
【这个杀手不太冷】Life is always hard……

Actually, I watched this movie a long time ago, but today I saw some film reviews accidently and these reminded me of many scenes of the movie. It was made in 1994, and has been watching by thousands of people during the past 16 years, and it has moved people whoever has seen it. A classic is always a classic.

“L éon, we'll be better here”,when putting the Rohdea japonica from the pot into the land, Mathilda says to herself gently. And then the camera move from the girl ’s face, to the higher and farther sky above her, and then we see New York, with enchanting Summer sunshine and verdant trees. At the same time the background music starts, shape of my heart from Sting.

L éon is a 40 - year - old killer, at the time of killing he is silent, cold and clever. But as a normal man in daily life, he is also simple, naïve and innocence. He has no ID card and bank account. He is used to sleeping on the sofa bed, buying two quarts of milk each time. He loves his Rohdea japonica, because they are both helpless. He likes wiping every leaf of the Rohdea japonica with his slender finger every day, and then put it in the sunshine in the morning, and takes it in at night. In the absence of tasks he will sit alone in an empty cinema, staring at the screen seriously. Sometimes he grinned like a Cheshire cat, just like Mr bean as we know.

Mathilda is only 12 years old. She is weak, lonely, stubborn and wayward, with angelic faces, and indifferent eyes and maturity beyond her age.

Then, when does the story begin?

Does it begin when Léon asks Mathilda where she gets the injuries on her face, or when Léon reaches Mathilda the handkerchief when she is nose bleeding after beatings, or when Mathilda says “Want some milk? One quart or two? It's two, right?” with a brilliant smile on her face, or when Mathilda walks on to Léon 's door and rings hopelessly, after seeing her father's bloody body lying on the floor, or when light falls on Mathilda's face after Léon opens the door ?

We don’t know.

In this world without temperatures, they give each other warm moments with their hearts. Mathilda :Leon, I think I'm kina falling in love with you. It's the first time for me, you know? L éon :How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?

Mathilda : 'Cause I feel it.

L éon : Where?

Mathilda : (Stoking her stomach) In my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now... it's gone.

L éon : Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomach ache any more. I don't think it means anything.

I have thought once that if there are no revenge in their lives, Léon and Mathilda would live a happy life together, he will wait for the girl to become a woman gradually. But things can ’t always go as we imagine. They understand the joy of life they’ve never had, at the same time they have to face death without mercy.

When Léon promises that he will take her to somewhere far away as long as he is out of danger, we all know that this is a white lie. He says “I love you” to her in the heavy fire for the first time and also the last time. Then he falls down, in the sound of the explosion, and he closes his eye softly.

Therefore, the role of Léon becomes a classic in one fell swoop, you can refuse a killer, but you can not refuse Léon . He has woven a pure fairy tale for the little girl, heroic but poignant. When dealing with his shot of the scene, the director uses slow motion and silencing for people to see the blood stains expanding between his eyebrows, and his feet moving toward the light exit without hesitation until he lies on the ground. He wants to leave the dark world, even if the idea is just a pale expect, he also wants to use his own death in exchange for Mathilda 's life.

I am always not satisfied about the ending, but I can do nothing. I know, there are not always prince and princess in our life. Life is real life.

“Is life always this hard or is it just when you're a kid?”

“Always like this.”

Yes, always……

【这个杀手不太冷】Life is always hard……

Actually, I watched this movie a long time ago, but today I saw some film reviews accidently and these reminded me of many scenes of the movie. It was made in 1994, and has been watching by thousands of people during the past 16 years, and it has moved people whoever has seen it. A classic is always a classic.

“L éon, we'll be better here”,when putting the Rohdea japonica from the pot into the land, Mathilda says to herself gently. And then the camera move from the girl ’s face, to the higher and farther sky above her, and then we see New York, with enchanting Summer sunshine and verdant trees. At the same time the background music starts, shape of my heart from Sting.

L éon is a 40 - year - old killer, at the time of killing he is silent, cold and clever. But as a normal man in daily life, he is also simple, naïve and innocence. He has no ID card and bank account. He is used to sleeping on the sofa bed, buying two quarts of milk each time. He loves his Rohdea japonica, because they are both helpless. He likes wiping every leaf of the Rohdea japonica with his slender finger every day, and then put it in the sunshine in the morning, and takes it in at night. In the absence of tasks he will sit alone in an empty cinema, staring at the screen seriously. Sometimes he grinned like a Cheshire cat, just like Mr bean as we know.

Mathilda is only 12 years old. She is weak, lonely, stubborn and wayward, with angelic faces, and indifferent eyes and maturity beyond her age.

Then, when does the story begin?

Does it begin when Léon asks Mathilda where she gets the injuries on her face, or when Léon reaches Mathilda the handkerchief when she is nose bleeding after beatings, or when Mathilda says “Want some milk? One quart or two? It's two, right?” with a brilliant smile on her face, or when Mathilda walks on to Léon 's door and rings hopelessly, after seeing her father's bloody body lying on the floor, or when light falls on Mathilda's face after Léon opens the door ?

We don’t know.

In this world without temperatures, they give each other warm moments with their hearts. Mathilda :Leon, I think I'm kina falling in love with you. It's the first time for me, you know? L éon :How do you know it's love if you've never been in love before?

Mathilda : 'Cause I feel it.

L éon : Where?

Mathilda : (Stoking her stomach) In my stomach. It's all warm. I always had a knot there and now... it's gone.

L éon : Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomach ache any more. I don't think it means anything.

I have thought once that if there are no revenge in their lives, Léon and Mathilda would live a happy life together, he will wait for the girl to become a woman gradually. But things can ’t always go as we imagine. They understand the joy of life they’ve never had, at the same time they have to face death without mercy.

When Léon promises that he will take her to somewhere far away as long as he is out of danger, we all know that this is a white lie. He says “I love you” to her in the heavy fire for the first time and also the last time. Then he falls down, in the sound of the explosion, and he closes his eye softly.

Therefore, the role of Léon becomes a classic in one fell swoop, you can refuse a killer, but you can not refuse Léon . He has woven a pure fairy tale for the little girl, heroic but poignant. When dealing with his shot of the scene, the director uses slow motion and silencing for people to see the blood stains expanding between his eyebrows, and his feet moving toward the light exit without hesitation until he lies on the ground. He wants to leave the dark world, even if the idea is just a pale expect, he also wants to use his own death in exchange for Mathilda 's life.

I am always not satisfied about the ending, but I can do nothing. I know, there are not always prince and princess in our life. Life is real life.

“Is life always this hard or is it just when you're a kid?”

“Always like this.”

Yes, always……


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