

姓名 学号 分数

Part One --- Answer the questions in simple way (简答题) (每题3分)

1. What is the objective of traffic engineering study? (交通工程研究的目的是什麽?)

2. What is the difference between rate of flow and hourly volume? (小时流率与小时流量有


3. What are the definition of 85th percentile speed and its meaning in traffic engineering? (百


4. What are the leading and lagging phases? (何谓前滞和后滞相位?)

5. What is the effective green time? (何谓有效绿灯时间?)

6. What is follow-up time? (何谓随车时距?)

7. What is critical lane? (何谓关键车道?)

8. What is saturation flow rate? (何谓饱和流量?)

9. Under what conditions is time mean speed equal to space mean speed? (时间平均车速与空


10. Using diagram to show weaving areas of freeway. (用图表示高速路交织区)

Part Two --- Elaborate the following questions (详述下列问题) (每题6分)

1. Describe the relationship between mobility and accessibility. Then, take Jing Jin freeway

and Da Wang roadway as candidates to show their difference in terms of mobility and accessibility (描述机动性与可达性之间的关系, 并以京,津高速路和大望路为例加以说明)

2. Illustrate the difference between the two way stop and full way stop. (试说明二路停车和全


3. Illustrate the basic principles used for signalization of intersections in MUTCD. (叙述


4. Describe the relationship between number of phases and the delay drivers experience at

signalized intersection. (描述信号相位数与交叉口延误之间的关系)

5. List all factors affecting free-flow speed of freeways. (列出影响高速路自由流速度的因素)

Part Three --- Calculations (计算题)

1. Given the relationship between speed and density (已知速度与密度的关系)

S=70(1−0.008×D), (10分)

(a) Find the free-flow speed and jam density (求自由流速度和阻塞密度)

(b) Derive equations describing flow versus speed and flow versus density (给出流量-速度,流


(c) Determine the capacity mathematically (确定此时的通行能力)

(d) Sketch the speed-density, flow-speed and flow-density curves and indicate the congested and

uncongested area. (绘出速度-密度,流量-速度,流量-密度曲线并指出拥挤区和非拥挤区)

2. With what minimum reaction time will the car not hit the stopped truck when this car runs at

speed of 120 km/h and driver sees the stopped truck at distance of 200 meters far. The grade of roadway is zero and the coefficient of forward friction is 0.40. What will happen if the distance is 140 meters (when driver sees the stopped truck) assuming the other conditions unchanged and explain? (一辆以每小时120公里行驶的汽车在200米处发现停靠在路上的卡车,请问,小车司机最小的反应时间为多大时才不会撞到该卡车。 道路纵坡为零且车轮与路面的粘着系数为0.40 。 如果小车司机发现卡车时,距离卡车为140米,在其他条件不变的情况下,会发生什麽并给出解释) (12分)

3. The traffic volume of roadway is 720 vph and its headway is distributed in the form of

exponential equation. Estimate: (已知某条路的交通量为720辆/小时,且车队车头时距符合负指数分布, 求 (10分)

(1) Number of headway whose value is no less than 6 second within an hour. (一小时


(2) The number of the headways between 10 seconds and 15 seconds within two hours.


4. Based on the survey conducted at a busy bus stop, it is found that the probability of each bus

having a crash from 6:00am to 6:00pm is 0.0004. The average volume of buses arriving at this stop from 6:00am to 6:00pm is 2500. Estimate the probability of having no less than 3 crashes from 6:00am to 6:00pm at this stop. (根据公交车站调查,发现公共汽车在早6:00至晚6:00发生事故的概率为0.0004。早6:00至晚6:00公交车流量为2500, 计算从早6:00至晚6:00公交车发生3起及以上事故的概率)(8分)


姓名 学号 分数

Part One --- Answer the questions in simple way (简答题) (每题3分)

1. What is the objective of traffic engineering study? (交通工程研究的目的是什麽?)

2. What is the difference between rate of flow and hourly volume? (小时流率与小时流量有


3. What are the definition of 85th percentile speed and its meaning in traffic engineering? (百


4. What are the leading and lagging phases? (何谓前滞和后滞相位?)

5. What is the effective green time? (何谓有效绿灯时间?)

6. What is follow-up time? (何谓随车时距?)

7. What is critical lane? (何谓关键车道?)

8. What is saturation flow rate? (何谓饱和流量?)

9. Under what conditions is time mean speed equal to space mean speed? (时间平均车速与空


10. Using diagram to show weaving areas of freeway. (用图表示高速路交织区)

Part Two --- Elaborate the following questions (详述下列问题) (每题6分)

1. Describe the relationship between mobility and accessibility. Then, take Jing Jin freeway

and Da Wang roadway as candidates to show their difference in terms of mobility and accessibility (描述机动性与可达性之间的关系, 并以京,津高速路和大望路为例加以说明)

2. Illustrate the difference between the two way stop and full way stop. (试说明二路停车和全


3. Illustrate the basic principles used for signalization of intersections in MUTCD. (叙述


4. Describe the relationship between number of phases and the delay drivers experience at

signalized intersection. (描述信号相位数与交叉口延误之间的关系)

5. List all factors affecting free-flow speed of freeways. (列出影响高速路自由流速度的因素)

Part Three --- Calculations (计算题)

1. Given the relationship between speed and density (已知速度与密度的关系)

S=70(1−0.008×D), (10分)

(a) Find the free-flow speed and jam density (求自由流速度和阻塞密度)

(b) Derive equations describing flow versus speed and flow versus density (给出流量-速度,流


(c) Determine the capacity mathematically (确定此时的通行能力)

(d) Sketch the speed-density, flow-speed and flow-density curves and indicate the congested and

uncongested area. (绘出速度-密度,流量-速度,流量-密度曲线并指出拥挤区和非拥挤区)

2. With what minimum reaction time will the car not hit the stopped truck when this car runs at

speed of 120 km/h and driver sees the stopped truck at distance of 200 meters far. The grade of roadway is zero and the coefficient of forward friction is 0.40. What will happen if the distance is 140 meters (when driver sees the stopped truck) assuming the other conditions unchanged and explain? (一辆以每小时120公里行驶的汽车在200米处发现停靠在路上的卡车,请问,小车司机最小的反应时间为多大时才不会撞到该卡车。 道路纵坡为零且车轮与路面的粘着系数为0.40 。 如果小车司机发现卡车时,距离卡车为140米,在其他条件不变的情况下,会发生什麽并给出解释) (12分)

3. The traffic volume of roadway is 720 vph and its headway is distributed in the form of

exponential equation. Estimate: (已知某条路的交通量为720辆/小时,且车队车头时距符合负指数分布, 求 (10分)

(1) Number of headway whose value is no less than 6 second within an hour. (一小时


(2) The number of the headways between 10 seconds and 15 seconds within two hours.


4. Based on the survey conducted at a busy bus stop, it is found that the probability of each bus

having a crash from 6:00am to 6:00pm is 0.0004. The average volume of buses arriving at this stop from 6:00am to 6:00pm is 2500. Estimate the probability of having no less than 3 crashes from 6:00am to 6:00pm at this stop. (根据公交车站调查,发现公共汽车在早6:00至晚6:00发生事故的概率为0.0004。早6:00至晚6:00公交车流量为2500, 计算从早6:00至晚6:00公交车发生3起及以上事故的概率)(8分)


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