
韶 关 学 院



识Female Consciousness in the Grapes of Wrath


学 号:

院 (系):

专 业:

班 级:


201 年 月 日


摘 要:约翰•斯坦贝克的主要作品《愤怒的葡萄》被广泛认为是一部反映美国特定历史时期社会问题的纪录小说。在小说中,他描述的两个不可战胜的女人给我们留下了深刻的印象。本论文将从女性主义的角度对乔德大妈和罗莎香这两名女性进行分析,从而探索出她们的女性意识的发展和改变,最终探讨她们是如何实现自身的价值。


Abstract: The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck’s most important work, is widely regarded as a documentary novel reflecting American social problems of a particular historical period. In the novel, he describes two indestructible women who are very impressive to us. The paper will analyze the character of these two females, Ma Joad and Rose of Sharon in the light of Feminist Criticism, in order to explore the female consciousness in the book and make better understanding of how their mind are changed and how they realize their value.

Key words: The Grapes of Wrath, Feminist Criticism, female consciousness, Ma Joad, Rose of Sharon

Proposal for BA Thesis


John Steinbeck, the Noble Prize Winner in Literature, is the foremost novelist of the American Depression of the 1930s. The Grapes of Wrath won the Pulitzer Prize in 1940, is his most important work which describes an abject situation under the economic crisis in 1930s. It is generally regarded as a particular historical period reflecting American social problems documentary novels. In this paper, we will analyze the character of two females, Ma Joad and Rose of Sharon in the light of Feminist Criticism, in order to explore the female consciousness in the book and make better understanding how their mind changed and how they realize their value.

III. Literature Review

3.1 Previous studies

Zhang Lisheng(2010)points out in his paper An Eeofeminism Interpretation of The Grapes of Wrath that this fiction is a deep meditation on the relationship of man,woman,and nature which he analyze it in the light of Ecofeminism. He analyzed the relationship between man, woman and nature, and figure out that in the fiction Steinbeck fiercely criticizes patriarchy and points out the interdependence of man,woman,and nature,and advocates to build a fair and harmonious society based on an ethic of care and reciprocity. And in Gong Yubo’s paper Indestructible Women——An Analysis of the Two Female Characters- Ma load and Rose of Sharon in The Grapes of Wrath, he pay more attention to depicted their indestructible character through the their actions when facing abject situation. “He agrees that the two females are as the symbol of survival, hope and perseverance. Especially Ma Joad,”(zhang, 2005: 12) who is not only a mother's symbol, but the goddess of the earth as well. He point out that it also is the author’s hope that the American people can act indomitable when facing difficulties. Each paper was only concerned about one or two focus and does not give a full description of the females in the novel. In my paper, I pay more attention to their minds, their consciousness through the things they did, their thought and everything related to them, but not just to analyze their characters or their relationship with the man or nature. I will pick out the female consciousness in the light of Feminism such as how their mind changed and how they realize their value so that we can make better understanding to the two females.

3.2 Theoretical framework

Feminism refers to movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Its concepts overlap with those of women's rights. Feminism is controversial for challenging traditions in many fields and especially for supporting shifting the political balance toward women.

Female consciousness of self consciousness and subjectivity established can help us to develop women’s liberation and freedom. Only this kind of consciousness established can the females realize their value. Otherwise, we also analyze the female identity and status in that society through their acts and so on.

Ecofeminism is a philosophy and movement born from the union of feminist and ecological

thinking and the belief that the social mentality that leads to the domination and oppression of women is directly connected to the social mentality that leads to the abuse of the natural environment. It combines eco-anarchism or bioregional democracy with a strong ideal of feminism. Its advocates often emphasize the importance of interrelationships between humans, non-human others (e.g. pigs, squirrels, toads), and the earth.

3.3 Summary

After collecting some information about analyzing the females in The Grapes of Wrath and learning some useful literary theories and according to previous studies, I found that such topic to analyze the female consciousness in The Grapes of Wrath is available. And I will pay more attention to their minds, their consciousness through the things they did, their thought and everything related to them, but not just to analyze their characters or their relationship with the man or nature. I will pick out the female consciousness in the light of Feminism such as how their mind changed and how they realize their value.

(IV. Methods and Materials

Through reading materials from library and the Internet and turning to several authoritative references, I will select and analyze information relevant to the subject of research. I will take notes from the articles The Grapes of Wrath. See the booklist in the references below. )

V. Outline of the paper

1. Introduction

2 .Feminism and the overview of the novel

2.1 Feminism

2.2 The overview of the book

3. Female consciousness in the Grapes of Wrath

3.1 Ma Joad’s female consciousness

3.1.1 Her Role as a Mother

3.1.2 Her Position as the Family’s Leader

3.1.3 Her Advanced Mind as the Role that Challenges the

Man-Centered World

3.2 Rose of Sharon’s female consciousness

3.2.1 The Transformation of Rose of Sharon

3.2.2 The Significant Action of Rose of Sharon at the End of the Novel

3.2.3 Rose of Sharon: The Christ-Like Offering of the Self


VI. References:

[1] Alexander,C. John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath[M].刘岩,译.上海:外语教学与研究出


[2] Gong Yubo. IndestructibIe Women—An Analysis of the Two Female Characters- Ma load and

Rose de Saron in The Grapes of Wrath[J]. 辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版),2005.

[3] 何野萍.理想的母亲--析《愤怒的葡萄》中乔德大妈[J].语言文学研究文教资料上旬刊,2009.

[4] 斯坦贝克,约翰.愤怒的葡萄[M].胡仲持,译.上海:上海译文出版社,2007

[5] Xu Jia. Great Women in Great Depression—A Feminist Reading of The Grapes of Wrath[J]. 西南农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2007.

[6] Zhang Lisheng.An Eeofeminism Interpretation of The Grapes of Wrath[J]. 昆明冶金高等专科学校学报,2010.

[7] 张岩冰.女权主义文论[M].山东,山东教育出版社,2005.

[8] 朱刚.二十世纪西方文艺理论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008.

韶 关 学 院



识Female Consciousness in the Grapes of Wrath


学 号:

院 (系):

专 业:

班 级:


201 年 月 日


摘 要:约翰•斯坦贝克的主要作品《愤怒的葡萄》被广泛认为是一部反映美国特定历史时期社会问题的纪录小说。在小说中,他描述的两个不可战胜的女人给我们留下了深刻的印象。本论文将从女性主义的角度对乔德大妈和罗莎香这两名女性进行分析,从而探索出她们的女性意识的发展和改变,最终探讨她们是如何实现自身的价值。


Abstract: The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck’s most important work, is widely regarded as a documentary novel reflecting American social problems of a particular historical period. In the novel, he describes two indestructible women who are very impressive to us. The paper will analyze the character of these two females, Ma Joad and Rose of Sharon in the light of Feminist Criticism, in order to explore the female consciousness in the book and make better understanding of how their mind are changed and how they realize their value.

Key words: The Grapes of Wrath, Feminist Criticism, female consciousness, Ma Joad, Rose of Sharon

Proposal for BA Thesis


John Steinbeck, the Noble Prize Winner in Literature, is the foremost novelist of the American Depression of the 1930s. The Grapes of Wrath won the Pulitzer Prize in 1940, is his most important work which describes an abject situation under the economic crisis in 1930s. It is generally regarded as a particular historical period reflecting American social problems documentary novels. In this paper, we will analyze the character of two females, Ma Joad and Rose of Sharon in the light of Feminist Criticism, in order to explore the female consciousness in the book and make better understanding how their mind changed and how they realize their value.

III. Literature Review

3.1 Previous studies

Zhang Lisheng(2010)points out in his paper An Eeofeminism Interpretation of The Grapes of Wrath that this fiction is a deep meditation on the relationship of man,woman,and nature which he analyze it in the light of Ecofeminism. He analyzed the relationship between man, woman and nature, and figure out that in the fiction Steinbeck fiercely criticizes patriarchy and points out the interdependence of man,woman,and nature,and advocates to build a fair and harmonious society based on an ethic of care and reciprocity. And in Gong Yubo’s paper Indestructible Women——An Analysis of the Two Female Characters- Ma load and Rose of Sharon in The Grapes of Wrath, he pay more attention to depicted their indestructible character through the their actions when facing abject situation. “He agrees that the two females are as the symbol of survival, hope and perseverance. Especially Ma Joad,”(zhang, 2005: 12) who is not only a mother's symbol, but the goddess of the earth as well. He point out that it also is the author’s hope that the American people can act indomitable when facing difficulties. Each paper was only concerned about one or two focus and does not give a full description of the females in the novel. In my paper, I pay more attention to their minds, their consciousness through the things they did, their thought and everything related to them, but not just to analyze their characters or their relationship with the man or nature. I will pick out the female consciousness in the light of Feminism such as how their mind changed and how they realize their value so that we can make better understanding to the two females.

3.2 Theoretical framework

Feminism refers to movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. Its concepts overlap with those of women's rights. Feminism is controversial for challenging traditions in many fields and especially for supporting shifting the political balance toward women.

Female consciousness of self consciousness and subjectivity established can help us to develop women’s liberation and freedom. Only this kind of consciousness established can the females realize their value. Otherwise, we also analyze the female identity and status in that society through their acts and so on.

Ecofeminism is a philosophy and movement born from the union of feminist and ecological

thinking and the belief that the social mentality that leads to the domination and oppression of women is directly connected to the social mentality that leads to the abuse of the natural environment. It combines eco-anarchism or bioregional democracy with a strong ideal of feminism. Its advocates often emphasize the importance of interrelationships between humans, non-human others (e.g. pigs, squirrels, toads), and the earth.

3.3 Summary

After collecting some information about analyzing the females in The Grapes of Wrath and learning some useful literary theories and according to previous studies, I found that such topic to analyze the female consciousness in The Grapes of Wrath is available. And I will pay more attention to their minds, their consciousness through the things they did, their thought and everything related to them, but not just to analyze their characters or their relationship with the man or nature. I will pick out the female consciousness in the light of Feminism such as how their mind changed and how they realize their value.

(IV. Methods and Materials

Through reading materials from library and the Internet and turning to several authoritative references, I will select and analyze information relevant to the subject of research. I will take notes from the articles The Grapes of Wrath. See the booklist in the references below. )

V. Outline of the paper

1. Introduction

2 .Feminism and the overview of the novel

2.1 Feminism

2.2 The overview of the book

3. Female consciousness in the Grapes of Wrath

3.1 Ma Joad’s female consciousness

3.1.1 Her Role as a Mother

3.1.2 Her Position as the Family’s Leader

3.1.3 Her Advanced Mind as the Role that Challenges the

Man-Centered World

3.2 Rose of Sharon’s female consciousness

3.2.1 The Transformation of Rose of Sharon

3.2.2 The Significant Action of Rose of Sharon at the End of the Novel

3.2.3 Rose of Sharon: The Christ-Like Offering of the Self


VI. References:

[1] Alexander,C. John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath[M].刘岩,译.上海:外语教学与研究出


[2] Gong Yubo. IndestructibIe Women—An Analysis of the Two Female Characters- Ma load and

Rose de Saron in The Grapes of Wrath[J]. 辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版),2005.

[3] 何野萍.理想的母亲--析《愤怒的葡萄》中乔德大妈[J].语言文学研究文教资料上旬刊,2009.

[4] 斯坦贝克,约翰.愤怒的葡萄[M].胡仲持,译.上海:上海译文出版社,2007

[5] Xu Jia. Great Women in Great Depression—A Feminist Reading of The Grapes of Wrath[J]. 西南农业大学学报(社会科学版), 2007.

[6] Zhang Lisheng.An Eeofeminism Interpretation of The Grapes of Wrath[J]. 昆明冶金高等专科学校学报,2010.

[7] 张岩冰.女权主义文论[M].山东,山东教育出版社,2005.

[8] 朱刚.二十世纪西方文艺理论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2008.


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