
111The Principles of Business Writing

Consideration: You-Attitude








Pragmatic Analysis of the Principles of Business Writing

Cooperative Principle

Politeness Principle

The Theory of Face-work

Face-Threatening Acts

Principle of Least Effort

Principle of Economy

Consideration: Consideration focuses on “you ” (the reader) instead of “I ” or “we ” (the writer). You-Attitude emphasizes reader benefit ,The You Attitude is positive ,You-Attitude protects the reader’s ego (use an impersonal expression or a passive verb to avoid assigning blame)You-Attitude expresses appreciation

for (not annoyance with) your readers ,You-Attitude applies psychology to humanize our messages (You can buy in your own language, but you have to sell in the language of the customer )

1Conciseness :Conciseness means omitting unnecessary words and expressions so that your writing gets to the point, avoiding unnecessary repetition and wordy expression, including only relevant facts (with courtesy), and organizing effectively.

2 avoid Wordiness :Avoid redundancy(unnecessary repetition. ),,Avoid awkward repetition,Avoid complicated word choice by using plain language

Correctness Correctness means

giving accurate facts and figures and

using the correct level of language

including only accurate facts, words, and figures

using acceptable writing mechanics

Correctness is achieved by

using formal language for scholarly works, top level government documents and legal documents. Correctness is achieved by

Avoid using words that you feel will impress the reader ,avoiding substandard, ungrammatical words and spellings,

using accurate facts and figures, using the correct word,

using correct sentence-level grammar

avoiding discriminatory expressions - sexism, race, and personal characteristics.

Courtesy Courtesy means

being sincerely tactful, thoughtful, and appreciative, omitting expressions that irritate, hurt, or belittle, answering mail and phone messages promptly and granting and apologizing good-naturedly.

Clarity (Use plain, everyday, natural, conversational speech,You can buy in your own language, but you have to sell in the customer ’s language ,Sometimes confusion is caused by being long-winded. Confusion is sometimes caused by jargon and buzz words.

Clarity means

being clear by choosing short, conversational language and using visual aids

constructing effective sentences & paragraphs,

being straight-forward, avoiding jargon & buzz words 流行语

achieving appropriate readability

including examples, illustrations, & other visual aids when desirable.

Completeness Completeness means

answering all questions asked so that you accomplish your goal in ONE letter without needing following letters, giving something extra, when desirable and checking for the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, and why) and other essentials (how)

Concreteness Concreteness means

using specific facts and figures so that your meaning is clear

putting action in verbs (avoid passive voice or hiding action in nouns)

choosing vivid, image-building words --use active verbs, avoiding adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases and

giving specific information the reader needs (such as due dates, dollar amounts, phone numbers). Being concrete means

being specific, definite and vivid rather than vague and general.

Three rules for concreteness are

using specific facts and figures

putting action in verbs and

choosing vivid, image-building words.

Credibility Credibility means:

1)Being ethical and honest: Honesty is the best policy? No! Honesty is the ONLY policy.

2)Avoiding exaggeration - in claims, resumes, and in all your business doings


1111)The language is stiff and legalistic: in accordance with, please be advised, obtain prompt responses, the proper person, advising the undersigned;

(2)the tone is selfish.

(3) It is written from the writer’s viewpoint, so there are no obvious benefits for the reader;

(4) the main point is buried in the second paragraph.

The middle is the least emphatic part of a letter) rather than up front in the beginning.

222(Beginning with the main point) ,Necessary explanation,goodwill)

333(Neutral statement) (Reasons (Refusal)(Alternative)(Goodwill ending)

444Analysis of the application letter for bookkeeper

Attention --- The advertisement is quoted below the salutation for the purpose of

drawing the recipient's attention.

Interest --- The self-introduction, including the age, health, qualifications, references,

reasons for the application, etc. should be of interest to the employer.

Desire ---If you…, try me.

Action --- If you will write me, I shall be glad to come down for an interview.

Getting/ winning/ drawing Attention 引起注意

Creating / awakening the Interest 发生兴趣

Creating the Desire 唤起欲望

Stimulating the Action 决定行动


Interrogative way-Would you be willing to take the necessary steps to save 10% on

your gas bill? (used to push sales of gasoline)

Giving an order-When you buy your next automobile tires, make certain of two things

Making a statement--- using a proper maxim or old saying.

A penny saved is a penny earned.

Making a supposition-

6661st paragraph--gripping (扣人心弦的)

2nd paragraph – stressing the opening thought.

3rd paragraph —creating desire by showing how the Comfort Hot Bottle meets need,

and beginning to establish conviction.

4th paragraph —intensifying the desire through the appeal to convenience.

5th paragraph– convincing the reader that he can make no mistake in purchasing the


6th -8th paragraph--- stimulating action.

单词accusatory. 指控的


A twofer is two words that mean the same thing when a single word would do.

Eliminate the following common trite陈腐的expressions:

acknowledge receipt of, allow me to, it has come to my attention, as a matter of fact, at this writing, receipt is hereby acknowledged, regret to inform ( advise ), thank you in advance, kindly (for “please ”), as of this date, as per (request, etc.), please be advised that, attached hereto, enclosed herewith, re (your letter of), duly (noted, entered, credited), in accordance with (your request).

Poor correspondence means:

Wasted time ,Wasted efforts ,Lost goodwill-

doublespeak as the INTENTIONAL and very conscious use of language as a weapon or tool by those in power to achieve their goals by cloaking/ hiding meaning. It is NOT a slip of the tongue. e.g.

clear writing means:

choosing familiar, natural, conversational words and avoid jargon,

using common words instead of uncommon words

avoiding vague words whose meaning is hard to pin down, such as: aspect, facilitate, feasibility, input, parameters, proximity, factor and element,

using short sentences with correct word choices (avoiding ambiguous wording and using precise words instead of almost-precise words).

Quality Maxim (Do not say what you believe to be false, Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence);

Quantity Maxim (Make your contribution as informative as required, Do not make your contribution more informative than is required);

Relation Maxim (Be relevant);

Manner Maxim (Avoid obscurity of expression, Avoid ambiguity, Be brief, and Be orderly).

Tact Maxim (The speaker minimizes the cost and correspondingly maximizes the benefit to the listener;

Generosity Maxim (The speaker minimizes the benefit and correspondingly maximizes praise of the listener);

Approbation Maxim (The speaker minimizes dispraise and correspondingly maximizes praise of herself);

Modesty Maxim (The speaker minimizes praise and correspondingly maximizes dispraise of


Agreement Maxim (The speaker minimizes disagreement and correspondingly maximizes agreement between herself and the listener);

Sympathy Maxim (The speaker minimizes antipathy and correspondingly maximizes sympathy between herself and the listener).

222 Completeness can be analyzed in terms of Quantity Maxim and Relation Maxim in Cooperative Principle and principle of economy.

Concreteness can be analyzed by quality maxim and manner maxim in cooperative principle. Credibility may be analyzed in terms of Quality Maxim, Manner Maxim and Approbation Maxim.


according to the content of the letter

request letters,letters answering requests

claim and adjustment letters

credit inquiry and collection letters, sales letters

employment letters

social business letters, etc.

according to the functions in the process of a business transaction

letters for establishment of business relations

letters for the inquiry of business, quotation letters, negotiating letters, ordering letters,

confirming ordering letters

payment letters, shipment and insurance letters, acknowledging goods receipt letters claim letters and adjustment letters, etc. (Shi Ruifen, 1993).

according to the nature of the information given

four different kinds of information in terms of its effect on the reader’s needs:

good news

neutral news

bad news and

persuasive letters.

according to illocutionary functions categorized by Leech

business letters are classified into four kinds:

competitive letters

convivial letters 和谐类信函

collaborative letters

conflictive letters.

叙事行为(Locutionary act ) 、施事行为(illocutionary act ) 和成事行为(perlocutionary

act ) 。施事行为(作者的真实意图)、叙事行为(语言形式)、成事行为(表达效果或产生的交际后果)

(1) 阐述类 (representatives)(assertives )

(2) 指令类 (directives)

(3) 承诺类 (commissives)

(4) 表达类 (expressives)

(5) 宣告类 (declarations)

in the direct approach, the message is organized as follows:

(1) Begin with the main point. If the writer has something good or neutral to tell the

recipient, he will state it right away without beating around the bush.

(2) Present necessary explanation(s) or cover the remaining part of the objective. If

the writer wishes to provide the recipient with more information, he can explain whatever is necessary immediately after the main point. If the writer has more than one point, he will arrange them in order of importance. It is always better to number or itemize them. (3) End with goodwill. This is the same as bidding farewell. By closing with

goodwill, the writer not only shows courtesy to the recipient but also attracts a more positive response from the recipient.

Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to inform you that the following goods under our Contract NO.CC1200

have now been shipped by s.s. Dongfeng sailing tomorrow from Guangzhou to Sydney. (Beginning with the main point)

Copies of the relative shipping documents are enclosed, thus you may find no trouble in

taking delivery of the goods when they arrive. (Necessary explanation)

Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we wish to thank you for your close cooperation.

(goodwill )

Yours sincerely,

Indirect approach

1) Begin with a buffer. (2) Reason (s). (3) Bad news. State the refusal.(4) Alternative(s) if possible.

Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your letter dated June 8, 2003 and regret to note your

complaint respecting the Wooden Goods we sent you by s.s. Dongfeng. (Neutral statement )

We have booked up the matter in our records, and so far as we can find, the goods

in question were in first-class condition when they left here, as was evidenced by the B/L. It is, therefore, quite obvious that the damage complained of must have taken place in transit. (Reasons ) In the circumstances, we are apparently not liable for the damage (Refusal ) and would advise you to claim on the shipping company who should be held responsible. (Alternative )

At any rate, we thank you for bringing this to our attention and if you feel it

necessary we shall be pleased to take the matter up on your behalf with the shipping company concerned. (Goodwill ending )

Yours sincerely,

Persuasive writing

getting attention

creating desire

convincing the reader (i.e. conviction)

stimulating action


111The Principles of Business Writing

Consideration: You-Attitude








Pragmatic Analysis of the Principles of Business Writing

Cooperative Principle

Politeness Principle

The Theory of Face-work

Face-Threatening Acts

Principle of Least Effort

Principle of Economy

Consideration: Consideration focuses on “you ” (the reader) instead of “I ” or “we ” (the writer). You-Attitude emphasizes reader benefit ,The You Attitude is positive ,You-Attitude protects the reader’s ego (use an impersonal expression or a passive verb to avoid assigning blame)You-Attitude expresses appreciation

for (not annoyance with) your readers ,You-Attitude applies psychology to humanize our messages (You can buy in your own language, but you have to sell in the language of the customer )

1Conciseness :Conciseness means omitting unnecessary words and expressions so that your writing gets to the point, avoiding unnecessary repetition and wordy expression, including only relevant facts (with courtesy), and organizing effectively.

2 avoid Wordiness :Avoid redundancy(unnecessary repetition. ),,Avoid awkward repetition,Avoid complicated word choice by using plain language

Correctness Correctness means

giving accurate facts and figures and

using the correct level of language

including only accurate facts, words, and figures

using acceptable writing mechanics

Correctness is achieved by

using formal language for scholarly works, top level government documents and legal documents. Correctness is achieved by

Avoid using words that you feel will impress the reader ,avoiding substandard, ungrammatical words and spellings,

using accurate facts and figures, using the correct word,

using correct sentence-level grammar

avoiding discriminatory expressions - sexism, race, and personal characteristics.

Courtesy Courtesy means

being sincerely tactful, thoughtful, and appreciative, omitting expressions that irritate, hurt, or belittle, answering mail and phone messages promptly and granting and apologizing good-naturedly.

Clarity (Use plain, everyday, natural, conversational speech,You can buy in your own language, but you have to sell in the customer ’s language ,Sometimes confusion is caused by being long-winded. Confusion is sometimes caused by jargon and buzz words.

Clarity means

being clear by choosing short, conversational language and using visual aids

constructing effective sentences & paragraphs,

being straight-forward, avoiding jargon & buzz words 流行语

achieving appropriate readability

including examples, illustrations, & other visual aids when desirable.

Completeness Completeness means

answering all questions asked so that you accomplish your goal in ONE letter without needing following letters, giving something extra, when desirable and checking for the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, and why) and other essentials (how)

Concreteness Concreteness means

using specific facts and figures so that your meaning is clear

putting action in verbs (avoid passive voice or hiding action in nouns)

choosing vivid, image-building words --use active verbs, avoiding adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases and

giving specific information the reader needs (such as due dates, dollar amounts, phone numbers). Being concrete means

being specific, definite and vivid rather than vague and general.

Three rules for concreteness are

using specific facts and figures

putting action in verbs and

choosing vivid, image-building words.

Credibility Credibility means:

1)Being ethical and honest: Honesty is the best policy? No! Honesty is the ONLY policy.

2)Avoiding exaggeration - in claims, resumes, and in all your business doings


1111)The language is stiff and legalistic: in accordance with, please be advised, obtain prompt responses, the proper person, advising the undersigned;

(2)the tone is selfish.

(3) It is written from the writer’s viewpoint, so there are no obvious benefits for the reader;

(4) the main point is buried in the second paragraph.

The middle is the least emphatic part of a letter) rather than up front in the beginning.

222(Beginning with the main point) ,Necessary explanation,goodwill)

333(Neutral statement) (Reasons (Refusal)(Alternative)(Goodwill ending)

444Analysis of the application letter for bookkeeper

Attention --- The advertisement is quoted below the salutation for the purpose of

drawing the recipient's attention.

Interest --- The self-introduction, including the age, health, qualifications, references,

reasons for the application, etc. should be of interest to the employer.

Desire ---If you…, try me.

Action --- If you will write me, I shall be glad to come down for an interview.

Getting/ winning/ drawing Attention 引起注意

Creating / awakening the Interest 发生兴趣

Creating the Desire 唤起欲望

Stimulating the Action 决定行动


Interrogative way-Would you be willing to take the necessary steps to save 10% on

your gas bill? (used to push sales of gasoline)

Giving an order-When you buy your next automobile tires, make certain of two things

Making a statement--- using a proper maxim or old saying.

A penny saved is a penny earned.

Making a supposition-

6661st paragraph--gripping (扣人心弦的)

2nd paragraph – stressing the opening thought.

3rd paragraph —creating desire by showing how the Comfort Hot Bottle meets need,

and beginning to establish conviction.

4th paragraph —intensifying the desire through the appeal to convenience.

5th paragraph– convincing the reader that he can make no mistake in purchasing the


6th -8th paragraph--- stimulating action.

单词accusatory. 指控的


A twofer is two words that mean the same thing when a single word would do.

Eliminate the following common trite陈腐的expressions:

acknowledge receipt of, allow me to, it has come to my attention, as a matter of fact, at this writing, receipt is hereby acknowledged, regret to inform ( advise ), thank you in advance, kindly (for “please ”), as of this date, as per (request, etc.), please be advised that, attached hereto, enclosed herewith, re (your letter of), duly (noted, entered, credited), in accordance with (your request).

Poor correspondence means:

Wasted time ,Wasted efforts ,Lost goodwill-

doublespeak as the INTENTIONAL and very conscious use of language as a weapon or tool by those in power to achieve their goals by cloaking/ hiding meaning. It is NOT a slip of the tongue. e.g.

clear writing means:

choosing familiar, natural, conversational words and avoid jargon,

using common words instead of uncommon words

avoiding vague words whose meaning is hard to pin down, such as: aspect, facilitate, feasibility, input, parameters, proximity, factor and element,

using short sentences with correct word choices (avoiding ambiguous wording and using precise words instead of almost-precise words).

Quality Maxim (Do not say what you believe to be false, Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence);

Quantity Maxim (Make your contribution as informative as required, Do not make your contribution more informative than is required);

Relation Maxim (Be relevant);

Manner Maxim (Avoid obscurity of expression, Avoid ambiguity, Be brief, and Be orderly).

Tact Maxim (The speaker minimizes the cost and correspondingly maximizes the benefit to the listener;

Generosity Maxim (The speaker minimizes the benefit and correspondingly maximizes praise of the listener);

Approbation Maxim (The speaker minimizes dispraise and correspondingly maximizes praise of herself);

Modesty Maxim (The speaker minimizes praise and correspondingly maximizes dispraise of


Agreement Maxim (The speaker minimizes disagreement and correspondingly maximizes agreement between herself and the listener);

Sympathy Maxim (The speaker minimizes antipathy and correspondingly maximizes sympathy between herself and the listener).

222 Completeness can be analyzed in terms of Quantity Maxim and Relation Maxim in Cooperative Principle and principle of economy.

Concreteness can be analyzed by quality maxim and manner maxim in cooperative principle. Credibility may be analyzed in terms of Quality Maxim, Manner Maxim and Approbation Maxim.


according to the content of the letter

request letters,letters answering requests

claim and adjustment letters

credit inquiry and collection letters, sales letters

employment letters

social business letters, etc.

according to the functions in the process of a business transaction

letters for establishment of business relations

letters for the inquiry of business, quotation letters, negotiating letters, ordering letters,

confirming ordering letters

payment letters, shipment and insurance letters, acknowledging goods receipt letters claim letters and adjustment letters, etc. (Shi Ruifen, 1993).

according to the nature of the information given

four different kinds of information in terms of its effect on the reader’s needs:

good news

neutral news

bad news and

persuasive letters.

according to illocutionary functions categorized by Leech

business letters are classified into four kinds:

competitive letters

convivial letters 和谐类信函

collaborative letters

conflictive letters.

叙事行为(Locutionary act ) 、施事行为(illocutionary act ) 和成事行为(perlocutionary

act ) 。施事行为(作者的真实意图)、叙事行为(语言形式)、成事行为(表达效果或产生的交际后果)

(1) 阐述类 (representatives)(assertives )

(2) 指令类 (directives)

(3) 承诺类 (commissives)

(4) 表达类 (expressives)

(5) 宣告类 (declarations)

in the direct approach, the message is organized as follows:

(1) Begin with the main point. If the writer has something good or neutral to tell the

recipient, he will state it right away without beating around the bush.

(2) Present necessary explanation(s) or cover the remaining part of the objective. If

the writer wishes to provide the recipient with more information, he can explain whatever is necessary immediately after the main point. If the writer has more than one point, he will arrange them in order of importance. It is always better to number or itemize them. (3) End with goodwill. This is the same as bidding farewell. By closing with

goodwill, the writer not only shows courtesy to the recipient but also attracts a more positive response from the recipient.

Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to inform you that the following goods under our Contract NO.CC1200

have now been shipped by s.s. Dongfeng sailing tomorrow from Guangzhou to Sydney. (Beginning with the main point)

Copies of the relative shipping documents are enclosed, thus you may find no trouble in

taking delivery of the goods when they arrive. (Necessary explanation)

Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we wish to thank you for your close cooperation.

(goodwill )

Yours sincerely,

Indirect approach

1) Begin with a buffer. (2) Reason (s). (3) Bad news. State the refusal.(4) Alternative(s) if possible.

Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your letter dated June 8, 2003 and regret to note your

complaint respecting the Wooden Goods we sent you by s.s. Dongfeng. (Neutral statement )

We have booked up the matter in our records, and so far as we can find, the goods

in question were in first-class condition when they left here, as was evidenced by the B/L. It is, therefore, quite obvious that the damage complained of must have taken place in transit. (Reasons ) In the circumstances, we are apparently not liable for the damage (Refusal ) and would advise you to claim on the shipping company who should be held responsible. (Alternative )

At any rate, we thank you for bringing this to our attention and if you feel it

necessary we shall be pleased to take the matter up on your behalf with the shipping company concerned. (Goodwill ending )

Yours sincerely,

Persuasive writing

getting attention

creating desire

convincing the reader (i.e. conviction)

stimulating action



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