



与会人员:花旗软件零售银行部门总监,花旗软件零售银行部门副总裁,花旗软件投行部门副总裁, 花旗软件软件测试中心副总裁,花旗软件人力资源招聘经理等


1、 14:00-15:00 花旗技术类应届毕业生及实习生招聘宣讲


对象:计算机/软件/信息管理等相关专业的大三/大四/研二/研三学生 注意事项:宣讲后安排现场面试,提前发简历至

[email protected]

2. 15:00-16:00 2011“花旗杯”金融与信息技术应用大赛宣讲 内容:往届"花旗杯”金融与信息技术应用大赛介绍以及今年的更新

对象:计算机/软件/信息管理/金融/管理/英语等相关专业学生, 年级不限 注意事项:可跨年级跨专业组队参赛

3. 16:00-17:00 花旗高管”金融与信息技术”讲座


对象:计算机/软件/信息管理/金融/管理/英语等相关专业学生, 年级不限 注意事项:主讲人花旗软件零售银行部门总监



1) 5月13日下午花旗软件校园招聘宣讲会(招收应届毕业生及实习生)

Citicorp Software and Technology Services (Shanghai)

Limited (“CSTS”)

Citicorp Software and Technology Services (Shanghai) Limited ("CSTS"), was established in August 2002 to provide software development for Citi

businesses worldwide. From 2011, CSTS will also oversee the China Data Center for Citi. As a member of Citi, the core business of CSTS is to provide software development and technology services to support Citibank business in over 50 countries across Asia-Pacific, the United States, Latin America, the Middle East, Europe and Africa. Working closely with Citi¡¯s Global Technology groups, the company is headquartered in Shanghai with a branch in Dalian. The vision of CSTS is to become a "center of excellence" in the Citibank family, providing world class banking software and technology services for Citi businesses worldwide. With this vision and talented people, CSTS is a

significant contributor to the development of China¡¯s IT sector and a crucial support element of Citi¡¯s global operations.


花旗软件技术服务(上海)有限公司(简称:花旗软件)成立于2002年8月,致力于为全球花旗业务部门提供软件开发和技术支持。自2011年起,花旗软件将会同时管理花旗在中国的数据中心。作为花旗集团的一员,花旗软件的核心业务是为全球花旗银行提供软件开发及技术支持,其服务遍布亚太,美国,拉丁美洲,中东,欧洲及非洲地区50 多个国家。花旗软件与花旗全球技术支持部门密切联系,公司的总部位于上海,同时在大连设有分公司。公司的目标是成为中国为全球的花旗业务提供一流银行软件以及技术服务的“卓越中心”。公司的愿景以及杰出的员工,使得花旗软件成为了中国地区至关重要的技术支持者,同时也成为了花旗全球运营部的重要的一份子。

2011 CSTS Campus Recruiting

CSTS is excited to launch its new campus recruiting campaign. 2011 CSTS Campus Recruiting is designed for highly motivated fresh graduates who are interested in software development-related career at Citi. In addition to full time employment opportunities, this program also provides the opportunity for

students be internship opportunities. Selected candidates will be placed on real-life assignments and projects.

Our world is changing and after graduation, so will yours. We invite you to take advantage of one of the strongest software service providers in China as a platform to launch your new career.

We are looking for students and fresh graduates: (招收应届毕业生及实习生)

 Who are currently enrolled in a degree program (B.S. or M.S.) at one of

the top ranked universities in China or around the world and will be

graduating in 2011 or 2012;

 Who are excellent in communication with good command of spoken

and written English;

 Who have good knowledge of at least one of the following languages:

Java, .net, database, C#, Mainframe, SQL, DB2 and web-based

applications. (GCG SD and ICG Unit only)

Core Competency

 Demonstrates professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity  Self-starter, always takes initiative

 Strong quantitative and analytical skills

 Team-player, contributes to collective goals

 Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills, proficiency in

both Mandarin and English

Special Caliber Lead to Success

 Good change management skills with positive attitude

 Cross-functional interests and ready to work in different roles and take

extra responsibilities

 Driven and committed to succeed in a rapid-growth organization  Embraces innovation and can think out of box

 Have leadership potential and ready to develop to the next level

We have recognized that the uniqueness of our talented people puts us on the world map, and that we will only move forward if our people grow with time. We are committed to invest in our talent, as well as to create a dynamic and

flexible working environment. We are also committed to offer our people a promising fast track career path. You are empowered to lead and inspire changes - to make a difference at CSTS.

Technical Line(SE): Developer Senior Developer Team Lead/Technical Specialist Architect

Technical Line(Tester): Tester Senior Tester Team Lead

Management Line: Officer Assistant Manager Manager Assistant VP VP Director Managing Director

 Business Units: Institutional Clients Group, Global Consumer Group  Skill set: Java, database, web-based applications

 This is a full-time position. Business Units: Institutional Clients Group, Global Consumer Group

 Skill set: .Net, C#

 This is a full-time position.  Business Unit: Global Consumer Group

 Skill set: Mainframe preferred (not a must), good logic thinking, good

in mathematics

 This is a full-time position.  Business Unit: ITO Testing Center

 Skill set: Fluent English, spoken and written; Banking knowledge is a


 This is a full-time position.

You may apply through the Citi Graduate Recruitment website or simply (Please name the subject line of your email in the following format: Chinese Name - Program Code - University-Major eg: 张三- 2011FJ -北大-软件工程) and attach your CV Please indicate which year you will graduate. Candidates are selected through following steps: CV screening > Telephone interview > on-site interview > hiring manager interview > signing agreement We are hiring into our Shanghai office and Dalian office in China.

2) 5月13日下午2点2011年花旗杯金融信息技术应用大赛宣讲会即将在闵行


2011年第七届”花旗杯”金融信息技术应用大赛已于4月1日在本届大赛承办学校 - 西南财经大学成功启动,这同时也标志着新一届“花旗杯”大赛正式拉开序幕。

宣讲会时间5月13日下午3点至4点.另外, 4点至5点将是花旗高管关于银行IT的讲座


1. 可自行访问以下网站在线报名

 花旗杯官方网站

 或选择访问2011年花旗杯承办单位西南财经大学网站

 或选择花旗杯合作伙伴上海市大学生科技创业基金会网站 注册

2. 也可将报名信息提交至负责老师,统一与大赛组委会联系在网站集中


1) Dedicated Citi Cup website/花旗杯专用网站

- 所有团队注册报名,中期报告/终期报告提交,评委初赛/复赛评审等活动,


2) A newly added evaluation item - “Innovation”/新增一项评分点 - ”创新”

- 鼓励同学们的创新精神, 以更好的与大赛”创新与完善”的主旋律相吻合

3) A newly added submission checklist item – “Test Report”/新增一份最终提

交文档 - ”测试报告”

- 更加强调作品的质量

4) Dedicated Citi Cup mailbox – [email protected] /专用的花旗杯邮箱






Learn more about us, please visit:




与会人员:花旗软件零售银行部门总监,花旗软件零售银行部门副总裁,花旗软件投行部门副总裁, 花旗软件软件测试中心副总裁,花旗软件人力资源招聘经理等


1、 14:00-15:00 花旗技术类应届毕业生及实习生招聘宣讲


对象:计算机/软件/信息管理等相关专业的大三/大四/研二/研三学生 注意事项:宣讲后安排现场面试,提前发简历至

[email protected]

2. 15:00-16:00 2011“花旗杯”金融与信息技术应用大赛宣讲 内容:往届"花旗杯”金融与信息技术应用大赛介绍以及今年的更新

对象:计算机/软件/信息管理/金融/管理/英语等相关专业学生, 年级不限 注意事项:可跨年级跨专业组队参赛

3. 16:00-17:00 花旗高管”金融与信息技术”讲座


对象:计算机/软件/信息管理/金融/管理/英语等相关专业学生, 年级不限 注意事项:主讲人花旗软件零售银行部门总监



1) 5月13日下午花旗软件校园招聘宣讲会(招收应届毕业生及实习生)

Citicorp Software and Technology Services (Shanghai)

Limited (“CSTS”)

Citicorp Software and Technology Services (Shanghai) Limited ("CSTS"), was established in August 2002 to provide software development for Citi

businesses worldwide. From 2011, CSTS will also oversee the China Data Center for Citi. As a member of Citi, the core business of CSTS is to provide software development and technology services to support Citibank business in over 50 countries across Asia-Pacific, the United States, Latin America, the Middle East, Europe and Africa. Working closely with Citi¡¯s Global Technology groups, the company is headquartered in Shanghai with a branch in Dalian. The vision of CSTS is to become a "center of excellence" in the Citibank family, providing world class banking software and technology services for Citi businesses worldwide. With this vision and talented people, CSTS is a

significant contributor to the development of China¡¯s IT sector and a crucial support element of Citi¡¯s global operations.


花旗软件技术服务(上海)有限公司(简称:花旗软件)成立于2002年8月,致力于为全球花旗业务部门提供软件开发和技术支持。自2011年起,花旗软件将会同时管理花旗在中国的数据中心。作为花旗集团的一员,花旗软件的核心业务是为全球花旗银行提供软件开发及技术支持,其服务遍布亚太,美国,拉丁美洲,中东,欧洲及非洲地区50 多个国家。花旗软件与花旗全球技术支持部门密切联系,公司的总部位于上海,同时在大连设有分公司。公司的目标是成为中国为全球的花旗业务提供一流银行软件以及技术服务的“卓越中心”。公司的愿景以及杰出的员工,使得花旗软件成为了中国地区至关重要的技术支持者,同时也成为了花旗全球运营部的重要的一份子。

2011 CSTS Campus Recruiting

CSTS is excited to launch its new campus recruiting campaign. 2011 CSTS Campus Recruiting is designed for highly motivated fresh graduates who are interested in software development-related career at Citi. In addition to full time employment opportunities, this program also provides the opportunity for

students be internship opportunities. Selected candidates will be placed on real-life assignments and projects.

Our world is changing and after graduation, so will yours. We invite you to take advantage of one of the strongest software service providers in China as a platform to launch your new career.

We are looking for students and fresh graduates: (招收应届毕业生及实习生)

 Who are currently enrolled in a degree program (B.S. or M.S.) at one of

the top ranked universities in China or around the world and will be

graduating in 2011 or 2012;

 Who are excellent in communication with good command of spoken

and written English;

 Who have good knowledge of at least one of the following languages:

Java, .net, database, C#, Mainframe, SQL, DB2 and web-based

applications. (GCG SD and ICG Unit only)

Core Competency

 Demonstrates professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity  Self-starter, always takes initiative

 Strong quantitative and analytical skills

 Team-player, contributes to collective goals

 Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills, proficiency in

both Mandarin and English

Special Caliber Lead to Success

 Good change management skills with positive attitude

 Cross-functional interests and ready to work in different roles and take

extra responsibilities

 Driven and committed to succeed in a rapid-growth organization  Embraces innovation and can think out of box

 Have leadership potential and ready to develop to the next level

We have recognized that the uniqueness of our talented people puts us on the world map, and that we will only move forward if our people grow with time. We are committed to invest in our talent, as well as to create a dynamic and

flexible working environment. We are also committed to offer our people a promising fast track career path. You are empowered to lead and inspire changes - to make a difference at CSTS.

Technical Line(SE): Developer Senior Developer Team Lead/Technical Specialist Architect

Technical Line(Tester): Tester Senior Tester Team Lead

Management Line: Officer Assistant Manager Manager Assistant VP VP Director Managing Director

 Business Units: Institutional Clients Group, Global Consumer Group  Skill set: Java, database, web-based applications

 This is a full-time position. Business Units: Institutional Clients Group, Global Consumer Group

 Skill set: .Net, C#

 This is a full-time position.  Business Unit: Global Consumer Group

 Skill set: Mainframe preferred (not a must), good logic thinking, good

in mathematics

 This is a full-time position.  Business Unit: ITO Testing Center

 Skill set: Fluent English, spoken and written; Banking knowledge is a


 This is a full-time position.

You may apply through the Citi Graduate Recruitment website or simply (Please name the subject line of your email in the following format: Chinese Name - Program Code - University-Major eg: 张三- 2011FJ -北大-软件工程) and attach your CV Please indicate which year you will graduate. Candidates are selected through following steps: CV screening > Telephone interview > on-site interview > hiring manager interview > signing agreement We are hiring into our Shanghai office and Dalian office in China.

2) 5月13日下午2点2011年花旗杯金融信息技术应用大赛宣讲会即将在闵行


2011年第七届”花旗杯”金融信息技术应用大赛已于4月1日在本届大赛承办学校 - 西南财经大学成功启动,这同时也标志着新一届“花旗杯”大赛正式拉开序幕。

宣讲会时间5月13日下午3点至4点.另外, 4点至5点将是花旗高管关于银行IT的讲座


1. 可自行访问以下网站在线报名

 花旗杯官方网站

 或选择访问2011年花旗杯承办单位西南财经大学网站

 或选择花旗杯合作伙伴上海市大学生科技创业基金会网站 注册

2. 也可将报名信息提交至负责老师,统一与大赛组委会联系在网站集中


1) Dedicated Citi Cup website/花旗杯专用网站

- 所有团队注册报名,中期报告/终期报告提交,评委初赛/复赛评审等活动,


2) A newly added evaluation item - “Innovation”/新增一项评分点 - ”创新”

- 鼓励同学们的创新精神, 以更好的与大赛”创新与完善”的主旋律相吻合

3) A newly added submission checklist item – “Test Report”/新增一份最终提

交文档 - ”测试报告”

- 更加强调作品的质量

4) Dedicated Citi Cup mailbox – [email protected] /专用的花旗杯邮箱






Learn more about us, please visit:


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