

Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here to introduce myself. Although I’m a litter nervous , but I believe that I can make a good

performance . and hope that through this simple introduction, we will be friends in no distant future。

My name is MGZ and I am 25 years old, this year is my year, I born in beautful city cangzhou,which in HEBEI province. My major is Safety Engineering. I learn from a good teacher and hope have more opportunities to application of my learning .

In addition ,I like swimming ,on one hand, .swimming can exercise my body: on the other hand ,I enjoy the feeling in the water.it can make me relax,and reduce the pressure of learning. What’s more,and the most

important,it can help me lose weight .anyone who want to swim I think we can go to together.

That's all, thank you!


Good morning, everyone! I am glad to be here to introduce myself. Although I’m a litter nervous , but I believe that I can make a good

performance . and hope that through this simple introduction, we will be friends in no distant future。

My name is MGZ and I am 25 years old, this year is my year, I born in beautful city cangzhou,which in HEBEI province. My major is Safety Engineering. I learn from a good teacher and hope have more opportunities to application of my learning .

In addition ,I like swimming ,on one hand, .swimming can exercise my body: on the other hand ,I enjoy the feeling in the water.it can make me relax,and reduce the pressure of learning. What’s more,and the most

important,it can help me lose weight .anyone who want to swim I think we can go to together.

That's all, thank you!


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