


( )1、 A. spy B. fly C. university D. cry

( )2、 A. eight B. high C. light D. night

( )3、 A. smoke B. smile C. smell D. slippers ( )4、 A. around B. star C. hard D. car

( )5、 A. brown B. now C. how D. snow


( )1、What do you do ?

A. I empty the trash .

B. I’m a farmer .

C. I ’m cleaning the room .

( )2、When is National Day ?

A. 9月10 。

B. 10月1日 。

C. 8月1日 。

( )3、Why do you like autumn ?

A. I like it .

B. I like autumn best .

C. Because I can pick apples .


( )4、What is he doing ?

A. He is a pen .

B. He is making the bed .

C. He do the dishes .

( )5、Where is Wu Yifan ?

A. He is short .

B. He go home .

C. He is in his room .


1、He is ___________________________________ .

2、She is __________________________________ .

3、Shun Yanhua is ____________________________ .

4、The man is ________________________________ .




( )1、_____________you having fish now ?

A. Are B. Do C. Is D. Does

( )2、Mom ,______________ a call for you .

A. have B. has C.there D. there’s

( )3、Winter is __________________________________ .

A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold

( )4、In Beijing ,it’s spring ____________ March to May .

A. from B. to C. in D. on

( )5、I usually __________________ to school on foot .

A. am going B. go C. goes D. going

( )6、I have _________ for dinner on Mondays .

A.tofu and beans B.tofus and bean C.tofus and beans D.tofu and bean ( )7、_________ big the mountain is !

A. What B. How C. How a D. What a

( )8、Zhang Ming ________________ onions for lunch .

A. have B.has C. eat D. having

( )9、Frogs are _____________ good friends .

A. me B. we C. our D. us

( )10、My sister is _______________ university student .

A. the B. a C. / D. an




first 42


A. She is playing with dad.

B. Carter , where is your baby sister ?

C. What is she doing ?

D. She is in the living –room .


1、① can ② I ③ How ④ him ⑤ help

_________________________________________________ ?

2、①you ②to ③want ④Center ⑤Do ⑥to ⑦Children’s ⑧go ⑨the

__________________________________________________ ?

3、① course ② I ③ for ④ waiting ⑤ am ⑥ him ⑦ Of

_______________________________________________________ .


4、① on ② computer ③ am ④ working ⑤ I ⑥ my

_____________________________________________________ .

5、① like ② sweet ③ too ④ things ⑤ I

______________________________________________________ .


Look at this map .Do you know what country it is ? Yes ! It’s Australia . They speak English in Australia .Australia’s flag is blue , red and white . Australia has Koala bears . They live in teees .They sleep 20 hours a day .They are good climbers .They can swim ,too !

( )1、They don’t speak English in Australia .

( )2、Australia’s flag is blue .

( )3、Koala bears live in teees .

( )4、Koala bears sleep 20 hours a day .

( )5、Koala bears can fly .



________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 44

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


(70分— 90分) ( ) (90分—100分) ( ) 我获得的是


45 (60分— 70分) ( ) (60 分 以 下) ( )



( )1、 A. spy B. fly C. university D. cry

( )2、 A. eight B. high C. light D. night

( )3、 A. smoke B. smile C. smell D. slippers ( )4、 A. around B. star C. hard D. car

( )5、 A. brown B. now C. how D. snow


( )1、What do you do ?

A. I empty the trash .

B. I’m a farmer .

C. I ’m cleaning the room .

( )2、When is National Day ?

A. 9月10 。

B. 10月1日 。

C. 8月1日 。

( )3、Why do you like autumn ?

A. I like it .

B. I like autumn best .

C. Because I can pick apples .


( )4、What is he doing ?

A. He is a pen .

B. He is making the bed .

C. He do the dishes .

( )5、Where is Wu Yifan ?

A. He is short .

B. He go home .

C. He is in his room .


1、He is ___________________________________ .

2、She is __________________________________ .

3、Shun Yanhua is ____________________________ .

4、The man is ________________________________ .




( )1、_____________you having fish now ?

A. Are B. Do C. Is D. Does

( )2、Mom ,______________ a call for you .

A. have B. has C.there D. there’s

( )3、Winter is __________________________________ .

A. warm B. hot C. cool D. cold

( )4、In Beijing ,it’s spring ____________ March to May .

A. from B. to C. in D. on

( )5、I usually __________________ to school on foot .

A. am going B. go C. goes D. going

( )6、I have _________ for dinner on Mondays .

A.tofu and beans B.tofus and bean C.tofus and beans D.tofu and bean ( )7、_________ big the mountain is !

A. What B. How C. How a D. What a

( )8、Zhang Ming ________________ onions for lunch .

A. have B.has C. eat D. having

( )9、Frogs are _____________ good friends .

A. me B. we C. our D. us

( )10、My sister is _______________ university student .

A. the B. a C. / D. an




first 42


A. She is playing with dad.

B. Carter , where is your baby sister ?

C. What is she doing ?

D. She is in the living –room .


1、① can ② I ③ How ④ him ⑤ help

_________________________________________________ ?

2、①you ②to ③want ④Center ⑤Do ⑥to ⑦Children’s ⑧go ⑨the

__________________________________________________ ?

3、① course ② I ③ for ④ waiting ⑤ am ⑥ him ⑦ Of

_______________________________________________________ .


4、① on ② computer ③ am ④ working ⑤ I ⑥ my

_____________________________________________________ .

5、① like ② sweet ③ too ④ things ⑤ I

______________________________________________________ .


Look at this map .Do you know what country it is ? Yes ! It’s Australia . They speak English in Australia .Australia’s flag is blue , red and white . Australia has Koala bears . They live in teees .They sleep 20 hours a day .They are good climbers .They can swim ,too !

( )1、They don’t speak English in Australia .

( )2、Australia’s flag is blue .

( )3、Koala bears live in teees .

( )4、Koala bears sleep 20 hours a day .

( )5、Koala bears can fly .



________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 44

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


(70分— 90分) ( ) (90分—100分) ( ) 我获得的是


45 (60分— 70分) ( ) (60 分 以 下) ( )


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