protecting the Earth

A long time ago ,the Earth was very, very beautiful. There were lots of animals live on Earth. They were free.

But now, there is a lot of pollution on Earth. We can’t catch a lot of fish every day. There are fewer and fewer fish in the sea. The animals are very sad. When we burn(燃烧) things to make energy, it will cause air pollution. We throw away a lot of rubbish every day, it is bad for us to smell these things .This pollutes the land and air.

We put waste into rivers and seas. It makes the water very dirty. It can pollutes the Earth and kills a lot of animals. This pollutes water.

So, we must stop doing these things. We should put rubbish into the rubbish bin and planting trees helps to clean pollution.

We have only one Earth. We must keep it clean and tidy.


Protecting the Earth

A long time ago ,the Earth was very, very beautiful. There were lots of animals live on Earth. They were free.

But now, there is a lot of pollution on Earth. We can’t catch a lot of fish every day. There are fewer and fewer fish in the sea. The animals are very sad. When we burn(燃烧) things to make energy, it will cause air pollution. We throw away a lot of rubbish every day, it is bad for us to smell these things .This pollutes the land and air.

We put waste into rivers and seas. It makes the water very dirty. It can pollutes the Earth and kills a lot of animals. This pollutes water.

So, we must stop doing these things. We should put rubbish into the rubbish bin and planting trees helps to clean pollution.

We have only one Earth. We must keep it clean and tidy.



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