







The movie beauty and the beast tells us a surreal absurdity,

beautiful and moving story. Said the surreal absurdity is beauty and the beast shows us a \

pendulum clocks, lamps, dictionary, pen, teapot, maps and so on, they not only have a life, and keep all the original personality. Of reckless policies, for example, still do not change the reckless

temperament of the old prince, ready to break into a furious rage, never think for others, refused to bend to apologize:

housekeeper \

not only not taken collapsed, but does not have a taste of fantasy world finally completed. In this bizarre bizarre world, film and told us a story about a beautiful and moving. Although the

framework of \

mixed feelings and the castle every servant faithful and sincere magically bring this \

reasons mainly include the following: first of all, reviews

throughout the longitudinal joint between \

audience heart. Second, the \

so cartoons similarities, is also the beauty of cartoons. Third, funny funny, language; A smile. Beast with pen, for example,

said: \









First of all, let me feeling is the professor of men's single, because of the single and free, thoughts can float in the sky; Can with male friends speak freely, regardless of time to go home; No quarrel, always kind and charming gentleman and rational, free to do what they do. But such a comfortable life is simply a bet and a flower girl. Love is great, it can happen in a different class, but it never humble. Perhaps everyone has it that innate feelings, just, I don't know whether someone will open his dusty heart in this life.

Secondly, the spirit of flower girl. Her from a don't understand, no courtesy to the noisy man, into a woman even the British royal family would like to invite her to dance. All say, her grace and lady because of his teaching, that there is no doubt. But, I see, it is a flower girl courage and determination. Nobody taught her professor should go to learn a language, she also may be thought of in a professor will make a fool of yourself in the home, but she still brave professor knocked on the door, invent young brave lies, full of determination to try to change your fate, this is how rare spirit. Most people are busy, made in his comfortable corner lives a life of their so-called happiness, never step leading to the broad expanse of the step, they are content with the status quo, and laugh at those who tried to challenge. Likely, each person has a different outlook on life, however, that every life is full of fresh mood, is infection with me again. Challenges may fail, try to hit a wall, but because of the unpredictable results such rich life infinite charm. With their own curiosity and desire for knowledge, novelty and hope open every day, bumpy and dream, this is a how romantic

thing. And it is not ignorance of impulse, try to do all kinds of greed, it is a noble but ordinary spirit, it happens in Pygmalion, happens to people of every true love life. And they won't give up because of some setbacks, they will use their efforts one hundred times to let oneself do better. Just like a flower girl, she lives every day boring weather the pronunciation practice, prodded by the professor hard training late into the night. In the end, she succeeded, her manners, she thought after this magical experience, there has been a fundamental change. Flower girl grow up to be a good and independent woman, she is no longer the girl in the noisy, but the silly girl's spirit is forever in my heart.

Again, it is women's independent great spirit. Professor of of course think of her success is the result of his pay, the noble woman like princess is from his hand. In his eyes, she is just a vulgar flower girl forever, she is just his success, he never thought of her feelings and her feelings. In the end, they confirmed her best at the party, but she did not get his praise, he immersed in their own success, didn't care about the helplessness and loss in her eyes. Professor them back to home, after celebrating, back to the room and sleep, she finally bowed in the sitting room to cry. Flower girl knows in the professor's eyes, she's humble origins entrenched, he didn't see her growth, did not see her more success is from his own efforts. In the sixties and seventies people heart, only with the voice and tone and evaluation of grade, sincere affection and good spirit is the practice of the secular destruction, into tears flower girl, quietly slipped her beautiful face. She was so in love with the professor, had a word of praise for him, the excitement of dance and sing, he never noticed. Professor of heartbreak she walked away late at night, worried, in the city to find her. They meet each other, the flower girl still treat the professor nobility is elegant, this is not to show how good his, but she thinks need to treat the person I love this kind of visceral etiquette and respect. Professor were not, still feel Pygmalion in display their learned from her.


Even so, professor still has the flower girl praised as a work. She looked at his eyes firmly beloved professor, said: \

Good feelings and thoughts always can resonate, echoed in their hearts, and warmth. Let me have the new thinking of life.








The movie beauty and the beast tells us a surreal absurdity,

beautiful and moving story. Said the surreal absurdity is beauty and the beast shows us a \

pendulum clocks, lamps, dictionary, pen, teapot, maps and so on, they not only have a life, and keep all the original personality. Of reckless policies, for example, still do not change the reckless

temperament of the old prince, ready to break into a furious rage, never think for others, refused to bend to apologize:

housekeeper \

not only not taken collapsed, but does not have a taste of fantasy world finally completed. In this bizarre bizarre world, film and told us a story about a beautiful and moving. Although the

framework of \

mixed feelings and the castle every servant faithful and sincere magically bring this \

reasons mainly include the following: first of all, reviews

throughout the longitudinal joint between \

audience heart. Second, the \

so cartoons similarities, is also the beauty of cartoons. Third, funny funny, language; A smile. Beast with pen, for example,

said: \









First of all, let me feeling is the professor of men's single, because of the single and free, thoughts can float in the sky; Can with male friends speak freely, regardless of time to go home; No quarrel, always kind and charming gentleman and rational, free to do what they do. But such a comfortable life is simply a bet and a flower girl. Love is great, it can happen in a different class, but it never humble. Perhaps everyone has it that innate feelings, just, I don't know whether someone will open his dusty heart in this life.

Secondly, the spirit of flower girl. Her from a don't understand, no courtesy to the noisy man, into a woman even the British royal family would like to invite her to dance. All say, her grace and lady because of his teaching, that there is no doubt. But, I see, it is a flower girl courage and determination. Nobody taught her professor should go to learn a language, she also may be thought of in a professor will make a fool of yourself in the home, but she still brave professor knocked on the door, invent young brave lies, full of determination to try to change your fate, this is how rare spirit. Most people are busy, made in his comfortable corner lives a life of their so-called happiness, never step leading to the broad expanse of the step, they are content with the status quo, and laugh at those who tried to challenge. Likely, each person has a different outlook on life, however, that every life is full of fresh mood, is infection with me again. Challenges may fail, try to hit a wall, but because of the unpredictable results such rich life infinite charm. With their own curiosity and desire for knowledge, novelty and hope open every day, bumpy and dream, this is a how romantic

thing. And it is not ignorance of impulse, try to do all kinds of greed, it is a noble but ordinary spirit, it happens in Pygmalion, happens to people of every true love life. And they won't give up because of some setbacks, they will use their efforts one hundred times to let oneself do better. Just like a flower girl, she lives every day boring weather the pronunciation practice, prodded by the professor hard training late into the night. In the end, she succeeded, her manners, she thought after this magical experience, there has been a fundamental change. Flower girl grow up to be a good and independent woman, she is no longer the girl in the noisy, but the silly girl's spirit is forever in my heart.

Again, it is women's independent great spirit. Professor of of course think of her success is the result of his pay, the noble woman like princess is from his hand. In his eyes, she is just a vulgar flower girl forever, she is just his success, he never thought of her feelings and her feelings. In the end, they confirmed her best at the party, but she did not get his praise, he immersed in their own success, didn't care about the helplessness and loss in her eyes. Professor them back to home, after celebrating, back to the room and sleep, she finally bowed in the sitting room to cry. Flower girl knows in the professor's eyes, she's humble origins entrenched, he didn't see her growth, did not see her more success is from his own efforts. In the sixties and seventies people heart, only with the voice and tone and evaluation of grade, sincere affection and good spirit is the practice of the secular destruction, into tears flower girl, quietly slipped her beautiful face. She was so in love with the professor, had a word of praise for him, the excitement of dance and sing, he never noticed. Professor of heartbreak she walked away late at night, worried, in the city to find her. They meet each other, the flower girl still treat the professor nobility is elegant, this is not to show how good his, but she thinks need to treat the person I love this kind of visceral etiquette and respect. Professor were not, still feel Pygmalion in display their learned from her.


Even so, professor still has the flower girl praised as a work. She looked at his eyes firmly beloved professor, said: \

Good feelings and thoughts always can resonate, echoed in their hearts, and warmth. Let me have the new thinking of life.


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