
Module 1 Unit 1

1. ①B. Maomao ② B.Maomao ③ A.Xiaoyong ④ A.Xiaoyong ⑤ B.a bit ⑥ A.very

2. ① 总是,经常 ② 电子贺卡 ③ 另一个 ④ 一点儿 ⑤鹦鹉 ⑥ 但是 3. ①nice ②shy ③naughty ④quiet ⑤clever ⑥loud 4. ① a ②b ③c

5. ① This is ② These are ③ He’s ④ She’s ⑤ is ⑥helps 6. ① She’s very clever. But she’s a bit shy. ② He’s very helpful. But he’s a bit naughty.

③ What’s Linda like?She’s very clever. But she’s a bit quiet. 7. ① 害羞的;天空 ② 喜欢;像,如同 ③ 安静;相当 ④ 电子贺卡;电子邮件 8. (参考例文)

I’ve got a friend. Her name is Betty. She’s ten. She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy. She can speak English. She likes swimming and singing. Unit 2

1. ① F ②T ③T ④ F help nau pl Sci al us ghty ful

ways ence 加



有帮助的 总是 科学 plus



Science 2.

3. (参考答案)

① Maths (Chinese, English, Science...) ② lion (tiger, panda,bear…) ③ quiet (nice,helpful,shy…) ④ twenty (ten, eleven, twelve…)

4. ①her ② his ③ His ④her ⑤ her ⑥ his ⑦ her ⑧ his 5. ① is ② are ③ am ④is ⑤ is ⑥ is 6. ② My name’s Lili. I’m not naughty. I’m nice. ③ My name’s Peter. I’m not shy. I’m clever. ④ My name’s Linda. I’m not loud. I’m quiet.

7. ①c. ② a. ③ d. ④ g. ⑤ f. ⑥ b. ⑦ e. ① not sad happy ② not young old

③ not quiet loud ④ not hot cold ⑤ not thin fat

⑥ not good bad ⑦not small big ⑧ not easy hard ⑨ not left right ⑩ not short long

→ → → → → — → → → → →

① boy girl ② man woman ③ white black ④ mother father

⑤ grandma grandpa ⑥ aunt uncle ⑦ this that ⑧ these those

→ → → → → → → →

Module 2 Unit 1

1. ①B. ②A ③A ④B ⑤A

2. ①伦敦 ②来自③宽的④高的⑤高的⑥圆的

3. ①nice ②long ③wide ④round ⑤tall ⑥high 4. ①B ② A ③ B ④A ⑤B ⑥B

5. ①wide and long ② old and tall ③ round and high 图一②, 图二 ③, 图三①,

6. ①旧的,老的; ②喜欢,像(如同); ③短的,短裤; ④看,当心

7. from, is, long, tall, old, high, new, like, a

Unit 2 1. fr wi cl ri ock on

om de



London 伦敦 from 来自 wide 宽的 river 河流

Lond ver

2. ①B ② A ③A ④A ⑤C ⑥C

3. ①are ②is ③am ④is ⑤is ⑥is

4. ① I’m Lingling. I want to visit London. I’ll see Tower Bridge. ② I’m Sam. I want to visit Beijing. I will see the Great Wall. (略) 5. ① Beijing ②hospital ③cinema ④zoo ⑤London 6. 参考例文:

Look, this is my zoo. This is an elephant. It’s big. That is a giraffe. It’s tall. These are monkeys.

They are very naughty. Those are lions. They are scary! 聚沙成塔 参考答案:

hungry 饿的 , thirsty口渴的 , happy高兴的 , fast 快的 , hard困难的 , easy容易的, ……

Module 3 Unit 1

1. ①maybe ②park ③tiger ④visit ⑤school ⑥know 2. ①周末 ②也许 ③老虎 ④许多 ⑤探望 3. ①C ②B ③C ④C ⑤A ⑥A

4. ① Yes, she will. ② No, he won’t. ③ Yes, he will. ④No, she won’t. ⑤ Yes, she will. ⑥ No, he won’t. 5. ①F ②F ③T ④F ⑤T 6. 略 Unit 2

1. ①F ②T ③T ④F ⑤T 2. ① C ② A ③B ④C ⑤C

3. ① Will you phone me? ②Will Sam go, too?

③ Will you play with me? ④ What will you do this weekend? 4. ① You are going to the zoo. What will you see? I’ll see tigers,monkeys and elephants.

②You are going to the book store. What will you see? I’ll see newspapers, books and CDs.

③You are going to the countryside. What will you see? I’ll see pigs,chickens and cows

5. ① Will Daming play with Sam? No, he won’t. ② Will Daming phone Sam? No, he won’t. ③ Who will Daming visit? His grandpa.

④ Where does Daming’s grandpa live? He lives in the countryside. ⑤ Is there a phone there? No, there isn’t.

6. This weekend I will go swimming. I won’’t go to school. I will go to the park. I won’t go to the zoo. 聚沙成塔

1) I will go to the zoo.

Will you go to the zoo ? (一般疑问句)

Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.(肯定回答、否定回答) I won’t go to the zoo.(否定句) 2) I will watch TV.

Will you watch TV?(一般疑问句)

Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.(肯定回答、否定回答) I won’t watch TV. (否定句) Module 4 Unit 1

1. ① C ② D ③B ④A

2. ①将来 ②作家 ③电影 ④足球运动员 ⑤警察局 ⑥警察 3.①nice ②future ③children ④policeman ⑤clever ⑥loud

4. ①C ②A ③A ④C 5.

6. 参考例文

Linda is my best friend. She likes books very much. She will be a writer in the future. Tim is my brother. He likes driving, so he will be a driver. Mary likes singing. Maybe she’ll be a singer

Unit 2

1. ①T ②T ③F ④F 2. help

policee pi fu

astron man lot ful aut ture


警察 pilot






future 将来

3. ①C ②A ③B ④B

4. ① He won’t fly a spaceship. ② He won’t be an astronaut. ③ The spaceship won’t go to the moon. 5. ①d ②b ③e ④a ⑤f ⑥c 6. 略 7. 略 Module 5 Unit 1

1. 1.apple 2.pear 3.orange 4.peach 2. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

3. ① we are = we’re ② we will = we’ll ③ will not =won’t ④ do not = don’t ⑤ have not =haven’t

4. ① going to ② pick ③ don’t ④ fruit ⑤at ⑥ my ⑦ peaches. 5. ① Will we pick oranges? ② They haven’t got oranges.

③ Peaches are my favourite fruit. ④ What other fruit will we pick? 6. ① Yes, we will. ② Yes, we will. ③ Yes, we will. ④ No, we won't. ⑤ Yes, we will.

7. ① Lucy ② Amy ③ Lingling ④ Betty 9. 参考例文

Hello, I am Daming. This Sunday, I’ll go to the zoo with Dongdong and Sam . We’ll see monkeys , pandas and lions . Tigers are my favourite animal. Unit 2 1.

Apples are red,

yellow and green.

Pick the fruit and wash it clean.

Here’s my favourite tangerine.

Eleven, twelve and thirteen.

Fourteen, fifteen and sixteen.

Seventeen, eighteen and nineteen. 2.

fourteen 3 11 4 2 12 14 5 3

15 10





3. four five eight thirteen

twenty nineteen fifteen fourteen

4. ① are ② are ③ is ④ Is ⑤ at ⑥ boys ⑦ them ⑧ How many ⑨ on ⑩ peaches

5. ① There are fourteen. ② There are thirteen. ③ How many peaches are there?

④How many apples are there? There are sixteen. 6. c b a e f d g

7. ① ride wide ② pear bear ③ pick kick ④ peach beach ⑤ like bike ⑥ sky shy 聚沙成塔

pineapple 菠萝 plum 李子 mango 芒果

strawberry 草莓 payada 木瓜 kiwi fruit猕猴桃 pomelo 蜜柚……

期中自我检测 1. √ × √ × √ × 2. 16 14 18 15 17 3. A C A B D

4. ① but ② nineteen ③ round ④ writer ⑤ tigers 5. ① writer ②footballer ③astronaut ④film star ⑤runner ⑥doctor ⑦train driver ⑧policeman

6. ①friends ②him ③clock ④see ⑤lives ⑥an ⑦peaches ⑧on 7. ① How many oranges are there? ② Will you play with me this weekend? ③ This little boy can’t do his Science.

④ I want to visit London.

⑤ The spaceship will go to the moon.

8. ①A ②B ③ B ④ A ⑤B ⑥ A ⑦ B ⑧ A

9. 根据短文判断正误,对的在括号里划“√”,错的划“×”: ①× ②× ③× ④× ⑤√ ⑥× ⑦× ⑧√ 用方框中的句子回答问题。

① B ②A ③ C ④ D ⑤ A ⑥D ⑦ C ⑧ B 听力原文

1. 听句子,照例子在相应图片的圆圈里划“√”或“×”。 1.Will you go to the zoo, Amy? Yes, I will. 2.Will you go to the bus stop? No, I won’t. 3.Will you go to the supermarket? Yes, I will. 4.Will you go to the cinema? No, I won’t. 5.Will you go to the park? Yes, I will. 6.Will you go to school? No, I won’t.

2. 听句子,照例子在图片下写出相应的数字。 How many watermelons are there? There are ten. How many bananas are there? There are fourteen. How many pears are there? There are fifteen. How many apples are there? There are eighteen. How many oranges are there? There are sixteen. How many peaches are there? There are seventeen. Module 6 Unit 1 1. 3 1 4 2 5

2. ①today ②speak ③class ④hard ⑤happy ⑥clever 3. ① ( Parents’ ) ② (are ) ③ ( isn’t) ④ (works) ⑤ (am ) ⑥ ( is ) ⑦ ( is ) ⑧ ( is ) ⑨ ( Is )

4. Is Lucy nice? Yes,she is. Is she lazy? No,she isn’t. Is Mary nice? Yes,she is. Is she quiet? No,she isn’t. Is John nice? No,he isn’t. Is he quiet? Yes,he is. 5. loud, nice, lazy, clever; shy, quiet, helpful, naughty 6. ①c ② a ③ b ④ c ⑤ a ⑥ b ⑦ c Unit 2 1.




funny good lazy fast

3. ① very good at ② tries hard ③ doesn’t work hard ④ run fast ⑤ quite good at

4. ① does ② works ③ at ④ doesn’’t ⑤ runs ⑥ have 5.

very good at

tries hard at

doesn’t work hard at

quite good at

not very good at

聚沙成塔 quite


(相当地) (安静的)

f ood g ood

(食物) (好的) hard card

(努力地) (卡 片)

work_ word__

(功课) (单词)

_f_ast _l_ast

(快 的) (最后的)

_n_ice _r_ice

(友善的) (米 饭)

① Look at the book. It’s about London. ② We’ll see Tower Bridge.

③ You can watch TV on Saturday.

look see watch

① Can you speak English? Yes, I can. ② What does the report say ?

speak say

Module 7 Unit 1

1. ① (old ) ② ( two ) ③ (was ) ④ (long ) ⑤ ( was)

2. ② My hair wasn’t short then. ③ He wasn’t thin then. ④ He wasn’t tall then. ⑤ They weren’t big then. ⑥ Peter wasn’t quiet then.

3. ① young old ② long short ③fat thin ④ short tall ⑤ small big ⑥ loud quiet 4.①( T ) ②( N ) ③( T ) ④( N ) ⑤( T ) ⑥( T ) 5. 5 1 6 3 4 2

6. Lanlan was cute then . She is beautiful now. Daming and Sam were short and fat then. They are tall and thin now. Unit 2

1. ①( F ) ②( F ) ③( T ) ④( F ) ⑤( T ) 2. 2 1 4 3

3. ① were ② were ③was ④ was ⑤ was

Ms Smart and Amy

Mr Smart Sam

At Daming’s flat

With grandparents

In Hong Kong 4.

5. ① Yesterday Fangfang was in Beijing . Now she is in Daqing .

② Yesterday Daming and Sam were at school. Now they are in the park . ③ Yesterday I was in Haerbin . Now I am at home . 聚沙成塔

(一)美国—华盛顿 日本—东京 法国—巴黎 加拿大—渥太华 俄罗斯—莫斯科 澳大利亚—堪培拉 英国—伦敦 西班牙—马德里 (二)1. He isn’t shy. 2. I am not naughty.

3. This little girl can’t do her Maths. 4. We won’t go to the zoo this Sunday 5. They haven’t got oranges at this farm. 6. He doesn’t work hard at English. 7. He wasn’t tall then. Module 8 Unit 1

1 ① F ② T ③ T ④ T ⑤ F

2 ① No, he wasn’t. ② Yes , they were .③ Yes, she was .④ Yes, he was . 3 ① find ,worried ② floor ③ we ④ remember ⑤ for ⑥ Happy 4 ① e ② d ③ b ④ g ⑤ f ⑥ h ⑦ a ⑧ c 5 ① can’t ② first ③ wasn’t ④ is ⑤ were 6 ① was / is ② was / is ③ were ④were Unit 2

1 ① are ② were ③ is ④ was ⑤ is ⑥ was ⑦ are 2 左1右2 左2右3 左3右1 左4右5 左5右4 ① milk ② apple ③ tomato ④ nurse ⑤ PE 3 ① A ② B ③ C ④ A ⑤ B

4 ① second / first ② second / second ③ first / second

④ were / are ⑤ was / is ⑥ were / are 5 ② Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

③ Were you ; No, I wasn’t.; Were you ; Yes, I was. 聚沙成塔 1 tomato 2 bean 3 potato 4 carrot 5 eggplant 6 corn 7 cucumber 8 pepper Module 9 Unit 1

1 ③ ⑧ ① ② ⑦ ⑥ ⑤ ④

2 左2-右3 左3-右1 左4-右4 左5-右6 左6-右5

3 ① Yes ,I will . ② Yes ,I will . ③ Yes ,I will . ④ No, I won’t . 4 ① tomorrow ② yesterday ③tomorrow ④tomorrow ⑤ yesterday ⑥ Tomorrow

5 ① C ② A ③ C ④ C

6 ① F ② T ③ F ④ T ⑤ F

7 参考例文 I will take some bread. I will take some fruits. I will take a hat . Unit 2

1 ① Tuesday-玩球 ② Wednesday-唱歌 ③ Thursday-跳舞 ④ Friday-敲鼓 ⑤ Saturday-画画 ⑥ Sunday-睡觉 2 ① d ② h ③ a ④ b ⑤ c ⑥ g ⑦ f ⑧ e

3 左2-右1 唱歌 左3-右2 读书 左4-右6 听收音机 左5-右4 敲鼓 左6-右5 吃水果

4 ① Mike ② Peter ③ Yes, he will. No, he won’t. ④ Yes, he will. 5 ① Monday ② Thursday ③ Wednesday ④ seven 聚沙成塔

1. M T W T F S S (周一至周日英文单词的开头字母) 2. O T T F F S S E N T(英文数字1-10的开头字母) Module 10 Unit 1

1 China 30 boys, 20 girls, 50 children England 15 boys, 15 girls, 30 children 2 ②There are thirty. ③There are twenty . ⑤ There were fifteen . ⑥ There were fifteen. 3 ①How many people are there in your family ? ②How many pencils are there in the box ?

③How many desks are there in the classroom ? ④How many apples are there on the table ?

4 ① ten ② eighteen ③ oranges ④ peaches ⑤ B ⑥ B Unit 2

1. ① twenty ② ten ③ fifty ④ ten

2. ① eighty ② hundred ③ different ④ forty 3. ① D ② B ③ E ④ C ⑤ A 4. ① B ② B ③ B ④ C ⑤ C 聚沙成塔

1 .Where 2. How many 3. How old 4. What 5 .How 6. What 7. What 8 .What

Review Module

1. ① round, tall, high, old ② teacher, driver, pilot, writer ③ orange, pear, melon, peach ④ helpful, shy, loud, nice ⑤ English, Chinese, Art, Science 2. fat young short quiet bad old thin good tall loud fast clean happy long then dirty slow sad now short

3. ①一个好主意 ② 上个星期天 ③香港 ④祖父母 ⑤学习努力 ⑥家长日 ⑦宇航员 ⑧许多 ⑨总是 ⑩当然 4. ①Tuesday ②tomorrow ③second ④was ⑤at ⑥pilot ⑦London ⑧her

5. ① Is Mike naughty? Yes, he is. ② Is Mike shy? No, he isn’t. ③ Is Mike happy? Yes, he is.④ Is Mike lazy? No, he isn’t.

⑤ Is Mike helpful? No, he isn’t.⑥Is Mike clever? Yes, he is. ⑦Is Mike quiet? No, he isn’t.⑧ Is Mike good? Yes, he is. 6. 照例子,写一写小朋友们过去和现在的对比情况。 ① Peter was short then. Now he is tall. ② Linda was fat then. Now she is thin. ③ Toy panda was new then. Now it is old.

④ My grandparents were young then. Now they are old.

8. ①No, it wasn’t. ②Yes, it is. ③Yes, it was. ④No, it isn’t.

⑤No, it wasn’t. ⑥No, it isn’t. ⑦Yes, they were. ⑧Yes, they are. ⑨No, they weren’t. ⑩Yes, they are. (11) No, she wasn’t. 9. children , twenty , different , were , China 星期 一 星期 二 星期 三 星期 四 星期 五 星期 六 星期 日 A G C F E

D B 10.


期末自我检测 1. 5 3 1 2 4 6 2. ①× ②√ ③√ ④√ ⑤× ⑥×

3. 60-supermarket 20-fruit farm 80-park 50-classroom 17-station 100-zoo 4. ①helpful ②fifteen ③works ④old ⑤milk ⑥fun ⑦take ⑧lots 5. ①writer ②film star ③footballer ④runner ⑤train driver ⑥astronaut ⑦doctor ⑧policeman 6. ① round ②forty ③Peaches ④her ⑤Monday ⑥London ⑦was ⑧he will ⑨were

7. ①家长日 ②星期三 ③打电话 ④不一样 ⑤乡村 ⑥野餐 ⑦一点儿 ⑧ 采、摘 8. ③ ② ① ⑥ ④ ⑤

9. ①The river is very wide.

②They haven’t got oranges at this fruit farm . ③ Is Daming naughty in his class ? ④Dad was not in London.

⑤How many children are there in your class?

10. ③No, he wasn’t. ④Yes, she was. ⑤Yes, he was. ⑥Yes, he was.


1. 听句子,给下面的图片编号。 No. 1: They were my grandparents.

They weren’t old then. They were very young. No. 2: Hi, I’m worried. I can’t find Daming.

No. 3: This weekend, we are going to go to a fruit farm. We’ll pick fruit. Thanks, mum.

No. 4: This is the River Thames. It’s long and wide.

No. 5: I’m helpful. This girl can’t do her maths. I’ll help her. No. 6: You are going to the zoo today. What will you see? I ’ll see a scary snake slide and shake.

2. 听一听,如果小朋友做了这件事,圈“√”否则圈“×”。

①Will you watch TV?

No, I won’t. But I will listen to music. I’ve got a new CD. ②Hello, Wangfei. What are you going to do this weekend? Will you do your homework? Yes, I will. ③Will you go to the cinema? Yes, I will.

④And will you visit your grandparents? Yes, I will.

⑤Will you play football? No, I won’t. I don’t like football. ⑥Will you listen to CDs? No, I won’t.

3. 听一听,把数字和相应的地点连起来。

①How many children are there in the supermarket? There are 60 children in the supermarket.

②How many children are there in the classroom? There are 50 children in the classroom.

③How many children are there at the fruit farm? There are 20 children at the fruit farm

④How many children are there in the zoo? There are one hundred children in the zoo. ⑤How many children are there in the park? There are 80 children in the park.

⑥How many children are there at the station? There are 17 children at the station.

4. 听句子,在四线格内写出缺少的单词。 ① My name’s Parrot. I’m helpful.

② How many pears are there? Let’s count! … thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. ③ He works hard. He isn’t lazy.

④ Look! This is Big Ben. It’s a vey old clock .

⑤ And where is the milk? It was on the first floor yesterday. ⑥ I was at Daming’s flat yesterday. It was fun . ⑦ Will you take your ball tomorrow?

⑧ I won’t see lions there. But I will see lots of pigs.

Module 1 Unit 1

1. ①B. Maomao ② B.Maomao ③ A.Xiaoyong ④ A.Xiaoyong ⑤ B.a bit ⑥ A.very

2. ① 总是,经常 ② 电子贺卡 ③ 另一个 ④ 一点儿 ⑤鹦鹉 ⑥ 但是 3. ①nice ②shy ③naughty ④quiet ⑤clever ⑥loud 4. ① a ②b ③c

5. ① This is ② These are ③ He’s ④ She’s ⑤ is ⑥helps 6. ① She’s very clever. But she’s a bit shy. ② He’s very helpful. But he’s a bit naughty.

③ What’s Linda like?She’s very clever. But she’s a bit quiet. 7. ① 害羞的;天空 ② 喜欢;像,如同 ③ 安静;相当 ④ 电子贺卡;电子邮件 8. (参考例文)

I’ve got a friend. Her name is Betty. She’s ten. She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy. She can speak English. She likes swimming and singing. Unit 2

1. ① F ②T ③T ④ F help nau pl Sci al us ghty ful

ways ence 加



有帮助的 总是 科学 plus



Science 2.

3. (参考答案)

① Maths (Chinese, English, Science...) ② lion (tiger, panda,bear…) ③ quiet (nice,helpful,shy…) ④ twenty (ten, eleven, twelve…)

4. ①her ② his ③ His ④her ⑤ her ⑥ his ⑦ her ⑧ his 5. ① is ② are ③ am ④is ⑤ is ⑥ is 6. ② My name’s Lili. I’m not naughty. I’m nice. ③ My name’s Peter. I’m not shy. I’m clever. ④ My name’s Linda. I’m not loud. I’m quiet.

7. ①c. ② a. ③ d. ④ g. ⑤ f. ⑥ b. ⑦ e. ① not sad happy ② not young old

③ not quiet loud ④ not hot cold ⑤ not thin fat

⑥ not good bad ⑦not small big ⑧ not easy hard ⑨ not left right ⑩ not short long

→ → → → → — → → → → →

① boy girl ② man woman ③ white black ④ mother father

⑤ grandma grandpa ⑥ aunt uncle ⑦ this that ⑧ these those

→ → → → → → → →

Module 2 Unit 1

1. ①B. ②A ③A ④B ⑤A

2. ①伦敦 ②来自③宽的④高的⑤高的⑥圆的

3. ①nice ②long ③wide ④round ⑤tall ⑥high 4. ①B ② A ③ B ④A ⑤B ⑥B

5. ①wide and long ② old and tall ③ round and high 图一②, 图二 ③, 图三①,

6. ①旧的,老的; ②喜欢,像(如同); ③短的,短裤; ④看,当心

7. from, is, long, tall, old, high, new, like, a

Unit 2 1. fr wi cl ri ock on

om de



London 伦敦 from 来自 wide 宽的 river 河流

Lond ver

2. ①B ② A ③A ④A ⑤C ⑥C

3. ①are ②is ③am ④is ⑤is ⑥is

4. ① I’m Lingling. I want to visit London. I’ll see Tower Bridge. ② I’m Sam. I want to visit Beijing. I will see the Great Wall. (略) 5. ① Beijing ②hospital ③cinema ④zoo ⑤London 6. 参考例文:

Look, this is my zoo. This is an elephant. It’s big. That is a giraffe. It’s tall. These are monkeys.

They are very naughty. Those are lions. They are scary! 聚沙成塔 参考答案:

hungry 饿的 , thirsty口渴的 , happy高兴的 , fast 快的 , hard困难的 , easy容易的, ……

Module 3 Unit 1

1. ①maybe ②park ③tiger ④visit ⑤school ⑥know 2. ①周末 ②也许 ③老虎 ④许多 ⑤探望 3. ①C ②B ③C ④C ⑤A ⑥A

4. ① Yes, she will. ② No, he won’t. ③ Yes, he will. ④No, she won’t. ⑤ Yes, she will. ⑥ No, he won’t. 5. ①F ②F ③T ④F ⑤T 6. 略 Unit 2

1. ①F ②T ③T ④F ⑤T 2. ① C ② A ③B ④C ⑤C

3. ① Will you phone me? ②Will Sam go, too?

③ Will you play with me? ④ What will you do this weekend? 4. ① You are going to the zoo. What will you see? I’ll see tigers,monkeys and elephants.

②You are going to the book store. What will you see? I’ll see newspapers, books and CDs.

③You are going to the countryside. What will you see? I’ll see pigs,chickens and cows

5. ① Will Daming play with Sam? No, he won’t. ② Will Daming phone Sam? No, he won’t. ③ Who will Daming visit? His grandpa.

④ Where does Daming’s grandpa live? He lives in the countryside. ⑤ Is there a phone there? No, there isn’t.

6. This weekend I will go swimming. I won’’t go to school. I will go to the park. I won’t go to the zoo. 聚沙成塔

1) I will go to the zoo.

Will you go to the zoo ? (一般疑问句)

Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.(肯定回答、否定回答) I won’t go to the zoo.(否定句) 2) I will watch TV.

Will you watch TV?(一般疑问句)

Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.(肯定回答、否定回答) I won’t watch TV. (否定句) Module 4 Unit 1

1. ① C ② D ③B ④A

2. ①将来 ②作家 ③电影 ④足球运动员 ⑤警察局 ⑥警察 3.①nice ②future ③children ④policeman ⑤clever ⑥loud

4. ①C ②A ③A ④C 5.

6. 参考例文

Linda is my best friend. She likes books very much. She will be a writer in the future. Tim is my brother. He likes driving, so he will be a driver. Mary likes singing. Maybe she’ll be a singer

Unit 2

1. ①T ②T ③F ④F 2. help

policee pi fu

astron man lot ful aut ture


警察 pilot






future 将来

3. ①C ②A ③B ④B

4. ① He won’t fly a spaceship. ② He won’t be an astronaut. ③ The spaceship won’t go to the moon. 5. ①d ②b ③e ④a ⑤f ⑥c 6. 略 7. 略 Module 5 Unit 1

1. 1.apple 2.pear 3.orange 4.peach 2. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T

3. ① we are = we’re ② we will = we’ll ③ will not =won’t ④ do not = don’t ⑤ have not =haven’t

4. ① going to ② pick ③ don’t ④ fruit ⑤at ⑥ my ⑦ peaches. 5. ① Will we pick oranges? ② They haven’t got oranges.

③ Peaches are my favourite fruit. ④ What other fruit will we pick? 6. ① Yes, we will. ② Yes, we will. ③ Yes, we will. ④ No, we won't. ⑤ Yes, we will.

7. ① Lucy ② Amy ③ Lingling ④ Betty 9. 参考例文

Hello, I am Daming. This Sunday, I’ll go to the zoo with Dongdong and Sam . We’ll see monkeys , pandas and lions . Tigers are my favourite animal. Unit 2 1.

Apples are red,

yellow and green.

Pick the fruit and wash it clean.

Here’s my favourite tangerine.

Eleven, twelve and thirteen.

Fourteen, fifteen and sixteen.

Seventeen, eighteen and nineteen. 2.

fourteen 3 11 4 2 12 14 5 3

15 10





3. four five eight thirteen

twenty nineteen fifteen fourteen

4. ① are ② are ③ is ④ Is ⑤ at ⑥ boys ⑦ them ⑧ How many ⑨ on ⑩ peaches

5. ① There are fourteen. ② There are thirteen. ③ How many peaches are there?

④How many apples are there? There are sixteen. 6. c b a e f d g

7. ① ride wide ② pear bear ③ pick kick ④ peach beach ⑤ like bike ⑥ sky shy 聚沙成塔

pineapple 菠萝 plum 李子 mango 芒果

strawberry 草莓 payada 木瓜 kiwi fruit猕猴桃 pomelo 蜜柚……

期中自我检测 1. √ × √ × √ × 2. 16 14 18 15 17 3. A C A B D

4. ① but ② nineteen ③ round ④ writer ⑤ tigers 5. ① writer ②footballer ③astronaut ④film star ⑤runner ⑥doctor ⑦train driver ⑧policeman

6. ①friends ②him ③clock ④see ⑤lives ⑥an ⑦peaches ⑧on 7. ① How many oranges are there? ② Will you play with me this weekend? ③ This little boy can’t do his Science.

④ I want to visit London.

⑤ The spaceship will go to the moon.

8. ①A ②B ③ B ④ A ⑤B ⑥ A ⑦ B ⑧ A

9. 根据短文判断正误,对的在括号里划“√”,错的划“×”: ①× ②× ③× ④× ⑤√ ⑥× ⑦× ⑧√ 用方框中的句子回答问题。

① B ②A ③ C ④ D ⑤ A ⑥D ⑦ C ⑧ B 听力原文

1. 听句子,照例子在相应图片的圆圈里划“√”或“×”。 1.Will you go to the zoo, Amy? Yes, I will. 2.Will you go to the bus stop? No, I won’t. 3.Will you go to the supermarket? Yes, I will. 4.Will you go to the cinema? No, I won’t. 5.Will you go to the park? Yes, I will. 6.Will you go to school? No, I won’t.

2. 听句子,照例子在图片下写出相应的数字。 How many watermelons are there? There are ten. How many bananas are there? There are fourteen. How many pears are there? There are fifteen. How many apples are there? There are eighteen. How many oranges are there? There are sixteen. How many peaches are there? There are seventeen. Module 6 Unit 1 1. 3 1 4 2 5

2. ①today ②speak ③class ④hard ⑤happy ⑥clever 3. ① ( Parents’ ) ② (are ) ③ ( isn’t) ④ (works) ⑤ (am ) ⑥ ( is ) ⑦ ( is ) ⑧ ( is ) ⑨ ( Is )

4. Is Lucy nice? Yes,she is. Is she lazy? No,she isn’t. Is Mary nice? Yes,she is. Is she quiet? No,she isn’t. Is John nice? No,he isn’t. Is he quiet? Yes,he is. 5. loud, nice, lazy, clever; shy, quiet, helpful, naughty 6. ①c ② a ③ b ④ c ⑤ a ⑥ b ⑦ c Unit 2 1.




funny good lazy fast

3. ① very good at ② tries hard ③ doesn’t work hard ④ run fast ⑤ quite good at

4. ① does ② works ③ at ④ doesn’’t ⑤ runs ⑥ have 5.

very good at

tries hard at

doesn’t work hard at

quite good at

not very good at

聚沙成塔 quite


(相当地) (安静的)

f ood g ood

(食物) (好的) hard card

(努力地) (卡 片)

work_ word__

(功课) (单词)

_f_ast _l_ast

(快 的) (最后的)

_n_ice _r_ice

(友善的) (米 饭)

① Look at the book. It’s about London. ② We’ll see Tower Bridge.

③ You can watch TV on Saturday.

look see watch

① Can you speak English? Yes, I can. ② What does the report say ?

speak say

Module 7 Unit 1

1. ① (old ) ② ( two ) ③ (was ) ④ (long ) ⑤ ( was)

2. ② My hair wasn’t short then. ③ He wasn’t thin then. ④ He wasn’t tall then. ⑤ They weren’t big then. ⑥ Peter wasn’t quiet then.

3. ① young old ② long short ③fat thin ④ short tall ⑤ small big ⑥ loud quiet 4.①( T ) ②( N ) ③( T ) ④( N ) ⑤( T ) ⑥( T ) 5. 5 1 6 3 4 2

6. Lanlan was cute then . She is beautiful now. Daming and Sam were short and fat then. They are tall and thin now. Unit 2

1. ①( F ) ②( F ) ③( T ) ④( F ) ⑤( T ) 2. 2 1 4 3

3. ① were ② were ③was ④ was ⑤ was

Ms Smart and Amy

Mr Smart Sam

At Daming’s flat

With grandparents

In Hong Kong 4.

5. ① Yesterday Fangfang was in Beijing . Now she is in Daqing .

② Yesterday Daming and Sam were at school. Now they are in the park . ③ Yesterday I was in Haerbin . Now I am at home . 聚沙成塔

(一)美国—华盛顿 日本—东京 法国—巴黎 加拿大—渥太华 俄罗斯—莫斯科 澳大利亚—堪培拉 英国—伦敦 西班牙—马德里 (二)1. He isn’t shy. 2. I am not naughty.

3. This little girl can’t do her Maths. 4. We won’t go to the zoo this Sunday 5. They haven’t got oranges at this farm. 6. He doesn’t work hard at English. 7. He wasn’t tall then. Module 8 Unit 1

1 ① F ② T ③ T ④ T ⑤ F

2 ① No, he wasn’t. ② Yes , they were .③ Yes, she was .④ Yes, he was . 3 ① find ,worried ② floor ③ we ④ remember ⑤ for ⑥ Happy 4 ① e ② d ③ b ④ g ⑤ f ⑥ h ⑦ a ⑧ c 5 ① can’t ② first ③ wasn’t ④ is ⑤ were 6 ① was / is ② was / is ③ were ④were Unit 2

1 ① are ② were ③ is ④ was ⑤ is ⑥ was ⑦ are 2 左1右2 左2右3 左3右1 左4右5 左5右4 ① milk ② apple ③ tomato ④ nurse ⑤ PE 3 ① A ② B ③ C ④ A ⑤ B

4 ① second / first ② second / second ③ first / second

④ were / are ⑤ was / is ⑥ were / are 5 ② Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

③ Were you ; No, I wasn’t.; Were you ; Yes, I was. 聚沙成塔 1 tomato 2 bean 3 potato 4 carrot 5 eggplant 6 corn 7 cucumber 8 pepper Module 9 Unit 1

1 ③ ⑧ ① ② ⑦ ⑥ ⑤ ④

2 左2-右3 左3-右1 左4-右4 左5-右6 左6-右5

3 ① Yes ,I will . ② Yes ,I will . ③ Yes ,I will . ④ No, I won’t . 4 ① tomorrow ② yesterday ③tomorrow ④tomorrow ⑤ yesterday ⑥ Tomorrow

5 ① C ② A ③ C ④ C

6 ① F ② T ③ F ④ T ⑤ F

7 参考例文 I will take some bread. I will take some fruits. I will take a hat . Unit 2

1 ① Tuesday-玩球 ② Wednesday-唱歌 ③ Thursday-跳舞 ④ Friday-敲鼓 ⑤ Saturday-画画 ⑥ Sunday-睡觉 2 ① d ② h ③ a ④ b ⑤ c ⑥ g ⑦ f ⑧ e

3 左2-右1 唱歌 左3-右2 读书 左4-右6 听收音机 左5-右4 敲鼓 左6-右5 吃水果

4 ① Mike ② Peter ③ Yes, he will. No, he won’t. ④ Yes, he will. 5 ① Monday ② Thursday ③ Wednesday ④ seven 聚沙成塔

1. M T W T F S S (周一至周日英文单词的开头字母) 2. O T T F F S S E N T(英文数字1-10的开头字母) Module 10 Unit 1

1 China 30 boys, 20 girls, 50 children England 15 boys, 15 girls, 30 children 2 ②There are thirty. ③There are twenty . ⑤ There were fifteen . ⑥ There were fifteen. 3 ①How many people are there in your family ? ②How many pencils are there in the box ?

③How many desks are there in the classroom ? ④How many apples are there on the table ?

4 ① ten ② eighteen ③ oranges ④ peaches ⑤ B ⑥ B Unit 2

1. ① twenty ② ten ③ fifty ④ ten

2. ① eighty ② hundred ③ different ④ forty 3. ① D ② B ③ E ④ C ⑤ A 4. ① B ② B ③ B ④ C ⑤ C 聚沙成塔

1 .Where 2. How many 3. How old 4. What 5 .How 6. What 7. What 8 .What

Review Module

1. ① round, tall, high, old ② teacher, driver, pilot, writer ③ orange, pear, melon, peach ④ helpful, shy, loud, nice ⑤ English, Chinese, Art, Science 2. fat young short quiet bad old thin good tall loud fast clean happy long then dirty slow sad now short

3. ①一个好主意 ② 上个星期天 ③香港 ④祖父母 ⑤学习努力 ⑥家长日 ⑦宇航员 ⑧许多 ⑨总是 ⑩当然 4. ①Tuesday ②tomorrow ③second ④was ⑤at ⑥pilot ⑦London ⑧her

5. ① Is Mike naughty? Yes, he is. ② Is Mike shy? No, he isn’t. ③ Is Mike happy? Yes, he is.④ Is Mike lazy? No, he isn’t.

⑤ Is Mike helpful? No, he isn’t.⑥Is Mike clever? Yes, he is. ⑦Is Mike quiet? No, he isn’t.⑧ Is Mike good? Yes, he is. 6. 照例子,写一写小朋友们过去和现在的对比情况。 ① Peter was short then. Now he is tall. ② Linda was fat then. Now she is thin. ③ Toy panda was new then. Now it is old.

④ My grandparents were young then. Now they are old.

8. ①No, it wasn’t. ②Yes, it is. ③Yes, it was. ④No, it isn’t.

⑤No, it wasn’t. ⑥No, it isn’t. ⑦Yes, they were. ⑧Yes, they are. ⑨No, they weren’t. ⑩Yes, they are. (11) No, she wasn’t. 9. children , twenty , different , were , China 星期 一 星期 二 星期 三 星期 四 星期 五 星期 六 星期 日 A G C F E

D B 10.


期末自我检测 1. 5 3 1 2 4 6 2. ①× ②√ ③√ ④√ ⑤× ⑥×

3. 60-supermarket 20-fruit farm 80-park 50-classroom 17-station 100-zoo 4. ①helpful ②fifteen ③works ④old ⑤milk ⑥fun ⑦take ⑧lots 5. ①writer ②film star ③footballer ④runner ⑤train driver ⑥astronaut ⑦doctor ⑧policeman 6. ① round ②forty ③Peaches ④her ⑤Monday ⑥London ⑦was ⑧he will ⑨were

7. ①家长日 ②星期三 ③打电话 ④不一样 ⑤乡村 ⑥野餐 ⑦一点儿 ⑧ 采、摘 8. ③ ② ① ⑥ ④ ⑤

9. ①The river is very wide.

②They haven’t got oranges at this fruit farm . ③ Is Daming naughty in his class ? ④Dad was not in London.

⑤How many children are there in your class?

10. ③No, he wasn’t. ④Yes, she was. ⑤Yes, he was. ⑥Yes, he was.


1. 听句子,给下面的图片编号。 No. 1: They were my grandparents.

They weren’t old then. They were very young. No. 2: Hi, I’m worried. I can’t find Daming.

No. 3: This weekend, we are going to go to a fruit farm. We’ll pick fruit. Thanks, mum.

No. 4: This is the River Thames. It’s long and wide.

No. 5: I’m helpful. This girl can’t do her maths. I’ll help her. No. 6: You are going to the zoo today. What will you see? I ’ll see a scary snake slide and shake.

2. 听一听,如果小朋友做了这件事,圈“√”否则圈“×”。

①Will you watch TV?

No, I won’t. But I will listen to music. I’ve got a new CD. ②Hello, Wangfei. What are you going to do this weekend? Will you do your homework? Yes, I will. ③Will you go to the cinema? Yes, I will.

④And will you visit your grandparents? Yes, I will.

⑤Will you play football? No, I won’t. I don’t like football. ⑥Will you listen to CDs? No, I won’t.

3. 听一听,把数字和相应的地点连起来。

①How many children are there in the supermarket? There are 60 children in the supermarket.

②How many children are there in the classroom? There are 50 children in the classroom.

③How many children are there at the fruit farm? There are 20 children at the fruit farm

④How many children are there in the zoo? There are one hundred children in the zoo. ⑤How many children are there in the park? There are 80 children in the park.

⑥How many children are there at the station? There are 17 children at the station.

4. 听句子,在四线格内写出缺少的单词。 ① My name’s Parrot. I’m helpful.

② How many pears are there? Let’s count! … thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. ③ He works hard. He isn’t lazy.

④ Look! This is Big Ben. It’s a vey old clock .

⑤ And where is the milk? It was on the first floor yesterday. ⑥ I was at Daming’s flat yesterday. It was fun . ⑦ Will you take your ball tomorrow?

⑧ I won’t see lions there. But I will see lots of pigs.


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