

题 目:电影网站的设计


学 号:

专 业:计算机科学与技术

班 级:




摘 要



本网站制作并实现了一个电影网站的前台设计。此次设计主要就是完成电影网站中前台页面的设计,尽可能的将电影宣传信息第一时间发布,让浏览者更加清晰和详细的了解电影详情,也尽可能详细的展示、介绍不同类型的电影,同时为爱电影的人提供一个交流的平台。在“爱电影”网站的设计过程中使用了HTML、DIV+CSS、JavaScript等开发工具,开发软件为Dreamweaver8 、PhotoshopCS5、Fireworks8。通过对“爱电影”网站的需求分析、总体设计、详细设计和测试,最终完成了首页、各分类页、详情展示页、注册页、登录页等,完成了“爱电影”网站的前台设计。




The design and implementation of the front desk of the

"love movie" website


In the rapid development of IT industry, the establishment of the film website has become an essential trend in the film development. This design will establish a range of publicity for the purpose of the site, will focus on the publicity and promotion for the movie, let more users can learn through the Internet, pay attention to and support for the film and film career development.

As a new thing, movie website is the inevitable trend of the film management modernization. This web site established at the same time, considering the main problems is: in "love movie" website establishment, how will the traditional methods and modern way more organic combination of, the film service system more perfect.

This website produced and realized a movie website design of the front desk. This design is mainly to complete the front page design, as much as possible to the film newsletter information for the first time released, let visitors more clear and detailed understanding of the movie details, also as far as possible with the display, describes different types of film, and love movies provide an exchange platform. In the "love movie" website design process using HTML, JavaScript, DIV+CSS and other development tools, the development of software for Dreamweaver8, Fireworks8, PhotoshopCS5. Through the "love movie" website needs analysis, overall design, detailed design and testing, the final completion of the home page, category pages, details show page, register, login page, etc., to complete the "love movie" stage of the website design.

Keywords: Movie web design; Web testing; Query movie information; JavaScript;





题 目:电影网站的设计


学 号:

专 业:计算机科学与技术

班 级:




摘 要



本网站制作并实现了一个电影网站的前台设计。此次设计主要就是完成电影网站中前台页面的设计,尽可能的将电影宣传信息第一时间发布,让浏览者更加清晰和详细的了解电影详情,也尽可能详细的展示、介绍不同类型的电影,同时为爱电影的人提供一个交流的平台。在“爱电影”网站的设计过程中使用了HTML、DIV+CSS、JavaScript等开发工具,开发软件为Dreamweaver8 、PhotoshopCS5、Fireworks8。通过对“爱电影”网站的需求分析、总体设计、详细设计和测试,最终完成了首页、各分类页、详情展示页、注册页、登录页等,完成了“爱电影”网站的前台设计。




The design and implementation of the front desk of the

"love movie" website


In the rapid development of IT industry, the establishment of the film website has become an essential trend in the film development. This design will establish a range of publicity for the purpose of the site, will focus on the publicity and promotion for the movie, let more users can learn through the Internet, pay attention to and support for the film and film career development.

As a new thing, movie website is the inevitable trend of the film management modernization. This web site established at the same time, considering the main problems is: in "love movie" website establishment, how will the traditional methods and modern way more organic combination of, the film service system more perfect.

This website produced and realized a movie website design of the front desk. This design is mainly to complete the front page design, as much as possible to the film newsletter information for the first time released, let visitors more clear and detailed understanding of the movie details, also as far as possible with the display, describes different types of film, and love movies provide an exchange platform. In the "love movie" website design process using HTML, JavaScript, DIV+CSS and other development tools, the development of software for Dreamweaver8, Fireworks8, PhotoshopCS5. Through the "love movie" website needs analysis, overall design, detailed design and testing, the final completion of the home page, category pages, details show page, register, login page, etc., to complete the "love movie" stage of the website design.

Keywords: Movie web design; Web testing; Query movie information; JavaScript;





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