
UNIT 2 I can do it

Listening +Dialogue A

一 学情分析



1 教学内容

教学材料来源于高教出版社中职英语教材模块一第二单元第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。学习本课时教学内容学生学会用can表述能力,进一步为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备。同时更好地让同学之间,师生之间相互了解自己的特长。增进友谊。

2 教学重点,难点


学会用can 表述个人和他人能力



三 教学目标

1. 知识目标

⑴ 掌握描述个人能力的词汇,

Speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers. ⑵掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,

Can you say something about yourself?

Can you sing English songs?

Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.

2. 能力目标

⑴ 听


(2) 说


3. 情感目标



四 学生分析

Each coin has two sides.

the students in class are all boys. they prefer learning major skills to language points,they dislike English grammar and speaking English. Many of them are weak at English . On the other hand they are active and energetic .they are interested in electronic products and internet .they are good at running programs in smart cell -phones and internet .it is easy for them to accept new ideas ,which is of great help to this period

五 教学过程

Step 1 lead-in

(1)Talk about abilities

Play PPT for the Ss

(2)Look and complete.

Activity 1 on page23

ask the students to describe each picture, using the sentence pattern “He/She/They can …” After that, the teacher may ask the students to listen to the tape and circle what Ben can do.

(设计意图:通过PPT快速展示名人的能力图片,引导学生学习can 的表述。为下面的教学服务。)

Step 2 talk about themselves

Ask what can we do?

The teacher divides the whole class into four groups and asks each group to write down what they can do .

(设计意图:快速收集到尽可能多的主题词汇,利于词汇积累、思维开拓。) Step 3 ( Activity 4,5,6,7 ) (12 min)

1. Activity 4. Read and tick. Are these abilities necessary for applying a job?

a. I can drive a car.

b. I can swim.

c. I can use the computer.

d. I can play basketball.

e. I can serve visitors.

f. I can speak English.

2. Activity 5. Listen and circle. What abilities does Zhang Qing have?

3. Activity 6.Read and underline. Read after the tape and underline the sentences about


Can you say something about yourself?

Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.

Can you sing English songs?

Yes, I can.

4. Activity 7. Listen and repeat. And practice the dialogue with your partner.


Step 4 Teaching consolidation (12m)

Make a similar dialogue with your partner. Ask some group to act their dialogue.


Step 5 Homework

1. Remember and copy the following sentences twice.

I can speak Chinese.

I can drive cars.

I can repair computers.

I can teach English.

I can read in Chinese.

I can serve customers.

I can swim.

I can use the computer.

I can play basketball.

I can serve visitors.

I can speak English.

UNIT 2 I can do it

Listening +Dialogue A

一 学情分析



1 教学内容

教学材料来源于高教出版社中职英语教材模块一第二单元第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking中的Dialogue A两部分,具体内容为:描述个人能力的词汇、询问和谈论能力的语句。学习本课时教学内容学生学会用can表述能力,进一步为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备。同时更好地让同学之间,师生之间相互了解自己的特长。增进友谊。

2 教学重点,难点


学会用can 表述个人和他人能力



三 教学目标

1. 知识目标

⑴ 掌握描述个人能力的词汇,

Speak Chinese, drive cars, repair computers, teach English, read in Chinese, serve customers. ⑵掌握询问和描述个人能力时所使用的句型,

Can you say something about yourself?

Can you sing English songs?

Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.

2. 能力目标

⑴ 听


(2) 说


3. 情感目标



四 学生分析

Each coin has two sides.

the students in class are all boys. they prefer learning major skills to language points,they dislike English grammar and speaking English. Many of them are weak at English . On the other hand they are active and energetic .they are interested in electronic products and internet .they are good at running programs in smart cell -phones and internet .it is easy for them to accept new ideas ,which is of great help to this period

五 教学过程

Step 1 lead-in

(1)Talk about abilities

Play PPT for the Ss

(2)Look and complete.

Activity 1 on page23

ask the students to describe each picture, using the sentence pattern “He/She/They can …” After that, the teacher may ask the students to listen to the tape and circle what Ben can do.

(设计意图:通过PPT快速展示名人的能力图片,引导学生学习can 的表述。为下面的教学服务。)

Step 2 talk about themselves

Ask what can we do?

The teacher divides the whole class into four groups and asks each group to write down what they can do .

(设计意图:快速收集到尽可能多的主题词汇,利于词汇积累、思维开拓。) Step 3 ( Activity 4,5,6,7 ) (12 min)

1. Activity 4. Read and tick. Are these abilities necessary for applying a job?

a. I can drive a car.

b. I can swim.

c. I can use the computer.

d. I can play basketball.

e. I can serve visitors.

f. I can speak English.

2. Activity 5. Listen and circle. What abilities does Zhang Qing have?

3. Activity 6.Read and underline. Read after the tape and underline the sentences about


Can you say something about yourself?

Well, I can teach English and I can speak a little Chinese.

Can you sing English songs?

Yes, I can.

4. Activity 7. Listen and repeat. And practice the dialogue with your partner.


Step 4 Teaching consolidation (12m)

Make a similar dialogue with your partner. Ask some group to act their dialogue.


Step 5 Homework

1. Remember and copy the following sentences twice.

I can speak Chinese.

I can drive cars.

I can repair computers.

I can teach English.

I can read in Chinese.

I can serve customers.

I can swim.

I can use the computer.

I can play basketball.

I can serve visitors.

I can speak English.


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