父母怎样正确教育孩子 中英

Helping Your Child Deal With Peer Pressure


Activity: Keeping Your Kids' Calendars

So many calendars for so many times — which will work best for your family? By GreatSchools Staff

As kids get older, peer pressure can get in the way of how well they do in school.

Why? By the time they turn 7, children start caring more and more about what other kids think of them — and less about what their parents or other adults think.

Kids who want to get approval from their peers and become more popular will often take part in risky behavior like cheating in class, shoplifting, tagging, drug use, alcohol use and sex — all of which can send them on a downward spiral and take them away from focusing on their education.

Here are six ways to help your child resist peer pressure and stay on the right path:

1. Don't overreact

When your child talks with you about what friends are doing, you may hear things that upset you. But if you overreact or lecture, your child won't want to bring these issues up again. Stay as calm as you can, without yelling, blaming or lecturing. Instead, use these moments to get your child thinking about the consequences of risky behavior: "I wonder if your friend realizes she could be arrested for shoplifting?"

2. Talk about what makes a true friend

Help your child understand that a friend who is pressuring him to do something dangerous, hurtful or illegal is not much of a friend.

3. Get to know your child's friends

Encourage your child to invite friends home. Having his peers around will help you decide whether they are good or bad influences.

4. Talk about what independence really means

At this age, your child wants more independence. Point out that if this is a goal of hers, she shouldn't let other kids decide what she should be doing — that's not independence!

5. Role-play peer pressure

Ask your child what he wishes he could say to his friends if he didn't have to worry about what they'd say if he said "no." Then suggest ways he can say it. Keep your advice short and to the point. Remind him it's easiest to stick with simple things that he can say comfortably. (Check out "The five steps to resisting peer pressure" for ideas on what your child can say to a friend who is pressuring him.)

6. Model saying "no"

When your child hears you setting limits clearly, firmly and without a lot of explanation, this helps him see that it's OK to do the same. When you say, "No, that's not OK with me," you're giving your child the same language he can say when someone tries to talk him into doing something he shouldn't.





GreatSchools 员工随着孩子年龄的增长,同侪压力可以得到的方式,以及他们如何在学校做的,为什么?的时候,他们转7,孩子们开始关心什么其他的孩子认为他们越来越多的-和他们的父母或其他成年人认为,谁想要得到他们的同龄人的认可,并成为更受欢迎的孩子们经常参加危险的行为,如作弊类,入店行窃,


1. 当你的孩子与你会谈什么样的朋友正在做的,不要反应过度,你可能会听到的东西,让你心烦意乱。


2. 2。谈谈是什么让一个真正的朋友帮助你的孩子明白,朋友是谁迫使他做一些危险的,有害的或非法


3. 3。知道您的孩子的朋友,鼓励孩子邀请朋友回家。他身边的同伴会帮助你决定是否他们是好或坏的影


4. 4。你的孩子谈什么独立的真正意义在这个年龄段,希望更多的独立性。指出,如果这是她的目标,她


5. 5。角色扮演的同伴之间的压力,让您的孩子,他希望他能到他的朋友们说,如果他没有担心什么,他

们会说,如果他说:“没有。” 然后建议他可以说,它的方式。请将您的意见的。提醒他,这是最简单的,坚持使用简单的事情,他可以说舒适。(退房“ 的五个步骤,以抵制同伴压力 “的想法可以说你的孩子施加压力,他的一个朋友是谁。)

6. 6。模型说“不”当你的孩子听到你设限清楚,坚定,没有很多的解释,这有助于他看到它的确定做同样


Helping Your Child Deal With Peer Pressure


Activity: Keeping Your Kids' Calendars

So many calendars for so many times — which will work best for your family? By GreatSchools Staff

As kids get older, peer pressure can get in the way of how well they do in school.

Why? By the time they turn 7, children start caring more and more about what other kids think of them — and less about what their parents or other adults think.

Kids who want to get approval from their peers and become more popular will often take part in risky behavior like cheating in class, shoplifting, tagging, drug use, alcohol use and sex — all of which can send them on a downward spiral and take them away from focusing on their education.

Here are six ways to help your child resist peer pressure and stay on the right path:

1. Don't overreact

When your child talks with you about what friends are doing, you may hear things that upset you. But if you overreact or lecture, your child won't want to bring these issues up again. Stay as calm as you can, without yelling, blaming or lecturing. Instead, use these moments to get your child thinking about the consequences of risky behavior: "I wonder if your friend realizes she could be arrested for shoplifting?"

2. Talk about what makes a true friend

Help your child understand that a friend who is pressuring him to do something dangerous, hurtful or illegal is not much of a friend.

3. Get to know your child's friends

Encourage your child to invite friends home. Having his peers around will help you decide whether they are good or bad influences.

4. Talk about what independence really means

At this age, your child wants more independence. Point out that if this is a goal of hers, she shouldn't let other kids decide what she should be doing — that's not independence!

5. Role-play peer pressure

Ask your child what he wishes he could say to his friends if he didn't have to worry about what they'd say if he said "no." Then suggest ways he can say it. Keep your advice short and to the point. Remind him it's easiest to stick with simple things that he can say comfortably. (Check out "The five steps to resisting peer pressure" for ideas on what your child can say to a friend who is pressuring him.)

6. Model saying "no"

When your child hears you setting limits clearly, firmly and without a lot of explanation, this helps him see that it's OK to do the same. When you say, "No, that's not OK with me," you're giving your child the same language he can say when someone tries to talk him into doing something he shouldn't.





GreatSchools 员工随着孩子年龄的增长,同侪压力可以得到的方式,以及他们如何在学校做的,为什么?的时候,他们转7,孩子们开始关心什么其他的孩子认为他们越来越多的-和他们的父母或其他成年人认为,谁想要得到他们的同龄人的认可,并成为更受欢迎的孩子们经常参加危险的行为,如作弊类,入店行窃,


1. 当你的孩子与你会谈什么样的朋友正在做的,不要反应过度,你可能会听到的东西,让你心烦意乱。


2. 2。谈谈是什么让一个真正的朋友帮助你的孩子明白,朋友是谁迫使他做一些危险的,有害的或非法


3. 3。知道您的孩子的朋友,鼓励孩子邀请朋友回家。他身边的同伴会帮助你决定是否他们是好或坏的影


4. 4。你的孩子谈什么独立的真正意义在这个年龄段,希望更多的独立性。指出,如果这是她的目标,她


5. 5。角色扮演的同伴之间的压力,让您的孩子,他希望他能到他的朋友们说,如果他没有担心什么,他

们会说,如果他说:“没有。” 然后建议他可以说,它的方式。请将您的意见的。提醒他,这是最简单的,坚持使用简单的事情,他可以说舒适。(退房“ 的五个步骤,以抵制同伴压力 “的想法可以说你的孩子施加压力,他的一个朋友是谁。)

6. 6。模型说“不”当你的孩子听到你设限清楚,坚定,没有很多的解释,这有助于他看到它的确定做同样



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