


The First Applied English Writing Contest

For Vocational College Students


Part I (40 points)

Directions: Write a NOTICE on behalf of the Students ’ Union based on the following information. Write more than 100 words.

1) Event: academic lecture

2) Lecturer: Mr. George Smith, a famous professor

3) Subject: the worldwide economic development and financial crisis

4) Place: the lecture hall

5) Time: 14: 30 next Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015

6) Those who want to attend should ask for tickets in Room 214, Building 5, from 7:00 to 9:00 every evening. The contact telephone number is 82612345.

Part II (60 points)

Directions: Write a report after analyzing the information in the following graph of cinema attendance in Australia between 1990 and 2010. Write more than 350 words.



The First Applied English Writing Contest

For Vocational College Students


Part I (40 points)

Directions: Write a NOTICE on behalf of the Students ’ Union based on the following information. Write more than 100 words.

1) Event: academic lecture

2) Lecturer: Mr. George Smith, a famous professor

3) Subject: the worldwide economic development and financial crisis

4) Place: the lecture hall

5) Time: 14: 30 next Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2015

6) Those who want to attend should ask for tickets in Room 214, Building 5, from 7:00 to 9:00 every evening. The contact telephone number is 82612345.

Part II (60 points)

Directions: Write a report after analyzing the information in the following graph of cinema attendance in Australia between 1990 and 2010. Write more than 350 words.


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