

(命题人:张峰 )

一. 字母题:按字母顺序书写 1.写出三笔完成的大写字



[]_______ []_______ []________ []_________



1.[]__________ __________ 2.[]________ __________

3.[] __________ __________ 4.[] ________ __________

5.[]__________ __________ 6.[]________ __________

7.[] __________ ___________ 8.[] _________ __________

9.[]_________ ___________ 10.[] _________ __________


1.fat(最高级)________________ 2.run (名词)________________

3.old(比较级)________________ 4.twelve(序数词)____________

5.eight(序数词)______________ 6.wind(形容词)______________

7.warm(反义词)_______________ 8.strong(最高级)____________

9.sit(现在分词)______________ 10.believe(单三形式)_________


( )1.A.food B.flood C.room D.cool

( )2.A.snow B.how C.know D.window

( )3.A.lake B.take C.change D.sand

( )4.A.China B.woman C.panda D.man

( )5.Alast B.wash C.want D.stop

( ).6.A.our B.four C.floor D.door


1.I think she’s in the reading room


2.It’s fun to walk in snow .






5.What’s the weather like today ?



Qiqi: _______ is the reading room ? Is it on the third floor ? Lulu: No,it’s on the fifth floor .

Qiqi: Is Kate _______the reading room ?

Eve: No ,she’s in her classroom.

Qiqi: _______ class is she in ?

Eve: She’s in Class 3,Grade 6.

Qiqi: Is it on the the first______ ?

Eve: No , it’s on the second floor .

Qiqi: Thank you very much .

Eve: You’re _______

D:I don’t like this______. I like spring.

L:I like winter .It’s _____ to walk in snow .

D: I don’t like winter _____ all . I like summer . I love _________. 匹配题

( )1.bring about ( )2.in the world

( )3.get down ( )4.get on

( )5. go on ( )6. after some time ( )7. full of ( )8. in the middle

A.上(车船等),骑上 B.引起 C.过了一段时间 D. 在中间

E. 世界上 F.下来 G.继续,发生 H.充满…


(命题人:张峰 )

一. 字母题:按字母顺序书写 1.写出三笔完成的大写字



[]_______ []_______ []________ []_________



1.[]__________ __________ 2.[]________ __________

3.[] __________ __________ 4.[] ________ __________

5.[]__________ __________ 6.[]________ __________

7.[] __________ ___________ 8.[] _________ __________

9.[]_________ ___________ 10.[] _________ __________


1.fat(最高级)________________ 2.run (名词)________________

3.old(比较级)________________ 4.twelve(序数词)____________

5.eight(序数词)______________ 6.wind(形容词)______________

7.warm(反义词)_______________ 8.strong(最高级)____________

9.sit(现在分词)______________ 10.believe(单三形式)_________


( )1.A.food B.flood C.room D.cool

( )2.A.snow B.how C.know D.window

( )3.A.lake B.take C.change D.sand

( )4.A.China B.woman C.panda D.man

( )5.Alast B.wash C.want D.stop

( ).6.A.our B.four C.floor D.door


1.I think she’s in the reading room


2.It’s fun to walk in snow .






5.What’s the weather like today ?



Qiqi: _______ is the reading room ? Is it on the third floor ? Lulu: No,it’s on the fifth floor .

Qiqi: Is Kate _______the reading room ?

Eve: No ,she’s in her classroom.

Qiqi: _______ class is she in ?

Eve: She’s in Class 3,Grade 6.

Qiqi: Is it on the the first______ ?

Eve: No , it’s on the second floor .

Qiqi: Thank you very much .

Eve: You’re _______

D:I don’t like this______. I like spring.

L:I like winter .It’s _____ to walk in snow .

D: I don’t like winter _____ all . I like summer . I love _________. 匹配题

( )1.bring about ( )2.in the world

( )3.get down ( )4.get on

( )5. go on ( )6. after some time ( )7. full of ( )8. in the middle

A.上(车船等),骑上 B.引起 C.过了一段时间 D. 在中间

E. 世界上 F.下来 G.继续,发生 H.充满…


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