
Good morning/afternoon, my dear professors!

I feel so glad and excited to meet all of you here. My name is Li Yunyong, 23 years old. I an a civil engineering major from North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (NCWU) in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. During my university days, I have built up a solid foundation of my major and comprehensively improved my abilities in communication, organization, teamwork and so on.

I am a persistent坚持不懈的 person. Once I set myself a goal, I will fight for it with all my efforts until the last moment. I am also an outgoing and easygoing person enjoying a fine relationship with people around. And at the same time, I’m also a man of responsibility and team spirit 责任心和团队精神. In my spare time, I like doing some sports. Basketball and jogging are my favorite. They keep me in good health, full of energy and optimistic towards life.

I am fascinated with my major. When I was a little boy, I was curious how a tall building was built up and my elder brother, who once majored in civil engineering and now has his own construction project, would tell me something about civil engineering. I think my brother is my first teacher and good example in civil engineering. I want to do better than him, so I chose this major when I first entered the university. Civil engineering is a subject which combines theory with practice, so I always spend my vacations in construction sites, where I gain experience and realize my shortage of knowledge. In order to make myself more excellent and qualified, I made up my mind without hesitation to continue the study of my major.

As we all know, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology is one of the top universities of architecture with a long history and deep academic atmosphere. It's my long-cherished dream to enter your honorable university能成为贵校的一名学子是我长久以来的梦想. If I'm lucky enough to realize my dream, I will try my best to improve myself. Besides, I like Xi'an, a famous historic and cultural city, and it will be great to study and live in this ancient city.

That's all. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!

Good morning/afternoon, my dear professors!

I feel so glad and excited to meet all of you here. My name is Li Yunyong, 23 years old. I an a civil engineering major from North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (NCWU) in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. During my university days, I have built up a solid foundation of my major and comprehensively improved my abilities in communication, organization, teamwork and so on.

I am a persistent坚持不懈的 person. Once I set myself a goal, I will fight for it with all my efforts until the last moment. I am also an outgoing and easygoing person enjoying a fine relationship with people around. And at the same time, I’m also a man of responsibility and team spirit 责任心和团队精神. In my spare time, I like doing some sports. Basketball and jogging are my favorite. They keep me in good health, full of energy and optimistic towards life.

I am fascinated with my major. When I was a little boy, I was curious how a tall building was built up and my elder brother, who once majored in civil engineering and now has his own construction project, would tell me something about civil engineering. I think my brother is my first teacher and good example in civil engineering. I want to do better than him, so I chose this major when I first entered the university. Civil engineering is a subject which combines theory with practice, so I always spend my vacations in construction sites, where I gain experience and realize my shortage of knowledge. In order to make myself more excellent and qualified, I made up my mind without hesitation to continue the study of my major.

As we all know, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology is one of the top universities of architecture with a long history and deep academic atmosphere. It's my long-cherished dream to enter your honorable university能成为贵校的一名学子是我长久以来的梦想. If I'm lucky enough to realize my dream, I will try my best to improve myself. Besides, I like Xi'an, a famous historic and cultural city, and it will be great to study and live in this ancient city.

That's all. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!


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