
Foods That Fight Cancer


Foods That Fight Cancer

Diet is now considered a major weapon(武器) against cancer. The National Cancer Institute (协会)estimates that about one-third of all cancers are linked to diet, and recent research indicated (指出) that what you eat may help to significantly reduce your risk.

Cancer develops over a long time, which means that you have years-typically decades(数十年)-in which to hinder(阻碍) or promote it. Researchers are finding that what you eat may interfere (妨碍) with cancer growth at various stages. For example, certain foods can block (v.阻碍) the chemicals that initiate(开始) cancer. Antioxidants(抗氧化剂), found in some vitamins and minerals(矿物), can snuff(消灭) out oxygen free radicals(基础;原子团), substances that are thought to make cells more susceptible(易受影响的) to cancer, and they can even repair some of the cellular damage that has been done. And some food-wheat bran in particular-has been shown to shrink(收缩) precancerous (癌症前期的) cells.

A recent review(评论) of 17 studies from 17 nations reveals that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables have about half the cancer rates of those who eat the least. That includes cancers of the lung, colon(结肠), breast, cervix(宫颈), esophagus(食道), oral cavity(口腔), stomach, bladder(膀胱), pancreas(胰腺) and ovary(卵巢). In fact, some research suggests that frequent consumption(肺痨; 消耗) of fruits and vegetables can cut the risk of lung cancer even in smokers. “It is almost mind-boggling (难以理解的),” says Tim Byers, an epidemiologist (流行病学家)with the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “that ordinary fruits and vegetables can be so effective against such a potent(有效的) carcinogen (致癌物质) as cigarette smoke.”

One of the most studied antioxidants in vegetables and fruits thought to protect against cancer is beta-carotene(B-胡萝卜素), concentrated(聚集) in deep green, yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach(菠菜). Fruits high in beta-carotene include apricots(杏) and cantaloupes(哈密瓜). In test-tube(试管) studies at Harvard University, beta-carotene had a direct toxic effect on cells taken from malignant(有害的) tumors (肿瘤). It also reduced the growth of lung-cancer cells and altered(改变)the proteins needed for tumors to grow.

Research also shows that beta-carotene can change in the body to retinoid acid(视黄酸), a substance used in clinical trials to treat certain cancers.

Here are some of the foods that contain cancer-fighting chemicals.

Tomatoes. One of the compounds in tomatoes that is thought to reduce the risk of cancer is lycopene (番茄红素), the pigment(色素) that makes tomatoes red. Lycopene, an antioxidant that is also found in watermelons and apricots, quenches(结束) certain cancer- triggering oxygen free radicals.

Having little lycopene in your blood is associated with a higher risk of pancreatic cancer, according in a Johns Hopkins University study. People with pancreatic cancer showed lower levels of lycopene compared with healthy individuals. Those with the least blood lycopene had over five times the risk of pancreatic cancer as healthy people with the most blood lycopene.

Lycopene is present in tomato products, including sauces(酱油), tomato paste and even ketchup (番茄酱).

Green Vegetables. A recent Italian study showed that dark-green leafy vegetables lower the risk of many cancers. Spinach, broccoli(西兰花), kale(甘兰)and dark-green lettuces(油麦菜) are chock-full of antioxidants, including beta-carotene, folate and lutein,. A good rule of

thumb: the darker the vegetable, the more antioxidants within.

Citrus (柑橘类) Fruit. “Eat oranges, grapefruits(葡萄柚), lemons and limes as often as possible, ” says toxicologist Herbert Pierson, a former project officer with the National Cancer Institute. He calls citrus fruit an all-around cancer package because it possesses every class of natural substances (carotenoids(类胡萝卜素), flavonoids(黄铜) and others) that individually have neutralized(中立的) powerful chemical carcinogens in animals.

Citrus fruit may be particularly effective in reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer. One study found that in a group of Swedes, those who ate a citrus fruit almost daily reduced the risk of pancreatic cancer by one-half to more than two-thirds, as compared with eating citrus fruit less than once a week.

Cruciferous (十字花科的) Vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, mustard greens and turnips, may reduce the risk of breast cancer. In fact, researchers at Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied diseases at the University of Nebraska at Omaha found that feeding animals cabbage and collard greens (also a cruciferous vegetable), along with a low-fat diet, reduced the incidence(发病率) of mammary(乳腺癌) cancers. Eat cruciferous vegetables raw(生食) or lightly cooked. Overcooking may destroy the indoles (吲哚), compounds found in these vegetables that may protect against cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables may also work to head off stomach and colon cancer. Research conducted in Utah revealed(显示) that men who ate the most cruciferous vegetables had a 70 percent lower risk of colon cancer than those who ate the least of such vegetables.

Soybeans. Soybeans contain at least five compounds believed to(抑制)cancer. In fact, one of the compounds is chemically similar to the drug tamoxifen (三苯氧胺), which is routinely used to treat estrogen-dependent(雌性激素) breast cancer and is now being tested in a large clinical trial to see if it can prevent the disease. In animal studies, soybean constituents have been found to block colon, skin and other cancers by possibly slowing the growth and division(分割) of cancer cells.

Wheat Bran. Wheat bran may lower the risk of colon cancer. A double-blind(双盲) study of patients at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center found that two one-ounce servings of wheat bran cereal(谷类) a day caused premalignant colon polyps(息肉) to shrink within six months. Most remarkable, say researchers, is that such a small amount of food could have such an impact within a short period of time, illustrating(图解) that dietary intervention(饮食干预) may work even after precancerous warning signs have appeared.

Low-Fat Milk. While the saturated(饱和的) fat in milk seems to promote certain cancers, another substance in milk may deter(阻止) them. Researchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N. Y., discovered, not surprisingly, that drinkers of whole milk had higher odds than non-milk-drinkers of developing cancers of the oral cavity, stomach, colon, rectum, lung, bladder, breast and cervix. But they also found that those drinking low-fat milk were less likely than non-milk-drinkers to develop cancers of the oral cavity, stomach, rectum and cervix. Why? Scientists suspect(猜想) that elements(基础) such as calcium, riboflavin, or vitamins A, C, and

D (present in whole milk, too, but apparently less effective) may act as anti-cancer agents in ways not yet understood.

To get the most cancer-protective compounds from your diet, strive(努力) for five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily, advises the National Cancer Institute. One serving means one-half cup of most cooked or raw fruits or vegetables, one cup of raw leafy vegetables, one

medium (半生的) piece of fresh fruit, or six ounces of fruit juice or vegetable juice. The ideal diet is low in fat and calories, high in fiber, and it includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds, nuts(坚果) and, if desired, low-fat animal proteins. 翻译: 抗癌的食物



一个由具有国际水准的并且来自17个不同国家的研究组织的评论指出那些经常使用水果和蔬菜的人与同期食用较少的人相比患癌症的风险指数仅有一半。那些癌症发生的部位包括:肺,结肠,胸部,宫颈,食道,口腔,胃,膀胱,胰腺和卵巢。事实上,一些研究建议应该多食水果和蔬菜这样能降低患肺癌的风险甚至是吸烟者。一位美国疾病预防控制中心的流行病学家Tim Byers 说道:“这是难以理解的一种普通的水果或者蔬菜能够如此有效的抵抗癌症,例如香烟的烟气”。



这里有一些含有对抗癌症的化学物质的食物:西红柿 西红柿中含有的一种能够减少患癌症风险的成分就是番茄红素,是一种使西红柿变红的色素。番茄红素,一种抗氧化剂,也发现存在于西瓜和杏中,能够阻止诱发癌症的氧原子自由基团。

Hopkins 大学的研究者约翰指出血液中番茄红素含量低于患胰腺癌的风险是有关联的。于正常的个体相比患胰腺癌的患者番茄红素的含量较低。那些血液中番茄红素含量低的人患胰腺癌的风险是那些血液中番茄红素含量正常的人的五倍。



柑橘类水果:一位来自国际癌症协会的毒理学家Herbert Pierson 说道要尽可能的多食用柑橘,葡萄柚,黄柠和青柠,他称柑橘类的水果为癌症包因为它拥有各种天然物质并且能够在动物身上独立存在的中立化学类的类胡萝卜素(像类胡萝卜素 黄铜等其他)。


十字花科类的蔬菜:十字花科的蔬菜 像卷心菜,菜花,布鲁塞尔豆芽,西





低脂牛奶:牛奶中的饱和脂肪可能会诱发某些癌症有些成分可能会阻止其发生。在纽约的罗斯维尔癌症协会研究发现,不惊奇的是,那些喝牛奶的人比不喝牛奶的人在患口腔癌,胃癌,结肠癌,直肠癌,肺癌,膀胱癌,乳腺癌和宫颈癌的几率。但研究发现,那些使用低脂牛奶的人比不喝牛奶的人在患口腔癌,胃癌和直肠癌的几率低。为什么?科学家的猜想是在某些方面的基础物质像钙,维生素b2,维他命A,C,D (也存在于全脂牛奶中但是效应较少)在抗肿瘤媒介方面的作用还不明确。


Foods That Fight Cancer


Foods That Fight Cancer

Diet is now considered a major weapon(武器) against cancer. The National Cancer Institute (协会)estimates that about one-third of all cancers are linked to diet, and recent research indicated (指出) that what you eat may help to significantly reduce your risk.

Cancer develops over a long time, which means that you have years-typically decades(数十年)-in which to hinder(阻碍) or promote it. Researchers are finding that what you eat may interfere (妨碍) with cancer growth at various stages. For example, certain foods can block (v.阻碍) the chemicals that initiate(开始) cancer. Antioxidants(抗氧化剂), found in some vitamins and minerals(矿物), can snuff(消灭) out oxygen free radicals(基础;原子团), substances that are thought to make cells more susceptible(易受影响的) to cancer, and they can even repair some of the cellular damage that has been done. And some food-wheat bran in particular-has been shown to shrink(收缩) precancerous (癌症前期的) cells.

A recent review(评论) of 17 studies from 17 nations reveals that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables have about half the cancer rates of those who eat the least. That includes cancers of the lung, colon(结肠), breast, cervix(宫颈), esophagus(食道), oral cavity(口腔), stomach, bladder(膀胱), pancreas(胰腺) and ovary(卵巢). In fact, some research suggests that frequent consumption(肺痨; 消耗) of fruits and vegetables can cut the risk of lung cancer even in smokers. “It is almost mind-boggling (难以理解的),” says Tim Byers, an epidemiologist (流行病学家)with the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “that ordinary fruits and vegetables can be so effective against such a potent(有效的) carcinogen (致癌物质) as cigarette smoke.”

One of the most studied antioxidants in vegetables and fruits thought to protect against cancer is beta-carotene(B-胡萝卜素), concentrated(聚集) in deep green, yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach(菠菜). Fruits high in beta-carotene include apricots(杏) and cantaloupes(哈密瓜). In test-tube(试管) studies at Harvard University, beta-carotene had a direct toxic effect on cells taken from malignant(有害的) tumors (肿瘤). It also reduced the growth of lung-cancer cells and altered(改变)the proteins needed for tumors to grow.

Research also shows that beta-carotene can change in the body to retinoid acid(视黄酸), a substance used in clinical trials to treat certain cancers.

Here are some of the foods that contain cancer-fighting chemicals.

Tomatoes. One of the compounds in tomatoes that is thought to reduce the risk of cancer is lycopene (番茄红素), the pigment(色素) that makes tomatoes red. Lycopene, an antioxidant that is also found in watermelons and apricots, quenches(结束) certain cancer- triggering oxygen free radicals.

Having little lycopene in your blood is associated with a higher risk of pancreatic cancer, according in a Johns Hopkins University study. People with pancreatic cancer showed lower levels of lycopene compared with healthy individuals. Those with the least blood lycopene had over five times the risk of pancreatic cancer as healthy people with the most blood lycopene.

Lycopene is present in tomato products, including sauces(酱油), tomato paste and even ketchup (番茄酱).

Green Vegetables. A recent Italian study showed that dark-green leafy vegetables lower the risk of many cancers. Spinach, broccoli(西兰花), kale(甘兰)and dark-green lettuces(油麦菜) are chock-full of antioxidants, including beta-carotene, folate and lutein,. A good rule of

thumb: the darker the vegetable, the more antioxidants within.

Citrus (柑橘类) Fruit. “Eat oranges, grapefruits(葡萄柚), lemons and limes as often as possible, ” says toxicologist Herbert Pierson, a former project officer with the National Cancer Institute. He calls citrus fruit an all-around cancer package because it possesses every class of natural substances (carotenoids(类胡萝卜素), flavonoids(黄铜) and others) that individually have neutralized(中立的) powerful chemical carcinogens in animals.

Citrus fruit may be particularly effective in reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer. One study found that in a group of Swedes, those who ate a citrus fruit almost daily reduced the risk of pancreatic cancer by one-half to more than two-thirds, as compared with eating citrus fruit less than once a week.

Cruciferous (十字花科的) Vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, mustard greens and turnips, may reduce the risk of breast cancer. In fact, researchers at Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied diseases at the University of Nebraska at Omaha found that feeding animals cabbage and collard greens (also a cruciferous vegetable), along with a low-fat diet, reduced the incidence(发病率) of mammary(乳腺癌) cancers. Eat cruciferous vegetables raw(生食) or lightly cooked. Overcooking may destroy the indoles (吲哚), compounds found in these vegetables that may protect against cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables may also work to head off stomach and colon cancer. Research conducted in Utah revealed(显示) that men who ate the most cruciferous vegetables had a 70 percent lower risk of colon cancer than those who ate the least of such vegetables.

Soybeans. Soybeans contain at least five compounds believed to(抑制)cancer. In fact, one of the compounds is chemically similar to the drug tamoxifen (三苯氧胺), which is routinely used to treat estrogen-dependent(雌性激素) breast cancer and is now being tested in a large clinical trial to see if it can prevent the disease. In animal studies, soybean constituents have been found to block colon, skin and other cancers by possibly slowing the growth and division(分割) of cancer cells.

Wheat Bran. Wheat bran may lower the risk of colon cancer. A double-blind(双盲) study of patients at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center found that two one-ounce servings of wheat bran cereal(谷类) a day caused premalignant colon polyps(息肉) to shrink within six months. Most remarkable, say researchers, is that such a small amount of food could have such an impact within a short period of time, illustrating(图解) that dietary intervention(饮食干预) may work even after precancerous warning signs have appeared.

Low-Fat Milk. While the saturated(饱和的) fat in milk seems to promote certain cancers, another substance in milk may deter(阻止) them. Researchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, N. Y., discovered, not surprisingly, that drinkers of whole milk had higher odds than non-milk-drinkers of developing cancers of the oral cavity, stomach, colon, rectum, lung, bladder, breast and cervix. But they also found that those drinking low-fat milk were less likely than non-milk-drinkers to develop cancers of the oral cavity, stomach, rectum and cervix. Why? Scientists suspect(猜想) that elements(基础) such as calcium, riboflavin, or vitamins A, C, and

D (present in whole milk, too, but apparently less effective) may act as anti-cancer agents in ways not yet understood.

To get the most cancer-protective compounds from your diet, strive(努力) for five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily, advises the National Cancer Institute. One serving means one-half cup of most cooked or raw fruits or vegetables, one cup of raw leafy vegetables, one

medium (半生的) piece of fresh fruit, or six ounces of fruit juice or vegetable juice. The ideal diet is low in fat and calories, high in fiber, and it includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds, nuts(坚果) and, if desired, low-fat animal proteins. 翻译: 抗癌的食物



一个由具有国际水准的并且来自17个不同国家的研究组织的评论指出那些经常使用水果和蔬菜的人与同期食用较少的人相比患癌症的风险指数仅有一半。那些癌症发生的部位包括:肺,结肠,胸部,宫颈,食道,口腔,胃,膀胱,胰腺和卵巢。事实上,一些研究建议应该多食水果和蔬菜这样能降低患肺癌的风险甚至是吸烟者。一位美国疾病预防控制中心的流行病学家Tim Byers 说道:“这是难以理解的一种普通的水果或者蔬菜能够如此有效的抵抗癌症,例如香烟的烟气”。



这里有一些含有对抗癌症的化学物质的食物:西红柿 西红柿中含有的一种能够减少患癌症风险的成分就是番茄红素,是一种使西红柿变红的色素。番茄红素,一种抗氧化剂,也发现存在于西瓜和杏中,能够阻止诱发癌症的氧原子自由基团。

Hopkins 大学的研究者约翰指出血液中番茄红素含量低于患胰腺癌的风险是有关联的。于正常的个体相比患胰腺癌的患者番茄红素的含量较低。那些血液中番茄红素含量低的人患胰腺癌的风险是那些血液中番茄红素含量正常的人的五倍。



柑橘类水果:一位来自国际癌症协会的毒理学家Herbert Pierson 说道要尽可能的多食用柑橘,葡萄柚,黄柠和青柠,他称柑橘类的水果为癌症包因为它拥有各种天然物质并且能够在动物身上独立存在的中立化学类的类胡萝卜素(像类胡萝卜素 黄铜等其他)。


十字花科类的蔬菜:十字花科的蔬菜 像卷心菜,菜花,布鲁塞尔豆芽,西





低脂牛奶:牛奶中的饱和脂肪可能会诱发某些癌症有些成分可能会阻止其发生。在纽约的罗斯维尔癌症协会研究发现,不惊奇的是,那些喝牛奶的人比不喝牛奶的人在患口腔癌,胃癌,结肠癌,直肠癌,肺癌,膀胱癌,乳腺癌和宫颈癌的几率。但研究发现,那些使用低脂牛奶的人比不喝牛奶的人在患口腔癌,胃癌和直肠癌的几率低。为什么?科学家的猜想是在某些方面的基础物质像钙,维生素b2,维他命A,C,D (也存在于全脂牛奶中但是效应较少)在抗肿瘤媒介方面的作用还不明确。



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